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  1. If you are heading West to Nelson today from Saskatchewan or further, keep an eye open for my son Alex heading back to BC from the oil fields of Saskatchewan and Manitoba for his mothers birthday. He is driving a white Dodge Dakota with BC plates. Blow his mind honk and wave at him. He knows you will be on the road and keeping a closer eye out for you and all riders. Ride safe, wish I was joining you. Kevin
  2. Thought this was quite interesting.... http://thetimerider.hubpages.com/hub/MotorcycleEtiquetteHowNotToWaveLikeADork
  3. I know I'm new to this site but just a reminder for the Midwest folks, Farmers are out with their tractors, Planters and Plows. Please be careful and give them a wave. They appreciate it.
  4. Mrs. Vicco here…I’m curious about hand signals/waves. Most of the time, the approaching rider has their left arm extended downwards. Sometimes the palm is facing forward, sometimes the hand is flat with the palm towards the ground. Sometimes, the rider has his arm raised, bent at the elbow, with the palm facing forwards, but sometimes they’ll have their index finger raised. Occasionally, they’ll actually wave. Do the different methods have meanings, or are they all just biker-to-biker greetings and the difference is simply personal preference? Do people in different parts of the country prefer a particular type of wave? Part 2 of this question: Yesterday, when we were riding, twice we met others riding two-up and in both instances, the passenger signaled with her arm in a downward position and pointing with two fingers. I didn’t think anything of it the first time it happened, but the second time caught my attention. Is this a new signal, a two-up to two-up greeting? In both cases, the driver didn’t wave, just the passenger. Thanks for any explanations you can provide.
  5. Yep, another "wave" thread. I've been riding since the only choices were Harley Davidson, Indian, Cushman, or Schwinn. Didn't always own one all that time, but have had one or more for around 50 years now. Street, off road, quads, three wheelers, dirt bikes, drag racing (1/4 mile street modified 119 mph, 11.7 secs. back in the early 70's). I have ridden lots of different brand names, most of the years the major ride was Yamaha. Harley in middle 60's, but also BMW in the 60's and again in the 70's. GL 1000 early Gold Wing, '79 XS1100 got traded for a '84 Venture Royale new off the show room floor rode it until 2004, just to name a few. Never knew I was obligated to wave. SO WHAT? most of you are asking. Some of you have more experience than I, some a lot less. Let me tell you, folks, it's about the riding that pleases you, not what seems to be proper in someone else's eyes. Why do some of you think it's an obligation to wave? We all enjoy riding, and for a wide variety of reasons. Some are strictly in town cruisers, some canyon carvers, some cross country high mileage fanatics. Do I have to wave because you think it's a sign of comraderie? I don't see Dodge Charger drivers waving, or Mustang drivers. I'm sure some of them do, but it's not an obligation. If you are feeling friendly and aren't too busy driving, and want to wave, for cryin' out loud, wave! But there may be times when it is not easy or convenient to wave, so don't! I just don't think anyone should be judged innocent or guilty of proper motorcycle protocol by the act of waving or not waving. It's about the journey. How's this for wasting time on Sunday morning?:2cents: (I doubled up because this looks like about 4 cents worth)
  6. I was on my way to work on monday and spotted a midnight venture on springrove by the main post office there i was on "big Blue" gave a wave . just woundering if he lived here and was a member. Ron
  7. Hey I copied this off of another site. They're talking about the motor cycle wave that is so prevalent here in the states when we ride. Of course most non-riders think it's goofy, but this Aussie responded based on what's normal over there I guess. Is this the general consensus over there? Just wondering? "No mate, we just don't wave. You're on a bike, I'm on a bike, we nod as we pass. Aussies and UK riders don't get excited about seeing other people on bikes. Many don't even bother nodding at all. Kinda surprised me that everyone I saw on a bike in the USA DID wave at me. We're not into the brotherhood of bikers stuff here. Maybe some Harley clubs are. That's not to say that guys won't stop if you look like you need help. I guess we're just more reserved is all. We don't fly flags or get all misty eyed when we hear the national anthem either. (Most of us think Waltzing Matilda should be the national anthem actually) It's about the only song most Aussies recognize when they hear it. Apart from ACDC of course."
