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  1. Ok I'm home safe. Everyone be careful. I had a blast! More with pics later. Mods, if you would add 2015 to the title. Thanks in advance. AD
  2. Vogel is not being canceled, I have heard from some members and I have decided that I will do this years Tail of the Dragon/Vogel VII freestyle, meaning no fees and no frills. I would still like to receive a registration from those that plan on coming, but do not send any money, save it for a donation or raffle tickets when you get there. I will not have t-shirts or patches made and we will forgo the catered meal on Saturday. We will still have a the shelter for Sat. so we will still gather there for the afternoon for raffles and door prices and auctions. There wont be as much as in the past but we will have some. So if the fee's were holding you back, now you have no reason not to come. I hope this will convince some new members to come check out the area, its great riding and sights are many. I will have a limited number of Cruisin' for St. Jude shirts available. Those will be free to each person that comes on a first come basis, I hope I have enough. We will still have our regular ride into Blairsville, Ga, to dine at Fatz, which has great food and has always given us great food and service. If you have already mailed me a check, I can return it to you or tear it up, or whatever you want me to do with it. This event means a lot to me, and I really did not want to cancel, so we start a new chapter in the ongoing series, Tail of the Dragon/Vogel.
  3. Finally got around to looking at the pics, so I will share some with you..................
  4. I finally got the trailer home Sunday and unloaded most of it and found my digital camera with pics from Vogel I hope you enjoy.
  5. I finally have time to post the rest of my Vogel pics.............so here they are............
  6. heres a few pics i took,better late than never.
  7. The auctions are posted and I still have some items to auction to raise more funds for the kids at St. Jude. There are Vogel & St. Jude t-shirts, patches, show your support bracelets, and whatever I can dig up that some may find a need or want for. They are posted in the St. Jude Auction section that Don has set up to replace the classified section. The auctions will last 1 week, and I will accept paypal and personal checks. Hopefully we will be able to outdo the NARR in the fundraising challenge, we have a good start with what was raised at Vogel. Remember the St. Jude/Mean Dog Memorial Ride will take place on Oct. 1, 2011. Below is the link to the St. Jude Auction section. St. Jude Fundraisers - VentureRider.Org
  8. A small group of us (10) went white water rafting on Thursday while others went riding to various places......I think we had the best time, we laughed the whole time. Next Vogel we will be going again, it was the best time I have had in a long, long time. I think the pictures speak for themselves......... Jamie and Dana rode the bull over the falls, normally only one person rides the bull, but VR members aren't normal by any stretch of the imagination.......:rotfl:
  9. Vogel is over and we still have some time to raise some more money for the kids at St. Jude. I will be posting some Vogel T-shirts and patches for those that would like to have them, and there will other items also. Since the classified section is out of order the only auction posted will be the sunglasses donated by Dingy. As soon as I find out where to post the others, they will go up.
  10. Here's my pics of vogel. Click on the individuale folders for each day. http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/kebranton/Vogel%202011/
  11. So where is everyone posting links to their Vogel photos from this year? Can't wait to see them! Loved meeting everyone btw. Thanks for making me feel so welcome!
  12. As always, we had a wonderful time at Vogel! http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/happy65.gif It was great seeing everyone, our old friends and meeting new friends! Even our daughter Jacque and her friend Jimmy were able to come and they really enjoyed hanging out with us! It inspired Jimmy to get his bike out when they got back to Huntsville and they went on a 100 mile trip into Tennessee! http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/whistling.gif We might even see them on two wheels in the future at one of our meet and eats! Here are the pictures we took!! Once again, it was so good to see everyone! http://venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/bighug.gif http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2011/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%2020110820%20Vogel/
  13. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Vogel%202011%20RandyR%20Day3%20The%20Dragon/ More Pics. Day 3 Vogel to Dragon via Cherahola Skyway and back via US 129.
  14. Two years ago, Don gave rides to a couple of older ladies... THIS year...he's still giving rides to ladies. However, they are getting much younger now... What do you think?
  15. Here is the breakdown for those that are interested. Bikes.........................49 By car.........................2 Bodies.......................77 Bikes droped @ Vogel.......1 x 2 Coolers raided by bears.....who knows? Park Ranger encounters.....0 :clap2: Bike breakdowns.............1 There are likely more interesting numbers to be shown, but these are all I have the figures for. Feel free to add to the list.
  16. I need to thank some very dedicated members of this forum for their help in making Vogel V a great success. Many people stepped up and helped out big time when I needed it the most. I may have to edit this post later to add a few names, but that"s what happens when you get old and ............I forgot :doh:!! First and foremost, A very special thanks to my lovely wife, Charlene, for putting up with me when I start getting crazy just before the event starts. I couldn"t do it without her. Thanks to Jamie and Paula for helping with design of shirts and patches and all the help at the event. Thanks to Dana and Missy for stepping up and helping with.......well everything. Thanks to Taz for bringing Susan who helped on Sat morning with last minute sign ins and food set up ...Thank you Susan!! Thanks to Patsy Holloway for making a "Tail of the Dragon" quilt which was auctioned off for an extra $100.00 for the kids at St. Jude Hospital. Thanks to Brian aka Cowboy for taking all the newbies to the area on some fantastic rides. Thanks to Eck for taking folks out for a nice ride on Sat. and also for making sure there is a Vogel in 2013..........thanks Bud, I owe you....... Thanks to everyone who brought all the extra door prizes making it possible for a lot of people to take something home besides memories and new friends. Thanks to my crazy cousins and adopted ones for coming and making me look not so crazy!!!! Thanks to my volunteer ride captains for leading the alternate rides on Thursday. And even though he wasnt there, and he was dearly missed, a big thanks to Freebird for starting this big crazy family of VentureRiders!! And a very big thank you for everyone who showed up to make Vogel V a gigantic success, it just keeps getting better every time. We are looking forward to 2013, when once again I will have to strive harder to surpass this one. As a final note, I am sure everyone now knows that one of our members was injured in an accident on his way home from Vogel. I hope everyone will join in prayer for TuffTom for a swift and speedy recovery........... We love you all and can't wait til the next one!!! Lewis & Charlene
  17. Beth and I made it home about an hour and half ago. Safe trip home and a good ride with Walter and Betty. Had a great time at Vogel and was great seeing everyone. Thanks again to Lewis and Charlene for all they do with this event and St. Judes.
