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Found 18 results

  1. Hey...ya'all, I just got this e-mail from Clearview, and they are having a huge sale on all Yamaha windhsields, like...60 % off sale. If you go to www.clearviewshields.com you will find the info. If you ever wanted a Clearview windshield for your bike, this may be the opportunity. I have to believe that this is for already made...hanging on their walls...windhshields. This sale probably does not include new orders for custom made windshields. Check it out.
  2. Jaybird happened to be at the Chrysler dealer doing some windshields and stopped to say Hi, guess he should have known better
  3. The Last rain storm my with & I rode through pulling the trailer, I could not see a thing, (picture this) the wife looking over my right shoulder, telling me I'm in the lane, no where to stop and wind & Rain hammering us from the left. Now I now how the pilots on a B 52 bomber feels. I was watching the gauges, keeping the bike at 45 ( the wife talking to me through the intercom) What the Heck do you use on your windshields, to stop rain from beading? and the inside of the shield from fogging up?
  4. Well, with the electrical work done on the RSV and the weather turning nasty, it's time to start doing some new work on the bike. With that, I have some questions. I want to replace the stock windshield with one that is 3 inches lower since I can't easily look over the top of the stock windshield in the rain. I've looked up the threads on the subject but one question to which I found no answer was this: do the wider windshields (Usually 4 to 5 inches wider overall) give better hand protection (I'm more concerned with the cold than the rain, but better rain protection would be nice)? I know from the threads that a number of members have gone to the wider windshields so I'm hoping someone can pass on their experience. Also on this subject, my 5 ft. 2 in. wife (I'm 5ft. 10 in.) says that she gets some buffeting at face level at highway speeds. Does anyone have any experience as to what effect a move to a lower and wider windshield would have on this. I can't really tell if the air she gets hit with is coming from over the top of the windshield or from around the sides. I'm guessing that a move to a lower and wider windshield would have little effect on gas mileage since the surface area would stay roughly the same. Some windshields, however, seem to sweep back at a greater angle than the stock one, so it's possible mileage would be improved. Anyone have any experience with that? And also, does anyone have experience with handle bar heaters? The price is better than for heated grips, but I wonder if they do as good a job. Well that should do it for now....at least until I see if I can figure out how to get my grips off the bike. Chrome insert in the end and a collar at the other end and both spin? Who thinks this stuff up anyway? Andy
  5. just got off the phone with dave at f4 windshields....and wanted to say how nice they are there and what they're doing for me.....i have a clearview windshield with the vent.......i need the tallest windshield out there and f4's is 1 inch taller than the tallest clearview....i already have a vent so they are shipping me the shield with the vent hole cut out, and a new faceplate, around.....plus 10% off......nice to work with ...the clearview people are good too....
  6. I'm looking for pics of lower and wider than stock windshields on bike. Trying to decide what I like best.
  7. Just passing this on...Cee Bailey's has their windshields on sale till the end of the year at 20% off (roughly $34 off).
  8. I know Rain-X is not good for plastic. Is there anything safe for our windshields to bead water off when riding in the rain. I've tried waxing with poor results. thanks
  9. I bought the tall tinted with vent and after 4 months and 2 windshields that did not fit, i wish that i never heard of clearview. Raymond
  10. I purchased a used RSV which has a Clearview windshield installed. It has two or three round distortions in the windshield one of which is very close to my field of view. Does anyone else have these little round distortions in there Clearview windshields? I emailed Clearview about this issue and they have chosen not to reply to me. My Clearview windshield also has a terrible reflection off the gas cap that is very annoying. I can't see paying as much for a windshield as Clearview wants for that quality of windshield and such bad customer service. I'm looking at a Show Chrome tinted short windshield so I can look over it. For $81 it seems like a great buy. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. http://www.venturers.org/Forum/images/smiles/icon_cry.gif Harry
  11. I recently bought a new windshield for my 05 RSTD. And I thought I'd pass on the info on where I bought it. He sells on ebay or not. He said that he worked for a windshield manufacturer for years and now he started manufacturing his own windshields. many sizes, two widths, and the price is much less than the other manufacturers. For me, that mattered. But more importantly, the quality is awesome. I have had mine on now for a good 2,000 miles, and I have nothing negative to say about it. All of the holes bolted right up to my hardware and clipped right on the bike. I did clip it on the bike before I tightened up the bolts to get the correct line up. I had cut my stock shield down 6" and wanted a stock shield for cooler weather. I ended up buying one that is 2" shorter than stock, and am very happy with it. I have cleaned it, used plexus on it and it looks like new. In fact, one week after he had sent it, he called me to see how I liked it. At that point I had just taken a 1,000 mile ride. His site is: http://www.7jurock.com Steve
  12. Hi All...newbie here. Just purchased an '05 RSTD and, for the most part, I love it. However, I'm just a shade under six feet and I'm getting buffeted pretty bad from wind. Are there taller windshields available for the RSTD? P.S. Yes...I did use the search function, but did not find a satisfactory answer. Thanks in advance! Fortygeek
  13. I work for a paint store and we have a product called Magic Plastic Window Cleaner. It is made by Magic American Chemical Corp. Cleveland, Ohio. It is supposed to be anti-static and repel dust, and be anti-fog. I don't know about all those claims but I do know it is the best thing I have ever used to clean my windshield. The bugs just melt away. It does not harm any of the products windshields are made of. It can be purchased at many Lowe's and Sutherland's and Home Depot stores. Check it out on the web site for more locations. Oldman
  14. Anyone have one of these windshields for 1st Gen they actually go past part of the mirror. The web site doesnt do it justice the bike has the normal wwindshield on it. I saw a good example on ebay bike. Supposedly smooths out buffeting. http://www.precisionlexan.com/Yamaha_Venture_Clear_p/yamaha-venture-clear.htm
  15. What windshields are out there and where is the best prices?
  16. How are the windshields measured ? From where to where ? How long is the OEM windshield ?
  17. Does anyone know what heights 1st Gen windshields came in?
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