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  1. I recently found out that my Stator is bad. I have a new high-output stator and rectifier, but I am not sure about the install. I have not found the manual very helpful in the removal or installation of these parts either. I am worried that this is a little beyond my repair abilities and was hoping to find some pictures that walk you through the process. Anyone have any ideas? Lyle Donnelson
  2. We have 6 kids,,,,, well they are all grown up now, so not kids any longer, but we call them our kids still. Our oldest just turned 40 this year, and has 5 kids of their own. Dorothea and Dean have made great parents, are well involved in community and church life and live in a modest bungalow in Limehouse Ont. Dean works for a local contractor and Dorothea home schools the kids, up to grade 11, and works as secretary at her church. They are an awesome family. Just last week I got a call from Dorothea saying that she had just come back from the doctors and tests etc, and she was informed that she has cancer on her one kidneys and it needs to be removed, which they will do ASAP as soon as she gets rid of the pneumonia that she has as well,,, so it looks like the 1st of Feb. Doctor says it's all contained and that no chemo or radiation will be needed. The Blessing that comes with this already is her statement that: No dad, I'm not worried or concerned. I have pain and I'm tired most of the time and I want to get up and do my usual things, but worried I'm not,,,, you see dad, I was taught that every cloud has a silver lining and I'm sure this one will as well, we just have to wait to see what that might be. And it's no matter, if I have to leave this world,,, ya it's not my game plan,,,, but if that's to be, then our Master will bring good out of that as well.. What a girl!!!!!! But we could use some prayers for healing for her. With the oldest being 17 and the youngest 10, I'm thinking they could use a good momma for a while yet. And Dean still needs some direction as well....lol! If you want to email her: Dorothea Vuyk
  3. Monty


    Heading out in a few to see my 2 Sons ship out for their 14 month deployment, which will take them to Kuwait and Afghanistan. They will be together, and I told them they had BETTER look out for each other. They will be going to Ft. Bliss, Texas first, for some training, then go overseas. We are so proud of our boys, but also a little worried. I'm sure they will come home safe to us, but there's still that worry in the back of your head. I think it will do them some good, and make better men out of them.
  4. Yammer hasn't been on since the 14th, which isn't normal. (I know, normal is relative on this site) But he had been having trouble with his gut. Told him to stop eating that stuff that was making it worse. Just a bit worried about him. Figured you might have heard from him. I know he's been to the hospital a few times for this. Margaret
  5. I've been playing around with polishing the lower fork tubes and this is after the first go over with the emory compound. Compared with what I started with it's looking pretty good. Still have a couple of steps to go so it should get better. The thing is I have lot of pitting where the stickers were and on the inside (back) of the tubes. I'd like to be abe to smooth that out where is can be seen. The back side I'm not so worried about and it gives me a place to experiment. This may be more than a lil wet and dry sanding can handle. Not looking for a show finish but would like to clean it up a bit. Any thoughts? Mike
  6. last time la was on here was 1/16/11 anyone heard from him? i'm kinda worried about the old coot. bill
  7. I'm looking to update my lighting on blondie. I've seen a couple threads on DIY stuff but i'm a little worried about taking that on myself.. are there any light kits still avaliable out there?
  8. My '83 VR had no CB when I bought it a couple of months back and am curious about a removable handheld type for it and if there is away to adapt one to an add-on helmet headset? I'm not worried about the PTT part or bluetooth. Also, what brands would work? Thanks in advance.
  9. has anybody checked the weather lately ? the weather station just gave a long range forecast and it looks like Ana will be in this area next week end better not !!! what am i worried about those guys are never rite . Thom
  10. what the make of this hitch is on the '91?? I've tried to ID but so far haven't come up with anything positive... I'm not worried about the square stock add-on underneath, but the post, and what fits it. I thought it might be a Bushtec, but can't be positive.
  11. hey buddy, where you at? did you get you computor problems taken care of? getting worried about you. let us know. bill
  12. linda and i rode to hannibal mo. today and on the way stopped to visit some very good friends and 2 of the finest people we have ever met. brian and michelle wegon. brian has not been on here for almost a year and several of us members were deeply worried about them. they are fine, and i hope brian will again become a regular on the site. we love them and miss them. bill
  13. I may be purchasing a bike that has sat for 3 years. I am sure I should do something before trying to crank it. I was thinking of poping out the plugs and spraying some type of oil in the cylinders. And of course cleaning out the carbs and all the normal crap. but I am worried about the rings after sitting so long.. BTW, its not a venture, I will be keeping my venture, this is just a toy! Thanks
  14. Looking to add a rack to my trunk what years will fit..how about Honda, H.D., etc.will any others work? Been watching Ebay... any other rack vendors? I have a broken antenna so how about the Marshall Mod , I have read about it , will it give better FM/ CB reception? Not really worried about transmitting as would rather listen. Will the thin Harley style whips , from the ultra classic, work with this set up?
  15. So we had to put down our 14 year old Weimaraner this spring. That was tough since they really become part of the family. I think Ruth has been thinking of getting a puppy and she just sent me these pictures from a dog breeder in Indianapolis. http://buzznet-44.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Weimerauner_puppies_2--large-msg-121378814537.jpg http://buzznet-49.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Weimerauner_puppies--large-msg-121378814399.jpg Ruth said she wants to get a couple of puppies but is worried that they will bother our 16 year old cat. I told her that I could eliminate the cat problem real easy! http://indianamotorcycleforums.com/Smileys/default/evil.gif Hey! Just trying to be helpful here....
  16. What happened i told the wife i was staying home to do my paper's that need to get done and guess what hap pended. Ya nice weather and a message poof i was off did a little over a 115 miles what a great day and i found these two bikes one old clunker and a nice 2nd Gen. I'm not sure but the one looks alot like a pre first Gen.:rotf: any one know who they are as i was a bit worried about the old bike making it back home on its own with all its parts falling off and rattling had a good time and nice meeting you all Dray
  17. Any experience with these? I'm not thinking of getting one but it seems like an interesting alternative to those who are worried about the bikes electrical capacity. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r3/heated-vest/battery-heated-vest/2007-jett-vest.htm
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