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  1. Is this the wobble I've heard some speak of?
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320316644057&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&viewitem= I saw this on ebay. Is anyone familar with the so called Furbur fix and can tell me anything about it?
  3. Last week a few friends were coming home from Sturgus, our friend waz (is) 75 on an Elec Glide just put $5k in it. They stopped for a break in Kansas and said lets pic it up a little we were doing 75-80, got up to 90 when we looked back he waz not there. Turned around went back cars were stopped around him , he was unconsince ribs broke arm all scent up from road rash. He is in the hospitial in Kas. Havent heard yet how he is doing.. Check out Google. Harley Death Wobble. Never heard of it before..
  4. Well after putting 10,000 miles on my Kumho CT, I replaced it with a Avon Venom. During the 10,000 mile Kumho test I endured: --- multiple wild tank-slapping episodes on curves above 70 mph --- instability trying to stop sideways on a grade... tire wanted to dump the bike --- instability on grooved highway --- pain in the ass getting comments from people telling me my wobble problems were other bike problems & that I needed to fix them because there was nothing wrong with a CT Well, I changed the tire & tested it today. I took the same routes & speeds that always generated a wobble. There is NO WOBBLE! Woo HOO! I then redid the test with speeds up to 100 mph (corrected). So now if I get carried away passing or avoiding, I don't have to fear a Tank Slapping episode of SUPER FEAR. The 2008 RSV rides & handles great now. No CT for me ever again on a 2 wheel motorcycle. JohnB
  5. I was going 35 MPG and I let go of the handel bars to zip up my jacket, I know I shouldn't ever take both my hands off grips , but that being said at that speed the front wheel really started to wobble, I that I was going down for a moment it was that bad, at first I thought it was just the road but I tried it again and again the wobble. I also tried at 30 mpg and 40 and zero wobble. What should I be looking at ? Thanks
  6. I put on a new 404 today on the front---WOW--- what a diff settled down my groove following, handling etc.. However still a slight high speed wobble, and when slowing down if i let go for a sec wobble wobble none of my other bikes have done this.
  7. Anyone have experence with putting on a dampner? These shock type dampners look like a deal for speed wobble if they can be put on a Ist gen. I've had bikes over the years with them, but didn't pay attention how they mounted them. They were factory. Hoss brookdale@brookings.net
  8. Was reading an old thread about the Kumho Wobble: http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50114&highlight=kumho+wobble I recently put a Kumho on and have the wobble at 75mph. I'm going to adjust the air pressure before I try other things. Looks like air pressure, suspension part replacement, and tightening things up solved this for most folks. Any other solutions?
  9. Still having issues with a wobble in front end of 2007 RSTD with 93K KLM (57K miles). Have new front tyre balanced and fitted, new steering head bearings and everything seems nice and tight. Wobble happens at about 40kph (25mph). Not noticable whilst accelerating/braking but if speed is constant in a straight line and smoth road wobble develops. Seems OK at higher speeds. Any suggestions/comments would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Well, I had to leave the darkside, just couldn't find the sweet spot for pressure and the wobble that kicked in at around 135 km became too annoying to live with. Swapped out my ct for a d404 this morning with a couple of ounces of dyna beads for balancing and life is wobble free again!!
  11. Cruising down the beachfront Sunday at about 25mph. Let go of the left grip to button my jacket when we hit a very slight bump. The front wheel started slapping left&right. Got very severe as I got both hands on it and tried to steady it. It damned near tore my elbows outta their sockets before I could brake it to a near stop and regain control. It has done this very slightly several times before since I had the Hannigan w/rake kit put on. Front tire is fine, so is pressure. Never have this issue at speed and only a hint at a wobble when I have both hands firmly affixed. Other than keeping both hands on the grips at all times, any other suggestions?
  12. During my day long yesterday, while riding on a rolling hilly road, i let off the throttle and went into the scary wobble that i have heard about. What is the best way to handle this scary event in the future?
  13. Today I was riding south on Interstate 5 when the front end began to wobble. First it tried to dart left then right then left again. The wobble continued back and forth for about ten minutes. Really had to hold on to the handlebars. In fact it didn't stop until I got out from behind that semi truck. It happened again later when I was on the 410 highway too. Mike
  14. i have a fairly new e-3 on the front of my bike. last few times i rode it ,taking off when i get in the 15-20 mph range the front end has a very noticeable wobble to it. get above that speed and its gone.? checked front end all`s tight and good,check balance of tire-ok? cant really see any thing wrong here. anyone ever had this? iam thinking tire but it was fine for 1400 miles before this started.
  15. Looks like Harley's wobble is getting a little attention. My brother the Harley rider sent me this link last nite. Maybe they need to show up for the MD steering head adjustment clinic. http://www.kpho.com/local-video/index.html?grabnetworks_video_id=4697488
  16. I read some articles on the Ventures having this issue. Is this something thats common? I may have second thoughts on purchasing the 07 Im looking at.
