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Found 16 results

  1. I did not think that insurance commercials could get any worse, but the new "Taste Test" commercial from GEICO has got to be the worst yet. I just can not imagine a group of advertisement people sitting around approving something like this. RandyA
  2. I have an 1987 Venture Royale and seem to replace my battery too often. Granted I do not ride it enough, so part of it is my fault. Anyway, if I were to go with a sealed battery it does not allow for my sensor. Then again what is the worst that will happen, the dummy warning will just blink all the time? I'd also like to get one soon rather than order it, so are there any common places to pick one up such as a K-Mart, Autozone, etc.?
  3. I'm looking for a right side lower fairing for a 2000 Venture (red),,,,, no it's not mine, but a friend of mine has it and took out a coon last year. He's ok but the fairing got the worst of the fight. Anybody that can help out?
  4. I might be showing my age, but I thought that had to be the worst Half-time show ever. What did you think? Dennis
  5. Leaving Milwaukee tomorrow,thursday, and having some leeway as to where to go in a westerly direction...I was wondering if anyone could suggest a route to avoid the worst of it? Any roads beside the interstate that might be fun to go westerly?
  6. Had the most amazing thunder and hail storm here in Perth, Western Australia. 203million in damage to cars and homes. Hail stones as big as golf balls on the north side of town, where the storm hit worst. Some of the damage to cars was unbelievable!! We had no power for a few days, and my daughters' was out for longer.:doh:Part of our national park in town slid down into apartments at the base! They say it was the worst for over 50 years.....hope that we don't get any more.
  7. Yesterday my bike was knocked off the centerstand. I've never had this happen before. I guess the contributing factor was the 6.5 earthquake that did it. A true act of God. It was a really hard shaker and the bike got the worst of it. Now I need a new windshield and trim. Here is the footage I shot for ABC lastnight. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM0vHbA2d_4]YouTube- Eureka Quake.mpg[/ame]
  8. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy...Cant think or focus.....dizzy.....every bone in my body aches....It hurts to rest.........to think a little bug can bring a 300lb man to his knees.....trying to get liquids in....cant get comfortable..........man i hope this is the worst of it !!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hello everyone, I spoke to a Yamaha Store shop foreman at the Toronto International Motorcycle Show about what is coming for the Venture in 2010. He said they are testing the new VMax motor in the Venture(slightly detuned to around 160hp) and if all goes well we could see it 2010 or at worst 2011. He also mentioned that there doesnt seem to be to many changes to the rest of the bike. They are also looking very closely at the Vmax to ensure the motor works without problems. Hope all goes well with the VMax!!!!!!!! Screaming Red:080402gudl_prv:
  10. just got done putting the hitch on my wing. now i have two bikes with hitches and still no wire looms. they are on order but not on the way. may have to look locally. i think the worst part is out of the way.
  11. i gots a chuckle out of this.. >>IF MY BODY WERE A CAR... >>If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading >>it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my >>finish and my paint job is getting a little dull ... But that's not the >>worst of it. >>My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up >>close. >>My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid >>and bump into things even in the best of weather. >>My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. >>It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns >>inefficiently. >>But here's the worst of it -- >> >>Almost every time I sneeze, cough or laugh..... >>either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires. >>
  12. rode my new wing over 300 miles today and these darn footpegs are dealing me a fit. they are exactly in the position where i have to put mt feet down when i stop, and they really stick out there. having one heck of a time timing putting my feet down and stopping. it is really getting frustrating. i almost feel like a newby rider. it is worst then my rstd was at low speeds. other than that it is awesome. any of you goldwing boys got any ideas? bill:2133:
  13. Figured this would be a little different and might prove to provide some laughs. What song is the absolute worst of all time? Im voting anything by Barry Manilow, Rod Stewart, Neil Sedaka or the Spice Girls. But i said one song.....soooooooo I dunno there are so many that really suck! Achey Breaky Heart? The Macharania? I wanna punch my radio out when I hear them. Im going with.....an old 70's song.....Seasons in the Sun! ACK! No Wait....That stupid song Barney used to sing...I love you you love me. HOLY SMOKE
  14. Reading the humor forum reminded me of this... One year a couple years after we were married and with infant twins at home, my wife said, "Don't get me anything for Christmas. We don't really have extra money right now." Well, I can't not get her anything so I figured I would get her several small items. I picked up several trinkets. I don't remember anything I got for her except for one item. I went into Bath and Body Works and picked up one of those $5 bars of soap. She likes the bubble bath thing. I figured a $5 bar of soap must be pretty good! Well, Christmas Eve and we're opening presents. I see her set this little box aside. I immediately started to sweat. Sure enough she saves it for last. She opens it slowly. "SOAP????!!!!" I said, "Hey you didn't want me to get you ANYTHING." She says again, "SOAP????" Never lived that one down. I did tell her to never again tell me not to buy her something! What is the worst gift you ever gave/received?
  15. Hi... I am a new menber with a new 06 venture. I have just turned 500 miles and I notice a clattering noise between 50 and 60 MPH, it is at it worst at 55 MPH. Does anyone if this is norml or is something out of ajustment? Thanks Hydraulicman
  16. Past away last night at 7 pm and I wished to THANK all of you that posted your well wishes and prayers. She took a turn for the worst last night and even the machine was of no use. I know she is in a better place and THANK YOU all again.................Ron
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