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  1. Just thought that I would share a few photos of the trees in our yard and our grandson, Nathan helping us move logs. Yama Mama
  2. One kid has a really special play toy in their back yard..........Mom and dad built this and the kid has a blast on it.!!!!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBWloE7EKzQt]back yard pvc roller coaster with a 12 ft drop - YouTube[/ame]
  3. This is a question to those that change their own tires. How do you recycle the used tires? What I have been doing is to wait until my son has a car headed for the junk yard, and just put it in the trunk. Trouble is, he hasn't had a car to junk lately. Frank D.
  4. So I finally was able to connect with the owner of the bike junkyard and finalize the deal for the 2 MK1 carcasses he had rotting away in his yard. Got a big surprise though.. I had been wanting to buy the blonde and a frame that had the motor and rear drive train but not much more. When the owner directed an employee to help me " load the two Ventures" we walked out to the yard. I went looking for the frame as they had cleaned up and moved things around. The employee pointed to the gold one and said that one and this one... I was still looking ion the other direction for the frame. When I said " they moved it ... I can't find it.." He said "it's right there..." He was pointing to a different Venture with a lot more parts on it. I hadn't seen that one before. He said " that's the two the boss said to load" . So, I got both. A better deal than what I thought I had. The first picture is the frame I thought I was getting... the purple bike is what I got. Here are the pictures:
  5. One of them brought a Bobcat too, what was once a yard in bad need of mowing became a nice flat playground;
  6. Question for you guys, I git a hose leaking on me and wondering where I should be looking to find, is this an ebayer or custom shop type fix or head to the cycle yard and see what I can find . Thanks bags 84 VR 120k brought back from the dead.
  7. I just found out about the $5 penalty for dropping my VR. I did post a reply in that thread but figured I should 'fess up out in the open. Day 1 with my first VR. I figure some practice time in the yard and driveway is in order. Although I've been riding 30 years I have never had bikes this long or this heavy. Circles and 8's in the yard are actually feeling shaky so I start big and shorten the radius as I felt better. I then head up the driveway and turn around by the side of the road. I can't believe the bike is slowly falling to the right and I really can't believe that I can't stop it. It of course ends up laying on the crash bars. No damage More 8's and circles in the driveway. I am getting the hang of this. Cool. I am done so I make the swing toward the shed door to put her away. As I turn left I once again feel it pass the point of no return and I oh so slowly and gently lay it on the left side this time. Much to the amusement of a passing motorist. I judge this by the way the kid slowed down, honked the horn, and pointed while grinning like an idiot. It has now been 3 weeks and I have not dropped either VR since. Hoping this is a trend that continues. I did give m myself a break and paid a daily fee of $5 since both incidents happened within minutes of each other.
  8. I had my dogs in the back fenced yard and they went ballistic. I looked out and there was a fox stumbling around outside the fence. Obviously it was rabbid which we have had much of in my part of the county this last year. I grabbed the nearest firearm which happened to be my Colt Diamondback that I used to carry as a deputy. At 45-50 feet with one round the fox was "grave yard dead". I haven't fired this particular gun in near thirty years but I keep it loaded just the same. Now I will have to clean it for the next thirty years.
  9. See 2 attached pictures for a visual here. I bought this lighted chili pepper set for a friend tonight at wally world. They have a lot of pepper themed decorations in home. 2nd picture is what I am struggling with. 'Indoor' & 'Yard Sculpture' is confusing. Also, is it 'Clear' or 'Brown' wire. Noticed this while I was in check out lane. Gary
  10. http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?60750-The-Ultimate-Yard-Display-for-Christmas
  11. The view from our backyard has a subdivision that has homes that are easily 750k+ (our home value is no where near that). We were looking out back and saw something moving. We kept looking and figured out that it was helicopter that had landed at the homeowners yard. It was a small probably 2 seater. It got me to thinking is that legal? Wonder what the regulations are and wonder how the FAA would feel if they knew about it.
  12. I've been on the phone off and on for the past hour with TuffTom, the impound yard, and Cowboy trying to find a way to get Tom's trailer moved from the impound yard somewhere where Tom can get it when he feels better. Tom was notified today the insurance company is only paying the storage fees on the trailer through tomorrow 09/02/11. The impound yard will be closed until Sept 6th for labor day weekend. Now being the great group we are I know we can pull this together on short notice. I'm told that we should put the trailer on a trailer to get it to Tom or somewhere he can get it. Who can step up and help me on short notice? I'd get it but I have neither a trailer nor a towing hitch.
  13. Seems the WNY Ladies are being well taken care of, I knew we should have stoped at all those yard sales it would have been cheaper
  14. She's 5 1/2 months old now. Already trying to sit up on her own and attempting crawling. This is her supervising me, the wife and son trying to clear a fence in the back yard yesterday http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/rentalguy1/DSC00304.jpg http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/rentalguy1/DSC00311.jpg She and the basset hound love each other... http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/rentalguy1/DSC00287.jpg http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/rentalguy1/DSC00286.jpg This is how it begins... http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/rentalguy1/IMG00032-20110318-1447.jpg
  15. I work all summer maintaining at least my yard, more times then not I take care of my neighbors, and my owners sister yard. I get washed and waxed after every use and still have not had ANY mechanical work done to me. I also have my origional battery http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd36b3127ccefcf618b81edc00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D720/ry%3D480/ http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd36b3127ccefcf67bd4df2900000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D720/ry%3D480/ http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd36b3127ccefcf60dce5e3800000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/
  16. well i live about 70 yards from the tavern here. while pulling up i saw 2 police cars one putting a bike not a motorcycle in the trunk of there car. so i went up and asked hey what happened? they said well we just charged this man with dui. its one of them electric bikes. and he went up the back yard and did a nose dive in the bbq pit in the back yard of the tavern. its about a 3 ft drop they roast pigs in it durring the summer. i said you can charge him with driving under the influence. they said yep . it is a motorized bike???? i got to see how this pans out in court....
