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  1. To start off here I want to thank Condor & Lone Eagle & whomever their helpers were for a great International Rally this year. It wasn't only a great location chosen but a well run one from start to finish. Least ways it sure looked like it but I'm sure they'll say otherwise. :clap2:Good job guys. Well it looks like we were the last to arrive back home. Got in late afternoon yesterday in fact. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones as is the case in most of these rallies & M&E's we go to. Unfortunately for me I didn't get to ride much or hang out with everyone as much as I would of liked to. That due to me pulling a muscle in my back while en route to Cody. Bad enough to require a side trip to the ER in Sioux Falls for medicial relief. I did manage to get in a couple day rides, one to Cooke City vie the Chief Joseph highway and another from West Yellowstone to the south entrance of Yellowstone & back (after the rally was over), besides a a couple short rides in town during the rally. Going back again is going to be on my bucket list as thats such a great part of country to ride a bike in. I'll post up what few pics I managed to take later. Lots to do here to get caught up after being gone 2 1/2 weeks. Stacks of mail (hopefully mostly junk mail), yard work, etc Larry
  2. wild hair 39 western 6 gun motel yellowstone ave
  3. Bearthooth: when we where planning this Kalispel trip I bought a scenic by ways book. The first thing it said about the beartooth was this hwy is not for the faint of heart! This was a correct statement but what fun! Out of all the byways we traveled over the years this has been in the top 5. The road was real bumpie so the video is shaky. I hope you enjoy, and if Yellowstone is in your plans this is a must road. Hwy 212 out of the north east side of Yellowstone. http://www.photoshow.com/watch/Gx3pK6YR Phill
  5. This video was taken on the east entrance of Yellowstone. If you haven't been to Yellowstone put it on your bucket list. We have been 3 times now and just love it. I hope you are enjoy these videos. Our next video will be a trip across Beartooth. http://www.photoshow.com/watch/ri3Wt4vr Phill
  6. The Bruces are heading for Yellowstone this fall via Denver from the UK. I wondered if any of you venturers out there have any tips on route options and things to see going and coming back from Yellowstone and the Tetons. We intend to take two days going (possibly north up to the Bighorns?) and 4 days coming back (via flaming gorge, Dinosaur etc). Also are there things to see around Denver?, we may have a couple of days free at the end of the holiday. We are both geologists so after Grand Canyon, Yellowstone is a must. We’ve got accommodation in the parks but otherwise we will probably book as we go or just before. Thanks for any suggestions.
  7. I saw this on on a news broadcast on CBC this morning and the pics amazed me. I really hope we wont see anything like this chase in Yellowstone next summer at the Intl rally. But the bison and grizzly ran right past the guy taking the pics, they were so engaged with each other. Just another day in Yellowstone Park...... http://www.krtv.com/news/grizzly-versus-bison-the-rest-of-the-story Brian OOps! edited link so it wouldnt redirect back to my work mail server......
  8. Just made it home from our trip to Yellowstone, weather was great except for thursdays rain in Iowa. We spent a couple of days in Durango Colorado then went on up through Utah into Jackson Hole Wy. The park was beautiful and we saw lots of wildlife, finally got to ride Chief Joseph and Beartooth Pass. The Bighorn Mountains and the Badlands of South Dakota. Met another Venturerider from California at a Hotel in Grand Junction Co. We had to stop in Omaha Nebraska and have another new rear tire installed. The folks a Dillon Brothers Powersports were great and got us in and out of the shop in about 90 minutes, they even did a quick wash on the bike at no charge while it was there. We rode 5190 miles in 16 days and had the time of our lives! Most of the time in Yellowstone was about 72 degrees during the day. We also got to see Mt. Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monuments. Now we will start planning our next trip out west, there is so much more that I would have loved to have seen, especially in Utah and Montana.
  9. Made it to Oklahoma City today, left Tunica Miss. at 5 this am and rode about 500 miles. Will try to make it to Sante Fe, New Mexico Tomorrow. Too dang hot to ride much more than we did today. Hope to be in Jackson Hole on Tuesday and then spend a few days in Yellowstone before heading for the Black Hills. Have had good luck so far, had to replace the new Venom tire that had less than 2500 miles on it but I noticed it was low about 10 minutes before we were to leave home so I guess that was still good luck, better than being on the road and having it go down. Now I have a new Dunlop 404 on the rear, at least until I get back home.
