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  1. Ordered the grips at the below link. Anyone using these? Suppose to be able to use the OEM weights so that is why I ordered them...Wanted something other than the Kuryakyn Grips.... Here's the link to the grips page age Big Bike Parts.. The OEM weights will not slide into the grip ends...JUST a LITTLE to big... Also I assume that on the throttle side there is no need to open up the cable housing? Just remove grip like the left side.... Thoughts if any would be appreciated... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA http://www.bigbikeparts.com/Inventory/Navision/17-376?catalogNo=1
  2. any rstd owners have stock handlebars and weights they are looking to part with??
  3. Can someone tell me if its ok to replace my grips with regular grips and take the weights off what will happen
  4. Like a lot of people I was not comfortable with the reach to the handle bars on my '09 RSTD. I purchased the kit from Buckeye Performance that moves the bars back 1". I never liked the solution they provide for installing the bar end weights. As you know, the bar end weights are screwed into a rubber insert in a fitting pressed into the bar end. The Buckeye kit includes a sponge rubber piece that holds the bar end like a bilge plug. I have found that vibration is causing the sponge rubber to slowly wear away. Also because it is sponge rubber the bar end weights always seemed to be that they could wiggle out. At this point I want to state that it is my understanding that all installations using the parts from Buckeye have had zero issues. I could have left the bar end weights as is and had absolutely zero issues with them. The other issue that I had with the parts is that they come with carbon steel fasteners. As you can imagine, these quickly rust and look unsightly (although I am the only one that notices this). I wanted to at the very least change out the bolts with stainless steel ones. I work at a power plant and we did some work on the condenser. In particular I wanted to check how well the plugs were doing in 2 of the condenser tubes. These are the plugs we use: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7091/7066194955_d8aaa5bbee_b.jpg The plugs were too big to fit into the ends of the bars, so I used a razor blade to shave them down: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7215/7066195827_ecc81c6f91_b.jpg This is what the sponge rubber piece looks like after 22 months in service: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5196/7066196551_c690030a7a_b.jpg I ended up getting 110mm long bolts, I should have gotten 100mm, but the 110 will work: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7272/6920119796_86afa32d2e_b.jpg Any way, they are in there really tight now. I will have to see how well they work over time.
  5. Yesterday afternoon, I got around to installing the new Avons that I had ordered. Ran into something that I found a bit strange. I had my last set installed and balanced at a local shop. They didn't have much weight on them but what I found strange was that when I removed the existing weights and then put the the wheels with newly installed tires on my balancer, they showed to be HEAVY exactly where the weights had been. I found this on both the front and rear wheels. On both wheels, I ended up adding weight to the exact opposite side to where they had previously been. It leads me to believe that maybe the shop that balanced the last set didn't know what they were doing and actually had put the weights on the heavy side instead of where they should have been. I didn't notice any problem when riding it but there was only about 1 ounce of weights installed. Anyway, I got them done, new breaks installed front and rear, engine oil and rear end oil changed, rear splines greased, front fender rail that I bought from Pioneer at Maintenance Day installed. Polished the chrome this morning and it sure looks pretty sitting in the garage. Now I sure wish I had time to ride it somewhere.
  6. I have seen a pic or 2 of an RSV with the ISO grips and the original end weights. What mod, if any, is required to put the weights back on with the ISO grips? Is there a noticable difference without andy weights?
  7. Just wanted to know if there are any RSTD bars with weights out there for sale. Kregerdoodle tells me that the RSV weights won't work with the RSTD bars so I will need the whole set-up. Any body up-grade to Flanders and now has the bars for the RSTD? I may have stuff to trade if that works for you. Oh ya! 2006 Midnight 2nd Gen. Bubber PS: I be asking at some of the other forums too. Thanks much!
  8. changing my bars for a set of RSTD bars and need a set of TD bar weights, any one have a set that they no longer need, please give me a shout!! Thanks
  9. Hello Everyone: I am trying to help another local rider. Does anyone have a set of bar end weights that were on a RSTD? Thanks....
