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  1. Has anyone heard or seen any issues of using Lucas Oil stabilizer in their 10W40 oil on the Venture? I've had several people tell me it's worth the while to add in, about 20% of the fluid for an oil change. I'm soon ready to do an oil change (BelRay 10W40) and wondering if it's worth the while. I can get it from a buddy at a good price so I'm not going to be spending a lot on it, but don't know if it will be detrimental to the bike or not.. I've just put a new HD clutch kit in the bike and getting ready to go on a road trip at the end of the week..
  2. I would like to ask for an honest opinion on the first generation motorcycle value. I understand value depends on location, time of year, condition, sellers hardship or lack of interest, and honestly what a buyer is willing to pay. Some may even claim that their rides are priceless. Would anyone be willing to share what they feel is a fair price for the average first gen xvz or what they feel their bike is roughly worth and maybe a reason as to why they feel that way? I have tried to use the search engine to research this info but have been unsuccessful. I know there is no right or wrong answers but I am sure even though I might be asking a possibly bias forum that with enough replies there should be an average value. If anyone has an appraised value please state it as so as I have noticed sometimes appraised, insured value, and real market values differ. I am not trying to cause any problems but am trying to decide how much an average bike like this is roughly worth, insured value, and where my cutoff will be with my project. I will most likely calculate what the average value is and what I feel my upgrades and customizing are worth to me so I will have a rough total at which I will be comfortable with. So if you feel like sharing please do but no buying or selling posts as I want to adhere to forum rules. As always any comments or recommendations are appreciated and considered. Thank you
  3. cant find info on this. Its a barn find so to speak. Owner says it ran 10 yrs ago and has been setting since so I know it needs minimum new plug, wire , and fuel plus carb work. What my question is is how much is this thing worth. Theres not a scratch on it and everythings original. Onlly has 2796 miles on the odometer and since its setting beside a 57 bel air with 27 grand on I dont doubt the milage. Any help will be apreciated David
  4. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post a question about a shop or person in Dallas/Fr worth that works on 1st Gen VR but I need to find a good shop or person within 100 miles of DFW that knows what they are doing. Carb work mostly. Appreciate any advise, help or clues on how to find a repair place for my 92 VR which has several issues. Thanks Roger
  5. This is from the gl1800 rider's forum, as such it is directed specifically toward the Wing.. However the concepts apply to all bikes. This is a long read but worth your time. If we all practiced this, it could save lives. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?329608-SLOW-speed-control-and-Tighter-turning
  6. Hidden in a box of parts appears to be a pair of drivers backrest mounts for an MKI bike. Not sure, but may be worth checking out if you are in need of a set. http://www.ebay.com/itm/83-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XVZ-1200-Box-of-Parts-C6-/400308631506?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d3440f7d2&vxp=mtr Gary
  7. This may have been around before but I don't recall it. It's worth the 3 minutes it takes to see it. Dennis.
  8. what brand bi xenon for 2nd gen rsv and price paid? also is it worth it? what about a projector? brand, price how does it install?
  9. My parents have an old J.C. Higgens cooler that was bought in the early 50s. Does anyone know if it has any collector value? What it may be worth? I searched all of Craigs list and ebay but could not find one similar.
  10. Looking at a 05 Honda Rubicon 500 4x4 Excellant shape. Hasn't been in mud. All the extras. Thing is I have no idea what its worth and couldn't find used ones to compare on line. Only 734 miles and looks like new. All the lights and extras. Automatic or shift as you go. GPS on it. Never heardof GPS on a 4-wheeler. Tow hitch. Whats it worth??? He want 3900. I was thinking 3500?? Or should I just grab it??Never owned one but would like to go hunting again and leg won't let me. And I could ride a littlewith brother and cousins.
  11. Hey guys. Since I purchased my Harley Ultra Classic a couple weeks ago I need to get rid of my stock RSTD pipes. I had put Road King slash cuts on my RSTD and still had the OEM pipes in a box in my garage. They're in perfectly fine shape. Had about 8000 miles on them. So, I'm looking to find out from you fine folks what they are worth so I can sell them. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks all!!
