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  1. Restaurant Reviews
  2. My better half wants to see Gulf Shores, AL and New Orleans the 3rd week of January. I see their average high is 62 that time of year which is fine compared to what we'll have here in Wisconsin! What suggestions does anybody have for scenic rides, good eats etc in these two regions?
  3. Tomorrow morning Eileen and I are off for a week in tropical Wisconsin. Going to the company resort for a week. HOPING to do some snowmobiling but I'm not sure the snow is going to show up. We'll see. Anyway, we will be spending a week at the company resort near Hayward, WI on Round Lake. I will have internet service but won't be on as much as I usually am. Hopefully any issues that come up will wait until I return next weekend.
  4. Bonnie & I would like to Wish Everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Health New Year From Wisconsin.
  5. Us hwy2 from Superior to Ashland WI is a beautiful ride. Especially in the fall when the trees are full of color:322:
  6. I have been asked if I was going to host another Mat, Day and I said that I would and after talking to Sharon we decided we would make this a annual event and put a name to it, I didnt want to use Wisconsin Mat, Day because it has been used by others and that way it still can be. The date will be June 29th 2013 at our place near Viroqua Wisconsin. Orlin
  7. Hope everyone in Nebraska, Iowa, and Wisconsin is safe and warm ! Sounds like quite the storm http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/20/us/midwest-blizzard/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 "Blizzard warnings were up Thursday for portions of Nebraska, Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin and virtually all of Iowa. Winter storm warnings extended further into Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin, as well as into Michigan and Indiana."
  8. News article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about motorcycle rider deaths in Wisconsin this year http://www.jsonline.com/business/2012-a-deadly-year-for-wisconsin-motorcycle-drivers-8h75c33-173225031.html Highlights (or low-lights may be a better term) are 102 killed so far, the 4th most since 1986; average age is 48. Speed and alcohol combine for 35% of the fatalities. In 2011, nine Wisconsin motorcyclists died when their bikes struck animals including deer, a turkey, a wolf, a horse and a cow. One rider was killed when a tree fell on him. This year, at least 11 riders have died when their bikes hit deer. There are more motorcycles on the road now compared with years ago - with 303,795 registered bikes in the state in 2011, compared with 175,486 in 2000, according to the most recent Department of Transportation data. Ride safe!
  9. Will someone PLEASE PM me, with all the details and info needed, regarding the 3rd annual LeaF Lookers Ride, in the Wisconsin Dells, on October 5th, and 6th. I have searched and searched this forum website, and I cannot find the detailed specifics of the ride, exact location, motels, etc. When I go to the VR Rallies page, it lists the ride, but there is no link for further info. What I would like, in my weird mind...is a good old-fashioned rally flyer kid of info. I see where a lot of people chat about the ride, but...that is not helpful to someone riding 2000 miles to get to the ride. I may...in fact...try attending this ride on my way back home from Happy Valley/Goose Bay. Or...may ride all the way home to Washington State, leave my Super Tenere' in the garage, and jump on the RSMTD, and ride back out to Wisconsin. So, if you have the detailed info of this event, PLEASE...PM me. Thanks, Miles
  10. Hello any update on the Wisconsin Leaf Lookers ride this Year? thanks
  11. Is anyone here from Kaukauna, Wisconsin... I might be looking at a bike there if we work a deal out... Question is Kensports good or bad? Is Manitowoc Wis. a good place to stay over night... Thanks
  12. In the middle of March in Wisconsin. Two RSVs at the factory today. I'll have to go see if a third one is on the other side of the plant. Later, Scooter Bob
  13. Just got back from a little vacation. The whole family went over to Wisconsin for a wedding. We stayed in the Neenah/Appleton area. I gotta tell ya, there is some pretty neat country over there. But I think my boys had the best time of us all. Since we were going for a new years eve wedding, some of the relatives were busy entertaining the rest of us. And of course being loyal Packers fans they are season ticket holders. So my sons got to use 2 of their tickets to see their first NFL game. Not a bad game to see for your first game I'd say!
  14. ***SIGH*** PIP is over. Had a super great time, seeing a few old friends and making some new ones!! Followed Bubber home but he said he already had a dog and didn't need any more pets so we continued on the journey. Got out of Minnesota into Wisconsin and made it all the way to the same hotel we stayed at on the way down! Only difference is we are taking 3 days to get as far as we got in 2 days coming out here. Wisconsin is strange! They name their highways with letters instead of names! Also found a 8 3/4 Avenue! 8 3/4??? Why not 8.75?? What's up with a fraction in an avenue number??? Hoping to make the Indiana border by tomorrow evening...
  15. I've been thinking about taking this course threw ABATE has anybody taken it? I'm sure its worth it just looking for other peoples experiences or if by chance if anybody else from wisconsin is taking the one at Fort McCoy either 7-9 or 7-16 Jeff
  16. This summer (July 16th - 26th), we're taking a trip from Utah to Madison, WI for STAR Days. After the event, we're planning on a 3-4 day ride back, and we're looking for some ideas on any can't miss spots along the way. From Wisconsin, we're thinking about heading back on 90 through Minnesota and South Dakota. Then to Wyoming and Idaho, and then back to Utah. Once we get past about the middle of South Dakota, we know were we want to go from there. I just can't figure out what there is to see between Madison, Wisconsin and South Dakota. Anyone have any recommendations for things which we want to be sure to check-out along the way? I appreciate the advice as always! Thanks & Be Safe! Pete.
