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Found 13 results

  1. I've never really been a fan of Facebook because I feel it is just too intrusive into our lives. I have an account with a few friends that I don't really use or post on. I look at it once every couple of weeks and see updates such as info on an aquaitances kid's last bowel movement or similar dribble. Here is something I discoverd today and you facebook users may already be aware of it. I was having lunch with coworkers which included my manager which is nothing unusual since we do that most days and we're all friends. Today my manager is looking at his phone and he says "I see you read a couple of articles last night". I questioned him about that and apparently Facebook had shared with him what I read off of Yahoo last night. He quoted me 4 topics which were correct, I had read them. Now I find this a real invasion of privacy. Since he saw that I have to assume all of my other "friends" saw it too. Now what I read wasn't anything significant, just Yahoo headlines. However, had I been searching for a new job or reading how to deal with managers, etc. That could have been awkward. If I read something of interest and feel it is worthy I'll mention it to my friends. I don't need Facebook automating that for me. So tonight I have gone into Yahoo and Facebook and turned on or off any security setting I could find that shares any information about my online activity. And if I find that doesn't fix it I'll delete my Facebook account. Dennis
  2. Yesterday I received a notification in my email that a member sent me a PM about parts but of course with expired membership I can't fetch it. I need a Venturer member to PM the guy and relay his message to me or give him my email addy which is my screen name at yahoo...
  3. I know there are a bunch of you out there that can't see has anybody tried any of the rx safety glasses for riding. I,m needing a pair for work and riding. they must be wrap around design for work and wind protection on the bike. Yahoo listed several companies that supply these just wondering if anyone has used any of them and there results. who is good to do business with etc...
  4. Got my vacation schedule yesterday....Taters and I are going to Iceland to visit Jonas in July........Look out Jonas and Greata, the yankees are comming......Lost 19 officers due to early retirement and didn't think I had a shot of getting the time off.....My Lt. gave me the word yesterday.....YAHOO !!!!......Hey Jonas, You have a rock for me to pee on?........ :rotf: Hey wait.... Do they have ice cream ???.. Ok, they have skyr....close enough........!!!!! (hey Jonas, I finally spelled it right)..........YAHOOO !!!!! :fnd_(16):
  5. OK we have signed into the Airport Inn.. That is Wizard765 and Marcarl.. Meeting us in the parking lot was Bongobobny, B2Dad and Carbon1.. Shortly after that Dano and Rosebud showed up.. Getting cooled down a bit then heading out for dinner... YAHOO!!!! LET THE FUN BEGIN....
  6. Once again, Yahoo is blocking all email from VentureRider.org. When they notice a lot of email coming from a particular site, they assume it is spam. This is the second time they have done this. I emailed them before to let them know that any email that is sent from VentureRider.org is only that which is requested from their customers. We have a triple opt in system here. 1. A user has to register at VentureRider.org. 2. A user has to confirm that they are the one that registered by clicking a link in the confirmation email. 3. In order to received further emails such as notification to replies to posts, notifications that they have received a private message, etc. They must go to their UserCP and select to be notified of those events. I sent Yahoo an email the last time this happened and explained that to them but I simply got a canned response back saying that the ban would be temporary and restored in a few days. There is really nothing more that I can do. If it is important to you that you receive your email notifications, I can only recommend that you use somebody other than Yahoo for your email. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  7. Any of you who are using Yahoo for your email clients are likely not getting any email notifications to threads and/or forums that you have subscribed to. I am getting rejection notices from yahoo for all messages sent to you. They say: SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection: host g.mx.mail.yahoo.com []: 421 4.7.0 [TS02] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts02.html: Yahoo says that it could be from user complaints or simply that a lot of email is coming from this server. Please understand that if you get email notifications, it is because you have elected to do so. If you are getting emails from venturerider.org and have complained to Yahoo about it then shame on you. All you have to do is go to the UserCP and "Edit Options" and make sure that you have selected "Do Not Subscribe" to any topics or posts. It is off by default so if you are getting such emails, YOU have turned them on at some time in the past. I have emailed Yahoo in an attempt to get this resolved and hopefully it will be soon.
  8. Sorry not sure what the problem was with Yahoo. But here's the pics for you. Margaret
  9. YAHOO....Just got back from my weight watchers weigh in..I'v met my goal for St. Judes..promised 40 lbs.. as of today 42.2 lbs lost..aint stopping there.. gonna give myself a cushion ..gonna stay on weight watchers and hope to lose another 25 lbs by MD...... Don, theres a DQ near you with my name on the door and cheesecake and pie for me at MD..YAHOO...:banana::fnd_(16):
  10. Guest

    Think you can ride?

