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  1. Yes it is all it is cracked up to be. This thing is awesome. Moves a lot of the usefulness of your smartphone over to a glove friendly 5.5 inch screen. Texts and notifications are read to you. control your music etc. Hope you like my review. Comments are always welcome. https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/09/10/garmin-zumo-xt-review-motorcycle-specific-gps-navigation/ VentureFar...
  2. Thinking about getting a Zumo 550 for 3 reasons...weather, road construction, mp3+xm. Ride mostly in ND, SD, WY, MT where alternate routes are few & far between, so knowing what's in front of me is a good idea! Have a few questions though: 1) With NavTraffic it shows road construction but it says it only has 80 markets...and none up north. Am I correct that I won't get road constr info for up here, or can I get road const but just not the up to the minute traffic reports, etc? 2) With WX Weather subscription, can I display weather on the screen simultaneously with xm/mp3 playing? 3) If I disconnect the 550 from the bike, it has a lithium battery to power it. If I take it over & crash in the lawn chair with a beer...can I use it without having the antenna on the bike connected? I'm guessing I'll be able to see the last downloaded info but won't get current updates. Thanks for the help...JR
  3. Well we havent had the Zumo but for a few weeks and already having problems. The Audio output jack seems to be buggy and have had a few lockups. Honestly I do like the Navigation and having MP3's on the same device but I have real doubts on this one being worth the 600.00. I don't need or want the XM feature and find myself using the screen buttons more than the ones on the outside body. I have seen some cool features on a few much cheaper units. One being the lane assist and the current speed limit on screen. The other models have better shortcuts to flip to the music player from the map screen as well. So I broke down and ordered a car model Garmin 765T. Even with buying the mount and power cord we wont break 200.00 and it really seems to have everything but the waterproofing (I think I have room for a baggy). I hope it works out...if not I will bite the bullet for a 660 or other model. Frank
  4. Has anyone used the Garmin trip card for a Zumo 550 ? Opinions ? cb
  5. I am going to add a Zumo 665 to my 2004 RSV this spring. I wish to plug this into the aux of the radio. My question is can I unplug the the connection from the back of the cassette and plug it directly into the Zumo wire harness. I don't need any other aux inputs or the cassette player? Thanks for your help.
  6. Hey all, I've managed to break the car mount for my Garmin Zumo 550. Darn thing lost suction on the windshield and fell on the dash breaking the input jack. I use it in the truck during the winter to listen to XM radio. I'm probably going to just buy a new one online, but thought I'd ask if anyone might want to sell theirs. This is what it looks like. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/zumo-car-mount--gallery-msg-132621887928.jpg Bob
  7. I wondering if anyone has gone through this experience yet. I had to send my Zumo 550 away for replacement a week ago as it decided to stop working after 3 years. The screen touch went crazy. I should have the new refurbished one in the next week. I had purchased a lifetime map subscription last year. My question is whether the map update will transfer to my new Zumo. Do I have to call Garmin to make it happen? I also have the XM radio. I am assuming it will work no problem as the antenna/receiver is a seperate piece. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks JR
  8. Hi, Looking for a used Zumo 660 if anyone is upgrading. Thanks Kelly
  9. :confused24:I recently update the map on my Zumo 550 and now it will not display streets. I zoom in and all I get is a blank screen. It does display major roads. It was working fine before the update. What did I do? What do I need to do to fix this?
  10. Got a question. What does the Zumo 550 use as a mount on the backside. The reason I ask is my look-a-like Streetpilot c550 snaps onto a 17mm ball, and I just got off the phone with RAM and they are telling me the Zumo mount bolts on?? And.... they don't have anything that will work with the STPilot. Even though when you go on their website for MC mounts,, and use their search engine, the mount they say to use on the MC says it's not recommended for MC use. I used to really like RAM mounts, but lately they are getting to be a joke....
  11. Well, our zumo 550 has locked up....Beth used it last fall for deer widow's weekend, and had issues with it......we tried using it a couple of weeks ago and it was a no go...wouldn't "open" up.....I tried updating the maps today...and it wouldn't go past the initial page, something about saving trip data and the usb being hooked up....so I guess it goes back to Garmin for some TLC......it's been awesome up to this point, hopefully the repairs won't tear us up $$$ wise...and we should have it back before riding season, which is still 2-3 months away for us up this way, or thereabouts depending on Mother Nature. gunk:think:
  12. I am having a problem with my Zumo 550. My GPS works fine by itself but when I plug in my GXM 30 antenna it shuts of the unit within 3 sec. I have a friend near by who has a Zumo 550 also and when I place his in the cradle it works fine, music, traffic, and weather. I have updated the software on my GPS and been on the phone with Garmin. Now they are on "Vacation" and I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. It acts the same way on the car cradle and the motorcycle cradle. Any suggestion???