  12. Trying to find out if this is worth buying. I'm looking for some headsets for communication between the wife & me. The ability to answer the phone is nice. I know the Scala units are great but Spending over $300 for a pair of them is a difficult chew. I know you get what you pay for, but if these units do the job without a lot of noise it would be worth it for $50 a pop. Has anyone bought these? The are NoiseHush N800 Interphone Bluetooth Motorcycle Headset. http://images.nedsgadgets.com/original/91/OFU1675qdE.jpg http://mspecials.com/image/cache/data/N800-10688_p-500x500.jpg
  13. ok i just spent my 12 bucks
  14. So I have the opportunity to pick up these two 83 MK1 carcasses. I have been out of town so it has taken a while to try to finish this deal. I went back and really looked over them. My intention is to store them and just have the parts available. I would like to sell enough parts to cover the cost of the bike then the parts, nuts, bolts etc are there to pass on. Can you guys look at these pictures and tell me if there are parts here worth selling/keeping and passing on ? I have a few people interested in some of the parts already, just trying to figure out if it is worth putting the money out for them. What do you think they are worth paying for ? The fuller carcass has what appears to be: Good solid front forks ( not leaking) with anti-dive units. Good front fender Good Rims front & back Good right lower fairing Left side mirror ( light scratches on back) Good radiator Good right rear bag Left front turn signal lens Handle bars 1 chrome vent cover Misc chrome bars on sides two complete rear turn signals rear trailer hitch trailer light connector and wiring Most of the CLASS system ( condition unknown) Seat carcass Misc electrical connectors Engine looks mostly complete, but missing carbs and been left open to rain and elements.
  15. Just renewed mine and Patti's membership. thanks again for all you do. It's well worth the $$$ don:thumbsup2:
  16. Just rolled 100,000 on the Hondapotamus today. Starting to match the mileage on my R60 (132K) and R100RT (123K). Great bike, GF's favorite. The guy I sold my 87 Venture to has rolled it to 90K. Getting our money's worth for sure.
  17. Nothing popped up here when I started but I know there are some topics related to this subject. Ride-On. Or whatever it is called. Is it really worth it and for those who use it would you use it again?
  18. Do to circumstances beyond your control Who has access to your SS#? All personel record files you have ever done business with just sitting in some file cabinet or database. School records,banks,utilities,doctor office, X wife,maybe even public record doc at the court house. So what is your SS# worth to someone else? Were not talking about Credit card theft here but Identity Theft. My neighbor just pulled her free credit report to see what was wrong and found out someone had run up $40,000 in bad debt using her SS#.Identity Theft is harder to wipe clean then just a stolen credit card number with purchase. I think we would all be suprised to learn how easy it is to get yours or my SS#.
  19. I have an 83 Venture with a second gear problem that I bought really cheap to fix and restore. The problem is I do not have a title for it. The VIN is clean but I don't know who the last legal owner was since the bike has changed hands a few times with no title. With today's privacy laws, I have no way to find out either and my state will not allow me to title it without the "owner" signing over the title. So I'm am considering is it worth buying a bare frame with good clean title and swapping EVERYTHING to a new frame? Since I'll have the bike torn down anyway to fix the trans. Obviously the 83-85 is essentially the same bike. How about the later 87 model 1300? Are the frames the same? All said and done, I think I can fix the trans and new frame and end up with about $1000 invested. Worth it?
  20. Picture sizes are so limited in size it hardly makes it worth it!
  21. I am headed to Wisconsin to pick up the Tour Deluxe I bought early tomorrow! 6 hours one way! Long trip but worth it!
  22. I hope this works, you know me, I usually goof up these things. http://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/exhibit/video/5-minutes-wunderland/ It is worth your time to watch, I think! But try it anyway. Yama Mama
  23. Since I'm tearing down I think now will be the best time to add on things to the bike. It will make for a cleaner install. I was considering putting an alarm system on my Venture, although she will always be garaged. I was considering the the concerns during ride ins & such. What security systems do you have on your 1st gen & what features should I consider having, if any? Are they worth it? Thanks for your input
  24. here's the deal. i have the chance to buy an 86 venture that is in need of most of the plastic parts. the saddle bags and the trunk are in decent shape but the rest is pretty much toast. it supposedly runs ok and it will need a battery,tires and the valve covers are leaking. it looks like it has been down on the right side but it wasn't very hard. do you all think it is worth 300 bucks? would it be worth the money after having to buy all new plastic? it is something that i would get going and give to my son and his wife. thanks mike
  25. Thought of the day - Pittance in Time‏ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYlrrAWCTRg]A Pittance of Time - Terry Kelly - YouTube[/ame]
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