  18. Annie Bear makes it to Vogel
  19. Wade and I made it back,muffinman caught up to us in Williamston,pulled in as we were gassing up.Left Vogel at 7:30 am so didn't get to tell everyone that the bear got my cooler about 1:00am guess he wanted a little midnight snack!
  20. Here are a few pics from Vogel V..........more to come. I am anxious to see how many Bobbie took.................:shock3:
  21. TWICE Which renewed my membership in the "I dropped my Bike at Vogel" Club. Hmmm Dropped it once on my 1st Vogel trip and twice on the 2nd trip, does that mean I gotta do it 3 times next Vogel???
  22. Just got back from spending a day with all the great folks at Vogel. Saw some old friends that we haven't seen in awhile, met some new faces and put faces to names seen here on the forum. Many thank to ALL who had anything to do with putting on this great event. No names cause sure as anything, I'd leave someone out....... Hopefully we raised a bunch of money for St. Judes!!!! Great turnout and hope we will get a chance to see all again!
  23. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Vogel%202011%20RandyR%20Day1/ Had a great ride from Vogel to Fatz Cafe in Blairsville for dinner tonight. And some good conversation with friends old and new.
  24. Here it is,final copy, offical schedule of events for Vogel V .........There will be copies available at the registration table. TAIL OF THE DRAGON V @ VOGEL Schedule for 8/17-8/21, 2011 WED. 8/17/2011 Registration will be open at 12:00 pm. We will be manning the registration table till 5:00 pm. 6:00 pm we will assemble in the main parking lot of the park and depart at 6:15 for our dinner ride to Blairsville, which is an 11 mile ride. We will be dining at Fatz in Blairsville. Dress is casual comfortable. Thur. 8/18/2011 I will be in the main parking lot around 8:00 am to register anyone who is arriving . Starting at aprox 9:00 am, we will have 3 different rides departing at staggered times. These are a ride to Bryson City, NC to raft the Natahala River, a ride to Helen, Ga. for lunch, tubing and shopping, and for those who haven’t sampled the food at the world famous Dillard House a ride there for lunch. There will be sign up sheets available at the registration tables to sign up for one of the three rides. If you would be interested in leading the Dillard House ride or the ride to Helen, please let me know when you register. Thurs. evening starting at 7:00 pm we will have a social get together at shelter # 3 across from the lake, bring your beverage we will have snacks and water available for small donations. This will have to end by 10:00 pm per park rules. Fri. 8/19/2011 Today will be the title ride of the event. We will be riding to Deals Gap via the Cherahola Skyway with a reststop midway before continuing on to ride the Tail of the Dragon, we will be having lunch at Deals Gap before riding the Dragon. You may choose to ride it alone if you are familiar with it or with a group of riders who will take it easy if you are new to it. Someone can set you up with the right group to ride with. This is a very busy place so it will be hard to stay together as one large group, so we normally break up into several smaller groups to head back to the park. Once back at the park its time to relax and chill out. Here is a summary of the ride to the Dragon: 8:00 AM KSU to depart for all day ride. 1st leg of ride will take us back roads to Telico Plains where we will break for gas and refreshments at the Exxon, where we might be meeting some other riders before departing for the Cherahola Skyway. Distance-66 miles 2nd Leg will take us over the Skyway to Robbinsville, NC. Distance- 53 miles. 3rd Leg will take us to Deals Gap for lunch, before tackling the Dragon. Then we will leave Deals Gap stopping in Robbinsville for gas before heading back to Vogel with a refreshment stop in Anderson, NC. Distance 107 miles Sat. 8/20/2011 Eck Nace has selected some very nice back roads to ride if you are interested in another ride. His ride starts, (Kick Stands up), at 8am out of Vogel and he promises to have you back to the park in time for the afternoon meal which is planned to start around 3:00 pm. If you are not interested in going on a ride and just want to hang out at the park, there will be some members available to do carb tunes. We will also be set up at sheltler # 3 to register any late comers and pass a good time. The meal is being catered by Shane’s Rib Shack. The menu is: Pulled Pork & Bread. Potato Salad Brunswick Stew Tea, Sweet & Unsweet, Lemonade Deserts: Peach Cobbler, Apple Cobbler, & Banana Pudding. We will also start pulling winning numbers for the raffle, If you haven’t purchased your raffle tickets for this I am sure we can sell you a few. After all the prizes and door prizes are gone we will gather for a group photo and call it a nite. Sun..........Departure day..........Thanks for coming and supporting the Kids at St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
  25. I think I am forgetting something, I think I have everything ready to go to Vogel.......but just feel like something aint right..........ever get that feeling???
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