  8. Here it is...less than 24 hours away, and the next chapter of Lonna and my life starts. Things are finally wrapped up with Amanda and Nancy, sold most Ron's tools and got the H/D in road condition so I can take Amanda on the last ride on her fathers bike. It's been one hell of a time and I'm still going 100 mph, but tomorrow at about 9am....it will all start to sink in. I will remember the last few weeks that I crammed as much time in with my family and friends. I will cherish those times as I dont know when we'll get back to see them. I am also excited, excited to be able to leave here and start a better life elsewhere. A place where there is family for Lonna and friends for us both, life is an adventure....and I will live it without compromise. I want to thank all the members for all the well wishes we have recieved, you folks mean a lot to us, more than I can spell out on an internet forum. So if you see an Burgundy '04 Buick Rainier pulling a red and black trailer and a Dark Blue '92 Chevy Wagon pulling an '89 VR Honk and wave...were friendly, we'll wave back Texas....here we come
  9. In a post someone talked about the cool wave and the new nerdy wave. I must be dumb on this one, some explain the waves to me, so I know which one I using. I just hold my hand out to the side. Gregg
  10. leaving fri......denver sat night......moab sun......if ya see a m&m...a beemer and a harly give me a wave.......hope the weather holds..........will be touring utah till next thursday.........later.....
  11. went on a 200+ mile ride yesterday to the Garden of the Gods in illinois and seen 4 second gens 07 black and blue 2 of the midnight blacks and i think it is a 99 two tone green all in Illinois from Anna to Harrisburg. Is it anybody here? i wave at all of them.
  12. We're heading out in the morning for the Charleston-Hilton Head-Savannah area. If you see a Blue/Black RSV or Black HD Ultra towing Unigo's give us a wave. We plan to follow US25 most of the way with a stop in Greenville, SC tomorrow night. Hope to stay dry but I doubt it. Dennis
  13. if you see an 07 venture on the skyline, blueridge, tail of the dragon, and natchez trace after may 2 thru may 16....it should be my girlfriend and i......so.....wave...and say hi... and any comments on great places to eat and stay...please list here thanks
  14. A friend of mine bought an '84 VR and had me take it out for a spin. It's a handful going around a corner or a curve.It wants to jerk rather abruptly when your riding down the road and hit a crown in the road or any wave pavement , like when they grind the pavement for resurfacing the highway.I'm not sure what to tell him. Any ideas? Thanks.
  15. Ok, so on my way in to work this evening, I pass a couple of Ventures on the road. Everytime I pass one, I wonder, "Are they a member of VR?" I think we ought to come up with a "secret" wave so we know who is a member as we pass. Then again, I may be smokin crack:rotf:. Any ideas?
  16. well today is the day we head off for a little ride. we will be headed through Shippinsburg Pa, St Louis MO, Memphis Tn, Birmingham Ala, Atlanta Ga, Greenville Sc and finally Washington Dc for the run for the wall. Hopefully we will run into a member or two along the way so if you see a black rsv towing a white camper give us a wave. Tina will have her laptop and will try to keep posting updates as we go and hopefully some pictures too. well thats all for now. ride safe everyone. Mike and T
  17. I found this on Pashnit and it was noted as coming from another post, so I am not sure who to give credit to. It is a good story, RandyA From another forum, Great Read! The bike's passenger seat swept up just enough that I could see over my father's shoulders. That seat was my throne. My dad and I travelled many backroads together...searching for the ones we had never found before. Travelling these roads just to see where they went. Never in a rush, just be home by supper. I remember wandering down a backroad with my father, sitting on my throne watching the trees whiz by, feeling the rumble of our bike beneath us like a giant contented cat. A motorcycle came over a hill towards us and as it went by, my father threw up his clutch hand and gave a little wave. The other bike waved back with the same friendly swing of his left wrist. I tapped my dad on the shoulder, which was our signal that I wanted to say something. He cocked his head back slightly while keeping his eyes ahead... I yelled, "Did you know him?" "What?" "You waved at him...who was that?" "I don't know. Just another guy on a bike....so I waved." "How come?" "You just do...it's important." Later, when we had stopped for ice cream, I asked him why it was so important to wave to other bikers. My dad tried to explain how the wave demonstrated comradeship and a mutual understanding of what it was to enjoy riding a motorcycle. He looked for the words to describe how almost all bikers struggled with the same things like cold, rain, heat, wind, and drivers who didn't see them, but how riding remained an almost pure pleasure. I was young then and I am not sure that I really understood what he was trying to get across, but it was a beginning of something. Afterwards, I always waved along