  13. Noticed this morning that www.thedigitaloasis.com has the Garmin Zumo 660 at a sale price of $488.00 with free shipping to get it in time for Christmas. Which frustrated me as I just paid $525 for mine. No affiliation, just saw it as a good price. Brian
  14. What do I need to hook up xm radio to my Zumo 550? gunk:shock3:
  15. With the Zumo 550. This one needs to be sent in for repair . Its 150 to fix it. Anybody wanting to get a deal on a Zumo 550 PM me. I'll sell this one for 150 and that includes shipping. Will send both mounts also. That will get you a Zumo 550 for 300. I'm beginning to see a need for a bigger screen and that's pretty much the decision maker for me.
  16. I recently got a Casio Exilim. The Zumo 550 doesn't like it. It constantly gives the message "Cel Phone Disconnected" followed by "You can make calls now (or something like that)". My G'Zone never did that so I bet it's in the phone.
  17. OK, I love my Zumo 550 but I just can not hear it. What am I doing wrong. I have it attached inside the faring just like the article explained. I have the volume on the Zumo set at 100% and I have the AUX volume set at 30 and I can bearly hear it at 50 MPH. As you all know I do not have loud pipes. It is no better wheather I use the Head phones or speakers. Do I have a bad unit or did my wife buy a $600 gift :mo money:that-- in my opinion--sucks--
  18. Has anyone mounted your iphone to the handlebars? I’ve found the ads so I know they exist, my questions is more about your experience. Have there been any long term issues with vibrations? Are you worried about when it rains? Do you have it wired to the bikes electrical system for power? I am looking at getting an iphone 4 and also a Bluetooth headset (maybe scala, not sure yet). I have a Zumo 550 and am thinking I need to link the phone separately from the Zumo since the Zumo only does Bluetooth in mono, not stereo. So I woul This would require a headset that allowed for multiple connectionsd have the Zumo for traffic and Nav, and use the iphone for music and incoming only calls. Does the iphone need to be mounted for this purpose, or would it be better to keep either in my pocket or in the saddlebag with an external power source? My commute is about an hour each way.
  19. Our Zumo tried to have us turn left on the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend! Would not have been a pretty sight! Zumo and George are at odds a lot of times! Me, I just follow George!
  20. Checked the Garmin site today and there was an software upgrade availible for the Gramin Zumo 660...for you folks who have one...you might ease on over there, plug yours into the PC and let it do you an upgrade.
  21. Once again this bbs has proven to be MORE than worth admission. I was in a quandry about how to set up routes on my Zumo 550 and wizard765 was kind enough to call me (4 times) til he caught me at home. He did point out that I misled him when I said I was retired and was always home Well, I am retired but somehow I keep busy doin' "stuff" As it turns out, I've had a zumo for over 2 years and didn't have a clue what it was capable of but thanks to Wayne, I got a great lesson today. Thanks Wayne :clap2: btw - Just call ahead for reservations at Malvern Hilton and a personalized tour of the area. Don't tell anybody that there is an amish community within an hour of the Hilton.
  22. It has happened two or three times now. I'll just be riding along and look down at my Zumo 550 and notice the screen has locked up. I can't even turn the thing off when that happens. To fix the problem I must remove the unit from it's mount then remove the battery. Once the battery is reinstalled it works like new. WTH! Anyone experience this? What's the fix? or should I just get a 660?
  23. I want to design a route then load it to my Zumo 550 - problem is I can't find anything/information on how to do it. Help Please
  24. Well folks, I've had my Zumo 550 listed in the classifieds for a couple of weeks now. I think I've had one inquiry so unless somebody is interested within the next day or so, I'll be putting it on Ebay.
  25. So with the new Zumo 665 out, and at a heavy price, any one have any comments yet if they are using this unit? Literally an all in one unit, GPS , XM statelite, blue tooth and all the feature of the 660. Looking for feed back before I start looking to lighten up my wallet on the price. Thanks
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