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  1. We are supposed to get 6 inches of that white stuff overnight.
  2. We are having a White Christmas in some parts of western Washington (state). I just looked out my windows, and it is snowing outside. YEAH !!!!! We are getting a White Christmas ! (Bing Crosby) I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...just like the ones I used to know. Where the tree tops glisten, and children listen, to hear...sleigh bells in the snow. If you like snow, I wish that you too can have a White Christmas.
  3. I have some good used tires that I would like to give away to someone who could use them. They are all about 50% or better. Best if you could pick them up as shipping could get expensive especially if crossing the border. 1 Avon front black wall 1 Avon rear white wall 1 Dunlop rear white wall
  4. I was riding down Black Mountain today. I had a truck riding my rear end in the rain so I decided to change lanes and let this old gesser pass. Problem was it was raining hard and I was already leaning in the curve.I hit one of the dotted white lines and the front tire broke traction. Scared the crap out of me. Bike felt like it fell over and then came up wright . To make matters worse I had the bunkhouse trailer hooked on and it went to wagging around back there.When I finally got it under control I was less then a foot or so from the concrete divider wall . I rode for the next 2 hrs white knuckling my old girl before I finally calmed down. David
  5. Well its almost done. A few odds and ends and we'll be using it. It started as A Harbor Freight trailer. I narrowed the frame 10". Built the base out of 1/2" plywood and the shell out of 1/4" luan. Wrapped the whole thing in fiberglass and bondo to smooth it out. Used the trunk hinges out of a Ford Taurus. Opened up the reflector between the saddlebags from a 1st Gen Venture, and installed led tail/brake/turn signals for the rear lighting. Along with the trunk hinges I got the electric trunk release, so no keys to get into the trailer. Painted the whole interior white, and plan to install a white led strip for the inside. Also have a remnant of carpeting that need to be cut to fit. Then I'm off to the scales to see how much it weights. I'm guessing around 225 lbs give or take. Then the next decision is a swivel coupler. If I really need it or not. The only trailer I have pulled had one, so I will probably get one. But thats it, in a nutshell. Been an ongoing project for about two years now. Will be glad to finally see how it works.
  6. I'm still looking for the Flanders 650-08783. . .well I can get the 650-08784 (Powdercoated). . .not sure exactlywhat that means but is it a flat or glossy look. I have a 2006 Pearl White.. .I think the powder coat would look pretty kewl, wife doesn't. well. . .what do you all think. Just wondering! Tim
  7. Guest

    Gauges/Tach color?

    I have a set white face gauges that I got from ponch, and I want to add a tach to the brake res. So my question is, black face or the white face tach? I been tossing this around for a few weeks...
  8. Can i get an answer on which side of the horizontal rod that has a white plastic wheel on the left side of carberators does the throttle cable run?
  9. I'm helping a friend with his 83 venture, not charging, at all. At the 3 white wires from the stator, I am getting between 9-11 volts on all white wires, however, when I measure from any white wire from the stator to grd, I am getting continuity. As I understand, there should be no continuity from the stator wires to grd. Also, I have tested the diodes in the rectifier, with a DVOM on the diode test position, and I have continuity in both directions, on all diodes except 2. Again, as I understand, there should only be continuity in one direction of a diode, so that fails the r/r as well. My question is, am I right in these conclusions, or am I missing something. Also, I think this is an aftermarket r/r. It has the 3 white wires, 2 black wires and 2 red wires. Also, there is no brown wire, which I read in previous posts, this is a voltage sense wire for the factory original r/r, not the aftermarkets. All comments will be appreciated, thanks.
  10. See the attached pictures. The wires in question look like Black with red line running the length of the wire and black with intermittant white bands. They go into the wiring harness thru the plug shown on top of the chrome bar. 2nd picture shows black with white bands better. Neither one seem to carry power! I've tried lights, brakes, accessory switches, cruise on/ pushed set, accel, cancel....nothing! The large clear hose you see is for my air horns. Also, the soft rubber plug on the air intake for the cruise pump...is it supposed to go into a hole somewhere? I don't see anywhere for it to mount into. Or is it not a plug? Almost feels like it could be a bellows or something. My cruise isn't working so I'm trying to figure that out also.
  11. I recently bought a 1990 Venture Royale and practically all the white labeling on the controls, CB, tape player, radio, ..., have been worn off. Anyone know how I can get it repainted?
  12. Wolfie

