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Found 21 results

  1. Do you ever watch one of the videos posted on here and when it ends it shows about a dozen more to choose from and then you watch one more and then there is about a dozen more....? Sometimes I will end up watching videos for a while that just seem to go on and on. One of the frustrations is when you will have several that pops up that are interesting and if you watch one, you may loose the other interesting ones, and you can not back up. Sometimes I will go back to the original posted video and when it finishes, pick a different one from the last time and see where it goes. RandyA
  2. A HUGE thank you to BigBear for taking the time to shoot videos of the proper way to use the valve shim tool. I would like to encourage any of you who has the time to produce such videos. They will make a GREAT addition to our tech library. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=711236#post711236
  3. Man I must be getting old... Turned on VH1 and they had saturdaynight live on! Turned on MTV and MTV2 they had some kind of real life soap opera crap going on... Am I missing something??? these are suppose to be music video channels??? Where can a guy get some decent music videos to work out to? I have direct tv and know 801 thru 850 has music, but its a black screen... This snow is starting to sux
  4. Wow, check this out. Maybe you have already seen this stuff, but I just now saw it for the first time. There are so many uses it could be used for in everyday motorcycling. This video shows using it on electronics, but other videos show using it on shoes and clothing, the possabilities seem endless. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOXJ5R2-P4]www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOXJ5R2-P4[/ame] C.R.
  5. This video was taken on the east entrance of Yellowstone. If you haven't been to Yellowstone put it on your bucket list. We have been 3 times now and just love it. I hope you are enjoy these videos. Our next video will be a trip across Beartooth. http://www.photoshow.com/watch/ri3Wt4vr Phill
  6. It was a very small group, me, Irene, and KDFranzen, but we met, we rode, we ate, and we had a great time. The ride was through some very scenic Kentucky and southern Indiana areas. We plan on doing this one again next year, though probably a week or two earlier. The leaves were a little past their prime this year. Photos here. Videos here. The main page, as always, is here (with corrected Wine Country videos). By the way, the first four are through the most rural area. Numbers five through seven are the Ohio River Road. The last one is in Corydon itself. If you go here you can see them in full screen mode, though the resolution isn't the best - old camera.
  7. Here are a few photos and videos from Leadwolf's Annual Michigan Fall Ride. The music for the videos was chosen by YouTube.
  8. This is the most detailed and amazing display I have ever seen! Although this video tours a good part of the display, check out the other video's at the bottom of the screens also! The airport is just amazing. Some of the video's are in German...but there are english subtitles http://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/exhibit/video/4-minutes-wunderland/
  9. If anyone is planning a motorcycle trip to a part of Canada you havnt been before, maybe check out www.Vridetv.com . They have ridden a VRod across Canada and taken pretty high quality video from just about everywhere in Canada. They have found some great spots and even caught some wildlife like bears and Rocky Mountain sheep in their travels. They are mostly short videos, but they will give you a great idea about the roads and the type of the terrain and amenities around. Ill start you off with the Alberta Badlands and Dinosaur Provincial Park, just because its not too far from here. http://www.vridetv.com/sddinosaurprovpk.html Brian:smile5:
  10. Well its been a month since we got back from the old Country, things have been hectic ever since,inlaws where here,daughter bought and moved into her first house then anounced she was engaged ,one of my riding mates is in the hospital with cancer,so i've been up there lots and another riding mate just got married so that was stag and rides dinners then the ceremony of course,just glad he's a christian rider ,so there wasnt much booze involved (had enough of that back in Scotland ;-) ). so we've been so busy busy busy ,i think i need a holiday .anyways i've managed to upload some pics from our trip back ,mainly from our bike trip . anyways heres the link to the pics if you care to see them http://picasaweb.google.ca/106503589568630976738/Hols201002?authkey=Gv1sRgCL68iYDR577DAQ# the last 3 are videos ,not very good videos i,ll admit ,but a wee taste of the highest road in the UK.
  11. If you were and still are a fan of the Beatles, you will love this web site, every song ever written and recorded by them. Video's, and music. Sit back and take a trip back in time................ http://www.beatlestube.net/video-links/
  12. hey guys check out this web site .you won't believe it. www.amrca.com/ . be sure to punch on the videos. bill
  13. I really like the looks of the LA Chopper mufflers, sort of look like the Rineharts. Has any one put these on their Venture? Any videos or sound clips? Thanks, Dennis
  14. 6pak

    better than most

    This is one of the better videos that I've seen in a while. I don't know if its politically correct anymore, but It sure should be. [nomedia= ] [/COLO"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
  15. Videos of the ride from the Flying J to the Ronald McDonald House at St Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis. If you don't like ZZ Top you might want to turn the volume down. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vggf82S_ogc]YouTube - St Jude - 1[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBAQSD6coq0]YouTube - St Jude - 2[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-1L3Xce8uE]YouTube - St Jude - 3[/ame]
  16. juggler

    Quick Stop

    I've had my Action Cam since June and I've been using it to make videos while riding. I have Gigabytes of video. However, I really do not know how to process the videos and publish them. So I am learning iMovie (on the Mac) and Youtube. (And learn how to post videos here also.) This is the first movie clip I've published. I was recording my commute to work on I-94 West bound between St. Paul and Minneapolis when a car cuts off a FedEx truck. The truck has to quick stop which forces me to quick stop and lock up my rear brake. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRN-xDPeMcI]YouTube - Quick Stop - Yamaha Royal Star Venture[/ame] If this works I will be processing other videos including rides from Pork in the Pines and our trip to Mackinaw City, MI including crossing the Mighty Mac for the first time and then crossing it while riding on the metal grates the whole way due to the outside lanes being closed. Fun! Cheers,
  17. okay group i want to add another person to our committee. first i will tell you the pay stinks and it will be a voluntary thing. i need some one to put all the videos and pictures together that people take and donate to the cause on a dvd to music and edit them with some professionalism so we can make them available to the members that want to savor the memories of the meet. if you are artistic and good in this field let me know. i know alot of folks will be taking videos, and pictures. your cost to make the dvd's will be covered. when the members order them. do i have any volunteers? remember they have to be top of the line and the music has to fit the video. i know i'm being awful picky but. if you are familiar with the ones floyd made of previous meets you would understand why they need to be good. his were top of the line. bill
  18. Today at work, it's one of those days which is just kinda dragging on. The weather is absolutely perfect and if my bike wasn't in the shop waiting for a fuel-pump to arrive, I would be out riding. Anyway ..., I checked-out a web site today which gave me a nice mental vacation. Here's a reference to one of my favorite videos which theyhave available for on-line viewing: http://www.forbetterlife.org/be-inspired/tv.asp?id=1090 You just can't help but feel good after watching their short little video spots. Enjoy! Pete.
  19. I've been enjoying this site for nearly 2 years and have seen some great lookin bikes and read some really great posts from members. I've finally taken photos of my bike and just posted them. Take a look and let me know what you think. I've got a couple videos but I'm not sure how to add those. Any help in that area would be great as well. David
  20. This guy generally makes good videos. [ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=AqIeNALC9rI]YouTube - Ghost Rider - The End[/ame]
  21. I seldom go on You Tube, but a friend flagged this to me. It is an intersection car/cycle crash where the car obviously ran a red light. This is not for the faint at heart as the biker took a bad hit. But, on a lighter note, there are many more short videos attached near that are down right funny and it is amazing how stupid some people are. RandyA [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a68i-NDjdlc[/ame]
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