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  1. Has there been a certified "fix" for the Royal Star Whine? I understand some have worse than others. Later models seem to have it better. Synthetic oil helps. But has there been a source identified (clutch basket is thought to be the cause) and a fix? Saw this in an earlier thread: After 3 trips to my local dealership to see about an I-basket swap, the dealership felt it was a final drive (rear end) issue and not a clutch issue. Two trips and a call to Yamaha yielded that there was a "message" out about improperly installed spacers in the final drive housing. Mine was found to have this issue. The tech pulled mine apart, found the grommets that hold the spacers were not seated correctly, liberally lubed everything and put it all back together. I have only been riding it for about 150 miles since the "fix", but so far all the whine and chirp is gone. Wondering if there was something to this.... Needless to say, my 2006 has the whine bad. Pretty much whines in all gears if there is a load of any kind on the motor. Love the bike EXCEPT for this. It's something I don't want to live with...might have to get a different bike if I can't come up with a solution.
  2. Just bought a 2005 Tour Deluxe. Notice the distinct whine/whistle at lower speeds and during acceleration. Seems to go away if I pull in the clutch or let off the throttle, not so noticable on the freeway. This appears to be a common phenomenon and I have seen it attributed to Clutch, transmission, and/or shaft. Looking for help here as to what exactly this is and what I need to do to have this fixed or reduced (if possible) and if I cant do it myself, how much it should cost and who can fix it. Thanks for ANY help. Paul
  3. Hi, all. New to the RSV and this board. Thanks for all the info! I get a whine when I lean the bike over in corners. Whine is uniform with right turn or left turn. Whine is variable, sometimes worse than others, usually worse with two passengers. Sometimes i suspect it is a front tire hum, but most of the time it sounds more like it comes from the rear wheel. More a mechanical whine that a tire hum. Tired of leaning all around the bike like an idiot as I ride, trying to pinpoint where the sound is coming from. I suppose it could be clutch whine reflecting off windshield, but it most often sounds like rear wheel is the source. Bought the 04 RSMV over the winter with 3700 miles on it. Had a new Dunlap tire on the the rear. Bike now has 6700 miles. I think the front tire is still the original. No dry rot, but I do plan on putting on a Commander II soon. Any ideas what is causing my whine? Thanks in advance.
  4. pbjman


    Whine? What is this 'whine' so many of you speak of? I think I don't have a whine to whine about. Really, none. Unless I'm deaf. But I don't think so. If I had it, I would know it, right? I think I musta got a good one? What does it sound like? Anybody have audio?
  5. We are just back from Santee, rode down and spent two hours in Cayce's garage, Got a new yamaha clutch assembly, basket and the works. Have something quite interesting to tell all of you. So let me get that done first. (the clutch is not the problem) As you know I have been playing around with a thicker oil. This has helped, not as hoped for, but has helped, but at the same time Cayce my motorcycle mechanic and old fishing pal, has been busy obtaining a new clutch assembly for me. I have also paid him in kind with a brand new air impact wrench and a set of metric 1/2 inch drive sockets. It only took him about an hour and a half to switch to the new clutch assembly, and this is the interesting thing. Some of you have already stated that even after changing out the clutch assembly your whine really did not go away, it just moved to a different rpm. Moved the sound so to speak, made it more tolerable. So as both of us are always quite curious to find an answer, here it is. With the clutch and main assembly removed, and a plastic bag taped over the opening to stop oil from flying around, we fired Cricket up! Even with the clutch totally removed, there is that characteristic whine sound of the actual motor working. It varies from non existent at idle to where you can hear it as you vary the throttle up to about 2000 rpm. We did not romp on it, but have determined it is not the clutch causing the problem. What is happening is this particular motor has a specific sound, a resonance, a particular harmonic sound if you will, this new clutch assembly has a slightly different size and it moves the harmonics to a lower rpm level. This is why some of you have stated that the whine did not go away it just moved. More on this in a minute. With everything back in place and the new assembly all installed and everything properly torqued, and after getting a lecture on not to be putting any straight 50 weight motor oil in the assembly, we again changed the filter, and put in exactly this time 125 ounce of total volume of 20w50 Mobil One, with 12.5 ounces of this being Lucas Oil additive. This works out to 3.906 quarts. Yamaha recommends 3.91 quarts. We are close, prefer to work with even numbers. Yes this volume with filter will totally close over the sight glass when sitting still. But with the motor running it is perfectly between the proper marks on the sight glass. So we have decided although the manual does not state so, the oil should be observed while the motor is running. (This again is just our observation) So going down to Santee with my original oil mix in the Motor and gear box, it does run somewhat more quiet, especially in the higher range of the gear rpm. Coming