  10. Well, since I will not make it to Nelson, BC like I wanted to I figured I can still enjoy my ride to work... Both there and back. I will be departing Lubbock, Texas the morning of 4/July. Heading up to Rawlins, WY for the night. The following morning I'll depart Rawlins, head north following Highway 287 through Yellowstone all the way up to Whitehall, MT, where I will likely stop for the night. Then take the slab up to Spokane, Washington where I will have to decide whether to slab it all the way to Seattle or take US-2, 97, and Highway 20 to intersect with I-5 just north of Seattle. There will probably be an overnight stop sometime in there depending on which way I decide to go. Then the last day will land me at the Lab I will be working at in Vancouver, BC. This route seems better than slabbing it the whole way up there but for you folks that live in the Yellowstone area, I am DEFINITELY up for suggestions. I am looking to see quite a bit on the way but still make reasonable time. Same goes for folks in Washington, I am certainly up for route advice, and would appreciate any and all input. Route advice, the essential things to see and take dorky pictures of myself and bike along the way are all appreciated and welcomed. Thanks in advance! By the way, I plan on posting pictures along the way and some updates to this thread - just in case anyone is interested.
  11. Looks like we will finally be making the trip to Yellowstone and beyond in about six weeks! I know that it will be a little late in the year for some of the places that we want to see but it is just not possible for me to take off in the middle of the summer for that long. I would like to see if anyone who has made this trip can reccommend any must see places along the way. Neither one of us has ever been out that far and we would like to see and do as much as possible while there. We will be leaving here on the 17th of september and planning to be back on the 2nd of october. Hope to be able to go all the way up to Glacier Natl Park then head on back. If the weather doesn't cooperate we may have to alter those plans. Will probably run a couple of long days at first to try and get at least into Colorado then we will sort of play it by ear, if we find a place where we would like to spend a couple of days I don' want to be on such a tight schedule that it would be difficult. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Murph
  12. Purchased my 07 Midnight RSV on a Thursday, Friday, put the original pipes back on. Saturday, headed to Yellowstone. Great trip. Just me and the wife. No reservations, no GPS. http://markandritaville.shutterfly.com/448
  13. This is my favorite national park I have been here twice before and I will be back again. If I could only go to one national park this would be it. This park is special to me because of the animals I like to see wildlife and there is no other place I have ever been that has the wildlife like yellowstone. There is something very exciting about riding a scooter through a heard of buffalo that I can't explain. we were going to stay for 3 days and wound up staying for 7 days wolfie still did not want to leave.
  14. I just returned from a trip to Yellowstone and Glacier National parks. I wasnt on my VR but have a minivan as I had 4 other people along with me. I did go over Beartooth Pass on June 16th as they had opened it just a day and half earlier. The road was in ok shape but they had some very tall snow drifts they had blow the road open thru. I would guess some to be about 20 ft tall. There was some ice in these areas as the snow would melt then refreeze in the shade of the snow. They are talking that there will be construction in these areas also so you might want to check road reports if you plan on riding up there this season. They did have the road tore up between Cooke City and the park entrance with a warning to motorcycles about the road. Yellowstone was nice, seemed like lots of traffic for June and there was still snow there in the higher elevations but the roads were dry. They did have reports of oil and rocking going on this summer there too. The biggest issue I saw was the buffalo of course. The road from West Yellowstone seemed to be very slow in the mornings due to the buffalo using the road to move about. Took me 45 mins a couple of times to get pass them. Also the moose are back in Yellowstone too now. I had one jump out in front of me and ramble across the road, so be careful of them. Also had a report of a 600 lbs Grizzly having dinner on Fishing Bridge road and blocking that road for hours. I then drove up to Glacier via Boseman, Helena and Kalispell, MT. Those road were in good condition and nice scenery along the way. I would recommend to everyone to go north of Helena and take the boat tour for the Gateway to the Mountain. It is about 2 hours long and very beautiful scenery as the Missouri River cut a path though the mountains. In Glacier National Park, the Road to the Sun was not opened yet due to snow and avalanches . They guessing it should be opened by the 4th of July. They did have it open in the lower parts of the mountain but you have to use Hwy 2 to get to the other sides. Hwy 2 thru Montana was in good shape other the some road construction in Havre. This had the road down to gravel and dirt as you went thru town. There was also 6 miles of construction farther east that has it down to gravel and dirt. This is east of Dodson, MT. Other then that, the trip was nice and I wish I could have been on my Venture but that will have to wait for another trip I guess. Hope this helps anyone riding out that way. Rick F.
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