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  1. I realize there is another posting about protable cameras like the GoPro...but this little guy takes the cake. It's not really HD or waterproof....but it does seem to work from what I've read from others... Pilot Automotive Dash Cam - Walmart.com david
  2. Looking at getting a camera that Nancy can use while we are riding so she can take pictures while we are rolling. Hoping to get recommendations. We went to a camera store and the one they are recommending is the Canon Powershot D20 12.1mp 5x optical zoom with 28mm wide angle lens, digital zoon 4x 3" lcd waterproof (to 33 feet), shockproof (up to 5', temperature resistant (14 to 104F) gps tracker 1080P for video shutter speed 1-1/1600sec auto sensitivity - ISO100 to 3200 (optimal ISO auto set) built in flash continuous shooting - 1.9 shots/sec This would be for still shots, small percentage video. Want something waterproof (obviously) that has a fast shutter. Suggestions?
  3. My wife and I were heading out with some friends to the Heroes Highway Ride in the rain yesterday when I suddenly got an ear busting shriek in my headphones. It was really painful and lasted several seconds. I pulled up beside the leader at the next traffic light and told him I had a problem and to pull into the next mall. I got a couple more blasts on the way and was in real pain. Finally pulled into the lot and turned off the ignition just as another one hit. I checked what I could and my buddy tried his headset but nothing there. I was afraid it was an electrical problem and I didn't want to risk riding another 150 KM and possibly breaking down on a major highway in the rain, so the others went on and we unplugged our headsets and went back home. Once there (With my ears still ringing!) I started testing the system and by accident, discovered the problem - my wife had turned her volume up to max to make sure I could hear her over the extra noise from the rain and wet roads. I turned the main volume up as well and what we were getting was "feedback" from the intercom system! When it shrieked, I dropped the volume for the passenger and the noise stopped. It was worse with my IMC headsets than with the J&M set, which wasn't surprising since the IMC have always seemed to have a more sensitive microphone. Anyway, that's something else we'll have to watch in the future. Now I have to head to the doctor's to see just how badly I may have hurt my ears. My first bike with an audio system...it never occurred to me that this could happen. Yet another - painful - lesson. Oh yeah ... I was wearing some Icon waterproof Patrol gloves and they got thoroughly wet inside and out. It seems they have a design flaw - the waterproof liner is stitched to the inner and outer liner of the glove. Guess what happens when you poke dozens of little holes in a waterproof line - IT ISN'T WATERPROOF ANY MORE!! Fortunately they were still under warranty so I returned to the dealer and exchanged them for some Teknic gloves that have a tab all along the edge of their liner so that when it is sewn to the inner and outer layers, it doesn't get poked full of holes leading to the interior of the glove! Oh and our first time used, less than a year old Frogg Togg pants leaked at the seams and nicely wet our bottoms - such fun! Andy
  4. I need a waterproof bag idea that will cover one of those over-head, carry-on airline luggage bags. It is about 21" by 14" by 10". I will be carrying it on my cooler rack off my hitch on my 91 VR. Any idea would be appreciated. I though of just 55 gallon black garbage liner and duct tape it so the plastic does not flot in the wind. It isn't much for looks tho.
  5. A waterproof solution for those annoying washers. Gary
  6. Got a Garmin 550 off of fleabay last night for $38.59! Now I am looking for handlebar mount and a waterproof container although I think someone mentioned that they are waterproof!? Thanks All!!
  7. does anyone have any tips for keeping your hands warm at below 40 degree weather? The rest of my cold weather gear works pretty well, and I've got a pair for waterproof thinsulate gloves. But after about 10 minutes my hands are freezing.
  8. I was messing around in the trunk today and noticed that on both sides of the trunk is a "channel" and there's also a drain on the left side. Then I noticed that the trunk doesn't have a rubber seal? So is the trunk pretty much waterproof or does it leak a lot? Thanks, Wally
  9. I was at costco and they had a garmin 665 and 1460. Which one would be the better. The 1460 is 5 inch screen which I like. Would rather have waterproof. But there is a differance in price if you can find them.
  10. Saw an HD with one of these bags on his luggage rack. I liked it. It's waterproof and less expensive than a lot of bags we've looked at: http://www.roadreadybags.com/products/touringrackbags.html
  11. although i am never lost and never have to stop and ask where the nearest hotel is at 11pm when the wife quit talking to me an hour earlier i still started looking at gps units for the bike. i was thinking of garmin but the waterproof models are a little spendy. i wouldn,t mind getting the cheaper models but can,t find a waterproof mount for them. anybody come across any aftermarket bike mounts that could work. my wife thanks you. al
  12. I got a pair of these boots off of fleabay for $75.00 after the "cashback" deal for using "but it now" They retail for $130.00 or so. Good boots made buy sister company of Sidi, These are good waterproof boots made in a similar fashion as the Sidi touring boots. The zipper is a good one but the zipper pull is SUPER brittle. Broke first time I pulled on it... Put in a small keyring and all is well again.They should have just used a small keyring to start with. The boots are warm and waterproof as far as I can tell, has a shin plate,toe, heal and ankle protection and they broke in, very quickly. They also have very good grip on the road and the trail for that matter. You could walk around in these all day if you had too. Good deal if you need boots and want to save a few bucks and not compromise a whole lot:thumbsup:
  13. Love this Texas weather - 76 degrees Sunday, 35 yesterday, 27 today! One of the PIA items we need to do when it stays below freezing for a couple of days around here is keep the leaves out of the pool skimmers so the water keeps flowing and prevents freeze damage to the pumps and filters. This can be especially problematic when we have such a cold snap so early in the season before all the leaves are off the trees. As you probably know, sticking your hands repeatedly in water that cold can really be painful. I normally use a pair of neoprene fishing gloves for that job, but I recently bought a new pair of gloves that I thought I would try. Two of the things I just don't think a man can have too much of are glues and gloves, so when I saw a dirt cheap price on a set of waterproof work gloves at Harbor Freight last summer, and found they were actually beg enough for my hands, well, I just had to buy them. These are Western Safety, item number 96612. They are completely waterproof, Thinsulate insulation, and have reinforced non-slip working surfaces on palm and fingers. I think I paid about $6 for them! I can't vouch yet for how rugged they are, but I can absolutely confirm that they are 100% waterproof and WARM. I really expected them to just be water resistant with a bit of leakage around the seams, but not so. I have had them completely submerged within about 1/4" of the cuff numerous times, and even after the water freezes on the outside of them while I continue to work they remain completely dry and warm inside. I have an extremely hard time finding any gloves big enough for my hands - most extra large gloves don't even come close. But these in extra large are just perfect. I don't think they would make very good riding gloves in nasty weather because the cuffs are not long enough to go over your jacket sleeves. But they are sure nice to have when you have to do anything else outside in cold wet weather. Goose
  14. WOW, New Enough has ladies Joe Rocket Phoenix jackets for the best price I've ever seen. I just ordered Debbie one as she likes the all mesh better than the mesh/leather that she has. It also comes with the waterproof liner too! Plus we get to donate a $1 to venturerider.org during checkout! http://www.newenough.com/ladies_joe_rocket_phoenix_3point0_jacket_page.htm
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