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  1. Anyone have a fairly accurate weight of an RSV/Hannigan Trike? 2008RSV/2011Hannigan, EZ steer, Aux tank(empty), 1gl gas in main, no luggage/gear. I'm trying to figure out if I can trailer it behind the Brides new car and the max weight of the trailer w/trike loaded. 'preciate the info.. Limited to combined trlr/bike weight of 1700 lbs. is the reason I'm asking. 1200 lb. bike means I will probably need an aluminum trailer.
  2. well 3 months ago I got the bad news that I was a type 2 diabetic. and this is why my burn wound I had was not healing right. I had lots of infection in that leg. been through lots of treatment as well. been place on meds for the diabetic problems. went from 280 pounds down to 260 to some times 264 it goes up like that after I eat my night time weight is more then what I weigh in the AM? I am trying hard to lose more weight, so I am asking for some info? with MY orthopedic problems and my MS high blood pressure and all other health problems. I cant work out like I use too. I eat healthy now gave up the pop and cut sugar out of my diet as much as possible. found out cold water is not so bad after all I use that sweetner stuff in my 2 cups of tea I drink in the AM and I have non sugar flavored water with my meals. I am just trying to figure out what more can I do to lose the weight? taking the weight off I did now I feel better. the leg wound has lost all the infection and is down to a small size hard lump. doctors will work on taking that down some by removing skin layers little by little. I might always have a hard lump there but it is not painfull any more and I can live with that but I have to watch my diet and get more weigh off any ideas on what I could do to get more off of me? thanks oldgoat
  3. ANy Advise Out There!!!! I purchased my 02 Midnight Venture about 3 years ago with 100 miles. Basically, new but had been sitting for a 2 plus years. From day one the biike has been bottoming out. I had the rear shock checked by two dealer and both said the shock was fine and not leaking. Well afetr two years of fighting with Yamaha I finally got them to replace the shock. Had the shock installed and wouldn't you know it ....my first time out with two up we bottom out. I must admit that the bike didnt bottom out as much but it did and I couldn't believe it. When ridding two up our total weight does not exceed 380 pounds. Can it be something else? Is there any other setting that can be adjusted to get the tire more clearance from the rear fender? What I have read so far seems to suggest that most rsv shock problems have to do with oil leakage ....that hasn't been the case here.......any suggestions? Thanks
  4. Bike was feeling kind of sluggish and sloppy in turns so I check the tire pressure. Rear had 45 PSI and the front had 35PSI. I am running Dunlop Elite 3 front and rear. I am about 320 pounds. So a lot of weight on the tires. I know the front sidewall said 41 max. I ran it up to 40 and it is a whole different feel. Almost like it is to much and the front tire feel like a teeter totter on a point now instead of a rounded tire. So my question is with my weight, what should I be running in the tires if the sidewall says 41 max. And this is unloaded and just my body weight and the bikes weight. Thanks
  5. Ok, my 2013 year resolution. Yep, the goal to reduce my weight. After all the Holiday eating, I have surpassed my all time weight of 182 lb (year 2009) for my 68 inch height frame. My new all time high is 183 lb now, and I can’t get into most of my pants without sucking in my gut, and then it is still a real tight challenge. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, to be 163 lbs, or reduce my weight by 11%, in 5 month (By 1 June). An average of 4 lbs per month or 1 lb per week. Looking at it that way the goal seems very reachable. No special diet fad or a book, just my own personal process. This is my plan. 1) No restriction as to what I consume just control the quantity. 2) I will scale weight every morning and chart it in Excel. In most business, goals are tracked and weekly reviewed by presenting measurable metrics. When the chart rises it will discipline me to control the quantity. 3) Retrain and control my mind on the feelings of hunger. Each time I experience hunger feelings in between meal times, I will verbally profess, “My body is converting stored fat into needed energy, and it feels Great!”. 4) I will use my wife’s Elliptical twice a week for 30 minutes watching a movie. Once on weekend & on Wednesday for 30 minutes each. I should have been doing this 2 years ago after my open heart surgery anyway. You can help by bumping this thread and asking for my progress, and keeping me accountable. I will respond with a copy of my Excel chart.
  6. Well I finally got some good new from the docs. I have been laid up for 12 weeks since falling off a ladder and breaking my hip. I had a fractured hip, sprained ankle and bruised shin. And possible internal bleeding. They bolted the hip back together and told me to stay off it. No weight what so ever. Originally this was to be for four to six weeks. Then it appeared the bolts had backed out a little so no weight indefinitely. Today twelve weeks in the doctor said I can finally start to put some weight on my right side. Yahoo. I am wobbly but at least I can start relearning to walk. And hopefully I can be riding by summer. The other part is shortly after the fall I began to cough up blood. The bleeding stopped but the doctors were still worried. So I also underwent another upper GI today. The exam came back normal no visible internal damage. So I am quite excited about todays outcomes. Mike
