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  1. Anyone try this yet? http://www.shoplet.com/RealTree-RT17MLAF-AntiFog-Cleaning-Kit-17mL/KLCRT17MLAF/spdv?ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=KLCRT17MLAF&ci_gpa={adtype}&ci_kw={keyword}&gclid=CK6mhaGliMMCFQwaaQodvAoA_Q&rtop=1 I picked up some at Walmart for $6 something for the inside of my full face visor. It also says it repels water and dust?
  2. I have in perfect condition the Jack Daniels Old No 7 headlight visor and passing lamp visors off my 2nd gen. I'm looking to swap them out for a plain set. To my knowledge, Ronnie, the previous owner had used Harley spot lights as his driving lights. They appear to be the same size as the Yamaha ones but I can't verifiy that the passing visors will fit. If anyone is willing to trade for the whole set, or even just the headlight visor let me know. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/kk86/jason1gp/venture/IMG_1924.jpg
  3. How do I remove the chrome ring around the headlight? The bike (RS Venture) has the chrome visors on all the lights and I bumped the visor on the headlight and it came off. I need to get the chrome ring off to put the visor back on. I removed the bolt at the bottom, but something is still holding on. I need your help. Thank you! Owen.
  4. OK it is looking like I will get wet wet wet on the way to MD. I have never ridden more than a few miles in town in the rain. On this trip I will be pulling a trailer, also something new for me. I did get new tires last week. Unfortunately I was only able to get about 80 miles on them to get them scuffed in. They still have the nubbies on them. I will have a supply of Ziploc bags for the GPS. I will be wearing my Gortex Blaze orange hunting gear. So I should stay warm and fairly dry. Other than the obvious like slow down, keep longer distance for stopping, what are some things I should do and or watch for? They are talking up to 3/4 inch of rain with possible ponding. What is the the best thing to do if you come over a hill and find standing water on the road? I wear glasses, How do you keep them clear? How do I keep the helmet visor clear? The wind screen sheds water pretty good at speed, but blocks the wind from blowing water off the visor. What else do I need to know? Some jerk at the weather service did not read the rules about no rain for MD....
  5. I have some minor scratches on my helmet visor that I'd like to try to polish out. Does anybody know what might work? I'd like to try before I buy a replacement, so I wanna keep it cheap. Seems I remember hearing somebody say they used toothpaste on hard plastic, but I'm a little afraid it would be too abrasive and leave it scratched worse. Any thoughts? Thanks. Bert
  6. I have to replace my winter helmet and I think I want to get another modular.Any cons to some of the helmets that some have used.ease of one hand operation.etc. I love the modular and also love my tinted inner visor, just move a lever and instant shades.lol Im looking to spend under $250 us
  7. I am trying to put the head light visor on and I am scared to pull or pry on the chrome piece around the light too much....Do I need to apply more force or is there a 'combination' to getting into the head light????
  8. I recently bought an '05 RSTD and had the dealer install OEM passing lamps. I'd like to add visors to them and have read here that some have opted for HD visors over OEM. From what I've seen, the HD's look like the visor is just part of the front ring, which I like better than the "add-on" look. My questions is what HD part number fits our OEM housing? Thanks.
  9. It always feels good when you have put off something and then finally get to it and get it done. Well, I had put off splitting the fairing even though I have done it at least 4 times before. I just did not want to do it. I had to figure out why my right front running light did not work. The turn signal worked, but no running light. The visor on the headlight also need to be fixed. Well I finally got around to it Saturday night. Split the fairing, and fixed the visor. That was the simple part. Took all the wiring apart that runs to the passing lamps and found a broken wire that made the running lights work. Put everything back together and it all works. Oh what a feeling to finally get it done. Just thought I would share. Have a great day if you want to.
  10. Do you have to split the fairing to install the headlight Visor?
  11. Anyone using or used one of these helmets from Leather up http://www.leatherup.com/p/Motorcycle-Modular-Helmets/Advanced-Hawk-Gloss-Black-Dual-Visor-Full-Face-Motorcycle-Helmet/54913.html My wife likes the idea of the dual visor, but wanted to see if anyone has any thing to say about them. Thanks, Jay
  12. Pretty interesting. A visor that will tint on demand. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-helmets/visors/akuma-gemini-aegis-visor/ Unfortunately, only for the manufacturers brand helmet though.