  17. Oh and in case ya didn't know what it was here's a link. I have plenty of wood in the yard, took down 5 trees this past month. http://www.bonfirenight.net/ Margaret
  18. OK its my first time to MD. Now besides any parts for mintenence, Is there anything I kneed to bring? I understand toilet paper is a comdity that should be brought also. Now my wife asked and my answer was I dont know. So here goes. Since Don is nice enough to let us camp in his yard, what does every one do about a shower? Im sure we can arrange something but she was just wandering. David
  19. How come they do that?? Notice I did not ask why. (doh) I have always had hunting dogs. I have always had mice in the house and rabbits nesting in the yard. After my last dog passed away there was a 4 year span that I had no dog. During that 4 year span, I also had no mice in the house nor rabbits nesting in the yard. Now that I have another hunting dog I once again have mice in the house and rabbits nesting in the yard. The dog is very good at catching the mice and rabbits, but yet they persist. Is there something built in to prey animals that they find it exciting to try to live as close to a predator as they can? Is there a built in knowledge that since there are very few predators in the city that some of them must find ways to commit suicide to keep the population in check for the benefit of the species? I don't get it. But my dog loves it, and they keep her occupied while I am at work. She is always very proud to deliver to me her catches of the day when I get home. OK senseless mind wandering over for now. Is it spring yet? Maybe its just cabin fever, and my scoot needs some exercise.
  20. And maybe some more. Finally bought a new stable and a house to go with it. Marca is happy and Eric & family are ready to take over living in the old homestead. Closing is mid October, then some time for refreshments,,,and upgrades,,,,, and then we hope to settle in about mid November. Three car garage with 2 doors, will be lots of room to fix and repair, back yard big enough to make a campgound, with more room in the side yard. Even room for a BBQ. Now where to park some bikes,,,,, maybe the neighbours will like me after all.
  21. AND I WASN'T EVEN RIDING IT !! I cop out of Bongobos fall foliage ride because I had a steep roof to reshingle. To get a rope over the roof I used my fishing rod and cast over the roof from the back. I then tied the line to the rope to pull it over. I am almost over the top when the large rope snags and I snap my fishing line. So, while I am in the back yard tying a new weight to the line to cast over, my neighbour decides to put the ladder up then carry the rope up over the ridge (like I said it is a steep roof) as he try's to walk up the roof he slips. From the back yard I hear a loud crash and relizing suddenly what my crazy neighbour attempted to do I run around to the front expecting to see broken bone's all over my front lawn. As I come through the gate the first thing I see is the ladder laying across my motorcycle, then the eave trough ripped off the house and lastly my neighbour on the ground getting back up on his feet. Don't ask me how it was possible but he did not have a single mark on him, nor was he hurt in any way ( Thank God for that ). My bike on the other hand has another nice scrape on my new paint job and the seat has a six inch cut across it. The main thing of course is that (1) He did not get hurt and (2) I did not have to give mouth to mouth to that sruffy old face of his. By the way its a brown seat for an 89 VR just in case there Is one floating around looking for a new home:big-grin-emoticon:
  22. Great weather this weekend. Did anybody get a ride? MamaMo has had to work 7 days a week now since some employee turnovers recently. We went to the grocery store after work and got back to the camp at 5:00 am Sunday morning.Kind of weird eating supper at 1:00 am but hey she was buying so what the heck country fried steak is not bad at any hour. The front yard was full of spring red breasted robins today. That is a good sign that spring is here. I'm still nursing a strained muscle in my neck right shoulder after unloading some heavy firewood a few weeks ago.I keep irritating the thing rolling over in my sleep.The march wind has dried up the front yard so It's time to brave that crossing soon.I'll probably buy a new battery for the 89 this week.
  23. Lowes just put there wood stoves on sale 50% off. I just bought a 1800 sq ft model for the camp. Now I can camp all year round.A man has to have a get a way dog house.Some day it will end up in a log cabin or a big first gen garage.We got 7 inches of snow yesterday,Ice last night, and a flood today. My yard is a mess,vehicles on the other side of the creek and were walking out of here.Now if I can get up that icy bank on the other side of my foot bridge. I got to get MamaMo at midnight from work.
  24. :Venture:What a great day.. the sun is shining going to be around 73, the Geese are flying North and I have Robbins in the yard,,, just a matter of time now, and I`ll be complaining about mowing the yard....
  25. Here is a picture that was emailed to me. I figured some of you may get a laugh out of it. If you can figure out how to get it to stand up let me know. I might have to try to put one in my yard next year. hairman
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