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Found 13 results

  1. just curious, i found this tire listed on ebay Kenda Kruz k673, in rsv sizes, decent priced, anyone know anything about them or ever tried them, they claim to have a 20,000 mile warrenty ,, steve
  2. Bike has 6000 miles on it and just yesterday I began having probs with the cruise control. It'll turn on, but when I set it, it will hold momemtarily then kick off. I tried it a few different times, sometimes it would engage after a couple of tries, but it'd only hold a minute or so before kicking back off. I know it's supposed to be under warrenty, but if I could fix it myself I'd rather do that. I hate letting people work on my stuff. Any ideas? tks in advance!
  3. Well, here is a new twist on a old problem. I just got my 06 rsmtd from the yamaha dealer. Instead of replacing the clutch basket, they replaced the gear that meshes with the clutch. Compared with how it sounded before ,which was very loud. Now the chirping has not totally gone, but it is much, much better. This was a warrenty repair so it only cost me the transportation to haul it there (140 miles). Now I have the bike that I wanted, a great, great bike. Midnight Ryder :cool10::cool10:
  4. I am looking at an 07 Venture with about 9K on it. They tell me this bike has a factory warrenty until next year I think. ANyways I was lloking thru the fourms here trying to see what kind of things that might need attenetion I have to look forward to. I read something about the clutch whining (should be a warrenty item). What are some of the other common item that just seem to go bad? Not that something with 9K on it should be bad. Heck its only like on its second oil change right?
  5. I have 2008 rsv the carbetator air vent hose on the drivers side has some fluid dripping out from it. is this something that should be covered under warrenty?
  6. I purchased my 07 RSTD about 3 months ago used from a Harley dealer. I was reading on the YAmaha website about the warrenty and it said I had ten days to register the bike at a Yamaha deAler which I haven,t done. Do you think I will have problems when I take it for warrenty repAirs? Does the deAlers ask for proof of warrenty? Mark
  7. One of my coworkers just called and asked about the warrenty on a Star bike. He knew I try to keep up on stuff and we had talked in the past about the RSV and the 5 year coverage on it. He's looking at the 900cc to 950cc range models and is getting two different stories on them from two different dealers. One said one year and the other said two years. And of course they were both pushing the extended coverage. I'm not up to date on the other models and I can't find what I'm looking for on the net yet. Anybody got an answer?
  8. My trip to Indiana June and July, '09. Took my bike up to Dan's Cycle in Seymoure, IN and had it FIXED. It now runs like new. Gary at Dan's said that one cylender in front and one in back were not timed right. Also that two valves were not seating right and that they could have been damage. All that was taken care of. And he got Yamaha to take care of those problems even though it was out of warrenty. He blamed it on the work done under warrenty. Thanks Yamaha. While there I went on several rides with the owner of Dan's Yamaha, and his son Gary. I have tried to down load a picture of what the tirke looks like now. who know how it will turn out. I rode over a thousand miles in 4 Sundays while up there. They sure know how to treat a misplaced Yankie! Being down here in Florida I forgot how nice it was to have hills to ride up and down. And they have trees too with real leaves. Not all these so called trees with needles on them. Hope to see you all at the "Tail" Ken
  9. I was headed home from work this morning and I went past the Victory dealer. There was a sign up that said they now offering a "5 year warrenty". Ok, it was 3am so I circled back and read the sign again. Yep. That's what it said. Anybody hear anything on this or are they just pushing some outside party "extended" warrenty BS to make some sales?
  10. apparent misadjusted signal-passing lamp bar...... has about an 1/16 inch between passing lamp housing and upper body work on right about 1/2 inch on the left. No apparent adjustment on the bar/bracket - does not appear bent Drifter02, You could try to loosen the two attach allen head mounting bolts on the passing lamp bar (behind snap on chrome piece on bar) and see if there is enough "play" in the mounting holes to adjust it where one can not notice the difference in the spaceing as much. If this does not work, you can enlarge the mounting bracket holes (drill the mounting holes out a little oversize) to where you can adjust it some. Mine are not exactly perfect either, but on mine you really have to stare at it to notice. If you need help, p-email me and I will call you. Also did anyone else buy a used under warranty and have difficulty getting card changed over for remainder? The Dealer should not give you ANY grief of transfering any remaining warrenty of the bike from previous owner to you provided there "IS" warrenty time left on the bike. If I go by your site name (Drifter02)..I assume you have an 02 model, and if I am correct..the 5 yr warrenty expired in 07 on that bike (if it is an 02 model). 2nd gen Venture's come with a 5 yr warrenty.. Actually, a short story, the 02 came from previous Kawasaki Drifter (2002) the newly acquired Midnight Venture is a 2006, dealer did the necessary paperwork, however was wondering if I would get a warranty card in my name or just use the one the prior owner left in the packet Hope this helps you. EDIT: OPS, I thought I was answering your post in the "Quote" section, and here I clicked on edit by mistake. After I posted I hit save, and realized I was in edit. Gosh I am so sorry I deleted a small part of your original post my friend...really am sorry.
  11. Well while in El Paso I bypassed the ignition as shown by the excellent photo and verbal instructions from flb78! Thanks again. Have now had time to take a look and hook it all back up (after also replacing battery) and found out the ignition still is a NO GO with new battery in and wires replaced to the ignition. So leads me to believe the ignition is still out. I can live with it for a while. Going to get with dealer tomorrow and see if warrenty is still in effect! It is an '03 and I was told by previous owner June is the end of the warrenty! QUESTION...when the ignition went south on you did you also lose the sound system? I have no sounds anymore. Haven't checked the fuses on that end again. Just assumed it was connected to the ignition. Thanks again. And I am on the assistance list so if any of you are over this way and need help let me know. flb we may have to have a maintence day some where between here and there sometime. SS
  12. Is there a web site to check what warrenty you have left on my RSV. Thanks for any input, Joe
  13. I noticed a Nickel size spot of oil under the Venture about a week ago, at first I thought it was just a drip from the oil breather tube, but when I looked closer I found a large drop of oil on the lower arm of the rear shock. The entire lower attach point was wet with oil and there was oil under the dust cover boot. Bike is about 16 months old and only has 19,000 miles, so I was surprised (maybe not the right word), anyway took it to the dealer today, they said it was leaking profusely and would cover it on warrenty, shock should be in by end of next week and installed next Saturday. Boo for Venture rear shocks, Yeah for 5 year warrenty and good dealer service department. Keep an eye on yours, mine is not the first one to have this problem.
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