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A few weeks ago, I asked for your prayers for an unnamed member. Well that member is our own one and only Black Owl and he is still in need or our prayers. Russell was admitted to the hospital before Christmas with complications from pneumonia. Things got really bad and to be honest, a lot worse than he really wanted anybody to know. He is doing better now but is still hospitalized and has a ways to go. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.
I am retiring today after 32 years in school transportation. It is actually a lot sadder day then I thought it would be. Hard to leave people you have been working beside for so many years. Will start working for a friend on a part time basis on Monday. Will be able to ride a lot more. Going to spend two weeks in Florida (Ft. Myers) in early March and the wife and I are going to ride the bike down to Key West. May be able to hook up with some of the south Florida riders while were there. I guess I'll end this now, starting to ramble.
I may have the opertunity to go up to the Mosport Raceway for work next year. A buddy of mine have talked about riding up. As of yet we dont know what month but would asume mid summer. I live in central Fl and we would be starting our trip from Charlotte NC. Are there some good roads or routes someone might give me a heads up on. This is so far out right now I dont even know if we will have enough days to ride up and get back home before the next weeks work. But I'm hopin we can swing it.
Just after Christmas last year, there was a discussion where at least a few of you had gotten guitars and were starting the learning process. goes it? How many of you have stuck with it and how many of those guitars are sitting around collecting dust now? I slacked off a bit but have gotten back into it over the past few weeks. I took too long a break from practicing and let my fingertips get soft again but they are getting back into shape now. Still playing my Seagull and have taken it on the weekly trips for the past few weeks again. I also finally broke down and took my old Epiphone to a highly recommended Luthier and he is in the process of setting it up and making some repairs on it. I bought it new back in 1971 or '72 so it is almost 40 years old now. He is resetting the neck, repairing a couple of loose braces on the inside, dressing the frets and various other things. It still looks great but needed some attention to get the action improved. I'm probably spending as much on it as it is worth but I guess it has some sentimental value to me so I told him to go ahead with the work. He did give me a GREAT deal because his business is a bit slow this time of the year. about it...are any of you experts yet? I know that I'm not. It just doesn't come natural to me and I will have to work at it a lot harder.
A blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the Loan officer. She says she's going to Europe on business for two weeks and Needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for the loan, so the blonde hands over the keys to a new Mercedes Benz SL 500. The car is parke...d on the street in front of the bank, she has the title and everything checks out. The bank agrees to accept the car collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the blond for using a $110,000 Benz as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then proceeds to drive the Benz into the bank's underground garage and parks it there. Two weeks later, the blonde returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41. The loan officer says, "Miss, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000?" The blonde replies, "Where else in New York City can I park my Car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return?" Finally... a smart blonde joke.
My Daughter-in-law has been pregnant of 41 weeks now and the Doctors said it's time to evict the soon to be Granddaughter. Doctors have been telling them longer then 41 weeks can be an added danger. My son just called from the hospital and they are ready to induce labor. Son said they are giving her something that is 30% effective in inducing labor and if something doesn't happen tonight they will give her something stronger tomorrow. There has been no signs of problems with the baby or Mother. Picture was taken yesterday. Praying all goes well.
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Well I finally got some good new from the docs. I have been laid up for 12 weeks since falling off a ladder and breaking my hip. I had a fractured hip, sprained ankle and bruised shin. And possible internal bleeding. They bolted the hip back together and told me to stay off it. No weight what so ever. Originally this was to be for four to six weeks. Then it appeared the bolts had backed out a little so no weight indefinitely. Today twelve weeks in the doctor said I can finally start to put some weight on my right side. Yahoo. I am wobbly but at least I can start relearning to walk. And hopefully I can be riding by summer. The other part is shortly after the fall I began to cough up blood. The bleeding stopped but the doctors were still worried. So I also underwent another upper GI today. The exam came back normal no visible internal damage. So I am quite excited about todays outcomes. Mike
Haven't been in here much lately.... was in the middle of Pre- trial conferences etc. for my claim-- struggling with PTSD at the moment But we have also sold our house, and we are in the middle of packing to move in about 4 weeks So will try to come say hello as much as I you guys
I've done parts of this route on separate rides before, but when you string them together, it is an awesome day of riding, especially with the clear, cooler weather we have now. Left just north of Atlanta at 0700 yesterday heading north up 575/515 to Blue Ridge, then up Rt. 5 to McCaysville into TN, then up Rt. 68 to Tellico Plains where we picked up the western point of the Cherohala Skyway and took it all the way to Robbinsville NC. If you have not ridden this before, put it on your bucket list - - it's one of the best 60+ mile stretches of road you'll ever ride. Then up US129 to the Dragon, which I have to say was way too crowded to really enjoy yesterday, but it's still a fun, twistie ride. At the top of the Dragon, we took the Parkway on a long, lazy ride to US321 south, stopping at a few scenic overlook areas to just take in the amazing views and do some bald eagle watching. We jumped off 321 onto SR337, aka Lamar Alexander Parkway, for a great ride along the Little River all the way to just south of Gatlinburg. On the bummer side, we came upon an accident scene where a biker ran off the road heading in the opposite direction. Don't know their fate, but the bike (looked like a Road King) was clear down the embankment and in the water. Hope they were OK. From Gatlinburg, we headed south on US441 through the Great Smokey Mountain National Forest to Cherokee NC, then back southwest on US74 to Andrews, Murphy, then SR60 to Blue Ridge GA, then back home down I-575. 14 hours, 475 miles, multiple stops for food and sightseeing, and capped off with a hot toddy and some much needed Advil! If you are looking for the ultimate Fall leaf peeping ride down this way, this one would be hard to beat. The colors aren't fully in yet, but the next 30 days or so will be spectacular, and the long range weather forecast at least for the next few weeks is supposed to be very cooperative - - 70's during the day and chilly but not cold at night. We plan to hit all or parts of this route again before the end of October if the kids and grandkids will let us get away, along with side trips already planned for Savannah later this week and Thunder Beach (Panama City Beach) in 3 weeks. Time to stock up on more Advil!
