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Found 5 results

  1. Yep, another "wave" thread. I've been riding since the only choices were Harley Davidson, Indian, Cushman, or Schwinn. Didn't always own one all that time, but have had one or more for around 50 years now. Street, off road, quads, three wheelers, dirt bikes, drag racing (1/4 mile street modified 119 mph, 11.7 secs. back in the early 70's). I have ridden lots of different brand names, most of the years the major ride was Yamaha. Harley in middle 60's, but also BMW in the 60's and again in the 70's. GL 1000 early Gold Wing, '79 XS1100 got traded for a '84 Venture Royale new off the show room floor rode it until 2004, just to name a few. Never knew I was obligated to wave. SO WHAT? most of you are asking. Some of you have more experience than I, some a lot less. Let me tell you, folks, it's about the riding that pleases you, not what seems to be proper in someone else's eyes. Why do some of you think it's an obligation to wave? We all enjoy riding, and for a wide variety of reasons. Some are strictly in town cruisers, some canyon carvers, some cross country high mileage fanatics. Do I have to wave because you think it's a sign of comraderie? I don't see Dodge Charger drivers waving, or Mustang drivers. I'm sure some of them do, but it's not an obligation. If you are feeling friendly and aren't too busy driving, and want to wave, for cryin' out loud, wave! But there may be times when it is not easy or convenient to wave, so don't! I just don't think anyone should be judged innocent or guilty of proper motorcycle protocol by the act of waving or not waving. It's about the journey. How's this for wasting time on Sunday morning?:2cents: (I doubled up because this looks like about 4 cents worth)
  2. I can take the fact my driveway is iced up and still takes a 4x4 to get out. I can take the fact it's Feb 1 and the creek is running high. I can take the fact I got called out to work a few hours today but? What was that group of 4 Harley's doing out on the interstate? Acting like it was the fourth of July and I didn't feel like waving.
  3. Hopefully someone can help me out.. When ever you compose a message there is a box below your text input box full of smileys and stupid irritating happy face gits (anim gifs).. can you spell the word annoying as hell? Anyway, is there a way to NOT have this box show up or at the very least can someone kill that *&$^$^ big head one that keeps waving its arms around? Of all that I like about this forum, THIS is enough to burn my retinas.. Some people are scared of clowns.. I'm irritated by anim gifs.. help!
  4. Have you ever seen that You-tube video by an American biker in, I think, Japan about the various waves bikers have? He has a helmet mounted video and is a good rider, going through heavy traffic like a pro, while demonstrating various waves, ending with his wild mockery including turning around looking backwards and waving both hands like shooting guns (or something similar). well, yesterday, I came upon a biker (Harley of course) that seemed like he had seen that video and was making fun of those of us that do a brotherly wave at other bikes. He took both hands up in a "quotes" style series of moves. Made me laugh. Still, am sad for the mostly Harley riders that seem too stuck up to bother waving at a metric rider. Guess they are too busy dreaming of being in the next "Wild Hogs" movie! LOL
  5. I love motorcycles, and I love riding. Like many of you what first drew me to bikes was not just the experience of riding, but the feeling that I'd become part of a special community - a brotherhood, really. Nothing calms me more than a long ride down the interstate, waving to the members of my beloved clan. Except when I pass Harley guys. I hate Harley guys. Hate, hate, hate. When they pass me on the highway, you know what I do? I don't wave. With their little tassel handlebars and the studded luggage and the half helmets, they drive me crazy. You know who else I hate? BMW guys. Oh, do I hate those guys. I don't wave at them either. They think they're so great, sitting all upright, with their 180 degree German engines. God, I hate them. They're almost as bad as those old guys on their touring motorcycles. You know what I call those bikes? "Two wheeled couches!" Get it? Because they're so big. They drive around like they have got all day. Appreciate the scenery somewhere else, Grandpa, and while your at it, I'm not waving to you. Ducati guys - I don't wave at them either. Why they don't spend a little more money on their bikes? "You can have it in any color as long as it is red." Aren't you cool! Like they even know what a Desmo-whatever engine is, anyway. Try finding the battery, you Italian-wannabe racers! I never, ever wave at those guys. Suzuki guys aren't much better, which is why I never wave at them, either. They always have those stupid helmets sitting on the top of their stupid heads, and God forbid they should ever wear any safety gear. They make me so mad. Sometimes they'll speed by and look over at me and you know what I do? I don't wave I just keep going. Please, don't get me started on Kawasaki guys. Ninjas? What are you, twelve years old? Team Green, my butt. I never wave at Kawasaki guys. I ride a Venutre, and I'll only wave at Venture guys, but even then, I'll never wave at a guy in full leathers. Never, never, never. Yeah like you're going to get your knee down on the New York Thruway. Guys in full leathers will never get a wave from me, and by the way, neither will the guys in two piece leathers. And I'll tell you who else I'm not waving at - those guys with the helmets with loud paint jobs. Four pounds of paint on a two pound helmet - like I'm going to wave back at that! I'll also never wave at someone with a mirrored visor. Or helmet stickers. Or racing gloves. Or hiking boots. To me, motorcycling is like a family, a close knit brotherhood of people who ride Ventures, wear jeans and a leather jacket (not Vanson) with regular gloves and a solid color helmet with a clear visor, no stickers, no racing gloves and regular boots (not Timberlands). And isn't that what really makes riding so special.
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