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  1. How are all of you doing? I know the (for those with a sensitive reaction to curse words don't look) snow is pretty nasty up there. Let us know that you are ok. Margaret
  2. Haven't been around as much as I used to, but when I saw this.....well, there was no other place to come for guys who would appreciate it. You may have already seen it. If so, excuse me for posting it again. I have no other words for this pic.
  3. I am trying to incorporate the rally logo in my signature...when I do this ...the words sig pic shows up and not the picture...It will come up as an attachment though..What am I doing WRONG???
  4. I just had to share this. A couple bad words but very funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUY-H3vWhzY%26hl
  5. As I read the various threads/posts, I often see words mis-spelled, spaces missing between two words, words that have a couple or more letters reversed and so on. As I get older, it seems that what I know is the correct spelling and/or punctuation just seems to get mixed up as it travels from my brain to my fingers. I usually porof (oops... that should be proof) read what I type and make corrections and when I do, it amazes me how bad this is becoming. Not so mayn (oops... that should be many) years ago my tpying was near perfect. Have "you" noticed this ... (I'll call it "phenomenon") happening aslo?
  6. My best half is in a ER 400 miles away tonight. I have instructions from her to stay put. Very hard to do. They still don't know what is causing her problems. But the man upstairs does. If you talk to him tonight just a few words please.
  7. OK,this is NOT Harley bashing but we have all seen some of this scenerio in our travels...Hope its OK to post as it has a few Shi%% words in it..I saw it on my Facebook page [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A3b_MRimbk&feature=player_embedded]Motorcycle Advice: Harley Davidson Rider Gives a New Biker Some Tips - YouTube[/ame]
  8. the wife took this picture prior to leaving a wonderfull day at freebirds md do you think it needs some words of wisdom from our members here?
  9. I had a mac. tell me if you use a large amount of Sea fome in some thing you should change plugs after words because it damages the plugs. Has any one notesed this??? I would think it would help clean up the plugs! Don't Know
  10. I think I have found the perfect custom leather work for my motorcycle. Aces High Leather has completed my first job and it is posted on her website at http://www.acehighleathers.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=56 My bike is the bottom mud flap and I am going to have her do one for my Roadstar also. another picture is also located at http://www.acehighleathers.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=53&Itemid=54 She is great and the turn around time was less than a week. Can't beat that with a STICK. I am going to use her for all my leather work. Rick A A Man of Few Words.
  11. Wrecked my 06 RSV and looking at a 03 GL1800 to replace it. I'll miss the RSV but like the lower CG on the Goldwing. Any words of wisdom or recommendations concerning Goldwings in general or a particular model year?
  12. Yesterday was my fathers funeral and it was very moving to see how maney people came to say good by. It was speacially nice to see Marcarl (Carl) and Chabicheka (Abdul) make an appearance. I also Wish to thank all of you who through these past three months have prayed for my Father or sent their best wishes for Him. It all meant alot to me. During the funeral The priest came to me and asked if I would have a few words to say in honour of my Dad. Getting up and speaking in front of a lot off people was not something I am comfortable with but for some reason two nights before while taking a shower words started to pop into my head and stranger still I felt a need to write them down. Before going to the funeral I printed off the words I wrote and stuck them in my pocket. Lucky for me I did. I know it is not much but I would like to share these words with all of you. IN MEMORY OF my FATHER Dad was not just a Father and a Husband, He was more. He was the closest of friends, a teacher, and a mentor and when needed a firm hand. To our Mother he was even more. To Him Mom was his whole world. Dad’s life was not always easy but together with Mom, they always managed to somehow move forward and do the best they could. Dad was always big about values, such as honesty and integrity. He would always say that any job worth doing, was worth doing right. For me that meant to always try to put quality into any job I tackled. When I performed any type of construction or wood work, I could feel Dad judging my work and I suspect I always will. Dad however was not just about work. He was about closeness of family, nature and all living things. Some of my fondest memory’s are of Sunday hikes, up the old 16 mile creek, with one or more of the Airedale Terriers, that Dad raised and bred. There were the toboggan trips in winter, on one of Dads homemade sleds. If there were no hills handy leave it to Dad to make a dog harness to pull us up and down the road by one of the dogs. There were also the trips to dog shows, were Dad could be found often helping others with advice and tips to bring out the best in there dog, despite the fact that he would be competing against them in the show ring. I have seen dad on more than one occasion walk out of the ring with 1st prize saying that he did not deserve it, that one of the other dog, in his opinion, was better, and even go so far as to question the judge, on his decision. He was definitely a rare man. There were years worth of trips to Huntsville, where we had a trailer in the forest, by a spring fed lake, where we spent much time and where Dad always seemed to be happiest and at peace with himself. Dad was a big believer in passing it forward long before it became an expression. His biggest example is when after WWII he joined the marines to go to Indonesia to help free that country of invaders just as the allied forces helped free Holland from occupation. If you ever asked Dad to define war, he would say “”War is when men fought men, who under different circumstances could just as easily become good friends””. When he told stories about the war it was usually about tough times, sad times, and humorous times. Rarely did he talk about the most dreadful of times. I am not sure what the future will be like without Dad in it, but I do know he will be dearly missed by family and friends but never lost or forgotten.
