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  1. The bike was pinstripped at MD, I asked about washing and here is what the paint MFG instructions were. Kevin, I tend to suggest waiting two or three days before washing, and 30 days before waxing. Hand glazes, such as 3M Imperial, can be employed after three to four days. Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance. Regards, "Louie" 1 Shot / Chromatic Technical Support
  2. 84 XVZ 1200, 38K MILES Bike is running rough and I thought it was because I got something wet from a good washing. This is what I've done based on what you good people have advised. Pulled and cleaned plugs, replaced plug wires, ensured spark off each coil and each wire down to the boots, pulled the ignition box-opened it and baked it in the oven @ 150 for 1.5 hours, opened the stop switch on the handle bars-hosed it w/ wd-40 and blew it out with the compresser. She fires up immediately and at idle, she sounds like she is purring. She appears to be firing on all 4 cylinders but depending on the amount of throttle that I give it, the carbs all pop, some more than others and it is certainly not ruuning like it should. If I hammer the throttle, she chokes out. Again, I thought I got something wet but maybe the washing and running like crap is just coincidence. Could the coils or the ignition box be screwed up even though it is running? I really dont think it is a fuel issue because I've run (my most recent ) 3/4 of a tank of gas through it and ran like a champ. I've got a bit over 3k miles on it this years since the snow melted. The fact that each carb pops when I accelerate leads me to believe it is something electrical but I'm certainly not a bike machanic. Looking for more trouble shooting ideas. Thanks everyone John-Michigan jkmorey@localnet.com
  3. These are the Instructions provided by the manufacture. How to iron a patch. Lay a piece of thin cotton cloth onto a patch. Turn your iron on 175 C /cotton/ and press /don't move the iron-just press/ during 15-20 sec. Big patches please start pressing form the center to the edges of a patch. After this please press once again edges of a patch - about 5 sec. Please use only good quality iron-we advise you against using poor Chinese irons, because they don't keep a property temperature. Please pay attention to all plastic elements in a nearby of a patch-hot iron may damage them!!! First washing of the pressed patch can take place after 48 hrs-max. washing temperature - 90 C. This iron-on patch can be iron onto cotton, all synthetic clothes, leather and some synthetic leather.
  4. Car wax or Pledge.. I just gave a 2005 Venture Midnight a good washing....Car wax or Pledge ? Thanks Cb
  5. I live in Fl so my washer and dryer are in my garage the other day I received a call from the sheriffs dept that water was coming out of my house, I got off work early and rushed home to find the hot water side of the washing machine hose split and sprayed water all throughout half the garage it tripped out the hot water heater and dryer plus all the outlets and had Sheetrock falling from the ceiling and walls. I was able to save the table saw and 1 router but lost my porter cable soft start router and dewalt cordless drill, so if you have a washer you do not shut the water off to I recommend buying the stainless braided hoses unless you want to spend money like me.
  6. This is my first bike with electronics such as radio, CB, Cassette, etc, and I was wondering if I need to take any special precautions to protect them while riding in the rain? How about any tips when washing the bike? I love this `09 RSV "S" and any help will be greatly appreciated. This is a great site!
  7. Need info. on how to seat bead . Used dish washing liquid and 80 lb psi no luck . jmc
  8. Hopefully this question won't portray me as a total idiot but having had only small cruisers and sport bikes, I really don't know if it is safe to wash my new 2008 Venture with all the gadgets, speakers, and electronics. I have just been wiping it down with a wet clothe but it really needs a good washing. Can anybody offer tips or am I just being a worrywort?
  9. I've seen differant threads about using Pledge to keep your bike clean but just wondering..... 1. Do you use it instead of washing your bike? 2. Do you use it on the paint,chrome, windsheild? 3. Does it take off bug splatter? Thanks
  10. Well, I decided to wash the bike up today and get her ready for winter storage. This last summer I purchased a (gas) power washer (Ridged 3300) not just for the bike... been using it for lots of projects! Anyways , I decided to try something different today, I hooked the hose to a soft-water outlet, then washed the bike with a medium power spray nozzle. then what was the best is that I used a Electric Toro Leaf Blower (850} to blow the bike dry.. (worked perfect) no spotting on the chrome what so ever. dry time was about 10 Min's. The blower was able to get into those hard to get chrome area spots. Just thought I would share my fun washing expereance with you today! Jeff
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