  17. Man enraged by Palin dance shoots television, turns gun at wife: police TODD RICHMOND Madison, Wisconsin — The Associated Press Published Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010 4:11PM EST Last updated Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2010 4:42PM EST A rural Wisconsin man blasted his television set with a shotgun after watching Bristol Palin's “Dancing with the Stars” routine Monday night, saying he was fed up with politics and Ms. Palin wasn't a very good dancer, according to court documents. Steven Cowan, 67, of the town of Vermont, about 15 miles west of Madison, then pointed the gun at his wife, 66-year-old Janice Cowan, who escaped and called police, authorities said. A SWAT team surrounded the couple's farmhouse, and officers were able to talk Mr. Cowan out Tuesday morning after an all-night standoff.
  18. LZ Lambeau Weekend In May of 2010, Vietnam Veterans and their families are invited to a special Welcome Home celebration at Lambeau Field in Green Bay. The big event will include several days of concerts and reunions, and exhibits including The Moving Wall™. During the showcase event at Lambeau Field on May 22 we will remember those who did not return from combat with music, readings, and a preview of the Wisconsin Public Television documentary, Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories. The intention of the event is to provide Vietnam veterans with the Welcome Home that which was denied them 40 years ago. In this effort, Wisconsin Public Television, the Wisconsin Historical Society, and the Department of Veterans Affairs became partners in the Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories Project. But for the effort to create the event called LZ Lambeau, the partners are joined by the Green Bay Packers, the City of Green Bay, the State of Wisconsin, several of Wisconsin's Indian Nations, and a growing group of veterans' organizations. Designed by the veterans and veterans service organizations, Wisconsin's Vietnam War veterans and Vietnam Era veterans, and all their families, are invited to a weekend of activities that will include a motorcycle ride across the state from La Crosse to Green Bay, concerts, The Moving Wall™ exhibit, Vietnam War military exhibits, photo exhibits, vehicle and helicopter displays, and social get-togethers. The Welcome Home Weekend will culminate with the veterans and their families filling Lambeau Field for an official Memorial Ceremony for their fallen colleagues. This presentation will feature music and spoken word performances, and screenings of excerpts from the Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories documentary on the Tundravision. A special outreach effort is underway to encourage the participation of the families of the more than 1,200 Wisconsinites who did not return from the war, and the families of those returned veterans who did not live long enough to be welcomed home. This event, certain to attract nation-wide attention, is a chance for our veterans to finally be able to take public pride in their service, and to receive the appreciation and recognition they deserve. For information check out the web site.. LZLambeau.org
  19. Saw a Maroon 1st Gen MkII parked next to Harpoon Willies bar in Williams Bay, Wisconsin (Lake Geneva area) on Sunday 11/08/09 about 3 pm nice looking bike with Wisconsin plates. Anyone of us?
  20. We rode close to 300 miles today over 9 hours in the hills and valleys and twisties of South West Wisconsin. It was a cool July day, but it was a great ride. Google Map link http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=729+Dodd+Rd,+St+Paul,+MN+55107&daddr=State+Rd+35%2FWI-35+to:Alma,+Wi+to:Tell,+WI+to:State+Rd+37%2FWI-37+to:WI-37+to:Praag,+Wi+to:Cream,+WI+to:Czechville,+WI+to:Shore+Dr%2FWI-35+to:State+Rd+93%2FWI-93+to:Independence,+Wi+to:W+Mondovi+St%2FUS-10+to:Mondovi,+Wi+to:318+W+MAIN+ST++DURAND,+WI+54736+to:Plum+City,+WI+to:Ellsworth,+WI+to:Lake+St%2FUS-10%2FWI-29%2FWI-35+to:729+Dodd+Rd,+St+Paul,+MN+55107&geocode=%3BFeRbqQIdGoB6-g%3B%3B%3BFUaTpgId8FWI-g%3BFQ5rpwIdTMyI-g%3B%3B%3B%3BFUBioQIdXICI-g%3BFd41owIdEjqM-g%3B%3BFfYsqAIdzkGM-g%3B%3B%3B%3B%3BFYLUqgIdzu93-g%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&via=1&sll=44.62854,-91.96238&sspn=0.043614,0.076647&ie=UTF8&ll=44.627924,-91.968355&spn=1.168915,2.765808&t=h&z=9
  21. Well I guess I can get the ball rolling and get a Maintainance day for us in Wisconsin... I will bring the Carbtune.........
  22. This looks like a good program for people that ride in Wisconsin http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/safety/vehicle/motorcycle/rusticroads.htm
  23. Smoke-Free Wisconsin supporters that is. http://www.holdingourbreathwi.com/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Holding-Our-Breath-For-a-Smoke-free-WI/61896496426
  24. If I did it right, this should get you there? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/album.php?albumid=164
  25. has anyone heard of a charity ride for ms in the wisconsin area? there are rides for just about every other cause, but don't know about one for this. if anyone has heard of one please let me know.
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