  13. Trader


    I'm at a loss for words with this one! Any suggestions what the caption should be?
  14. Sorry guys, but they just don't make 'em this purty anymore. I get comments on her almost daily...mostly Hardly riders. I even have 2 guys that are selling their new Ultras, and buying RSVs. Their words....." I'm just tired of having to put it in the shop every time I turn around." RSVs are getting more popular. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/DSCN4500.jpg
  15. well i learned the hardest words to say is im just to busy. i found that out today my uncle not by blood divorced my aunt 5 years ago. and i just never kept that much in touch with him. i was allways JUST TO BUSY well i thought about going to see him soon. and then the bad news came he passed away yesterday. age 83. now his family had a grave sight service. and it was to late to say good bye i guess i learned a lesson today so good bye uncle sorry i was just to busy to pick up a phone or stop by. and i forgot the words i tried to live by tell someone you love them today for tomorrow they might not be here
  16. Anyone here ever have this procedure done? I'm having it done this Wed. to my left Kidney. There's been no pain but blood was in my urine after exercising. Scans show a very large (Dr's words) Kidney stone attached to the walls. I've heard one person say there was no problem and another one who had some problems.
  17. SCRATCH it if you must but I almost fell out of my chair. Two Story Outhouse!! Words fail me! This picture is worth 10,000 of them. http://sn116w.snt116.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= Yep!!! This pretty much says it all.
  18. Well at my new job I work with a good o'l boy from Tennessee. He has this drawl to his speech and it got me to thinking (ya I know that could be dangerous). Where ever we live we all have local words or phrases that we use and repeat often. Here is scandihovian country UFTDA is used alot by them there Norskies. It don't really mean anything it is used just to take up space when replying to someone that said somthing shocking. LIKE IN: Did ya hear about Mrs Yohnson her daughter ran off with the baker's son...... REPLY: UFTDA, I didn't know that Sven So do you have any of these local words to share? How about: He ain't worth a lick! What the heck is a lick anyway? So give your word and tell what the heck it means if anything. Yes I am bored Martha. I am sitting here waiting for my daughter and family to drive in from Madison WI. I know Boomer has a few from out in Connecticut way or from Louisiana bayou. Well I am waiting!!!!!!!! :dancefool:
  19. Firstly I'd like to say thank you Don for the site & making it all possible. From reading here I know I'm not alone in saying that. To all those members who post / have posted to the tech section ( you know who you are) thank you very much as well. I have never had to ask a question about my Venture, because everything I need / want to know about the mc is here somewhere. My apologies for not interacting more on the forum, but am normally a man of few words anyway. Just my nature I guess. Would be great to meet some of you guys for a ride, M&E or something but doubt that will happen without some big changes in situation. (you never know) Thanks again folks Tony.
  20. danrow55


    Howday, New Venture rider here - love my 1999!! Just checking out the site to see what I can learn and maybe say/type a few words myself.
  21. I've been away for a couple of months. Didn't go anywhere - just been real busy. So...In 25 words or less, what did I miss?
