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Found 19 results

  1. Greetings, new member from the eastern shore of MD. I have been riding and wrenching for 20+ years, just added a 2000 RSV mm to the stable and had it out for the first real ride today. The front brakes on this bike are very weak -- the rear brake is great and oddly feels 5x as strong as the front. The fluid looks clear and the master cylinder seems to actuate cleanly. Before I pull the calipers off and check out that side of the equation, I figured I would check the wisdom of the list on any potential common problem(s) to look for. I did a quick forum search, but didn't find anything that stood out to me. Thanks in advance, Israel
  2. Hi, I am a newbie and hope you can help me with a question. I am looking to buy a 2007 Venture and would like to know the problem areas and what to look for when I go to buy it. I have owned more Yamahas than any others and know their dependabilty, but every bike has their weak points. Thanks in advanvce!
  3. Ever have a starter just get really weak? Like too weak to turn the engine over? Working on my 83 which I personnally have never heard run. Acts like a really weak battery but I charge the battery AND add a fully charged jump box on it and still, the solenoid clicks but the starter does nothing. Occasionally it will drag the motor over really really slow about half a turn then stop. I upgraded to 4 gauge cables when I put it back together after the trans upgrade. I pulled the starter off and laying in the floor it spins great. No indications of an issue at all. Back on the bike and stick the jump box directly on the starter and it still does the same thing. Oh and I did the internal ground mod while I had the starter off, still no difference. The motor turns free by hand, no issue. The starter reduction gears are in there correct and not binding. It just acts like the starter don't have enough power to do the job. I've narrowed down everything I know to do and it seems to me like it's simply a weak starter. I know the newer 4 brush starters are the way to go, but I thought I'd run this by the guru's and see if I may be missing something.
  4. Any way to tell if you have good spark or if your spark is weak in your ignition system:sick:
  5. how can i tell if i have weak ignition or good:detective:
  6. A warning it,s grafic , not for the weak at heart http://thechive.com/2011/01/11/the-luckest-moments-in-all-of-2010-video/
  7. I had a weak moment and bought a 1986 Harley Sportster 883. This bike belonged to a fellow teacher that couldn't ride anymore. The bike sat for 3 years and I have repaired and got it road ready. This would be a great first bike and I will sale for 1400.00 under book value. I will take 4000.00 or best offer. I have rode the bike around 100 miles and runs great with no smoke. The bike has low mileage and when the speedo was removed to install drag bars the milage was at a little over 6000 miles. 870-405-3693 The bike is at Arkansas State University/ Searcy, AR Automotive Technology Department if you want to see it.
  8. Well I wired everything up and gave it the smoke test......and I didn't realize there were two stock horns! Do I need to disconnect the other front horn also? cause, the stebel sounds very weak! not loud at all............any idea's?..... clawed needs help........
  9. I noticed on Flea Bay that "VentureriderXVZ" was selling a 2001 wing. From the description he must have gone to Ark for the Rally but I don't recognize the handle. I am looking for a wing to go with the first gen. I am still a little weak with the top heavy Venture with the boss on back and we rode a wing and felt a lot better. I will keep my blackcherry baby for one up riding though.
  10. Hi All, New member here. I currently ride a 84 GL 1200 and have done alot of work on it to bring it up to a reliable machine so I know all of the weak points to the Goldwing of those years. Can anyone tell me what the weak areas of the 86 or 87Venture 1300 model? The Goldwing is a great ride,how does the Venture measure up ?
  11. Is anybody using the Zumo 660 with the BuddyRich cable and BT phone? Are you getting good results being heard on the other end when talking on the phone? For the record, folks in the Zumo forum are reporting weak voice under different configurations. This is NOT a problem with the BuddyRich cable. I am getting weak voice myself and looking for feedback from other Venture owners. Cheers!
