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  1. As some of you know, I have a problem,,,, I know what you are thinking, but this is a new one. I ride a 2014 Spyder and installed JMCB 2003 for a CB and intercom. The intercom works fine, and the CB broadcasts just fine. Now if we get 2 CBs close together I can hear the other, if they are more than 4ft apart I can't hear the other person. I can hear a tapping on their mic, but no voice comes through. Now hear is the next problem then. I contacted JM corp and they would like me to try to use one of their headsets. I use the Edsets with the proper cord, but they were wondering if I could try one of theirs. SO!!!! anybody in the area have a set they could lend me??
  2. for all the kind remarks on the international rally. It is only because of the fantastic NY members that spent countless hours organizing and planning this event that things went so well. Pioneer motorsports HAS ALWAYS been a fan of Venturiders, what you all saw at the rally is what the NY members see every day of the week.. When I left yesterday, Terry and Michelle asked me " when can we do this again" ?.....Hope you all had a great time and maybe we'll see you at our NY mini rally next August..as for now, I'm just trying to get my voice back...THANK YOU NEW YORK members and to all that helped out....and also my new Canadian brothers aye....(I love my shirt.....)......and special thanks to the "ICE CREAM MAN" Too bad he was stopping when the rides were out:rotf:
  3. Well it has been a really GREAT day for me. First GaryN stopped by the house,he is wintering here in Texas and not to far from me and then low and behold I talked with PONCH on the phone..He is doing great,recognized my voice on the phone,(Dont know how anyone would recognize my voice), and he is doing good and at home. He is still doing therapy 3 times a week but he is really a tough cookie! Thanks to both of the guys for our visit today. Gary, we will be camping with you in Kerrville week after next. Going to watch the weather and stay 2-3 days at the Buckhorn with you and Mary. Ride safe my friend!!
  4. Grab a beverage, there ain't no easy way, or short one to explain my day. Voices in your head are good. Yes they are! I woke up this morning and had things to get done, but I had this lil voice in my head telling me to just stay home. Every time I'd think I need to run here or there I'd get this "JUST STAY HOME" thing bugging me. I kept busy around the place and got some stuff done in the basement and did some cleaning. It was progress anyway. But, I had to stop in on a couple of my clients stores to check displays. So as it was pretty nice out I took the bike as I usually do. I didn't get three blocks from my house and hit the red light at my first turn. I was several cars back so I had to wait for a chance to turn after the green turn arrow went off and oncoming traffic went through. I had what looked like a clear shot after that and started my left turn. A car coming from my right side ran his red light at about 40 mph and missed me as I slammed to stop. Not easy in the middle of a turn and with that danged voice yelling "I told you to stay home!" I didn't know it yet but I should have gone home. I was only three blocks away. I gathered myself and headed on down the road to Interstate 80 and got on East bound headed for Iowa. Normally a 15 mile ride to the first stop. The local road crews have been hard at work again doing resurfacing and they had a new stretch about 100 yards long where they had been grinding the surface again. I hate that stuff because they suck at it here. Deep and wobbly grooves and it can take a bit to keep it rolling straight through it. Checked my mirrors and dropped my speed a bit and rolled into it. I checked the mirrors again and another bike was coming up fast on my tail. I still doing 60 and he's gaining. I try to move to the outside a bit and I look again and he's right there against my right saddlebag . I mean less than a foot away. I hit the end of the rough stuff and jazzed it hard and pulled away form him. He did not try to pass me again. He must have known how I felt about him at that point. And that danged voice was rattling on and on and on. OH! Shut up! So I'm making progress, about half way to my first stop. Now there is another section of construction at the 13 St. Exit. I'm in my left through lane and nobody on my six. Cool. I have one car in front of me on my right doing about 55. Seems to be doing ok so I move to pass. About the time I get even with her rear bumper I see the left turn signal come on and I get one blink and she's moving into my lane. Jeesh! I hit the brakes and the horn and she swerves back into her lane and slows