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  1. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/autozone-fires-worker-who-stopped-robbery.html This man should have been given a raise instead he was fired
  2. I've posted this before. I have a niece Taylor Paige Woods that gave blood at school months ago. Most of the time since then has been in a hospital with a infection they can't nail down. She was just rushed to ICU with oxygen levels in the danger zone. This was a good kid trying to do good. It shouldn't work like this but sometimes. If you are the praying type she could use a few words and just good thoughts couldn't hurt. Come on Taylor, we got a ride to take.
  3. May 19, 2011 At approximately 11:28 hours this date an officer of the Traffic Management unit was conducting radar operations northbound on Municipal Road 80 near McCrae heights when he observed a Harley Davidson motorcycle travelling at a high rate of speed southbound. The officer’s suspicions were confirmed by use of radar and a speed of 162 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone was obtained. (82 km/h over the speed limit). The vehicle was subsequently stopped and a 31 year old male with an M2 drivers licence from Hanmer has been charged with the following offences: • Stunt Driving – Driving in excess of 50 km/h over the speed limit • Speeding – 162 km/h in a posted 80 km/h zone • Drive motor vehicle – no current validation (Plate expired in 2010) Traffic officers as well as uniform officers will continue to conduct radar enforcement to identify aggressive driving throughout the City of Greater Sudbury during Road Safety week.
  4. As Alan has never used a GPS, or bothers with the computer at home, he has decided he would feel more comfortable if I had a unit on my bike as well as the one being loaned to us for our touring in the U.S. Better that I have a back up., as I'm towing the trailer, and when he gets in the "riding zone" can forget I'm back there waiting for him to tell me when to turn off! SO......Amazon has the Zumo 660 for $US649.99--is that the best I'll do????????? I can then purchase the aussie maps later.
  5. I need a new battery and can't seem to figure out which one from Advance Auto, Auto zone, or Walmart will work. Anybody know which one will fit my 2007 RSV?
  6. i just picked up my second feeler guage and they jump from .10mm to .12mm to 15,3 whers 11 13 and 14. i picked these up from auto zone. was wondering if anyone had luck getting more complete sets and auto parts stores locally:fingers-crossed-emo
  7. We have officially named the ride, "The Naked Biker Run", August 28th, register anytime between now and then, 15 per couple per bike, or 10 per person, we have tentative destinations, (last year we ran along highway 35 for part of the ride), TSG (titanium snailglazers) are playing that night, free food and more, still got some kinks to work out though...um we are leaving at noon from The Construction Zone Bar & Grill. I and my better half have a hotel room reserved for the 27th & 28th at the Cobblestone Inn & Suites in Durand, which only a couple blocks or so from the Zone. So if anybody would like to join us, your more than welcome. Hope to see some of ya there, Bill
  8. I couldn't find anything in search, hoping someone here could help.. I was out today on a MAC training day where you really have to ride the clutch and throttle to toss the big girl around the pylon course and wow, what a work out, but got the boards scraped and had a blast in the snow, hail and rain.. ya gotta love the weather out here.. By the end of the day, my friction zone is all but gone except at the very end of the level release.. and it's VERY narrow. Not hard to ride the bike but man, I started with a nice large friction zone and now it's tiny.. Is there an adjustment or something to do in order to get some of it back? I doubt I thinned out my HD clutch today to make up that difference.. ?
  9. Well, finally had a problem I can't solve immediately. The old 87 started running hot- right up to the red zone. Sounds like a sticking thermostat to me. Then it would drop. Then run hot again. And I'm in Southern Mexico, with daytime highs in the 80's. Never run this hot... So I took the old one out.It is running about 1/3 to 1/2 up the green zone. Nice and cool. I think when I come back to the US and the cold winds howl, I'll have to do the trucker trick with a block in front of the radiator...I don't want to pull this ***** again without a new one on hand! Thanks for your comments!
