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  1. trying to find a cover for my 83 royal. the ones i have seen are high dollar. this is not a show bike. just need a better seat. cant get mine wet as takes forever to dry back out. plus dont like wet backside.
  2. OK it is looking like I will get wet wet wet on the way to MD. I have never ridden more than a few miles in town in the rain. On this trip I will be pulling a trailer, also something new for me. I did get new tires last week. Unfortunately I was only able to get about 80 miles on them to get them scuffed in. They still have the nubbies on them. I will have a supply of Ziploc bags for the GPS. I will be wearing my Gortex Blaze orange hunting gear. So I should stay warm and fairly dry. Other than the obvious like slow down, keep longer distance for stopping, what are some things I should do and or watch for? They are talking up to 3/4 inch of rain with possible ponding. What is the the best thing to do if you come over a hill and find standing water on the road? I wear glasses, How do you keep them clear? How do I keep the helmet visor clear? The wind screen sheds water pretty good at speed, but blocks the wind from blowing water off the visor. What else do I need to know? Some jerk at the weather service did not read the rules about no rain for MD....
  3. My wife and I were heading out with some friends to the Heroes Highway Ride in the rain yesterday when I suddenly got an ear busting shriek in my headphones. It was really painful and lasted several seconds. I pulled up beside the leader at the next traffic light and told him I had a problem and to pull into the next mall. I got a couple more blasts on the way and was in real pain. Finally pulled into the lot and turned off the ignition just as another one hit. I checked what I could and my buddy tried his headset but nothing there. I was afraid it was an electrical problem and I didn't want to risk riding another 150 KM and possibly breaking down on a major highway in the rain, so the others went on and we unplugged our headsets and went back home. Once there (With my ears still ringing!) I started testing the system and by accident, discovered the problem - my wife had turned her volume up to max to make sure I could hear her over the extra noise from the rain and wet roads. I turned the main volume up as well and what we were getting was "feedback" from the intercom system! When it shrieked, I dropped the volume for the passenger and the noise stopped. It was worse with my IMC headsets than with the J&M set, which wasn't surprising since the IMC have always seemed to have a more sensitive microphone. Anyway, that's something else we'll have to watch in the future. Now I have to head to the doctor's to see just how badly I may have hurt my ears. My first bike with an audio system...it never occurred to me that this could happen. Yet another - painful - lesson. Oh yeah ... I was wearing some Icon waterproof Patrol gloves and they got thoroughly wet inside and out. It seems they have a design flaw - the waterproof liner is stitched to the inner and outer liner of the glove. Guess what happens when you poke dozens of little holes in a waterproof line - IT ISN'T WATERPROOF ANY MORE!! Fortunately they were still under warranty so I returned to the dealer and exchanged them for some Teknic gloves that have a tab all along the edge of their liner so that when it is sewn to the inner and outer layers, it doesn't get poked full of holes leading to the interior of the glove! Oh and our first time used, less than a year old Frogg Togg pants leaked at the seams and nicely wet our bottoms - such fun! Andy
  4. Since it will be wet and the ground possibly soft. I will bring a supply of polished Stainless steel pads to put under your side stand (a pair also works well under the center stand) so we do not have to pick up to many bikes that might want to take a nap in the nice soft wet grass. It will be first come first serve.
  5. My 91 Voyager has the battery light on but it has a new battery and it is getting 14v at idle I am wondering if it has the same battery sensor that the VR did for wet battery's. If someone has a clue on Voyagers give me a shout, this is my first one. Tom
  6. I need to replace the battery in my 83 Venture . I see there are many choices for battery types, AGM, Dry cell, Lithium and traditional wet cell. I find so much information on them I can't put it all together. I really don't want another wet cell so I'm looking to go to something else. What are the advantages / disadvantages of each and what are your opinions for the best battery at the best price. I plan to keep the battery in the stock location and position.
  7. While performing some routine maintenance on my bike, I removed both sides of the (what I call airbox) under the tank, that connects the hose from the airfilters into the carbs and found that they were wet with oil inside them. The foam gaskets that mount the two sides together were pretty wet with oil as well. Is this an issue or normal occurence? At first I was thinking it was fuel since they open to the carbs, but it was definitely oil. Where is that coming from? They were not dripping wet and there was more on the left side than right, but it was enough to get my attention. Thanks Mongo
  8. Went out riding yesterday and on the way home ran slap into a major downpour:depressed: (***note to self: stop and don rain gear :doh:before you hit wall of water:rain2:) Anyway, stuff in the trunk and bags got wet, I know there is a "gasket" running through the lid, can these still be had and if so where? If not, what are the alternatives? Thanks
  9. Getting ready to head out to Greensboro this morning and noticed a discoloration on my radiator nothing wet on the floor and the radiator did not feel wet, however I did not want to get 5 hours away and it fail. I rode around the local area for a couple hours still looks the same but no visible leak. So did I just hit big bug or do I have a very slow leak?
  10. Does anyone know of any product that can be put on the windshield to help it shed rain? I checked Rain-X and on the bottle it says to not use it on plastics. During our upcoming trip, if we run into a lot of wet weather, would be nice if I could see out of the windshiels...and my helmet visor. Thanks.