back, yep we still have the whine but it has as others have stated, moved. But with the oil and lucas , and the different assembly, it totally is non existent at certain times and gear rpm. Results are like as follows: In the lower gears and lower rpm, honestly there is not one iota of change. At low town speeds, 30 to 45 or 50 mph, the whine is still there. But again let me stress, it is not the clutch, this has been being mis-diagnosed for a long time, why I do not know, just has been is all. The motor and gear drive has a particular resonance that is unique to it, it varies with rpm. But as you increase speed it gets better and better!!. At 60 mph in 4th gear it is gone, all you can hear is the slight sound of the motor and you really have to listen to hear this, you begin to hear the whoosh of the wind and the quiet low rumble of the stock pipes. (I never could hear that at high speed before) as you push it on up to 65 mph and shift into 5th gear and take it on up to 70 mph the sound is completely gone, at 80 it does not return, it is a joy to listen to the motor work at that speed and hear the bike run. However as you shift between 4th and 5th gears and if you do not power it on up to 70 right away, if you dawdle , the whine will come back......until you get above 70 again. What is happening is you are dropping to a lower rpm, and allowing the resonance to return. I hope this explains more thoroughly what is the real cause of the whine, and to those who find it objectionable, a means to run the bike in a manner that will resolve most of it. No at lower rpm, and speeds it does not go away, and honestly I do not think it ever will. This is just a characteristic of the motor. For whatever design reason, and combination of a lot of things, it has this characteristic sound. By using a heavier oil, we improved the original problem by I would say about 10 percent. By moving the rpm range up with the new clutch assembly, it has improved in the low rpm range only slightly , but is dramatic in the high end rpm range of the gears. If you run 60 in 4th and not be running 25 to 30 in 4th, and the bike will do it easy, it has the power, but move the rpm range up, the whine will just fade out at this speed and rpm range. We have not changed the rear end, do not intend to, but some have said this has also helped. This does the exact same thing, causes you to run a little more rpm in each gear to obtain the same speed, therefore keeping you more in the power band. Does this help anyone? I am done playing with it, I was doing this as I was just totally curious and fascinated with this thing. I will continue to run 20w50 as this helps some, no does not cure it, but does quiet the motor some. I do not feel the so called whine will ever totally diss-appear , but if kept in the right rpm range, it can be almost eliminated totally at higher speeds. In fact if I did not have stock exhaust, I would not be able to hear it at all, and another thing. I have noticed some of the resonance is worse at low speeds, like in an alley way, between or next to a big truck. Bottom line , and my honest opinion. All big bikes have some motor noise, all of them(I will agree Honda is the quietest) this one has its own particular sound, I do not find it objectionable myself. I have gotten used to it some I suppose, but coming home, it was not at all bad. It would go completely way at any speed above 60 mph, as long as you did not lug the motor and kept the rpm up. We love the new venture, we are running 5psi in the front shocks, and 25 psi in the back one, she runs straight, strong and true. We will run the wheels off this one and get another in five years. I have ran a lot of big bikes, cruisers like this included and none have the response and comfort all put into one like this one does. Coming home, we could talk to each other, and hear, we do not use the intercom , or even turn the radio on, riding a bike is about getting out, listening to the motor, enjoying the bubble of the pipes as you use the gears to down-shift and slow around the corner. We could not hear like this before either, if this helps illustrate the difference. To us Cricket is 99 percent......nothing is perfect, we like her just fine. Respectfully Kit
  6. I have an appointment Monday to take my 06 RTSD in for the clutch whine. I talked to my service manager today and he says he is not aware of the "I" basket. Does anyone remember where the post was that listed the part number for the "I" basket and the phone number for the Yamaha rep. I want to have the part number and phone number with me when I get there because it sounds like I might need to educate my service dept. I'm sure I read a post that had this info. Any help please.
  7. I have put 130,000 miles on my 83 and have had two different transmissions in it so I feel I know it pretty well. The oil I have mostly used has been Valvoline 10-40 and have also run Amsoil for motorcycles and some Valvoline Synthetic. This past oil change I put in the Rotella and even though the gear whine has not been real noticeable in the past, I am positively convinced that the whine is even less noticeable than before. I know that this may not help the whine that is associated with the clutch basket, but it may help the straight cut gear whine that is normal in these bikes. I was also wondering if any others that went to the Rotella oil feel this way? I got this oil at O'Rilleys for about $13 a gallon. RandyA
  8. Just got my 2nd gen. Venture (2000 MM edition) and am disappointed in the engine whine at 60-65 mph. Please tell me there's a cure. I have a '97 Royal Star and I don't think that made such a whine.