  7. Anybody recall the Thread of a Very Light Weight Battery about 2LBs.
  8. Leaving Saturday for a 12 day trip from Kansas City, MO to Bar Harbor, Maine, then down along the coast and eventually winding our way back to KC. Here's my question. When we go on our longer trips, we have a few more things than normal, and since we are going up to the NE, and the weather will be cooler and rainy from the looks of it, we will pack some extra things for that too. Now, I can get it all on the bike, including using the luggage rack, with the bag made to attach to it. When I calculate my weight that I will add on the bike, and then add myself and tailgunner, we are running pretty heavy, I think. We have done it for many miles that way but I am setup on the bike and have a nice little trailer that I can pull along... So, if I take all that weight off the bike (luggage, not tailgunner) and put it in the trailer with a tongue weight of about 20 pounds, would that be a better option? I will have less weight on the bike, but more weight behind me, and gas mileage goes down, and so forth.... So what say ye? What would be the preferred way to do this? Thanks Ex
  9. I and seven other of my mortorcycle friends have completed and now recooperated from a 7 day 3,100+ mile trip from Central Arkansas to southern Utah. The trip took us through Denver, Grand Junction, Moab, Mexican Hat, the "canyon lands", Four Corners, Alamosa and Dodge City. It was a great trip with no major mishaps. During the trip I learned some very valuable lessons and tips. Most lessons/tips are "common sense" but they are things we tend to overlook. So here goes; 1. Sunscreen and skin moisturizer are your friend. The sun was bad enough but the low humidity along with the dry winds was tough on the face . In arid environements may sure to hydrate and stay hydrated. 2. When you see a dust/sand storm in the distance it's better to stop and wait it out than proceed . Don't worry about "getting behind schedule", to proceed is just not worth it trust me!! 3. During a sand storm sand will accumulate in the fins on your motor, air filters and your ears. A half helmet is not recommended in this situation. Make sure to check those air filter and clean/replace if needed. 4. Make sure you have some simple replacement parts (air filters, fuel filter, etc.) with you. If you have to purchase them "on the road" the cost can get excessive, if you can find them. 5. Riding 74 miles in a 30-35 mph cross wind is a heck of a workout. I may suggest it to the P90X people to include in their program. 6. On soft road shoulders and in strong winds your motorcycle will fall over more easily and very quickly . Thankfully no damage was done. 7. Before embarking on a trip pack your motorcycle and do a trial ride to insure the weight distribution is correct and what effects the extra weight may have. Remember the more "surface area" your luggage has the greater potential of wind effects. Also added weight and the height of the weight changes your center of gravity. I was a very good trip but we tried to do too much in a short amount of time. If you have never been to southern Utah I suggest you put it on your "to do" list and do it. Good riding friends!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I joined a local gym yesterday, they have a 30 day free trial with unlimited access during business hrs, decided I need to not only lose weight but need to strength train too. I'm a bit overwhelmed looking at workout routines. Other than walking and PE class, never stepped into a gym before.
  11. I have no use for audio on a motorcycle. In the 4.5 years I've owned this RSV, the audio system has hardly been used. Then, I got to wondering what effect removal of those several lbs of sprung weight, front and rear, but especially that which is mounted up high in the faring, would have on this very-top-heavy beast. I spent a day pulling it all off. I even removed the unused CB unit from under the trunk. I removed both antennae, and their cables. I removed the tape deck, the radio/controller, all four speakers, and the handlebar controller. The first improvement was noticeable immediately: The bike looks a lot nicer now. Those two antennae with their clunky mounts really deduct eye candy points. They also add several lbs of weight, and the antennae themselves are a source of noise and wind drag. Now, more of the svelte curves of the RSV are able to show forth. This is a nice-looking motorcycle. But the major improvement is in how the front end feels when maneuvering around in tight spots, like parking. Hard to believe removal of 5 lbs or so of high-mounted sprung mass from the faring would make the front end feel so much lighter. But it does. Now, what to do with all those bits?
  12. http://www.classifiedads.com/items_for_sale-ad8184569.htm Is it just me, or does this seem a bit excessive? At first glance I think, COOL! But then I factor in the added weight and rolling resistance of the second axle. The add doesn't state how much weight it will carry, but I imagine if ya need to haul enough to need the second axle, wouldn't you be pushing the limits if the bikes capabilities? Perhaps if you had one of those Boss Hogs with the 350 V8's or a good sized trike, I could see it. I do like the looks of it, and the "cool" factor though. Certainly one of a kind... maybe. Bill
  13. I haven't said anything about my weight loss but this week I hit the 77 lb mark in my weight loss program. I started out to lose 40 or 50 lbs but kept going because I felt great and had more weight to lose. I started at 300 lbs and would like to end up around 200 to 210.
  14. Hey all, while I have my 08 Harley up for sale, and of course so much to do in our Michigan Winter, I have been looking at the different bikes out there. I looked at the RSTD and compaired the wet weight 844, to the RSV wet weight 869. Does it make sence that their is only a 25 pounds difference? I have taken off the trunk to a RSV and to me it was around 40-50 lbs., then add a fairing which I guess would weigh another 40 lbs., and the difference from a 5.3 gallon tank on the RSTD, comparied to the 6 gallon tank on the RSV. The windshield on the RSTD will weigh around 10-15 lbs I'm guessing, so maybe that would be a off set for the difference of weight from the tanks sizes and filled with gas. When I look at other manufactures weight differences between bikes, the RSTD is correct at 844 lbs., but the RSV should weigh around 910 lbs. Just a thought, Later-
  15. Getting ready to buy a new set of rubber. Thought about trying E3's to replace the Avon's. Has anyone actually weighed the front and rear separately? I'm concerned about overloading the rear with the E3's.
