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Found 17 results

  1. Linda has lost the ability to get on the internet with her laptop. It was working fine using her wireless and she moved from one room to another and now it will not work. Her wireless still works fine for mine and it even shows a connection on hers, but it will not come up. Even setting beside the wireless router, it will not do anything. I have even reset it to work in the wired configuration, but it still will not come up. I have gone into the internet connection and set the homepage on yahoo and other pages and it still will not do anything. Any suggestions? RandyA
  2. Are the factory head sets worth cleaning and repairing. Or are there a cheap aftermarket wireless sets .
  3. In the last few months I've been getting e-mail notices from Verizon Wireless. I had to laugh as I don't, or any member of my family, have or have had any Verizon phone service. The first one was for $949.87 and the one I got today was for $2,471.25. The website shows it as Verizon 2011 and no other info other than "View & Pay Bill" or "Enroll for Autopay". Anybody else seen e-mails like this lately? Glad it ain't my bill. Mike
  4. I have a Dell 4600 series desktop computer with dual Dell E171FPB 17" monitors. I've done some research but can't find the answer to this question......"can I put my monitors to sleep from my wireless Dell keyboard?"
  5. It's time to replace my old desktop pc in the den. A laptop would not work here and I was wondering if anybody had anything good or bad to say about the All In One pc's out today? All I do is surfing,paying bills,and social email etc. I ocassionally may backup something to the network server but thats the extent of this den machine.My thoughts are a All IN ONE with a wireless mouse and keyboard would be great. A 20+ inch screen would be nice to.No touchscreen is necessary. The less moving around in this lazy boy recliner the better I like it.
  6. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qmAd4OpKNUA/Tx7UrUFCMuI/AAAAAAAAAvU/V-qswxIBuuI/s1600/wireless%2Bheadphones%2Bmowing.jpg Need to get some bluetooth headphones or junior won't mow lawn. Says wires keep getting in the way. Found this How to Make Wireless Earbuds worried about interference from lawn mower and bluetooth.
  7. Good Day As many of you know, from my previous posts and question, I am continually looking to go "WIRELESS" on the bike for communications, audio and CB. Seeing information out, the J&M has included Yamaha wiring harness and "stuff" to make their bluetooth helmet systems work with our bike systems (not everything is Harley or Honda Wings) , has there been any comments, experience or feedback (no jokes here) on their Bluetooth wireless comm system. It is a pricey program, but I am very interested in hearing any comments or experience. I really feel going wireless is the way to go, seeing as technology is moving forward. Many thanks for any comments. Thanks Steve
  8. Just in case you dont hear from me for a couple days, and think I crashed...lol My internet may be down for a bit. Depends on how easy I can run the cat5 cable. Can't do it sloppy, like I usually do. I'd rather not go wireless, cause I play some games and dont trust wireless to be as good as the hardwire, for shooting the badguys. Had the collector welded where it goes into the muffler, on the scoot. Was pretty nasty, but he fabed some stuff and its better than ever now. At least since I've had it. I may get another year or so out of this one. Looks like the other side will need addressed,end of season or next spring. To get under the bike, we just tipped her over. No prblems at all, I put down some furniture blankets to rest her on. PS: Moving it hard:crying:
  9. When I checked into the hotel this week, they told me that they were giving me a complimentary upgrade to a suite. That happens every now and then due to the number of nights that I stay at hotels during the year. It is a very nice suite with two huge rooms, refrig, micro wave, jacuzzi tub, etc. While it was a nice gesture on their part, it turned out to be a real pain for me because the Internet here is hard wired, not wireless, and the only ethernet jack is in the living room area behind the TV and even with the 16 foot cable that I carry with me, it would not reach anywhere that was comfortable to work online. This has happened in the past but this time I was working on the VRAssistance list and ended up being on the computer for about 6 hours and it was miserable. I decided that it was time to remedy the problem. I ended up buying an Airport Express wireless unit that is made by Apple. You simply plug this into the wall, connect it to the ethernet outlet in the room and it very easily creates a password protected/secure WIFI network. WOW...this thing works fantastic. It would also be a good option for the home if you have hard wired ethernet at home and wish to go wireless. I already have a wireless setup at home but if I were to do it again, I would go with one of these units because it is really simple to setup and works great. So, last night I was able to lay in bed again and watch TV while connected to my own private wireless network setup in the other room. I LOVE it when a plan comes together. The price was $109 at Best Buy and worth every penny. They may be available cheaper elsewhere but I didn't have time to shop around. It is sure worth the money though.
