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Found 9 results

  1. Wayne Jr and Grace have a baby girl, Kylie Mae Wilson. Born at 11:02pm Sept 15th. 7lb6oz, 19inch.
  2. I ordered E3 tires from Jake Wilson and they arrived yesterday. The rear tire has a date stamp of 1310 and the front is 3907. When I ordered the tires, I called and asked them to check the date codes for me. The lady I talked to assured me that the tires sell so fast that I souldn't have any problem with getting old tires because they rotate their stock. I'm planning on calling tomarrow to see about returning the front tire for a newer one. I remember reading a thread about this happening to someone else on the site. How should I handle the call to asure that I get a tire that is hopefully 2 years old or less?
  3. YATT - Yet Another Tire Thread OK...really this one isn't about which is best. I'm getting ready for a trip to South Dakota and am shopping for new tires. I have a small cut in my front tire (very small) and was going to replace it anyway, but yesterday I got a flat on the back of my Dunlop Elite 3 tire. So this next go around I have decided I am going to buy some of the Avon Venom tires. But the problem lies in shopping at the various vendors...NO ONE has the same catalog numbers and even searching the manufacturers number will not find the tires. I have a 2009 RSV-s. I want to replace both the front and back on the bike. I have checked the following sites: Dennis Kirk - Found some Venoms once...then nothing now. Jake Wilson - manufacturer catalog number does not work. Southwest Moto - Not sure if these are the right ones. Dang CONFUSING is what it is.... OK...at SWmoto tires is this the correct rear tire? http://www.swmototires.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=568&category_id=94&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 And this the front tire: http://www.swmototires.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=555&category_id=94&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 These are cheaper at Jake Wilson and Dennis Kirk...but GEESH. If anyone could provide the exact catalog numbers (or links) to both the FRONT and REAR tires for the AVON VENOMS from Dennis Kirk and Jake Wilson...I would appreciate it. Also...should I also get new valve stems?
  4. Need to get 2 new tires and 2 new helmets...Motorcycle SuperStore has what I need so I was wondering if anyone had a coupon or promotional code I could use for my order? Or maybe another store (Jake Wilson?) that you might have a coupon code for... Thanks!
  5. Wilson Footballs Click here: How Wilson manufactures NFL game footballs
  6. I've added a Jake Wilson banner into the rotation at the top right of the page. I kept hearing this place pop up in the forum here and finally placed an order through them myself a while back. They seem to be a great company to deal with and their prices on tires and other accessories appear to be about as good as any. The site will make a small percentage if you use that link when going to their site to make your purchases. I know that several of you use them already and this makes it easy for folks to find them.
  7. Does anyone have a valid discount code for Jake Wilson that they have used recently when checking out? Thanks Jim
  8. I purchased a set of Avon Cobra tires from the Jake Wilson catalog a month ago (for a 2000 RSV). They turned out to be about $125 a piece after receiving a $50 discount for ordering over $300 worth of merchandise (the tires were about $280 retail and so I purchased a can a windshield cleaner and a "koozie" for a can of soda to get to $300). This also included free shipping. At the time, it seemed like a good deal and I noticed today they have the same deal available. Go to http://www.jakewilson.com/specialoffer.do?utm_source=EmailBlast&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=summerspecials if you are interested. It's raining today, BUT, it's not snowing and it is getting warmer! Have a good one,
  9. Hi CB experts! My CB has been nothing but a headache from start to...well...I haven't finished yet. Broken antenna, bad squelch and volume pots, SWR meter issues and now tuning problems. I installed a Wilson Flex 3' antenna with tunable tip. I like it better than the Firefly (or did like it better) because the Firefly is much fatter, achieving it's light weight by being hollow. I like the thin-ness of the Wilson aesthetically. I have the 203EZ folding mount. My bracket looks different from some I have seen and I think was adapted off something else. I modified it to move the antenna backward 3", placing it above the very back edge of the RH saddlebag so it the lid wouldn't bang into it when removing. The cable was already on the bike. I am intending to use a Firestik AR-1 duplexer/splitter. Went to tune it this morning, thinking this would be a slam dunk - just mess with the tunable tip and be done. Wrong! I was measuring with the splitter out of the loop, just the CB and antenna. SWR was super high, above 3 on all channels, but a little higher on 40 than on 1, so I lowered the tunable tip. Improved slightly. Finally removed the tunable tip entirely and got readings of 1.7 on 1 and just under 3 on 40. Ch 20 was somewhere in between, in the low 2's. Huh? What gives? Now I know that JB (lonestarmedic) used the same antenna on the same bike and got 1.5 at channels 1 and 40, I have something unique going on. I've studied this on the web, and here's what I already checked: - Bracket ground has 0 ohms to bike frame. Supposedly high SWR is caused by a bad ground plane 90% of the time. - Just for yuks, I added a ground wire from the bracket to the frame and SWR improved slightly, 1.5 on 1 and 2.5 on 40. The same happens if I hold the bracket with my hand. - Cable has continuity in the center and in the shield, but no short between the two - like it should be. - Putting splitter in the circuit made it worse - SWR way over 3 across the board. - Performed measurements in an open space. - Connecting the Wilson's "matching transformer" lead to ground made it worse. This makes sense. I don't understand this feature, but Wilson says it will lower the center freqency by 20 channels. My center frequency is already too low; I think it's below channel 1 in fact. - Tried removing fold-down mount - no change. - Double-checked how to connect and use the meter. So where do I go from here? Do I need to start removing material from the tip of the Wilson, even though it's supposed to have the full tuning range in the adjustment? What else? Frustrated, Jeremy
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