  12. Went to start my 93 Venture Royale to ride home from work the other day and weak battery. Didn't start and had to boost. Noticed comming home gauge showed right on 12 and seems to me it use to be a little higher. Had to get gas after about 10 mi. and it started right back up. Got home went to testing. Battery showed 12.07v, stator output showed 7.04-7.25ac to ground on all 3 connections @ 3 wire plug. I charged the battery and now shows 12.30 not running and 12.50 running idle @ 700rpm. If I rev to 2500rpm I,m getting close to 13v. I have a pair of driving lights I added a couple of years ago and noticed when I shut them off I pick up about .25- .40v. They are 50 watts each. I had not had any problem at all, before this so I think the lights are ok, and I just got back from a 500mi trip 2 days earlier. I had the battery tested and it showed good-low charge before I charged it. From what I'm seeing on here the stator should be putting out more. And if I understood correctly I'm suppose to test the stator between the connections not to ground??? I'm wondering if the stator is weak, the lights are to much, idle too low (should be 1000rpm?), or something else altogether. Sorry so long here I tried to tell all I know and if anyone can shed more light here I'd appreciate it.
  13. Hi Folks. I just got off the phone after talking with Pete (tessac2). He seems to being doing well considering. He has questions from stroke survivors. He was wondering if folks could put their experiances here and in particular interest to him is the bikers who are riding after having a stroke. His left hand is quit weak and at this time he says he could not close the clutch if his life depended on it. His left leg is weak and his foot wont listen too well yet. Not good enough to shift gears he figures. And lastly...balance...the folks in rehab are worried about balance for riding. He tries to peek in here every now and then...but I will print up everything just before we head out to see him next Saturday. Thanks
  14. My new to me 90 Venture seems to have fairly weak front brakes. The rear aren’t to bad but the front could really use some help. In reading some old posts it looks like the fix is to replace the front with calipers from a R1 or R6 and/or upgrade to stainless brake lines. And de-linking the brakes. For a novice like me, swapping the calipers looks like it would be a straight forward task. Replacing the brake lines would be a bigger job and de-linking the brakes bigger still. So my question, would just replacing the calipers make much of a difference? Will any year R1 or R6 calipers work? Do the rotors need to be replaced along with the calipers? Do the brakes need to be de-linked when upgrading? I’m thinking of upgrading in stages and seeing what helps. Thanks, Al
  15. Here's a few pics from our ride for the Vietnam memorial this weekend. My camera evidently didn't take all the pics I thought it did. Had to change the batteries they seem to have been a bit weak. Oh well you'll get the point. Got a few interesting bikes like the one that's a coffin, and the betty boop one.
  16. The explanation of the volt meter function in the owners manual is pretty wimpy. It says if the needle drops into the yellow zone while riding, see your dealer. So, electrical experts; Can the meter show a weak or dying battery? Would that be indicated by a low reading while the bike is not running? If so, I assume less than 10 volts or so would be an indication of a weak battery? And, what if the reading is weak while riding? Is that a bad battery, or a bad stator?
  17. Used CB all day today during group CMA ride. Leaving a parking lot, I tooted my weak stock horn to get someone yakking to get with the program. But man, my horn was actually LOUD! WOW! Got to the end of my ride and pulled up beside my wife's bike and told her "CHECK THIS OUT!". It was so loud it about knocked me off the bike. She said "sounds as cheesy as it always does". I took my helmet off and hit it again. Same weak toot. unplugged the helmet, switched to the speakers, hit the horn and BAM, horn sounds out of speakers (remember, headset and therefore mic are not plugged in). Turn off CB and leave just radio on and no problem. HELP!!! If I turn up the CB loud and forget and blow the horn, I am gonna be hurting!
  18. Anyone have a blown rear shock off a 2nd gen laying around? I'd like to get some measurements off of it. I'm trying to replace the weak rear air shock with a standard spring and hydraulic shock.
  19. The battery on my 86 venture stranded me the other day. After i got a jump start i rode home and shut the bike off. I decided to see if the battery had enough juice to start the bike and of course it did. I was able to start the bike many times with a hot engine. After the bike sat for a week i went to start it and it cranked a bit then that was all. I guess i have a weak battery as i do not know how old it is. I have noticed that the volt gauge says around 14 or 16 volts when im riding but i notice a dimming of the lights when i hit the brakes. I guess that the stator puts out more amps at say 3500 rpm's versus 1500 or 2000 rpm's. I will replace the battery next spring but could a weak stator be part of the problem also?
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