  16. Any recommendations on the best light weight enclosed trailer to haul a venture? Tried an open trailer this past year and the bike was a mess after every trip. Need something that is fibreglass or light weight enclosed with some level of suspension. Lost a few bolts on the bike when hauling it on a trailer with no suspension. Looking at hauling the venture a few thousand miles every year behind a new 4 cylinder SUV
  17. Yesterday, my wife and I were following a young guy on a crotch rocket. We were stopped at the light as we were coming out of a shopping center onto a 4 lane road. The sport bike was turning left so he had to cross 2 lanes before getting into his turn. He had a car in front of him as he turned, so he was doing all of about 15 mph. With all the style and grace of an experienced road racer, he shifted his weight to the left side of the seat, hooking his right knee and extended his low side knee outward 90 degrees to the bike. I laughed out loud... I mean COME ON.....15MPH????? He didn't even make it a sharp turn...just a gentle arc!He was leaning all of about 5 degrees!!!! In fact he probably had to lean to the RIGHT to compensate for the weight shift! But, my wife, loving and generous as she is, said we should give him the benefit of the doubt....he might not be an idiot....maybe he just shifted his weight because had to fart!
  18. I saw a camper trailer for sale, weights 455 lbs. Is that too much for my 88 VR? What would the max towing weight be? What about tounge weight?
  19. You may have seen my post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=59272&highlight=trailer about getting my trailer out for the first time. Do I need to add air to my rear shocks? I'll be riding 2up but we only weight about 280 together. I don't know how much air I have in there now but I think it's pretty much zero.... Thanks!
  20. Just curious, Has anyone made or thought of making a bike trailer out of a Jet ski trailer. The are light weight, most are aluminium. I was thinking of a double to haul two full size bikes. Trying to cut down on weight for some long trips I have planned. http://www.valkyrieforum.com/bbs/Smileys/actions/undecided.gif
  21. Over in Victoria today helping our niece move. Beautiful day. Lots of hot rods and bikes on the road. Saw a black/red 2nd gen a couple times. I was the guy on Superior street with a truck full of furniture watching you go by. Bad news...she is moving in with us for a few months Good news.....she is a nice kid and loves to bake. Bad news......looks like I might be gaining even more weight.
  22. Just need Wether you ride 1 or 2 up and approx weight of riders and accessories and luggage and include 35-40 for toungue weight of trailer. Brand name/model for both the front and rear tires, the milage traveled and how much tread is left on them when you change them out example 1 - rider is 230 lbs with 40 lbs of accessories and 50 lbs of luggage" example 2 - the riders are 180 and 130 lbs with 40 lbs accessiories, 50 lbs of luggage and pull a trailer (add 40 lbs.for tongue weight) Don't need the weights broken out as I don't want to be nosy. Just want to comparre tire life expectancy. Please use format listed below just copy and paste and change the info... Thanks Joe Used myself as example1... Example1: 1 up, 320 lbs (riders/accessories/luggage combined), +35 lbs no trailer but use a cooler rack Dunlop 404 Front 6,300 mi. 5/32" remaining Dunlop 404 Rear 6,300 mi. 6/32" remaining Example 2: 2 up, 400 lbs (riders/accessories/luggage combined), +40 lbs with trailer tongue weight Dunlop E3 Front 15,000 mi. 3/32" remaining Kuhmo c/t Rear 28,000 mi. 4/32 or 1/8" remaining
  23. Cow, an Ant and an Old Fart A Cow, an Ant and an Old Fart are debating on who is the greatest of the three of them. The Cow: I give four gallons of milk every day and that's why I am the greatest!! The Ant: I work day and night, summer and winter, I can carry 52 times my own weight and that's why I am the greatest!! Why are you scrolling down? It's your turn to say something...
  24. Anyone know what it is.... Where to find it? max load on a 2nd Gen Venture is 419 lbs. most trailers say 10 to 15% toungue weight, so 200lb trailer would be 20-25 lb. unigo trailers say 33% tongue weight, of a 180lb loaded trailer so 60Lb. Am looking into creating a trunk like luggage carrier fully supported by the receiver hitch.. Can't find any documentation from Yamaha that says one way or the other...
  25. Hi all. I am looking at getting a trailer to pull behind my scoot. Not sure if I should build or buy. If I build, I am sure I can get a couple of friends to do the welding for me at the school where I work. Should it be aluminum tubing? I would think it's better for weight but would it hold on the road? Then put a car top cargo on it again for weight. To buy, not sure where to look for a good price and quality at the same time. Any ideas are welcome. If you have a plan of how to build one I would certainly appreciate it. thanks
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