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I need to borrow/rent an engine hoist / shop crane for a couple of weeks. I was looking at buying one from Harbor freight (on sale now for $180 - 20% coupon + $144) but I really do not have room to store it when I am done with it. I just bought a surface grinder to put in my basement shop and need the hoist to disassemble it, load it, unload it, and then again to reassemble it in my basement. Anyone have one within 100 or so miles of Milwaukee? I have a full size P/U to come get it and return it home in a few weeks when I am done. I have also been watching Craigslist and ebay to find a good cheap one that I can use and then resell when I am done with it.
Well as some may remember, Wife, youngest daughter, and I moved to N.C. almost 3 months ago now. Well after the dust settled, we started looking hard for work. I scored first by picking up a job running a earth mover (scraper) for a place just North of us, 52 miles one way. I workeded for 2 weeks with 3 other guys, who all found this job on craigslist. The boss made lots of great promises and told us all how great his company was, and how well we were all doing, But at the end of 2 weeks he couldnt pay us. We then discovered that it was only a 4 week job and he did this to a crew before us. We were all done. We all felt pretty dumb for falling for his BS. We all had to make a dozen calls to people and eventually got our pay 6/7 weeks later and of course we were shorted with only about 50% of what was promised. I swore then that Id never take or even look at craigslist for another job and went back to other methods. After about a week and half of not working, I started to get real nervous again, and a fella called me about a mechanic's job. I have all the tools and used to do this also. He said the guys that worked there made between 55 and 60k a year. I was pretty excited. I loaded up my tools and went to work. I worked there for 3 weeks and discovered he, also wasnt on the up and up. We was on call for 24/7 and wasnt making much. Calculated up my hours verses pay and it came to about 6 dollars an hour. I busted my tail for them too- wanting to show how dedicated and a hard worker I was. During the time I was there I asked him how he got my info- said that I had answered his ad on craigslist, ( i put in so many apps that I was no longer sure). Did I mention Dont ever even look on Craigslist for a job?? Well during my last week there and while I was waiting for my first check (paid every 2 weeks so had to wait almost 3 to get one) I got a call from UPS. I talked to a very nice man named Junior, he was interested in me for a machanic spot that had just opened up. After 2 weeks of interviews and tests, I found out that I was chosen out of the other 7 or 8 apps. I am very excited to say that I start Monday! I will be doing what I like, for a company that has been around for 105 years. I get benifets, and can join the union after 45 days. Meanwhile wife has found a job, working in a office for the second largest construction company in the state, they love her and it looks great. Daughter also found a job with a computer tech company that works with airports around the east coast. her job really looks good also. So after a long scary past year and a half since wife and I both lost our jobs in Michigan, things are looking good and we're very excited about the future again!!
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just stopping in to say hello. i had my total knee operation done on the 22nd of last month. so far im doing good. but im at a home for about another 2 weeks for PT im realy working on this knee. almost have full extension. and i can bend it 90 degrees shooting for more. i will be working on walking with out the cane next week. just got done with the walker. things are looking good. i wont lie and say it dont hurt. after all its only been a few weeks. well have to run now. will keep you all posted when i an get to a computer. sincerly oldgoat
I've been watching this bike on Craigslist for weeks. Price keeps dropping. Is it a good deal? Not like I need another bike!
Had a flat on the trailer about 3 weeks ago. I think I can plug it though.
I have a set white face gauges that I got from ponch, and I want to add a tach to the brake res. So my question is, black face or the white face tach? I been tossing this around for a few weeks...
