I don't usually endorse a product like this but I just couldn't resist!!!!!!! I went to Wally World Saturday and they had this stuff on sale Turtle Wax black box waxing system. So I said what the heck, my 02 midnight Venture is due for a full waxing I'll give it a shot. It is marketed as being for black vehicles only and shes black. It is a 2 step system. Put on cleaner conditioner, let dry, spray with a black detail spray(everything is black in color),buff off,put on wax,let dry,spray again with spray,buff off and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god I have never seen anything like it. The paint looked 20 layers deep with a mirror finish I AM IMPRESSED! Now the fun part, not being one to stop at one, I proceeded to do my wife's (BLUE) Suzuki Burgman with it and..........same results! Guess the black vehicles only is the gimmick. But THIS STUFF IS UNBELIEVABLE if you haven't tried it try it REALLY it's worth the 15 bucks. I figure I will get about 5 or 6 waxing's out of it!