down. Ok, get around this one. I start to pass again and she swerves right back against me. I'm braking and moving to the breakdown lane and the same time and she just rolls on. I caught back up to her in about a 1/2 mile ahead and pulled up on her right side. Yep, what I figured. Texting! And the voice is saying "I told ya so." Yeah, yeah....I'm riding. Leave me alone. Ah ha! My exit. A couple hundred yards and I'm good. So I make it to the parking lot and I stop at the cross walk in front of Sam's to let the busy shoppers roll back to their cages with their hard won supplies. Got a parking spot in my sights and I'm thrilled to be there. I made it. Now I'm sitting there with the bike in 1st and waiting for a clear shot. All of a sudden I'm shooting forward. Kind of thrown against my backrest and going ahead. I thought I'd slipped off the clutch lever but my hands were still on the grips. Only went a few feet but is was a bit of a surprise. Totally unplanned! I looked in the mirrors and there was nothing there, nutttin, nobody, nada. Very odd. I threw down the kickstand and leaned it over to get off and there were people running towards me. What the heck! I get off and turn around and there was the reason for my rear end jolt. A frigging scooter. A lil bitty scooter. And a lil old codger laying next to it. He had a couple of decades on me so I'll call lil and old. And dumb. No helmet, no gloves and a T shirt. At least he didn't have sandals on. He's bellowing about his wrist being broke and his knee is bleeding. He's being a PITA about his "bike" and why I had stopped at the cross walk. I'd been there of about a minute so he had time to see me for sure. One of the folks that came over called for the EMT's and the police. They actually showed up in pretty good time for a parking lot accident. Two of the witnesses told me and the LEO that the codger had come out of a parking lane and never slowed down while turning in behind me. He was dragging both his feet on the ground the whole time. An experienced rider, I think not. I wandered over to the EMT's as they were looking at him. Nothing broken and just a scraped knee. He's gonna live. The scooter, probably not. Those things aren't made very well. I looked at him and said, "You are the reason I was supposed to stay home today." The voice said "That's telling him." Ah shut up! The last thing I heard out of the lil voice was "I told ya so! You never listen to me!" So looking over my bike I had a smudge on the rear light bar. Nuttin bent, broken or damaged. Almost a 900 lb bike VS scooter= I win. Ya know, I don't wanna sound like a wussy but I took a different way home. Long way around, mostly side streets. Spidey Sense was on full blast. I'm taking the cage to work tomorrow. 45's in the glove box. Bring 'em on! I'm proud. I survived my first ever motorcycle accident involving another vehicle. Alive, well and looking for the meds to deal with the lil voice. Mike
  5. Bummer day Sunday. Had a new 660 all hard wired up to our RSTD. Wife and I wear the Scala G4 headsets. Updated software and firmware on all devices. I'm just relaying my experience. Not intended at all as a bashing on any product. We messed around and rode about 300 miles to test it out. I can't come up with any pro's at this time, so it's the cons that had me remove the tank and seat again last night to package the garmin zumo up for return. This was a new gps, not a refurb. 1. The screen was totally washed out. I understand there are aftermarket products made to shield or cover the screen. Not going there. For over 600 bucks, I should be able to view the screen in daylight. Being a motorcycle, my reason to purchase though was the bluetooth voice to headset ability. 2. Voice nav is crisp and clear in the car. Through the headsets, I experienced a lot of static and could not understand the street names or directions even around my neighborhood where I knew what the gps was supposed to be saying. Wife and I could not communicate through the intercom to each other clearly until I disabled the bluetooth on the gps. So for us, it's back to good ole' paper maps and spontaneous trips with more stops to rest our aging buttox numbness and point our fingers on the map to figure out where we're headed.
  6. Was it ever great to hear from him!! He said to tell all of you "hi" and how grateful he is to everyone here for everything they have done for him. He has more tests coming up soon and hopefully they will get this thing figured out. You don't know how good it was to hear his voice. Even though he's not feeling the best, he's still joking around! I'm praying for the day when I see a pix on here of Lowell back on his bike with that little ol' grin on his face!