  10. Monday...... turned on the computer.... and..... it tells me that the wireless isn't working..... Did the procedure from Linksys.... the computer shows that my wireless is working signal 100% that the tower antenna is working to the router but not connected to the internet and than a catastrophic warming error pops up Talked to linksys again he suggested to unistall and redo the CD Big mistake It will not read read the Cd Mentions error Placed Cd in another computer CD is fine. I was told to go Administrative tool than device manager and guess what 7 warning Any suggestion would be appreciated
  11. How have you connected your iPod to charge while it's playing? Is there a cheap way to do this? I don't want the wireless connection.
  12. Someone at work pointed this out to me today. Wireless LED helmet mount brake lights. I suppose it could also be used on a removable trunk for those with a RS Tour Deluxe. http://www.atlantispowersports.com/wirelesshelmetlight.htm
  13. Gerday all. Just doing a little test. I wandered into my local electronics store yesterday and picked up a wireless router so I can run my laptop as well as my PC. I managed to get it all hooked up, and am now submitting via the laptop. Might be old hat to some of you younger guys, but for me this is good stuff. Now the pillion can't complain that I'm on-line when she goes to bed. I CAN TAKE THE VENTURE FORUM TO BED AS WELL.:Im not listening to:rotfl::rotfl:
  14. OK Guys and Gals, I finally bit the dust and found a wireless internet that will work around here. It's the first day, so we will see what happens. Folks didn't like hughes.net around here and we couldn't get dsl even though we are about 2 miles out of town. It is under a half mile from here but we live on a dead end road so who knows when it will come thru. I didn't even know you could get broadband thru a cellular phone service and i've been skeptical, but they say as long as you have cell phone reception here, it will work. Take care and ride safe.
  15. My oldest son Graduates tomorrow. J.T will join the Airborne Special Forces of the Mississippi National Guard. I couldn't be PROUDER!! We are traveling to SC. now and I'm trying out my Altell wireless internet. So far so good.
  16. It's amazing how changing times can change a household priority. Today it seems our top priority is bandwidth. My dsl connection when it's working right runs at 1.2MB on downloads. For the past 4-6 months I have been complaining to the phone company about slow speed and dropped wireless connections. When I'm having the problem my wireless connection speed drops to less then 100K on all wireless machines. My hardwired machine (mamamo's desktop) drops to about 300K. Every time I'm on the phone with tech support we do the usual. Recycle power to the modem,turn off antivirus software,change channels on the wireless connection,Is there anything else hooked to the phone line (satellite tv,recorder,etc) NO NO NO. You can send me a bag of dsl filters I have about 10 new ones from the last time. I think they need to replace the modem. I got up this morning and the bandwidth was way down about 95K so I done a cold start on the modem (recycle dc power for 30 seconds) and still nothing no improvement. Then 30 minutes late like magic I'm back to 1.2mb connectivity. Never a problem with the telephone side of the operation. Tech support is coming out today lets hope it's broke when they show up and find something. Then again they never showed up the last three times I called them.
  17. I purchased a 2004 RSV in the Fall of 2007 and just recently joined this forum. I am planning some add ons for the bike to prepare for two up riding once the Canadian winter leaves. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations around any solid wireless communications options? Something that both riders could listen to an ipod/communicate/ and know if the cell was ringing? Any luck with Bluetooth? Thought I might try this before buying wired technology. Appreciate any advice
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