  22. 1988 Venture Royale. The pull throttle cable on the VR broke at the handlebar pivot. How difficult is it to replace it? Any special tools? Any words of advice? I won't have time to get into it until Tuesday, so any words from you 1st-gen experts will be welcome. Thank you in advance. Nick Diaz Middletown, MD
  23. I just received this e-mail Blast from the SETX PGR... I pray that they catch these %$#@ Theives.. Stolen flags from the SETexasPGR Please spread this to everyone one you know, Police, patriots, riders, walkers, or anyone else you can think of. Please be on the look out for someone trying to sell or caring a lot of flags. Have them notify Hempstead, Tx Police or your local Law Enforcement immediately or send email to Leadership@SETexasPGR.org One of South East Texas' support trucks had taken out his Flags to clean his truck and stored them on his front porch. When he came back all of the flags were gone. The list is below. All Flags Mounted on 2 five foot sections of 3/4 white PVC with a 3/4 inch coupling to connect the 2 Five foot sections together. with a cap on top painted Gold and a clear coating of rubber over the Gold to protect the paint These flags are rolled up ..two 5 foot sections with a rubber band holding the flag and the PVC poles in place. The flags are mounted to the PVC pipe with 2 Black Hillman Push-In Nylon Rivet 7/16 inch, 2 holes are drilled in to the pole to hold the flag in place. All the Flags taken were 3ft by 5 foot. 50 American flags there were also taken: Double sided ( 2 flags placed back to back and sewn together) United States Marines Flag United Stated Air force United Stated Coast Guard United States Army United States Navy Value $75.00 each [*]Then there were single sided Flags World War II Flag honoring them Blue flag , White circle with an eagle in the center with the words in RED in the circle " A Grateful Nation Remembers" and the words at the bottom in Yellow "1941- 1945 1991-1995" and at the bottom in white print the words "World War II" 2 Texas Flags Blue Star Flag . White with a Blue star in the middle with Red border Fire Department Flag.. Red with black lettering and the Fire Dept emblem in the center 2 We Support Out Troops flags.. White flag .. These have the words. "WE Support Out Troops" with 4 main branches of the Armed Forces in 4 corners and one has a large Yellow Ribbon on it KIA Killed in Action .. Red flag with Black lettering POW/MIA Flag .. Prisoner Of War Flag .. Black with White lettering.. a circle in the middle with the head of a POW in the middle and the words "You are not forgotten" at the bottom and the letters "POW*MIA" across the top Vietnam Veterans Flag.., Yellow flag with Viet Nam emblem and Stars on one end with the words .." Vietnam Veteran " written on it Viet Nan Complain flag .. Black flag with a picture of Vietnam in the center with a Red circle around it with 12 of major Complain troops emblems on the outer side the circle and the words " Our Cause Was Just" written on the top of the circle PGR Flag ..Patriot Guard Flag .. Bright Yellow with Blue writing with a triangle and 6 stars in it with the words Patriot Guard Riders around the triangle and the words " Standing for those Who Stood for Us" at the bottom Korean War Veterans Flag .. Blue flag with a white circel with black print " Korean War Veterans " and "1950-1953" and "Liberty at the bottom" In the circel there are 7 stars, 2 jets , an soldier going up a hill and a ship at the bottom, all in black print. There are Golden leaves around the circle Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 Dessert Storm These poles were all 5 foot long. But next to them were other American flags but these had 8 foot PVC Pipe and may have been to long to fit in what there were transporting them in.. suggesting a short bed truck Several people have already offered to help replace the flags. Thank you, You can not understand how much your generosity and support means to the PGR and those Hero's we stand for. Thank you. After this weekends missions are completed, I will respond to each offer. -Windrider Windrider PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS Deputy State Captain - PGR Texas SETexas PGR HOTH Coordinator "Riding Hard & Standing Tall & Silent" Local Mission Info http://setexaspgr.org PGR National Web Site: http://patriotguard.org ABC News on SE Texas and what we do This email was sent by S E Texas PGR email system, SETexas, SETexas, Tx 77001, using Express Email Marketing. You subscribed to this permission-based list on 10/12/2007. Express Email Marketing supports permission-based email marketing. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.imgx?Opened=true&cid=378218&sid=61562844 http://h.msn.com/c.gif?RF=&PI=44364&DI=5707&PS=96691&cb=1242381444500 http://co110w.col110.mail.live.com/mail/clear.gif {0} Mark as read Mark as unread Delete Junk Not junk Print View message source This message is too wide to fit your screen. Show full message http://gfx1.hotmail.com/mail/w3/ltr/plx.gif http://co110w.col110.mail.live.com/mail/clear.gif © 2009 Microsoft Privacy Legal Help Central Account Feedback
  24. Lyle, BRScooter, sent me this, I thought it would be good to post it here, it makes it easy to thank them without words and is an easy to do...........watch the video, it is moving. http://www.gratitudecampaign.org/shortmovie.php
  25. Well, gals, give me your input on this? Do you agree? I had a good laugh, and feel like its a thumbs up....sherry 9 WORDS WOMEN USE (1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. (2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house. (3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine. (4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It! (5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.) (6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man.. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake. (7) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' ... that will bring on a 'whatever'). (8) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying "whatever" (I deleted the cuss word ) (9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
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