  11. I ride an 83. the Elite II's on the bike are getting thin and are quite old. I would like a tire with more "grip" in the wet compared to what I am riding on now. The Dunlop D404's look like they have a far better tread pattern for wet riding. How do they ride on the dry as well? anyone running them? Hate them? love them? How about bridgestone S11's? I'd like E3's but they dont make them in venture sizes anymore. I cant find them in 120/90-18 for t he front and 140/90-16 for the rear.
  12. I read they are having wildfires north and southeast of Perth. Any of that south east fire near you? Hope not. Maybe they should dig a trench from the wet part of the country to the dry part. I know but it was just a thought. Hope you're ok. Margaret
  13. ...that I'm growing "duck-feet" .... Average precipitation for here is 452 mm ... no wonder they call it the "WET coast" yyeecckkkkkkkk ... (Sass-CATCH-who-won is actually starting to look inviting!) http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=winter_outlook_2010__2011_241110?ref=ccbox_weather_topstories
  14. I have had Venoms on my RSV for about 7k miles. I maintain them well and there is plenty of tread front and back. I rarely ride in the rain but yesterday morning the roads were still wet from some overnight rain. I turned left at a stop light and came oh-so-close to laying her down. It wasn't just this one time but it seems to get very squirrelly on wet roads. I love them on dry roads but I think when I put new shoes on her next time I need to go a different route.
  15. Today.... we've had more rain that any other single day in august...ever Today.... we've had more rain than we've had in total all summer Today.... we've had more rain in any one single day since winter of 2005 man oh man is it WET out! Thankfully, it will all pass and be bright and sunny by Thursday!
  16. Its been a wet year here and very cool. this mess started off with a guy getting his farm equipment stuck in a field about 2 hours north of here. They brought in tractors to pull him out and it looks like things snoballed from there. I gotta think the backhoe guys didnt have a sniff at what they were doing. Brian
  17. Next time your bike wont start or run right because of wet weather or washing, try spraying the entire ignition system including the plug wires with a heavy wet dose of WD40 or other quality penetrating oil. It will flush the moisture away and 9 times out of ten the bike will run normal. 2nd point if it works it is a good indicator that some part of your ignition needs replacing.
  18. 83 venture, long time in rebuild, 84 miles on new plugs, 29mpg , feels like slight miss at idle, runs fine otherwise. Run 1/2 can seafoam/full tank in this 84 miles. Refilled 2.9 gallons and add second 1/2 seafoam, but have not run anymore yet pics of plugs cyl #1 nice tan, came out slightly wet cyl #2 hardly any coloring cyl #3 hardly any coloring, came out very wet cyl #4 vary carboned My read of plugs, please correct me if you believe otherwise #1 about ok #2 super rich, likely not firing much-likely flooded #4 too rich Due to my concern of flooding, I rechecked float levels-mark with blue tape, bike level on lift. All seem ok to me Due to #4 to rich pulled diaphram, pic of carbon on slider Closed #4 idle screw 1/4 turn, all were set at 2 turns out. At a loss what to check next, reading on needle shim mod, but if I am too rich, seems pulling slider needle out more would be going in wrong direction-is this correct? Have not rechecked other diaphrams, but there were no holes or other problems during assembly. It is possible during assembly, diaphrams were not seated in grove correctly. would leaking diaphram cause my symptoms?
  19. I recently washed my 84 XVZ 1200 (just shy of 40K miles and prodominantly all original equipment) giving it a good soaking. Ever since the wash, the bike has been missing. I'm no electrical genius but I suspect I got something wet that either should not have or I have something shorting out. I thought if I got the bike good and hot she'd dry off but that has not happened. Still missing and as a result, hard to start. Prior to getting wet, she fired up immediately. Any suggestions? Please help. Thanks John-Michigan:crying:
  20. Since it was another wet, rainy day. I decided to put the farming aside for a bit. I rolled the bike out from the back corner of the shop and did some maintenance on it. Changed the oil,went through the air filters, topped off the anti-freeze etc. Gotta tell you, it made for a nice peacefull day! Oh and of course i just had to start it and listen to it for a few minutes.
  21. RandyR picked up his 2000 MM yesterday and rode up to my place. We did some work on his new ride and my bike - went for a couple of short rides - got wet. Due to the weather he spent the night - but got on the road this morning heading back to Georgia. He's bound to get wet today but should avoid the storms. It was great to meet Randy and to spend some time. He got a great deal on his bike. Keep him in your prayers as he makes the long trip home today.
  22. Got up early today and got on the bike and headed south. Rode just about all of middle southern Georgia today for a total of 394 miles. Cloudy, looked like I was gonna get wet several times but didn't. Kinda chilly though, upper 40's to low 50's. Great day!!!
  23. My dog ( House Dog ) got introduced to the wrong end of a skunk this morning... my wife gave him a bath, now he smells like a wet skunk... what is there that I can wash him with to mello wonderfull smell out???? K
  24. The paint on my Tarus is scratched all over. Like someone had washed it and used a scouring pad on it. She was only trying to help and I wasn't home!! They aren't deep but it looks like crap. What do I use to buff these things out?? I have 2000 I think wet paper and polishing compound. And a buffer. Just not sure what I need and how to go about it.
  25. The wife is on a 50th reunion cruise down in Mexico. She left Saturday with Cabo being the first stop today. It looks like they're gonna get wet, but I told her to take the umbrella... It a good thing she's on NCL. If she does get stuck on the ship at least it'll be fun... http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/EP19/refresh/EP1909W5_NL_sm2+gif/023014W5_NL_sm.gif
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