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  1. I believe I want to remove the tank badges and whiskers from the fairing. I have already removed the sticker from the tank and the 'Yamaha' from the trunk. For those I used WD-40 to get the glue off, then used wax to clean up the mess that the WD-40 just smeared around. First off, are the tank badges just double sided taped on? Or, am I going to have to fill holes like in the old days? Secondly, is there something out there better for getting the glue off than WD-40, that won't hurt the paint? WD-40 and wax does do it, but it takes alot of elbow grease too. And lastly, is there and easy was of getting these chrome items off without damaging them? - Just in case I want to put them back on at a later date. craigr
  2. Just wondering if anyone knows the best way to take care of or clean vinyl stripes on a car. Bought the car in '09 (2007 Mustang GT) and the dealer had added the stripes to it after it came in from a lease. A year later the stripes became "mottled" so I had them replaced. Now they are looking "mottled" again. Normal wash and wax when I do the car. I've tried vinyl cleaner but doesn't seem to give them any protection and the discolouration comes back again. If I replace them again I'll get the stripes painted on ! Suggestions?
  3. The bikes are soon going into cold storage. I read someplace that it is good to wash and dry the bike (dedicated to the bike leaf blower) and then use spray wax. You do not wipe it off. I plan on using Ice wax. Yeas or nays? Just to save the responses I also plan on an oil change and Seafoam or Stabil in the tank.
  4. Last year I was stumped :scratchchin:on what this was all this was about, So I did my research and it only took a year to get it just right. but it makes since now. There is a method to this madness !!! At first I could not figure out what the difference was with Polishing and Waxing. then found out about cleaning clays. (what's that?) *lol* So basically vintage cars and Trike in my case. WASH Trike/Car Use cleaning clay to remove all the rest of any surface dirt. Use Polish (1) (2) or (3) after that to remove any surface scratch marks and finely WAX . There are different polish and wax applicators as well. All used with Griots Orbitals I use mostly the 3" on the Trike and I also have the 6 " for the Vintage cars. Today it is real humid out so I am doing this in the Garage with the Air Conditioner running. Man oh Man what a difference in the paint job after doing this the correct way. Rather than the basic way-- wash and slapping wax on. AMAZING !! So Shinny !! Jeff
  5. So yesterday after looking at my outdoor parked Royal star for weeks in disgust. My paint doesnt have that showroom shine I see those harley guys have and yes my bike has 3 times the miles that thier do i still feel awful. I was reluctant to buy the mothers wax cause I am too cheap and at $13 I could buy 3 other bottles and get the job done. well that isnt the case. i have tried turtle wax, Ice, and a few other bike specific waxs liquid and paste. This one truly brought back that deep black showroom shine. the only thing that gives it away is the small rust spot and deeper scratches on the tank. The haze is gone and it feels amazing. the side untouched feels rough whiel the waxed sides is smooth. Sorry no pics yet guys because just as I was applying the second coat to the chrome on the side stand side . April showers began , just to make my day. Before and after pics to cme. MEGUAIRS all the way
  6. Ok, ya looked. I figured the way you guys follow Beavers advantures you'd jump all over that header. But.....I was digging in a couple of those old boxes that seem to follow you around for years that contain things that you keep for no reason and I did find something that I used to love but is was lost track of for years, actually decades and I like to find it again. It took me a while to figure out what is was but when I did I started jonesing for more. Many moons ago, like in the mid 70's I was at a car show and ran across a different kind of car wax. It came in a plastic tub and was in a powder form. You would take a damp cloth and dip it in the powder and apply it like a paste. The thing was that it did not let water bead up like a regular wax. After you finished applying it you could throw a bucket of water on the car and it would simply run off in a sheet. Not a spot to be seen. The effect was rather interesting when I would use RainX on the window also. People used to stop and look at the car when it was raining out because it looked like it was dry. You could see the rain drops hit and splash but then.....nothing. No beaded water, no spots and when it dried there were no water marks. Sadly the tub is now so worn and faded I can read nothing on it. What powder is left is a solid, hard as nails chunk. Maybe if I throw it in the blender.....? Sure would like to find out if it is still available. Only time I ever saw it for sale was at the car show. Never in a store, car mags or even offered on TV! But that was way before those fantastic infomercials were there to guide in our purchases. Anybody ran across a product like this? As the kind of guy that would rather ride the bike than clean it..........see where I'm going with this........it would be great for bike. Mike
  7. :no-no-no: After getting the RSV midnight back together, well almost back together. Still have to change the rear tire, pull and lube the drive shaft. Any how I decided to do a little cleaning. I had just picked up Turtle wax's Black Box. This is a wax that is made just for black paint and is advertised to do away with cob web aka very fine scratches in the clear coat. Well to make a long story short. IT DOES NOT DO THE JOB! It was a process you had to follow, several step and when all done I had more cob web then what I had when I started. So I guess I'll be getting the buffer back out and the Hi Tech Yellow wax.
  8. Car wax or Pledge.. I just gave a 2005 Venture Midnight a good washing....Car wax or Pledge ? Thanks Cb
  9. Guest

    I Hate Wax !!

    I went with Sharon to the store today...not optional, so was looking around at Wally's for bike stuff. I washed my all black scoot on a freaky 68* last Monday. Since wax melts off around here whenever scoot is in the sun, I looked at alternatives. This is the 5th black scoot I've had in a row & I'm real tired of constant cleaning + waxing. Most 'wax' goes on 'white'....and I really don't like that, either. Today, I got some Polymer Protective Coating, made by "Mothers" & is called FX or FK...can't tell, but it's CLEAR & supposed to be way better than wax. Cost about $6. for ~10 oz of clear liquid. Not supposed to melt away on a sunny day or leave any white spots. Sure looks good. Can't be any more useless than wax. Anyone know about this stuff??
  10. Greetings experts. I have yet another question for you geniuses. So I've been using a technique for years for restoring plexiglass and other plastic stuff with scratches involving 400grit wet/dry, 1600grit wet/dry, then 2000grit wet/dry, then rubbing compound (usually turtle wax rubbing compound - as opposed to turtle wax WAX) then finally a polishing compound like quixx (orange box at wal-mart works great - usually). When I tried that formula on the OEM 2nd Gen RSV windshield I discovered that it has this weird coating on it that does NOT like to be sanded. I was finally able to fix the problem I created for myself by sanding the ENTIRE inside surface of the windshield (as opposed to the 4 square inches I was actually trying to fix in the first place. So I guess I have two questions: 1. what the hell are these windshields coated with and 2. Anyone have a 2nd gen full-sized RSV windshield to sell? Okay, I guess I have a 3rd question: has anyone tried one of the aftermarket "oversized" windshields being sold on e-bay? They claim to be a few inches taller and wider than OEM. I'm curious how that impacts aerodynamics etc... thx, Danny
  11. Did a wax comparison on 3 scoots today using Mothers ,liquid glass and Turtle Wax. All we can say, is that, we couldnt see any difference by using the cheap Turtle wax
  12. Has anyone used this S100 wash and wax ?....Fred
  13. Down here in Mickey Mouse land, we have a problem with humidity. As such, sometimes when I leave for work at o dark thirty in the morning, I hit areas on the road where my windshield goes completely white and is fogged over. Any ideas or suggestions? I do wax it with Honda spray polish but that does not seem the make any difference. Also, I don't have a windshield vent like some bikes I have seen.
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