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  1. While reinstalling the diaphrams today I noticed something odd. On carb #3, (right front) the brass round piece that the diaphram needle goes into was protruding about 3/8" out of the carb throat wall. On the other three carbs it was flush with the carb throat walls. Could this be a factor in the poor gas mileage problem and why. See Pics attached. [ATTACH]71678[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71679[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71680[/ATTACH]
  2. I am electrifying a tank bag. I want to give the bag rigid walls so I can affix power ports, etc. What can I use to build walls inside the bag? I've seen instructions to use aluminum, but I don't have access to a metal shop. I have in mind something like my poly kitchen cutting board. It is a millimeter or so thick, flexible enough to bend, but still stiff. However, it isn't long enough (I think I'll need something 3-4" wide by 3' or so long) and I'd like it to be a single piece. Being white or a light color to help brighten the interior would be a plus. What can I use? Dave
  3. Here is mine. Not boasting here, just thought it would be nice to see some different ideas. I know of at least two members here whom are in the process of building a garage. My garage has a small 4'x6' porch and the garage is 28' wide and 40' long. Used sheet rock on the inside walls,4" insulation in walls and 6" in the ceiling with insulated 10' wide x 8' tall garage doors . Never been below 38 degrees in my garage with out heat and at 5 below zero out side. Love my garage ...... [ATTACH]61037[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61038[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61039[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61040[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61041[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61042[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61043[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61044[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61045[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]61046[/ATTACH]
  4. I want to replace my tires with white walls on my Venture any recommendations?
  5. Not bike related ! Im in the middle of a 2nd floor bathroom remodel. The walls are demo'd back to the studs. The floor down to the plywood sub floor. I didnt expect to have to replace the plywood sub-floor but it's rotted enough that the whole floor need to be replaced. I have a very good understanding of floor and wall construction but Im looking for advice from better educated people on the subject. The sub floor obviously extends under the walls. Do I cut the plywood flush against the walls or do I come into the room a bit? I imagine if I come into the room a bit, I'll need to support the edges of the old and new plywood with new framing between each joist and somehow along the side where the joist run parallel to the walls. If I cut the plywood flush against the stud walls, I dont see how I'd support the edges. Any experts have advice? Id appreciate it . Thx Andrew
  6. Anyone here ever have this procedure done? I'm having it done this Wed. to my left Kidney. There's been no pain but blood was in my urine after exercising. Scans show a very large (Dr's words) Kidney stone attached to the walls. I've heard one person say there was no problem and another one who had some problems.
  7. Well I guess since I decided to keep my 99, I might as well go for broke! This year all I planned to do was put on a new ignition switch, and 4 new intake manifolds. BUT....as most of us Venture riders know, it never stops with just this or just that. So I have decided to buy a head set, a gps unit, the ignition switch, 4 intake manifolds and get this.....A TRAILER! But....not just any trailer....a custom built to my specs trailer. All aluminum framework, aluminum diamond plate lids, aluminum flatstock walls d/a'ed for a nice look. The trailer is 4' long by 3' wide by 3' deep for the storage portion. But in front of the storage portion will be a 1' by 3' cooler with a lid that opens seperate from the back. It will have double walls with insulation in between them and a built in drain on the bottom. I'm STOKED! the plans are being drawn up on a computer program today, and my uncle will be starting on the production before spring. He works for a company that customizes fire trucks, so he likes to do some little projects for fun, and we have been kicking around this idea for about a year. I'll be sure to put up some pics when we get it underway! Will look very similar to the top two pics in this page http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://allstartrailers.com/images/mct_and_mctxl_motorcycle_trailers2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://allstartrailers.com/Motorcycle_Trailers.html&usg=__dIsVkBlOWrvx9VwmjYusculAzO4=&h=1944&w=2592&sz=1317&hl=en&start=20&um=1&tbnid=VmypOopCxBGwBM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmotorcycle%2Btrailers%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1 YEE HA!!! Big Mike
  8. Any one have white walls on they're RSV? I'm thinking of putting some on mine but I can't find any pictures of RSV's with them on.. I don't want it to look dumb.. I have a red 2000 RSV. Lets see your white walls...
  9. Guest


    Well, I finally broke down and tore the back of my 89 royale apart to see what all the talk about the dryer was . well, my dssecant beads were as pretty pink as the walls in my daughters room. So I put it in the microwave and it came out nice and blue. A lot of work for I dont know what benefits.
  10. Curious where the best place to pick up a tire would be. I believe there is many that order the tires on line and have them shipped to you door. I was looking for a rear tire for the 1999 but I would like white walls. Any suggestion on a brand. The Dunlop 404 was the one that I had a problem with, not saying I would not purchase another. Brad
  11. well............weather finally came around for a few days, but we have MAJOR renovations going on in the yard, and the 05 is buried in the shed. Main project this year was to get the outside of the house painted, but first,the carpenter had to change any rotten trim we could find. Then we decided to remove a door that we never use and replace it with a window...still no biggie. Then, a few weeks ago, I went out beck to find one of the retaining walls around my pool had let go so in came the mason, he recommended removing ALL of the retaining walls (cement and brick) and putting in new ones. So since we were doing this, we decided to connect the patio to the pool deck so it was one straight walk (jobs getting bigger huh?).....since we're doing all the work, decided to change all the lines to and from the filter so we wont have to worry about leaks. Then it was decided to change the liner etc etc. SO.........looks like I won't be riding for a few weeks. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
  12. :hurts:Help! We are considering buying white walls for our 99 RSV two tone silver. I know I saw a bike on here in one of the galleries with white walls. Would someone possibly recall whose bike that is? Thank you, Mama
  13. 2001 Venture. Any suggestions? Checked with the Yamaha dealer and nobody seems to be carrying whitewalls.
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