with my dad whenever we passed other bikes. I remember one cold October morning when the clouds were heavy and dark, giving us another clue that winter was heading in from just over the horizon. My dad and I were warm inside our car as we headed to a friends house. Rounding a corner, we saw a motorcycle parked on the shoulder of the road. Past the bike, we saw the rider walking thru the ditch, scouring along thru the tall grass, crowned with a touch of frost. Dad pulled over and backed up to where the bike stood. I asked Dad..."Who's that?" "Don't know" he replied..."but he seems to have lost something. Maybe we can give him a hand." We left the car and wandered thru the tall grass ditch to the biker. He said that he had been pulling on his gloves as he rode, and that he had lost one. The three of us spent some time combing the ditch, but all we found were empty cans and bottles. My dad then turned and headed back to the car and opened the trunk. He rummaged thru various tools, oil containers, and this and that until he found an old pair of crumpled up leather gloves. He continued looking until he found an old catalogue. I understood what he was doing with the gloves....but I had no idea what he needed with the catalogue. "Here's some gloves for you" my dad said as he handed them to the rider..."and I brought you a catalogue as well." "Thanks"..I really appreciate it." He reached into his hip pocket and pulled out an old chain wallet. "Lemme give you some money for the gloves" he said. "No thanx" dad replied as he handed them to the rider. "They're not worth anything and they're old anyway". The biker smiled. "Thanx alot." He pulled the old gloves on and unzipped his jacket. I watched as my dad handed him the catalogue and the biker slipped it inside his coat. He jostled it around, positioning it up high, centered, and then zipped it up. I remembered now making sense of why my dad had given him the catalogue. It would keep him a bit warmer. After wishing the biker well, my dad and I left him warming up his bike. Two weeks later, the biker came to our home and returned my father's gloves. He had found the address on the catalogue. Neither my father nor the biker seemed to think that my dad stopping at the side of the road for a stranger and giving him a pair of gloves, and that the stranger making sure that the gloves were returned, were events out of the ordinary for people who rode motorcycles. For me, it was another subtle lesson. It was spring of the next year when I was sitting high on my throne, watching the farm fields slip by when I saw two bikes coming towards us. As they rumbled past, my dad and I waved, but the other bikers kept their sunglasses locked straight ahead and did not acknowledge us. I remember thinking that they must have seen us because our waves were too obvious to miss. Why didn't they wave back? I thought all bikers waved at one another..... I tapped my dad on the shoulder and yelled..."How come they didn't wave back?" "Don't know. Sometimes they don't." I remember feeling very puzzled. Why wouldn't someone wave back? The next summer, I was finally old enough to learn to ride a motorcycle with a clutch. Many an afternoon were spent on a country lane beside our home, kicking and kicking to start my dad's old 1955 BSA. When it would finally come to a sputtering start, my concentration would grow to a sharp focus, as I tried to let out the clutch slowly enough, and bring us to a smooth take off. More often than not, I would lurch forward.....and begin to attempt to kickstart the motor again. Eventually, I got my own motorcycle license, and began wandering the backroads on my own. I found myself stopping along sideroads if I saw another biker alone, just to check and see if he needed help.......and I continued to wave at other riders. But I remained focused as to why some riders never waved back. It left me with almost a feeling of rejection, as if I were reaching to shake someones hand, but they kept their arm hanging by their side. I began to canvass my friends about waving. I talked with people at biker events, asking what they thought. Most of the old riders told me they waved to other bikers and often initiated the friendly air handshake as they passed one another. I did meet some riders tho, who told me that they did not wave to other riders because they felt that they were different from other bikers. They felt that they were a "breed apart". One guy told me in rather colorful language, that he did not "wave to no wussies". He went on to say that his kind of bikers were tough, independent, and they did not require or want the help of anyone, whether they rode a bike or not. I suspected that there were some people who bought a bike because they wanted to purchase an image of being tougher, more independent, a not-putting-up-with-anyone's-crap kind of person, but I didn't think that this was typical of most riders. People by bikes for different reasons. Some will be quick to tell you what make it is, how much they paid for it, or how fast it will go. Brand loyalty is going to be strong for some people whether they have a Harley, Ford, Sony, or whatever... Some people want to buy an image and try to purchase another person's perception