  7. We have a few glitches to work out, sorry if this has already been covered. We have a zumo, Q2 multiset, and a 2 iphones and our bikes are a rstd and 1100 v-star. We had no trouble pairing my Q2 with the zumo and then the iphone and the 2nd Q2 with my wifes iphone. If we're out on our own they work flawlessly, great reception to the zumo or phone, we're very pleased. When we're riding together Deb's is clear but can hear my stereo over the q2. Certain songs just have to be loud On my end I hear a lot of wind coming from her system. Enough that it prevents the system from going to standby. Deb's windshield is lower and doesn't have the same protection from the wind as I do. We need to lessen that effect?? Any suggestions? Next the zumo won't give voice commands to the headset when we're together and lastly after a stop and the zumo powers back up we can't talk bike to bike. By fluke we discovered if I try to make a phone call using the zumo and hang up, the intercom then works? We deactivated voice activation on Deb's q2 which allowed the systems to go to standby when there's a break in conversation. It would be nice to get the voice commands and lessen the wind buffeting. We have e-mailed cardo about the wind problem but haven't recieved a reply as of yet. Has anyone had any of these problems? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Mark
  8. I have been looking at GPSs for my bike and decided to try out the Telenav that I have on my Blackberry and see how well it works with my Q2s. Initial test shows that it is going to give me the voice prompts during navigation. I also am still able to receive telephone calls while telenav is running in the background. What I have not had the time to check is, If I am on the phone will the telenav still send its voice prompts. Has anyone else run this type of setup and had any luck or trouble? -Blackberry running Telenav Blackberry app. -Scala Q2s set up with phone pairing.
  9. My wife and I both have the chatterbox FRS system which we use to talk rider to rider. They also have an aux port to plug in an MP3 player which I use pretty much always. I have an 86 Standard Venture (so no goodies on board). That being said, I have a Garmin 265wt that I want to mount to the bike (in a waterproof case designed specifically for that).... Here's the problem.......how do I get the voice to my helmet headset??? The 265 is bluetooth compatable but the Chatterbox isn't.......the only input is the mp3 jack. Anyone up on the new technology have any suggestions??:starz:
  10. Here is a little program that you can make yours or someone Else's voice work on your Garmin. I was thinking of having my Daughter Enter the voice commands. Like Daddy, I have to recalculate again damn it ! Or you can have your wife or girlfriend yell at you when you made the wrong turn! I think It would be fun to try. Just thought I would pass it along to everybody! have fun with it. http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=4754 Jeff
  11. I have lost voice on my whole system. No CB, no intercom with passenger and no cell phone using Buddy Rich Cable (worked fine before). Not sure if anyone else has had such a problem and where I could look for this. It all started about 2 weeks ago. Not sure if this may be related or not. I had my bike parked in buddy's driveway and his wife backed in my bike on the left side. That flipped the bike on the right and it rolled a fair bit (enough to scratch the top of the fairing and windshield). It may have pulled on the audio cable....not sure. To test I have exchanged helmet with my passenger and still same. I can hear her but she can't hear me. Same goes with the phone and CB, I can hear but they can't hear me. Any idea? I will ask the dealer to look at it under the insurance claim or under warranty....his choice I would think this is covered by warranty...right? Thanks for any suggestions.
  12. Has it been a that long . That you couldnt recognize my voice when I left a message on your answering machine on Saturday?:rotfl:
  13. Got home from work and my wife says, "you're taking me for a ride aren't you?" Never one to say no to that, we saddled up and set out to places unknown. We found ourselves on this narrow backroad that ended at a stop sign on a fairly steep hill that was banked a little to the left. The cross road was right at a curve. Tough to see either direction. Looked good. Turned sharp left and ended up on the ground. Nothing hurt but my pride. Almost exact same scenario as the last time. But this time Brenda felt it going and was able to hop off. We both landed on our feet. A voice from the woods hollered out and asked if we needed help. Didn't see anybody. We might have been near Freddy Kreuger's place. Oh, this was the first time I got to try to lift the bike "the right way." Piece o' cake! $5 on it's way!
  14. Is anybody using the Zumo 660 with the BuddyRich cable and BT phone? Are you getting good results being heard on the other end when talking on the phone? For the record, folks in the Zumo forum are reporting weak voice under different configurations. This is NOT a problem with the BuddyRich cable. I am getting weak voice myself and looking for feedback from other Venture owners. Cheers!
  16. Hey guys, Check this out. Kelly is the daughter of very good friends of mine. I love her voice. Hope you enjoy this. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sascpMsL78g][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sascpMsL78g]YouTube - Kelly Cooper - Are You With Me[/ame][/url]
  17. I want to be able to plug this Garmin Zumo 550 into my audio plug in on my cassette so I can hear the voice prompts through the speakers or through my headset. Does anyone know if this unit is capable of doing that as I don't think I will be able to hear the voice prompts as the bike is running. Help
  18. How can I hook up my razor phone and have the cell phone work through the IC system? I don't see how to get voice from IC to the cell phone. Audio from cell is no problem. THanks for any info...
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