  10. 2006 Midnight Venture (no warranty) Hi guys, I wonder if someone could shed some light on this for me.. I hadn't realized till recently that my Venture had a hydraulic clutch vs cable like on my VStar.. On the VStar I can adjust where the friction zone is within the clutch lever application so that it's comfortable on my hand, the zone itself is narrow, meaning how much travel of the lever keeps you in the friction zone of the clutch.. For people doing a lot of slow speed manouvering on such a large bike, you'll understand where I'm going with this.. On the Venture I find my friction zone is extremely narrow and all the way to the release point of the clutch lever.. it take a very deft hand to stay within the zone smoothly.. On the VStar, the zone was more so into the middle than towards the full release point.. I'm wondering if my clutch is actually full engaged when I release the lever, because as soon as I pull it in I'm immediately in the friction zone.. If this can be adjusted, how so.. If it can't be adjusted, is mine more or less normal? I'm teaching motorcycle safety and though students do the course on 125 Maurauders, we're somewhat expected to be able to do the excercise courses on our own bikes.. When you see a RoadKing or a GoldWing able to do it, it makes me wonder how come my Venture can't do it (oh I know there are a lot of reasons apart from the rider's abilities lol) but the one thing I noticed was the clutch's friction zone wasn't quite what I was used to on other bikes.. Any thoughts or comments?
  11. OK its time to change to coolant 20,000 miles. You can buy it most anywere, but how do you get rid of the old coolant. Wal Mart, Auot zone, O'Rileys will not take the stuff. Does anyone know what to do with it. Thanks in advance
  12. Yesterday while on duty I clocked a guy on a victory vision going 74 mph while he was in a 35 mph zone. After I stopped him he said he was on the way to the hospital to see his wife. I'm not going to say weather or not I gave him a ticket:rasberry:, but I really think he was showing off for the guy on the crotch rocket he blew by!
  13. got my 1st speed ticket in 21 years yesterday , i was in the rite lane , not passing anyone on a 4 lane , lots of cars around me , the speed limit drops from 60 to 55 to 50 to 45 in 1.5 miles . i ask him to ck. my DL , and it shows that i am a safe driver and please call in a 27 and it prove i am a good driver , he said that it dos not make a dif. if i am a safe driver , it is my turn to get a ticket , the law of averages . WHAT !! i was thinking all these years i did not have to be a good driver , to keep from getting tickets , i just wait for my turn ! after he wrote the ticket and gave it to me , he told me a story about a few years ago he came to the company i work for to pick up somebody on a wants and warrants and the manager stalled him so the bad guy could slip out the back and how he hounded the company until he cought the badguy , that was 3 managers ago ! by the way , i was driving the company truck and he stopped me in the company parking lot . he told me i was doing 53 in a 45 zone and i did not read the ticket until i cooled downed 2 hours later , the ticket said i was doing 58 in a 45 zone and my court date is 11/04/08 at 9am !!! that only gives me Monday to pay the 210 dollar fine ! So if you are in Rockport Tx. it do's not make a dif. if your a good driver and drive with flow of the trafic , it mite be your turn to get a ticket and or it mite be what the sign reads on your truck . Ok i feel beter now i have let off some steam , i know i could fight the ticket and with the rite lawyer i would win than i would make all of Rockport PD mad at me and i would have to move , but i kinda like this town so i'll just put my tail between my legs and pay the ticket . [ i wonder if the Judge owns a RV , he, he , ] Thom
  14. Hey fellows, Just wondering if anyone might have experienced a rear wheel whine while leaning left at 80 Kmh (or 50mph)? It has been around for the last couple of years (at least 10,000 km) and I have not paid much attention to it. You can't really hear it below 80kmh or above 90kmh (55mph). It is just in that one speed zone and only when leaning left. Changing tire pressure does not seem to make any difference either. My gut feeling seems to think that the rear tire might the source of the sound. My Dunlop Elite II is about 40% worn and I can't remember if the sound was there when it was new or not. I am wondering if the cupping from wear is making it do this sound when leaned into the transition edge zone (Ie. between normal straight up running zone & the rarely used corner zone)? I can't remember if I read somewhere that the Firs Gen Venture rear wheel is slightly offset from the front (due to engine design, etc. - I could be wrong here) which could also accentuate the tire sound when leaning to one side more than the other. Another thought is that there may be a rear wheel bearing that might be showing some wear, but I don't have any experience with that on a Venture so I will have to throw it out to you all to see if you have had a similar experience . Thanks for looking, Dr. C.
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