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  1. Restaurant Reviews
  2. Hey Virginia Riders, We are going to have a M&E. August 31st. In case your not sure who Gunboat is or you are a little behind here are the related links http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=79619 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=79691 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=79577 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=79491 time: is going to be at the usual 12 noon place: I'm thinking Richmond VA which is about 2.5hrs from VA Beach, 2hrs from NOVA and 3.5hrs from Roanoke its labor day weekend and Richmond usually isn't a destination place for holidays so traffic / space shouldn't be an issue POST here if you think you might be able to come. I'll post up in the M&E section where we are meeting when I figure that out... Any & All suggestions are welcome.
  3. Friday evening I was watching Diners Drive-Inns and Dives and guess what? The last meet and eat we had at the Virginia Inn in Wakefield Virginia was on the show. Thanks Riderduke for picking such a great place.
  4. Any of you guys from Kentucky or Virginia rode this road. Looks like a fun one.
  5. Hope all our members and their families are safe.
  6. Last week on my trip to Virginia and West Virginia I had a problem with my cb turning off. I would be riding along and it would just turn off. I had to keep checking and turn it back on. Later on before it would turn off an error message would appear that said cberr. I've never had this problem before, any ideas? Thanks
  7. Maybe in Missouri..
  8. For all you West Virginia members and riders I just finished an 800 mile, 3 day tour of the Marlington/Snow Shoe Mountain area. We followed the designated routes that are laid out and that is some beautiful country. There were six of us in all including a HD, GW, GW trike, BMW, Kawasaki, and my RSV. All bikes were flawless in the total 2000 mile trip. Met some nice folks, ate some good food in small town restaurants (no fast food) and enjoyed the temps in the 70's/low 80's in the mountains. I recommend the area to ride. Pictures may be coming. Hats off to West Virginia for making motorcycling touring inviting.
  9. My wife and I are headed out to Virginia from the Orlando area in a few weeks. We're hoping to see parts of Virginia, West Virgina, Penn and Kentucky before stopping in Atlanta to see the kids and grandkids. Anyone have any info on things to see along the way?
  10. Does anyone know someone that can pin stripe my VR here in Northern Virginia. Just finished repainting and repairing. Thanks
  11. I have been thinking of going this year, any information would be helpful. Either tent camping or motel, wondering which would be best. Though of bring my camping gear but staying at a motel during the show. Thought maybe the rowdy's might make camping less fun. I would likely camp one night on the way up from Virginia and then after the show go on over into New England camping for a few days, Thoughts and comments appreciated
  12. Haven't had a vacation so I am leaving after work tomorrow and riding to west virginia. I looked up an old thread from 3/09 that listed some sites to see but wondering if anyone else in west vriginia recommends any other sites to see. Thanks
  13. I thought I better be consistent and post these pictures from our trip to Virginia for Clare's surprise party here! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y26...y%2022%202010/
  14. A man and his wife, moved back home to West Virginia , from Ohio . The husband had a wooden leg, and to insure it back in Ohio cost them $2000. Per year! When they arrived in West Virginia , they went to an insurance agency to see how much it would cost to insure his wooden leg. The agent looked it up on the computer and said: '$39.' The husband was shocked and asked why it was so cheap here in West Virginia to insure it because it cost him $2000 in Ohio ! The insurance agent turned his computer screen to the couple and said, 'Well, here it is on the screen, it says: Any wooden structure, with a sprinkler system above it, is $39... You just have to know how to describe it!' (Those HILLBILLIES know how "to git 'ER done"; don't they?) Thought you might like that one..:rotfl:
  15. Here are the pictures from the Virginia M&E last weekend! We all had such a great time and the weather was absolutely beautiful! We filled up the big parking lot at the BBQ place with bikes! That place will never be the same again! It was great seeing old friends and making new ones! Riding the Skyline for the first time was such a thrill for us and we are ready to finish seeing the rest of it. Sounds like another road trip to me! We rode to Sledgehammer's house Friday night and thank Tim and Renee for putting us up for the night. George and Tim played a little foosball that night even though they both were so tired! And so many very special thanks to Riderduke's Felicia and Courtney for the warm hospitality of their home. Felicia, we looked at the Bahama Mama maker yesterday. It is on my Christmas list! But only if Courtney can come down and show me how to make them! It is always so much fun being around the girls!:bighug:I see a Sunday morning tradition of a run to Krispy Kreme!!! Spring fever is in the air and being out on the bike with friends was just perfect! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawk%20Mechanics%20April%2017%202010%20ME/
  16. New forum trying to get started. The gentleman who has it up and running is from Harpers Ferry, WV. Young forum with only 75 members. I joined since I live in the Tri-State area (PA) and own a cottage in West Virginia. Nice to know about all the local events/rides close to home. They have not had a meet and eat yet, but as membership grows it is sure to happen. So, check it out! http://www.westvirginiabikers.com/wvforum/index.php Regards Dave
  17. Well...I guess if you have to....You have to.....Ten rungs on this one...Isn't there a "WIDE LOAD" warning sign required? Enjoy... George In Virginia...