  9. I have now had the opportunity to put a few miles on my (new to me) 2006 Venture with 1,500 milles. I am hearing a high pitched whine coming from the engine at higher RPMs or speed (above 50 mph and continuing). I believe it is coming from the engine as the sound disappears when I close the throttle or pull in the clutch lever. Can someone enlighten me as to what I am hearing? Do I have a problem is or is it new owner jitters. Thanks.
  10. Just read this on Wired.com.... http://www.wired.com/autopia/2012/10/roadkill-strobes/ Maybe find a way to change a 2nd Gen whine to a sound like an animal in distress and add "predator" eyes to the front?
  11. Rode my 1st gen to work today, i'ts first long ride and noticed a load whine every time i got off the gas. Fast or slow clutch in or out. Sounds like i'ts coming from the left side. The bike runs and shifts very good except for this whine. Goes away while on the gas. Anybody had this issuse?
  12. Went to my local dealer to transfer warranty, no problem there. Asked service mgr about whine, he agrred that it was anoying. Asked him about I basket he said that at their shop the ONLY thing that got rid of whine was working on or replacing the rear end. Going to make an appointment to have it checked out. He also stated that Yamaha only replaces rear end in about 50% of the cases submitted.
  13. Hello, I am brand new to the forum. I am 51 yo, been riding for 30 years, many bikes of different styles and brands over the years but never a cruiser. Currently riding a Suzuki V-Strom, which I actually adore. I am 6'2" tall, 225 lbs, 34 " inseam. Lately I have been considering a cruiser/touring bike. I am not interested in any Harleys, but have been looking at some Japanese bikes. My local dealer has one last brand new red 2009 RSTD, which I can buy for just over $12k on the road. He sells many brands and models, but says this bike, with all its features, at this price with the 5 year warranty cant be beat. I think I fit nicely on the bike, although I've never ridden a bike with my feet out in front of me. I am considering this RSTD over every other cruiser due to the way I fit on it and the great V4 engine. But as I read the boards here I have discovered multiple issues, including the gear whine. It seems while many love these bikes, many also have serious issues . . . some never want to get rid of them, some cant wait to dump them. And I cant believe I"m even considering a bike with carburetors in 2012. So I'm just hoping, without offending anyone, if any current owners here believe these are still bikes worth considering in 2012, or have they become outdated, and if that gear whine is a rare occurrence or much more common. I guess what I'm asking is should I consider this bike as a new bike purchase or look elsewhere? Thanks alot in advance for any advice or comments. Craig
  14. I have read about the problems with the 06/07 2nd Gens and the basket whine. I know that friends don't let friends buy 2nd Gens ( hey just couldn't resist ) But my friend wants me to go look at an 06 with 53K miles. Supposedly they want $4,000.00 for it. The price seems good, even a little low. What should I look for on an 06 ? What speed is the whine audible ? Anything else ? Probably no records as it is being sold at a local pawn shop and they have had it for a while. If I get the VIN, wouldn't the dealer be able to pull records ?
  15. Is there a fix for this? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=665391#post665391 Mine new to me RSTD has a notable whine in all gears.
  16. :301:I usually don't order a helmet that has not been tested, but I did in this case because it was different. Got it on Friday from J & P. The looks surprised me for the good. It really is different, the eye ports like star wars Darth Vader, I can see lower without tilting my head down. The shell seems a little thicker than my Nolan, and is stiffer when taking it on and off, but once you get it on my ears are really comfortable, nothing is touching them. Whine? What whine? THIS IS THE QUIETEST HELMET I HAVE EVER OWNED. With the visor almost closed or closed no noise. Had to turn the radio up a little to hear it better. And the face shield did not fog up when riding with the shield closed. I am very happy withe this helmet. tew47
  17. Took a test ride on an 08 RSV today and yes the whine is there. It wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. My question is : does this whine get worse as you place more load on the engine such as riding two up or pulling a trailer. Really liked the bike. Just wanted some info before I take the plunge. Thanks.
  18. Have a 2001 RSV with 85,000 miles on it. Am going to replace the friction plates and spring in it as I am getting a little slippage when cranking down on throttle in 4th and 5th. My question is, there are 2 disc behind the clutch basket secured behind a wire retainer, the Barrett kit I bought does not include these, do you think they should be replaced and if so how are they ordered. Also should I go with the more expensive spring conversion kit, or just remain with a new diaphram type. The whine I have learned to live with, so I dont think the price of a new basket justifices the (Maybe) reducing the whine. Thanks, any help appericated.