  10. I know lots of members here seem to like the Dyna Beads for tire balance. In general, I am not a fan of adding ANYTHING to my tires except air, but I have never joined that discussion since I didn't have any real information or first hand experience with the product. Well, now I have some info that I thought I would share in the hopes of maybe helping a few members here not waste their money. I am a huge believer in Motorcycle Consumer News - I won't go into all the reasons why at this time, but I have great faith in their testing and opinions. The following comes from their answer to a letter asking about Dyna Beads in the February 2010 issue: " MCN evaluated the Dyna Beads on a reader's suggestion back in October of 2006. Although the tiny white ceramic beads have apparently found favor with long-haul truckers, we tested them in a Honda 599. Using a shop's spin balancer, we checked the bike's rear wheel, which had 1.6 oz. of balance weights in place. The balancer agreed with the amount and location of the weights. After installing the specified two ounces of beads in the rear tire and then removing the rim weights, the balancer found an out of balance condition. This test was repeated five times and the balancer continued to call for the replacement of the 1.6 oz. of rim weights in the same location. Over-the-road testing was next. Without the rim weights, the rear wheel produced noticeable vibration and the installation of the beads gave a barely perceptible improvement. Also, the weight of the beads added so close to the tire tread gave a noticeable increase in gyro stability, making the steering heavier. We also tried them on a car and were disappointed. Bottom line: Save your money for a proper spin balance." Goose
  11. My new to me 2009 RSV has Kuryakin iso grips. When the previous owner installed them he didn't put the original or any replacement handlebar weights back on. Does anyone have a set that they are no longer using? I understand that it's necessary to modify the isogrips a bit (thanks Al) to get them to fit. Thanks
  12. Good morning everyone! Has anyone installed heat demons on their bike? When I went to install them the factory handlebar weights are in the way. Just checking to see what options I have before drastic measures:think:
  13. Just got the new JP catalog today. Kuryakyn and Barons finally came out with Bar End Weights for those of us with Iso Grips. Barons are available now while Kurys come out in June. Its about time.....:mo money:
  14. On my 2005 RSTD If I get new grips do I have to put the weights back on the ends,or will the handling change very much if any.
  15. I am wondering , will a tire that was balanced by the shop that put it on,,,,. be in balance if you put ride-on in it. looks likr that it would counter act the weights that were put on at the shop..dose any have any idea about this???
  16. Has anyone on here ever had a set of wheels powdercoated? if so are there any problems that I need to be aware of? Wheel weights and such? Don't know if I will have this done, any ideas about the price?
  17. I'm about ready to dump a bottle of Ride On in the Avon on the front of the '83. My question is... Should I remove all the balancing weights and let Ride on do it's balancing act, or leave the weights on and probably get the same results?? It should work either way, but I thought I'd ask your opinion....
  18. Hey all, I got a set of Kuryakyn ISO grips that I want to put on my '03 RSMV. I'm sure I'm not the first to have done this mod, so any tips for removing the old grips and placing the new ones on? I'm do-it-yourself challenged (I even have problems changing light bulbs!) so any help would be welcomed. Do the weights unscrew? If so, what's the best way to get them off? I can't seem to find a wrench that would fit and I'd be worried about damaging the finish!
  19. I just bought a set of Kuryakyn ISO grips to install on my new RSTD. But after reading some old threads here, I am a bit hesitant about losing my bar end weights. There are some members who have machined them to accept the weights, but I do not have the knowledge, nor access to the equipment to accomplish such a feat. Are there any local (Hamilton area) members, who have done the grip installation and would be willing to meet a new member? Or anyone who has successfully mounted the bar weights to the new grips, that could give me some help? My last bike I had for 5 years, and the only accessory I had was saddlebags. I did all my own maintainence, (oil changes, chain tightening etc) but I wanted to dress up my new bike and grips is my first addition. Any and all help is most appreciated. Sonny
  20. I'm rebuilding the Black Beast from the accident I had in November. While I have it down I am doing several mods. I will talk about those in another thread and reserve this one for the bar end weights. I wanted to keep the bar end weights to reduce vibration and have a place to rest my hand while I was using the cruise control. Once I got the handle bars stripped down here is what I came up with. The threaded plugs that the weights screw into are welded in with just a spot weld on the bottom side of the bar. I went out to my brother-in-law's shop and ground the weld out. (Since the stock bars were ruined I didn't get real creative about saving them). If you want to save the stock bars it would be easy to grind just the weld, then reweld the plugs back in later. I marked the new bars so I could drill a 3/8" hole in them to weld the plugs back in. Then I had my brother-in-law spot weld the plugs in. Now this is important. DONT PICK THE BAR UP BY THE HANDLE. IT'S HOT!!!!!! (Yeah I know. I knew better. But since the brain surgery in January my short term memory seems to be shot:whistling:.) I now have a set of Flander's bars with the option to use the bar weights or not. All it cost me was 30 minutes of my brother-in-law laughing at me cause I burnt my hand. The things we suffer through to ride:confused24:. I hope this can be of use to someone out there. Ride safe.
  21. Hi everyone, is there some secret to taking off the bar end weights? I thought I should ask before I twisted with too much force and ended up doing some damage.
  22. I replaced my handle bar grips with a pair of Kuryakyn grips ...and now I noticed that my handle bar is shaking more, then before when I take my hands from the handle bar .. Is that because I removed the handle bar weights?
  23. has anyone balanced their own tires. where did you get the weights.were they clip on or stick on weights thanks
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