ok i just got approved for a total knee replacement for my very bad left knee. this will be done around the end of july. what i want to ask is? how many here had this done? and how long did it take you to feel like you could ride a bike again? also the right knee needs a partical replacement. most likely a year after the left. i was told that after the left one is done i will be sent to a rehab place for 2 weeks because i live alone and i have MS as well so they want me working the new knee for 4 to 5 hours a day for that 2 weeks the lots of PT there after. no driving for 6 weeks? this sounds like a good plan and i hope it works. not sure how much pain is invovled in healing ? im prety good at handling pain. and im sure they will dope me up. bad news is no new bike this fall. but hopes are for a good recovery and a new to me bike in the summer of 2013 i will have about $3900 to $4200 for a bike. wont be able to find one with the voyager trike kit for that amount. but if i get a light bike and low in the seat hight i should be able to hold it up. well let me know how you all did if you had this type of operation. and how long it took ya to get back on a bike thanks oldgoat
Hey folks, I need your expertise. Today my wife and I took a quick ride to grab a bite, and basically clear the cobwebs before we start another weeks work. As I was pulling out of the neighborhood, going through the gears getting up to speed, in 4th gear the bike revved a little and it sounded like clutch slippage. It was so quick and faint that I wasn't sure that I had actually experienced it. then we stopped at a red light. As we pulled away from the light, in 3rd or 4th, I can't remember which gear, it did it again. This time I felt for sure that it was clutch slippage. A mile or so after that, we hit an entrance ramp and got on the freeway. After I clicked it into 5th, and was throttling up to 70 mph, it revved again. From that point on it never did again. While we were eating, I remembered that a couple weeks ago when I rode it last, it had done the same thing once as I was pulling out of our neighborhood, but then didn't do it again the rest of the day. I thought then that I had imagined it, but not today. I know what I experienced today. So, my question is, 3 weeks ago I changed the oil, and for the first time I used synthetic oil, could the synthetic oil be causing slippage? The bike is a 2007 RSTD with 24k miles and has been perfect up until now. Please advise.
Update: saw the oncologist and he is optimistic that this can be controlled if not cured, IF the radiation "window" can reach from the lymph nodes under the collar bones down to the tumor on top of the stomach. It is a large "port" as they call it but it will be up to the radiation doctor. SO, PRAY PRAY PRAY that the window is big enough!!! He will have chemo weekly for 12 weeks and radiation daily for at least 6 weeks. The radiation will be the toughest because it will effect his swallowing, which will improve after treatments are finished. They will do gamma knife radiation to the brain lesion somewhere in all this. I am fully trusting in the power of prayer because it has gotten us this far!! this is from his daughter.....
Update: saw the oncologist and he is optimistic that this can be controlled if not cured, IF the radiation "window" can reach from the lymph nodes under the collar bones down to the tumor on top of the stomach. It is a large "port" as they call it but it will be up to the radiation doctor. SO, PRAY PRAY PRAY that the window is big enough!!! He will have chemo weekly for 12 weeks and radiation daily for at least 6 weeks. The radiation will be the toughest because it will effect his swallowing, which will improve after treatments are finished. They will do gamma knife radiation to the brain lesion somewhere in all this. I am fully trusting in the power of prayer because it has gotten us this far!! this is from his daughter.....
Looking for a tan seat that came on Millenium edition, 2nd gen (I think). If you run across one...let me know. I found one In Janesville Wi craigslist...but seller hasn't contacted back in a couple weeks. I'm really just looking for the tan color...non-fluffy, could be used corbin touring too. Thanks,
Two weeks commuting with a blown rear shock. Motion sickness pills............... $4.00 New shock with shipping......... $460.00 The new found ability to ride a mechanical bull.......... Priceless.
I changed my email password a few weeks ago and i have either forgotten it or it wont work now I'm usually always logged into when I get on so I haven't had to use it. Until today after the power went out. I've tried all of yahoos tips and nothing works
Sat the motor will be going back into the 83, hopefully with luck we might have it fired up and running before the end of the day. Still a lot of work ahead. This makes 3 out of the last 4 weeks that we, me and K-Rider have been working on it. We went riding last weekend for a change of pace. Pics will follow to show our progress.
Several weeks ago, a member posted an item for sale. I responded immediately. A few days later we talked on the phone to clarify some things and agree on a price. Once the total cost with shipping was determined I would then PayPal him. Said Item was never shipped. Several emails, PM's and voice mails later, and almost 3 weeks, still no items or responses, other then 1 post that it would be mailed out in the AM. Now the ad is marked sold. Another voice mail requesting an update...again, no response. So, the only assumption that I can come up with is the item was sold to another. Now, that little bit of background being said, there should be a list of do's and dont's when either buying or selling something in the classifieds. 1: Be honest. If there are any flaws, make them known. I was burned once before like that a long time ago on another cycle forum, even after a phone conversation with that seller who flat out lied to me. 2: Be a man, or woman: If you agree on something, stick to it. If something changes, let the buyer, or seller if your the buyer know. Don't like the price you agreed to? Let the other person know. 3: Be responsive: I know we all have our lives to live and sometimes we get delayed, but just what is a reasonable time to respond back to a seller or buyer? One person either wants to sell and another wants to buy. They want to get the deal over and done in a timely manner. One shouldn't have to leave multiple messages over weeks to get a response. Non-communication leads to assumptions. Most of the time I have found that those assumptions are usually right. But I have been known to be wrong too. It's simple.....just communicate with one another and there wont be any misunderstandings or assumptions. Have a nice day......
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Sounds like the mild winter is going to come to an abrupt end. Sleet and Ice turing to snow with strong winds in the next 48 hrs. Accumulations of up to 15 inches......I guess its not so bad. Another few weeks and we are on the downhill side of things. At least this isnt late november with another 4 months to look forward to.