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Found 12 results

  1. I totaled out my RSV a couple of weeks ago. The insurance company is paying 100% on accessories. They want to know the brand name of my aftermarket windshield, but it was already on the bike when I bought it used. Can anyone tell me, from my profile pic, what company might have made it? It has an unusual green tint. I can email additional pics, if there are any windshield experts that could help. Thanks. 5 broken ribs and a fractured pelvis. But, I'm up and about. Just a little tender. Probably go back to work after next week. My wife won't let me have another bike, so I'm planning a wake. Reasoning is...a motorcyclist without a bike is just a zombie life. Pretty much over, until they put me in a hole. My wake will be much nicer, with me in attendance to welcome condolences. Also...Did the light bar come stock on this bike, or was that an accessory?
  2. I know our friends are having some server weather down south but I have had enough of winter already and now they say we are going to get 1-2 inches of snow tonight. Can some one wake me when this is over? Now I know why bears hibernate. :sign yeah that:
  3. Two little kids are in a hospital, lying on stretchers next to each other outside the operating room. The first kid leans over and asks, "What are you in here for?" The second kid says, "I'm in here to get my tonsils out and I'm a little nervous." The first kid says, "You've got nothing to worry about. I had that done when I was four. They put you to sleep, and when you wake up they give you lots of Jell-O and ice cream. It's a breeze." The second kid then asks, "What are you here for?" The first kid says, "A circumcision." "Whoa!" the second kid replies. "Good luck, buddy. I had that done when I was born. Couldn't walk for a year."
  4. Your Private Meassage is Full I cant send you any info
  5. I don't know how to post the video that went with this report, but the woman actually looks like she's going to start laughing....and now she's suing for false imprisonment? Does anybody take any responsibility for their own actions anymore? Maybe she should have brought a babysitter along with her to wake her up from her nap. It's trivial lawsuits like this that make me boil! Sorry for the ranting, but jeez...... By Janelle Long, WXYZ A woman from Ferndale, Mich. is suing United Airlines after she was left alone on a plane for hours after it had landed. Ginger McGuire was aboard a United Express flight from Washington, DC to Philadelphia. She says she fell asleep during the flight. It landed shortly after midnight Tuesday but no one woke her up until a cleaning crew found her four hours later. United Airlines says they are working with a regional partner carrier to determine why the plane wasn't cleared upon landing. McGuire told reporters, "I fell asleep on the plane and next thing you know I wake up, it's 4:00 in the morning. Nobody's on the plane. Nothing." McGuire has hired Geoffrey Fieger who is filing a lawsuit for false imprisonment, emotional distress and negligence.
  6. -22 C tonight burrrrrrrr
  7. Got this link from a Blue Knight web site and thought others might want to view it. I know it is getting close to riding season for everyone and this video is just a little wake up call to be safe out there..... http://www.ridesafebacksafe.co.uk/rideofyourlife.asp
  8. With a sad heart, Taters and I are getting ready to go to James' wake tonight.....Don't know how to express my feeling of loss. Don't know what to say to Alice to help the pain and sorrow . I will tell her how much this family and I will miss James...Please say an extra prayer for her and their family tonight......
  9. http://www.flashdemo.net/gallery/wake/index.htm
  10. Okay my friends. Seeing that the bulk of our members live in the northern hemisphere and are hours behind the rest of the world, I think it's time I chimed in to wish you all a Merry Christmas (MC) from Down Under (DU). The big fat fella in the red suit has been and gone and there are reindeer droppings all over the front lawn. My wife and I have had a great morning with the entire family doing the pressies thing, and right now #1 son is finishing off preparing a baked dinner for Christmas lunch. As I type it's approaching 2pm on Christmas day, and we have lots left yet to do. Sun down is around 8:10pm and about then it will be time for our next BBQ dinner in the garden. Ah, summer! So as you wake and begin to share your day with your loved ones, and have a quick look at the website, let me wish you all a fantastic day as I start to wind down. Peace and blessings, love and light to everyone from Australia - where the wide open spaces make riding a real Venture. Cheers, Spear
  11. I know that with as many getting old, too fat and poor sleeping guys on here, that we may have several that use the C-Pap machine. I started trying to use it about two weeks ago and I am not doing too well. Due to snoring and stopping breathing at times, I went through the sleep test and when I did go to sleep with all the monitors that I had hooked to me, I did not sleep long before I was awakened to put the mask on. I had been fitted for the one that just goes over my nose, but after going back to sleep, I was awakened to have a strap put around my head to keep my mouth shut. Now I have my own unit and have chosen the mask that goes over my nose and mouth. I am getting better at going to sleep with it on, but have yet to be able to make it thru the entire night. I usually wake up around 3am and visit the bathroom and then go back to bed. The other problem is that I sometimes wake up after I have evidently stopping breathing for some time and when I wake up with the mask on I feel like I am being smothered. And this is with the mask being pressurized. I have to convince myself to just breath deep for a few seconds to be ok. Anyway, I am looking for any suggestions or at least some encouraging words to keep this up. RandyA
  12. Unhook the 400lbs trailer you've been dragging around for 3 days. Talk about a wake up! Couldn't believe the difference!
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