  18. Restaurant Reviews
  19. Don't know how many seen this on internet, but is the worst to best states issueing speeding tickets especially out of state, very close over limit, etc. Some admit they have to help state income and especially eliminate warnings. Drive wise and safe. 1 New Jersey 2 Ohio 3 Maryland 4 Louisiana 5 New York 6 Illinois 7 Delaware 8 Virginia 9 Washington 10 Massachusetts 11 Colorado 12 Oregon 13 Tennessee 14 California 15 Michigan 16 Vermont 17 Maine 18 Florida 19 Pennsylvania 20 North Carolina 21 Alabama 22 Rhode Island 23 West Virginia 24 New Hampshire 25 Arizona 26 New Mexico 27 Missouri 28 Texas 29 Oklahoma 30 Nevada 31 Georgia 32 Connecticut 33 South Carolina 34 Iowa 35 Hawaii 36 Arkansas 37 Alaska 38 Kansas 39 Mississippi 40 Wisconsin 41 Utah 42 South Dakota 43 Indiana 44 Minnesota 45 North Dakota 46 Kentucky 47 Nebraska 48 Montana 49 Idaho 50 Wyoming
  20. Copy with West Virginia featured. The secret is out!!
  21. Trying to decide which of these "Safety Chrome" items to get....been looking for a while... Ebay product is Polished Aluminum..... about $155.00 to Virginia... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-YAMAHA-XVZ13-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE-RADIATOR-GRILLE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1494Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c240Q3a1318Q7c301Q3a1Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem270370394405QQitemZ270370394405QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories The other is by "Custom World International"...Cruiser Customizing has it for $120.00 to Virginia...Chromed Steel....Phat Performance has them for about $145.00 plus delivery.... http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=7&manufacturer_ID=6&product_ID=22764 Anyone here have either of these and could you comment about Polished Aluminum versus..Chromed Steel.....No Rust on Aluminum....Right>>>>> Thanks in advance George In Virginia
  22. Sometime in June I am planning 7 or 8 days in Eastern Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia. Can anyone give me some advice on "must see's" and your idea's of the best rides. I plan to ride some of the Blue Ride Parkway, but I don't really care to stay on it too much. Is there a section that is a favorite ride. Thank's for your input. Jeff
  23. Today I took the afternoon and went riding over through parts of the area I took the members on last year at the West Virginia Meet & Eat 2006 up on the Highland Senic Highway. I saw a little more color today than last year.
  24. Subject: FW: Black Boxes in Automobiles Latest from Ed Forest....... > Black Boxes in Automobiles: > > The National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged they had "covertly" funded a project with the U.S. automakers for the past 5 years, whereby the automakers were installing black-box voice recorders in 4-wheel drive pickup trucks and SUV's in an effort to determine in fatal accidents, the circumstances in the last 15 seconds before the crash. > > They were surprised to find in 37 of the 50 states the recorded last words of drivers in 61.2 percent of fatal crashes were, "Oh SH*T !" Only the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas and West Virginia were different, where 89.3 percent of the final words were: > > "Hold my beer, I'm gonna try somethin."
  25. I have a friend who lives in Virginia Beach and he is having problems with his scoot and needs some help. He has a 1980 Honda CB 750 that sat for about 18 months. All things considered he says the bike runs well, with 1 exception.................when he has the bike running it will not idle properly. He can't get the idle adjusted DOWN to the right rpm's. He said that he has tried adjusting the idle screw, and even accidentally backed it off so much the screw came out (evidently a real pain to put back in), and this does not effect the idle speed. He has contacted both Honda dealers in the area and they won't touch the bike because of the the year. Any suggestions on how to fix the idle or a good shop that he can take his bike too to look at the problem?
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