of them. But it can't be done. Still, there is a group of people who ride bikes who truly are a breed apart. They appreciate both the engineering and the artistry in the machines they ride. Their bikes become part of who they are and how they define themselves to themselves alone. They don't care what other people think. They don't care if anyone knows how much they paid for their bike or how fast it goes. The bike means something to them that nothing else does. They ride for themselves and not for anyone else. They don't care whether anyone knows they have a bike. They may not be able to find words to describe what it means to ride, but they still know. They may not be able to describe what it means to feel the smooth acceleration and the strength beneath them. But they understand. These are the riders who park their bikes, begin to walk away and then stop. They turn and look back. They see something when they look at their bikes that you might not. Something more complex, something that is almost secret, sensed rather than known. They see their passion. They see a part of themselves. These are the riders who understand why they wave to other motorcyclists. They savour the wave. It symbolizes connection between riders, and if they saw you and your bike on the side of the road, they would stop to help and might not ask your name. They understand what you are up against every time you take your bike on the road.....the drivers that don't see you, the ones that cut you off or tailgate you, the potholes that lie in waiting. The rain. The cold. I have been shivering and sweating on a bike for more than 40 years. Most of the riders that pass give me a supportive wave. I love it when I see a younger rider on a "crotch rocket" scream past me and wave. New riders carrying on the traditions. I will continue in my attempts to get every biker just a little closer to one another with a simple wave. And if they do not wave back when I extend my hand into the breeze as I pass them, I will smile a little more. Maybe their just mistaken about who is a "breed apart."
  18. my hat's off to you brother. you did a superb job of bringing the squidly surprise, to fruition! i spoke briefly with brad a few minutes ago, and he was absolutely caught off guard, untill the second wave of riders rolled up! YOU DID GOOD, my friend, and many thanks , for picking up the ball and running with it! i owe ya one! just jt
  19. I love motorcycles, and I love riding. Like many of you what first drew me to bikes was not just the experience of riding, but the feeling that I'd become part of a special community - a brotherhood, really. Nothing calms me more than a long ride down the interstate, waving to the members of my beloved clan. Except when I pass Harley guys. I hate Harley guys. Hate, hate, hate. When they pass me on the highway, you know what I do? I don't wave. With their little tassel handlebars and the studded luggage and the half helmets, they drive me crazy. You know who else I hate? BMW guys. Oh, do I hate those guys. I don't wave at them either. They think they're so great, sitting all upright, with their 180 degree German engines. God, I hate them. They're almost as bad as those old guys on their touring motorcycles. You know what I call those bikes? "Two wheeled couches!" Get it? Because they're so big. They drive around like they have got all day. Appreciate the scenery somewhere else, Grandpa, and while your at it, I'm not waving to you. Ducati guys - I don't wave at them either. Why they don't spend a little more money on their bikes? "You can have it in any color as long as it is red." Aren't you cool! Like they even know what a Desmo-whatever engine is, anyway. Try finding the battery, you Italian-wannabe racers! I never, ever wave at those guys. Suzuki guys aren't much better, which is why I never wave at them, either. They always have those stupid helmets sitting on the top of their stupid heads, and God forbid they should ever wear any safety gear. They make me so mad. Sometimes they'll speed by and look over at me and you know what I do? I don't wave I just keep going. Please, don't get me started on Kawasaki guys. Ninjas? What are you, twelve years old? Team Green, my butt. I never wave at Kawasaki guys. I ride a Venutre, and I'll only wave at Venture guys, but even then, I'll never wave at a guy in full leathers. Never, never, never. Yeah like you're going to get your knee down on the New York Thruway. Guys in full leathers will never get a wave from me, and by the way, neither will the guys in two piece leathers. And I'll tell you who else I'm not waving at - those guys with the helmets with loud paint jobs. Four pounds of paint on a two pound helmet - like I'm going to wave back at that! I'll also never wave at someone with a mirrored visor. Or helmet stickers. Or racing gloves. Or hiking boots. To me, motorcycling is like a family, a close knit brotherhood of people who ride Ventures, wear jeans and a leather jacket (not Vanson) with regular gloves and a solid color helmet with a clear visor, no stickers, no racing gloves and regular boots (not Timberlands). And isn't that what really makes riding so special.
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