  13. Is there a headlight visor that fits the Venture's headlight? Anyone with any experience with doing this? What brand, etc. Thanks for the info.
  14. Check out his handywork on his 2nd GEN Homemade adjustable lower vents Sun visor made out of a oil container And Bob himself
  15. Maybe this is bad timing or poor taste at the moment, but this happened to me yesterday. I pulled onto a four lane highway and headed into town. The next vehicle down was a garbage truck. (He was a ways down there. I had plenty of room.) It was still a bit dim and with a light mist in the air. Plenty of visibility, but it's extremely humid and my helmet visor wouldn't stay clear. I pulled off onto a side street where I took the visor off of the helmet, and put it in a sidebag so I could see. I put the helmet back on and get back on the highway. A few miles up the road I see there is an accident just after a crossroad. I hear sirens as police and an ambulance are just arriving. As I go by I see a minivan in the ditch, and the garbage truck is on the side of the road, looking like it's totally untouched. I'm guessing that the minivan driver didn't see the garbage truck and pulled out right in front of it. If someone didn't see a garbage truck, the person sure wouldn't have seen me. Sorry it was him, but glad it wasn't me. I would have been the one in the ditch rather than the minivan. The guy in the garbage truck probably wasn't hurt at all. If I hadn't pulled off the road to remove my visor, I would have still been in front of the garbage truck. :yikes:
  16. Does anyone have the GMAX helmet. The 3/4 helmet is very light and comes with 3 visor attachments clear sheild, smoked sheild, and a black visor. The inside seems a bit cheap looking but the overall appearance seems quite good. Any comemts????
  17. I tried jumping on the back end of another thread fishing for comments, but may have confused folks on what I was looking for. I'll try again with a new thread... I've been looking to get a 3/4 helmet. My HJC shorty doesn't position the headset speakers over my ears and I get a hot spot at the top of my left ear. I like HJC, I have a Symax flip chin full face helmet I like alot, but I want a "Summer" helmet. I've seen the catalog pictures of the AC3 and the testimonials on previous threads here are encouraging, but then I came across a catalog listing for a Cyber U-12. I'm wondering if anyone has this Cyber U-12 helmet and what you think of it. It looks like it has the best of both worlds. A skeletonized visor and a face shield that seems to flip up under the visor. I wonder if there are ear pockets in the lining for speakers and whether the bottom edge of the helmet will take the headset boom clamp (J&M). I wonder if the visor will stay up in the wind or if the wind causes it to close. I like the styling of the Cyber U-12 helmet and the price is comparable to the HJC. Anyone with any history with this Cyber U-12 helmet? Thanks. David
  18. Can anyone help with directions to install a headlight visor on a 2nd gen.
  19. from Santa and it appears that the headlight visor (which is listed as a RSTD part in the Yamaha catalog ) doesn't fit with the stock headlight cowl. Anyone have any experience with a replacement flat cowl w/ the visor or should I just put the driving light/signal visors on with the stock slanted cowl and send the headlight visor back?
  20. Almost 20 yrs ago I found a full face Kiwi helmet at a garage sale for $5. You may remember them as they were semi popular at the time. The helmet was almost new and was sold in the original box. The only thing wrong was with the visor. It moved up and down freely. I didn't think much of it and proceeded onto the Boulder turnpike (Colorado) riding my trusty KZ650. Anyone who has ridden this stretch of road knows it can get mighty windy. This was one of those days. I was riding about 75mph when a gust of wind hit me just right, shot up under the helmet, snapped my neck backward and the visor opened. I have never been as scared as when this happened. I veered off on the shoulder and shut it down safely. It took about an hour before I was ready to ride on and the Kiwi was later used for target practice. To this day I will not wear a full face helmet. Silly, but I hate them.
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