  19. Hi there i live in the UK . Just Bought a 2001 Venture with 19000miles on the clock and love it. But just got a few questions. Hope someone can help. Firstly the whine which i know alot of these bikes have? Is there an oil of choice or additive that helps ? The whine isnt terrible but its a shame to wear a full face helmet on one of these . Secondly sometimes when starting just on the anitial press of the button, theres a knock just as it ingages ? is this anything to worry about . Thirdly The audio all lights up searchs for radio stations etc . all seems to work apart from theres no sound , ive removed the fairing and checked connections doesnt make any difference . Any ideas ? Many Thanks in advance Edge.
  20. I have an '01 Venture. The whine/ chirp would drown out the loud pipes, and the stereo, and was almost painful to listen too. It would start at about 2800 rpm, and go away around 3500 rpm. I bought a clutch basket for a 1st gen (1983-1993?) Venture for $45 off Ebay and installed. The noise is almost completely gone now. It still comes in at the same rpms, but much, much quieter, and barely noticable now. A 1st gen Vmax (1985-2007) clutch basket will also fix the problem and are available for cheap on ebay all the time. If you have an air compressor and an impact wrench with a 30mm socket, the basket is easily swapped out in an hour or less and the special clutch holder tool isn't necessary. Download a service manual for a venture (any year) or a Vmax, and you'll have all the info you need to make sure you get it put back together correctly. Don't forget to buy a new gasket, as the original will rip apart when you pull the cover off. If you have any questions shoot me an email at remmerts@live.com. BTW, if you would like your bike to scream like friggin banshee, I now have a clutch basket for sale that will be music to your ears
  21. Just got back home today from a 1743 mile trek here in Texas. Cliff Wall a friend I met on the 2010 RAT ride was coordinating a SS1000 Iron Butt ride yesterday with the Motorcycle Touring Forum. I signed up and was the only Iron Butt rider. It was from Ft Worth to Fort Stockton, to Sanderson and back up to Austin and back to Ft Worth. Left work on Friday at noon and got back to Pearland around 2p. While riding 349 from Dryden off of Hwy 90 back up to I-10 which was a real nice ride, sorta like the Big Bend river ride. I came over one rise and seen a deer walking across the road ahead of me, it stops in my lane and is looking at me coming. I am slowing and sounding both air horns, it still looking at me. I would have had plenty of time to slow and stop, but as I got closer the deer finally went off the road. I believe it finally heard the clutch whine cause I know it was really hurting my ears. My MP3 had died earlier on the ride so thats all I had to listen to. Oh well won't complain anymore if it helped me, who knows. Great 2 day ride, but I am typing this standing up.
  22. Guest

    new scoot from Beemer

    http://www.motorcycle.com/gallery/gallery.php/d/278978-2/2012-BMW-K1600GTL_BCL2292.jpg?g2_GALLERYSID=TMP_SESSION_ID_DI_NOISSES_PMT http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/bmw/2012-bmw-k1600gtl-review-90469.html Looks like a nice new addition to the autobahn...and even the occasional interstate over here... But if you read the ENTIRE article...you will see a little mini-gripe about gear whine...huh? If you want gear whine, you sure dont have to spend 25 thousand dollars!
  23. Guest


    I am looking to purchase a new Venture. I like everything about the bike. I just have a question as to engine (or transmission ) noise. I was told that because of the way that the gears are cut in a Venture, there is a lot of whine noise (loud high whine) when riding the Venture. Can anyone comment on that? Is there a lot of engine noise? Whine? Thanks:detective:
  24. as i understand it, on the '99 and up models, there is a "transmission whine", AND a "chirp". i understand the "square cut gears" causing the whine, but WHERE is the chirp coming from? is it maybe the final drive not set correctly with relation to the rear wheel pins? can the rear wheel installation be altered to get rid of the chirp? like maybe in the wrong position in lining up the pins? just curious, i don't know squat about these new fangled bikes. just jt
  25. After trying a louder exhaust (barons 424). That seemed to help untill I got used to them or the whine got LOUDER. Well I decided after reading many posts on the subject to try the I basket. Went to my dealer and explained the problem, he checked with yamaha and ordered the I basket. After reading so many horror stories about the dealers not wanting to do this under warranty I thought I would have to argue but that was not the case. Dealer ordered the part and I checked that it was the I basket when it came in. I dropped the bike off yesterday and he called for me to pick up today. I must say that I'm AMAZED at how quiet it is. I'm VERY happy I had this done. Now I only hope it stays this quiet I guess only time will tell. Here's a link of the whine.....[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzN9EMtI0_s]YouTube - Yamaha royal star tour deluxe whine?[/ame] and I will try to post one of how it sounds now this weekend.
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