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Found 13 results

  1. Mrs. Yamadawg has a VTX 1300 Trike with the Motor Trike conversion and it has a windshield instead of the fairing. We would like to add a sound system and need some recommendations and watch outs. We are looking to do a permanent mount with radio and need ports for a MP3 player and future technologies. I would appreciate any input and ideas. Thanks! Don
  2. Hi All Has anyone compared the smoothness in ride of the RSV or the RSTD to a VTX 1800, If some can you describe the two bikes in ride smoothness. Thanks Vince
  3. New member as of today. been trying to find all info i can on 09 venture. Currently ride a 1300 vtx that i really like. Lookin for a second bike for boss lady and me to take longer trips on. VTX is fine for me but she needs more comfort. Found a red/black 09 venture with less than 25k miles for around $9000, maybe $8500. Lookin for any advice as far as price, quality, weight, easy manuverability, and the whine that I keep reading about, and anything else I need to know. Thks.
  4. If you are like me you are always curious what happens to our bikes when we sell or trade them. We I got a Face Book request to be friends with the sales person that handled the trade of our 04 VTX 1800 C on an 07 Yamaha Royal Star Tour Deluxe (second week of August 2011). I have post pictures of what they looked like when traded/bought and what the VTX looks like now. The van, driven by a person under the influence of drugs and booze hit the mail box about a quarter mile up the road when the van first left the road. The next thing it hit was our old VTX plowing other bikes and quads our of the way. Far as I know nobody was on or looking at any of the bikes or ATV's. I'm sure the X is totaled being an 04, but it was an 11k bike that looked as good on the bottom as it looked on top, the dealer had it listed as "MINT". BTW the only reason for trading is the Yamaha has air ride, electronic cruise control, factory hard bags and quick release sissy bar and windshield.
  5. We have done Bike Week in 05, Biketoberfest in 2010 and are thinking about going again this October. In the past we have tried to connect with other VTX owners, which is what we were ridding then. We now have a 07 RSTS and would like to meet others with like bikes for swapping ideas, maintenance procedures and mod's. It was always difficult to get very many VTX's together at one time. I'm not sure why it was so difficult, I think many riders ride with their friends regardless of what they ride rather than a group of like brand bikes. Anyhow as time goes on and there is interest of getting together lets share cell numbers and where we all will be staying. Below is the evolution of what I have ridden since moving to Florida, 01 Shadow, 03 VTX 1800, back surgery, hip replacement, 06 Yamaha Majesty scooter, 04 HD 1200 Trike (I built and hated it), 03 VTX 1800 and now the 07 RSTD. Funny how our minds work, my wife got going on this thinking it would be a nice treat for me. Yesterday I asked her "so you are excited about going back to Daytona?" She answered me with "I thought it would be something you would really like to do". I told her I was thinking of some place new for a fall trip. Now we are thinking of going to the Upper Keys or Tarpon Springs area. Sorry if this was misleading to anyone.
  6. I really like what Honda did with this prototype.. Just wondering why they didn't use the 1800 VTX platform.. Although they are so close in size maybe they'll do both.. http://motorcyclemodificationz.com/gallery/motorcycle/honda-slammer-concept-motorcyclemodificationz-001.jpg http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/321/8913/Motorcycle-Article/Honda-Custom-Slammer--Switchblade--Furious.aspx
  7. I recently had a post about seat beads and somebody suggested trying a gel pad from wal mart instead. I tried the beads and hate them, so I bought the 20 dollar pad. I just got back from sturgis. It is roughly a 350 mile trip one way for me. Since this is the first time I have traveled a good distance with it I was skeptical how long I would be comfy. Well I'll say this, my bike is no longer a 350-400 mile per day bike. I could easily double that now if i wanted. I could sit in the seat all day. So if anybody is having seat trouble (all you rstd'ers like me) give it a try, you might be surprised. 2 of my friends bought them too. 1 rides a vtx, and the other a wing. They guy on the vtx couldnt believe how much they help. The wing rider was comfy anyway, but even he noticed a difference.
  8. So my 03 RSV has 14000 miles on it now I just bought it a week or so ago. I noticed that the clutch lever is just about all the way out before the clutch starts to grab. I have owned 3 VTX 1800's and there clutches were different they started to grab before this one does. Is this normal for the RSV? Thanks
  9. Guest

    diameter of handlebars?

    Hello, I tried a Royal Star but ended up with a VTX. The bars on the RS were much better than my VTX bars and I want to put some on it. Does anybody know the diameter of the bar on the RS, and the width of the section that is clamped? Thanks... Jim
  10. At the New York International Motorcycle Show Honda released the Honda Fury, which was teased with last month... Basically, it is production chopper based off the 1300 VTX BUT it's 1312cc V-Twin is fuel injected...which is kinda odd to me being their actuall 1300 VTX is carburated... Too me, it is a littel late in the game and doesn't have near the style of a Yamaha Raider...but that is just me... Although, I do like that matte black... click here for more info
  11. I have a 99 RSV that has 57K miles, it runs great but the bike is almost 10 years old and I am thinking it is about time to replace all of the coolant hoses and maybe bearings, etc. I was wondering where everyone orders their stock parts from. My last bike was a VTX and there was a website 'HDL.com' that everyone recommended. Also can anyone think of anything else that they would recommend be replaced on a bike with fairly high miles?
  12. Hope I didn't violate something by posting this here, I couldn't find a For Sale thread here.........we're all just to attached to our Royal Star Ventures to sell them! VTX 1300 Honda Service Manual>> I went through my bookcase and found this manual for a motorcycle I no longer own. The manual if free, but I'd appreciate $10 for shipping it FedEx two day. Please email deek589 AT bellsouth.NET (not "com", it's "net") Thanks. I'm going to post this same thing on some other motorcycle forums including the VTX Owners Association if I can find my old user/password........
  13. Does anyone here have a set of these on their RSV? I've heard the Roadhouse brand on a VTX and they sound real good. http://www.roadhousebrand.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=RBS&Product_Code=54-330
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