  17. Been riding my 09 since July, almost 9000km and noticed for the first time yesterday a wheel wobble I wasn't expecting. Tires are original and appear normal wear to me. First time I've done this so it could have been there from day one and was wondering if it is an alignment issue. Hoping someone else can try it or say its normal. Cruising along in gear at 85km/hr (about 50mph) I took my hands off the grips to close my jacket pocket and as the bike coasted and slowed down, at 70km/hr (almost 40mph) the front wheel started to wobble. Had I let it go further it could have turned into a tank slapper. Given the cold weather lately tire pressures were down a few lbs so I put more air in today (36psi front, 40psi rear, have 0psi on front forks, 40psi on rear). Tried same thing and again right around 70km/h I started to get the wobble again. Haven't tried doing it in neutral yet and wondering if it was because the bike was in gear or if it is an alignment, tire, or other issue. Comments?
  18. I have a 2006 and take great care if this bike. I have always has scheduled mait done and with every trip I have always asked about the front end wobble. I have always been told this is just part of the bike, weight transfer, etc....I have had the steering head tightened, air in the front forks, new tires, et all. I have never had a bike do this and just about at my wits end. I talked to a Yamaha customer support rep and they agreed with me this is not normal. Going to take it to a new dealer to have this looked at. Anyone else had this problem and if so what are some things I might be missing??
  19. Hi all, Building a tag along, and noticed that when spinning the wheels, there is a pronounced "wobble" in the wheels. Took the hubs out, re packed bearings, re installed, seated bearings, and still have the wobble. There is no movement in the bearing/hub... Placed a square along the axle with some gap between tore and square.... On rotation, a portion of tire till contact square, and then not. This happens on both sides of the axle, both wheels. Any sugestions. I am in the king of Prussia pa area.
  20. I'm kicking around the idea of getting a BMW or GW, and while doing some research, I have come across several comments about front end problems with the GW (besides the ones on this site). There have been several people make comments about front end wobble at speeds between 35 and 50 MPH. One of my fellow co-workers has an 07 GW with front end wobble that he can't get rid of. He's changed tires a couple times and has took his complaint to the dealer to no avail. Didn't know this to be a common problem with the GW. Do any of ya have the front end wobble on your GWs? Glenn
  21. I have a 08 venture and I am starting to feel a wobble in the front and more so at lower speeds. I am going to have to replace the tire by the end of the season since it has 15000 miles on it now and starting to look like it. I'm taking it in to the dealer and have them look at it but I like to be prepared for them to look at things. I also would like to know how you know if the rear shock is bad? The rear end is feeling funny and it feels like the rear tire slips and has a few time and it's a E3 with only 8000 miles on it. The queen says she thinks it rides different but can't put her finger on it. Thanks for any info:95:
  22. So i went to the darkside yesterday morning...the dealer set me up at 36 psi rear on my kuhmo and 36 psi on the front (avon cobra)...i adjusted it down to 33 psi this morning and have put 500 miles on the tires already with absolutely ZERO negative experience...in fact, she handles better than before!!!! BUT...ive been anticipating this dreaded wobble i hear others talk about... Then tonight, on my way home from a "bike night" it happened... I had my 7 y/o on the back and at about 45 mph just going through town I felt the whole rear of the bike start dancing all over the place...i was freaked out and upset and disappointed and worried...that was until i looked in my mirror and saw my little one rocking out to the katy perry song on the ipod! She was having just the best ole time back there! PPPHHHEEEWWW!!!!! it wasnt the tires that were causing the wobble!!! It was HER!!! BTW...The cookies were better today than they were yesterday!!!
  23. So I have the kumho and pirelli rear reversed on the bike. Took her out yesterday and did s couple hundred miles. Lots of straight florida roads out to lake okeechobee and back, and a half hour in an empty parking lot trying the slow corners and U turns. No problems at all. I don't see what all the fuss is about I do start to get a wobble around 85ish.. but not like head bearings wobble, it's kind of slower and oscillating. I did however just put on an F4 large shield, and I believe that's the main culprit. I prefer frame mounted fairings but that's not a mod i think I could handle!!! :-) I did so much to the bike at once, it's impossible to tell what single thing or combo is making changes. I don't like to be at 85 (speedo, 80ish real speed) anyway, and don't mind it as the bike's way of saying "hey man... you're going FAST." Generally the bike handles about the same as before because I was on some pretty worn brickstones. The rear was pretty flat. Corners don't bother me, and I do mostly long highway rides. Few twisties here in South Fl. For me- I'm happy... How long do I break it in before I start experimentng with pressures?
  24. after all the other tire threads but... I keep reading that Avons are great but you get some bounce or wobble or some other adverse affect around 85MPH and up. True or Not? I have Commanders now and they have been great (smooth as glass up to 100). Needing to replace the front at 18,500. my last rear went 12k. You guys are spooking me off of Avons with this wobble talk - I routinely hit 85 and frequently above it - and I like everything to stay nice and steady. (Sorry to start this again, I went back and dug through the other threads and cant really find much definitive)
  25. If you happen to notice a wobble in a high speed turn, one you lay into, I found a long time ago that running too many miles in a straight line [along with a little throttle up and braking] will square off your tire leaving a lip that you wobble over in a turn, so your constantly fitting this square edge in a corner. just a thought
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