    I'm Back

    Just coming back after being off for a while. Making sure I got things set up right. Got myself a "bike" of my own now. Taking some getting used to, but at least it ain't a cage. It's a 2012 Can Am Spyder. White for now, but will be changing soon. Plus the Corbin seats and backrests are waiting to be installed. Just wanted to say HI Y'ALL!!!!
  13. I have been using the Continental TK16 and TK17 ContiTour tires on our 1986 for years. Handle great, wear fantastic, and have a good price. So, to reward me for being a loyal customer since 1982 (1981 GoldWing), they discontinued the tire. HOW DARE THEY!!! Don't they know how many classic touring bikes have used these for years? Next, Dunlop will discontinue the raised white letter Elite II. Crap, they heard me! I guess I will try a set of Elite 3 tires on the old girl. Can you tell I hate change? JB
  14. tried to remove the bolt in the rear brake resevior and snapped a big chunk of the casing off, can it be repaired or does it need replaced, white metal.
  15. Does anyone know how to repair a chip off a colored porcelain sink? Or a contractor type that does this type of repair if possible? I contacted Home Depot and they have a fix kit for white but not colored. Or maybe I can get the paint shop to mix a pint and mix it with the white fix kit if possible.
  16. I just received my run/stop/turn light from Super Bright LEDs. I know to mount it to the bolt holes between the helmet locks on my RSV, I need spacers, to set it out enough to clear the trunk. I have seen where some of you that have this light bar have used what looks like white plastic bushings. I'm wondering what they are and where did you get them? Or what have others used?
  17. My white headlamp indicator stayes on. Both low and high beam works. I've converted all my dash lights to LED. Any suggestion. This next item is probably not related to the dashlight. But I don't know Also have two allen screws left over. Have no idea where it goes. Any ideas?
  18. What a week - Last Wednesday Linda and I went to Canajoharie NY, I had one of those throat tickles. No problem - just a halls or two . Thursday we returned with 1100 lbs of Spaghetti sauce boxed up in the bed of the truck. just East of Buffalo we ran into a little rain that turned into a white out and the road cleared up for maybe 2 miles. Then more snow and another white out but this time it was hail. Scared the crap outta me ! The 2 hour drive from Buffalo turned out to be the drive from - well, you know where. Started coughing during the hail - Friday I called the Dr. to get my "cold" treated. Nobody available. Take something and drink lottsa liquids. OK - Saturday - spent the entire day in my recliner with a blanket and in half a stupor. Sunday at 12:15 Linda called, somebody rear ended me. Off I went. Got back home and back in the recliner with my blankie Monday - 11:20, Dr. said GHeeeeez never seen a throat that red and inflamed. Spent the rest of the day in the recliner with my blankie Tuesday - still got my blankie but this time some drugs and Sangria. Insurance called, get car fixed, we mail you a check and if it costs more have the body shop let us know. Can't wait for Wednesday - If we're lucky, we'll get her car back on the 5th of Dec. - the day before we leave for Australia
  19. I would like to convert Regular Bulbs to LEDs. For starters 1) Brake Turn Signals Can I use white LEDs or do I need to get colored LEDs? 2) I have a trailer in which I purchased a set of new LED lights. (Brake, Turn Signals, Running). Can I hook them up straight or are there considerations? 3) Dash Lights Are they all the same size? Same ? regarding color. White or respective color. Will some be too bright? 4) Did I miss any lights 5) Is there a better source regarding quality and price than the local auto store? 6) Are there any draw backs to this?
  20. Does anyone know if a new or reproduction gauge face plate is available for a 83 VR? I had mine apart the other day to oil the speedometer and tried to clean the face and wipped the numbers off. They were white but now they are faded yellow and smeared.
  21. here some pics after some of my latest nightmares (taillight issues, class). i used white gauge overlays and sheets of carbon fiber for a cool custom look!
  22. A guy on my STAR forum has a black & white 1998 RSTC (nice looking, added Venture package). He is lookin for wide white walls, he is only finding Dunlop 404 www and Brigstone www. (I think the sizes are: front 150/80/16 and rear 150/90/15) Anyone know of more choices to fit that bike? Thanks, Mike G in SC
  23. Most of the white lettering has worn off of my switches and buttons. I have tried the detailing paint brush and paint and that was less than satisfying. Has anyone found a way to restore the lettering that is simple that even I could do it?
  24. Canada Day is this upcoming Friday and is a HOLIDAY for the Great White North venture riders. Any one planning a day ride?
  25. Going to the White Mountains, NH to ride tomorrow, anybody in the area wanting to go riding. Planning on doing the Cangamangas, and then camping somewhere around Mt Washington and riding up to the summit on Sunday morning. Leaving out of Laconia in the morning. ANyone interested, call me at 561 706-6097.
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