Greetings experts. I have yet another question for you geniuses. So I've been using a technique for years for restoring plexiglass and other plastic stuff with scratches involving 400grit wet/dry, 1600grit wet/dry, then 2000grit wet/dry, then rubbing compound (usually turtle wax rubbing compound - as opposed to turtle wax WAX) then finally a polishing compound like quixx (orange box at wal-mart works great - usually). When I tried that formula on the OEM 2nd Gen RSV windshield I discovered that it has this weird coating on it that does NOT like to be sanded. I was finally able to fix the problem I created for myself by sanding the ENTIRE inside surface of the windshield (as opposed to the 4 square inches I was actually trying to fix in the first place.
So I guess I have two questions:
1. what the hell are these windshields coated with and
2. Anyone have a 2nd gen full-sized RSV windshield to sell?
Okay, I guess I have a 3rd question: has anyone tried one of the aftermarket "oversized" windshields being sold on e-bay? They claim to be a few inches taller and wider than OEM. I'm curious how that impacts aerodynamics etc...