    Is this for real or what? [ame=http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3094954/8808201]Great Italian Motorbike Display on Yahoo! Video[/ame]
  11. [ame=http://video.yahoo.com/watch/3071807/8758923]elephant mishap on Yahoo! Video[/ame] :sign **** happens: :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  12. I have just been informed that I have hit the Yahoo Lottery.............YIPPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool10::cool10: YAHOO! MAIL My Yahoo!AWARD This is to inform you that you have won prize money of ONE MILLION US DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) for the YEAR 2008 Lottery promotion, which is Organized by YAHOO LOTTERY INC for the introduction of the new YAHOO BETA MAIL, which all YAHOO users are required to switch onto. YAHOO! & MICROSOFT WINDOWS, arranged and gathered all the e-mail addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to All email Addresses, and others we only select Nine (9) candidates annually as our winners through Electronic Balloting System (EBS) without the candidates applying, we congratulate you for being one of the people select PAYMENT OF PRIZE AND CLAIM Your Payment Approval File was sent to African and European continent only due to the fact that more winners emerged from their .You are to contact our Location Claim Agent on or before your date of Claim. Yahoo Beta Lottery Prize must be claimed not later than 21 days from date of Draw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won unless otherwise. Note: Any prize not claimed within this period (7days) will be forfeited unless where necessary. These are your identification numbers: Batch number.....................YBM-EBS-360AF Ref number........................YBM-EBS-710AF Winning number...............YBM-EBS-718AF These numbers above fall within the agent’s Location file, you are Requested to contact your Agent and send your Identification Numbers and Personal Information to him. REV. FR.ROBERT DONALD at his email: E-mail: rev-fr.robertdonald@hotmail.com TEL: +447045740905 You are therefore advised to send the following information to him to Enable him facilitate the process of transfer of your fund with the appointed paying bank. Send your Identification Numbers/Your Personal Information to him Immediately: Personal Information: 1. Full name................………………… 2. Country..................…………………. 3. Contact Address.........……………. 4. Telephone Number.......……………… 5. Marital Status............…………….. 6. Occupation................……………… 7. Age...26....................……………… 8. Sex..man.....................…………… 9. Means For Transfer of Prize Payment to winners. (a) International Certified Bank Draft. (b) Account Transfer. If Account Transfer writes provide all your banking details to the paying bank or your agent Congratulations once again. Yours in service, Yahoo! UK & Ireland We hope you"re enjoying your new Yahoo! Mail account. Now take the next step and claim your money and say thanks to Yahoo!. You select how to transfer the prize money to you: Cheque Delivery To Your Address Bank Account Transfer Diplomatic Means NOTE: NOBODY WILL TOUCH YOUR PRIZE FOR ANY REASON AND AFFIDAVIT OF FACT AND CLAIM WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE BANK BY THE COURT BEFORE THE BANK CAN RELEASE YOUR PRIZE. See what"s happening on Yahoo.com today. Do you Yahoo!?Add Some Flair - It"s Easy If you have questions or wish to claim your prize money kindly contact this email, rev-fr.robertdonald@hotmail.com see the instructions at the body of this message
  13. From csmiles3, concerning the Guardian Bells on Ebay, but he didnt send it directly to me, it came to me thru a Yahoo group that I started 3 years ago that I use to promote VentureRider. I was really surprised to see that someone had actually joined VR after joining my Yahoo group, because I never researched the members list there against the one here, so I guess its about time I do that. So Chuck, thanks to you for doing that, because I never got around to it, because frankly, I didnt think that that site was doing any good, so now I will have to pay more attention to it. For those of you that are curious the name of the group is "83Ventureriders".
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