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Found 15 results

  1. well as some of you know, susan's mom has been fighting her bout with cancer for about 4 yrs, last 3 not having much of a life, gave up on friday morning. we knew it was coming but still a hard hit on her family. visitation is sun evening from 6-8pm and graveside service monday at 2pm. they've had all the services set up 4 yrs ago but just had to set the times, a great relief at this time for the family. looks like all the family will be here for the services. we thank all for their support thru these times.
  2. Hope ya had a great day Randy, hard to believe its been 2 yrs since your 60th! Craig
  3. if its been mentioned i've missed it, but the emblem on the fuel tank seems to change with each yr, has there any two yrs alike, as for my self i prefer the looks of the 06 model it gives it more prestige i think. steve:325:
  4. Do you remember this day? Feb 20th, 1962. I was 8yrs old. It sparked my interest in following the space program and working at NASA someday. I got to full fill that dream 18 yrs later, working at the Johnson Space Center in Houston at the beginning of the Space Shuttle Program.
  5. Well I stumbled upon these on Ebay.......wish I could afford them. but I'm not really sure they are the right dimensions,( 300x 5mm ) just putting it out there if anyone was lookin for a cheaper alternative.... anyone know if these are correct fit? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Full-Set-Brake-Disc-Rotor-Yamaha-XVZ-1200-VENTURE-84-87-/260782643977?hash=item3cb7db5b09&item=260782643977&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr I think they're off on the yrs, but I'm still learning here
  6. Whats it worth?? I found one in a garage. Been there 25 yrs. But some other people found it to.
  7. 7/15/2011: I just received my new E3 from Jake Wilson. It was manufactured the first week of October, 2007. 3 yrs, nine months old. [ATTACH]58750[/ATTACH]
  8. For those of you who ride ventures what is your age? Just curious to what is the age range who rides these bikes. I'm 40 yrs owned it for 4 yrs now a 1st gen. 83' royale. I love my scoot.
  9. Almost 80 degrees today...wanted to take the bike for a spin. It wasn't handling properly...thought perhaps tire pressure. Sure enough it was low...while adding air realized that the valve stem was rotted and broken. The bike is only two and 1/2 yrs old...this surprises me. Anyway, I need to get it repaired...I am not much of a mechanic and I am wondering how difficult it is to remove the front wheel. Appreciate any advice.
  10. Woke up this morning at 5am and no one in the house wanted to talk to me, logged into my favourite site to read a few post. I landed on the Embarrassing Moments Had a good laugh reading all the mishaps people owned up to. Well here goes. 1st drop: I was 16 yrs old and my first bike was a Honda 400 I woke to find the bike on its side. I took it out to early in the spring and the kick stand sunk in the mud during the night. 2nd drop: I was 17 yrs old pulled into the place were I worked in a big hurry to get my pay check. Jumped off the bike and ran in the front door, realising what I did turned to see her falling over because I forgot to put the kick stand down. 1st crash I was 18 yrs stupid. It’s been 28 yrs since I have laid one down (brand new Honda 500 Custom). Young and fearless I would play on a hill going to my friend’s house. I would come over the top of a hill and start down the hill, half way down the hill the pipeline crossed the road creating a jump. The hill bottomed out and the grade changed to up hill again. My friend lived at the end of the road, 90 degree turn left into his yard. The road ended at his driveway and the Canadian white pine forest started. Done right: Hit the jump at 50 m/hr and catch some air, apply full breaks to make the left turn. Not a lot of room for error. Done wrong: Hit the jump at 50 m/hr and catch some air, and have the throttle stuck wide open…… apply full breaks with the motor screaming. I was able to hit the kill button turn the bike sideways and skidded into the pine forest. The bike hit a small tree stood up and rested on the tree in an upright position. (Unbelievably not a scratch on the bike). I was thrown from the bike when it suddenly stopped, I hit a tree or two, and laid in a ball, I was not seriously hurt, no broken bones, scratches and pride. My friends dad was outside in the driveway and watched the entire show and came to my aid. This was the day I learnt to respect the bikes. Stupid Stupid Stupid I have not laid one down since then. I have ridden with a number of new riders since then and always tell them, you will drop it, you will fix it and if no one is around no one will know if you can keep from telling some one. Just don’t be stupid.
  11. 1999 Bunkhouse Camper King size bed with 5' X 6' dressing room Also has an add-a-room which when attached makes the entire unit 27 foot long. 78 yrs old says everything is in excellent shape. Haven't seen it yet--- How much is it worth ? It's only which it seems that I don't have enough of.
  12. This Tue. 41 yrs. ago GOD gave me an ANGEL to share the rest of my life with. Linda and I were married on that date. The reason I say ANGEL, is she has had to be and still is for putting up with me all that time. Also, for being willing to go on until the FATHER IN HEAVEN calls us home. Am I humbled, yes. Am I amazed, yes. I really don't know how to put into words the feelings in me as I write this. But, believe me they are they are difinitely on the "good side" for lack of a better term. Don H.
  13. 85 1st Gen on E-Bay tried to copy and paste here didn't work. Been sitting for a bout 4 yrs. But from the looks of it I would try again if it were closer!!!
  14. Just wondering if anyone out there drove for a living ?....I just graduated from Southern State Community College Truck Driving Academy.... Got the Hazmat,double,triples, tanker endorsement's....Was not easy...But my job of 16 yrs. went down the drain due to Ford's incompetence...Thought I might give driving a shot...Got a few questions if anyone does.
  15. Does anyone know what the shelf life of a tire should be? In other words should a tire still be sold if it has sat on a shelf for over 3or4 yrs? How long before they start to dry rot?
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