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  1. just picked up a nice 07 Victory Vegas 8 Ball, with 8200 miles! fun, fun, fun!! lots of custom stuff already...like paint, led turns, stop, and brake. HID, cust backrest, apes. this bike is quick!! my friend with a 09 RK SE 110, thought it was fast! im lovin life right now....
  2. The largest bike dealer in our area (Sunrise Honda Yamaha Suzuki Kawasaki Polaris) has 100+ used bikes in there pre-owned showroom. I have an appointment @ 10:00 this morning to test ride a 2010 Venture, 2010 Kawasaki Voyager, and a 2012 Victory Vision. I am in the market for a full dresser, and this is an excellent opportunity to ride these bikes back to back so I can get an immediate feeling of which on I like most. I am extremely interested in seeing how the V4 compares to the two twins, and also, very curious to compare the difference between the Kawi and Victory twin powerplants. I'll post my findings........
  3. A friend of mine went off the deep end ( midlife crisis ? ) and bought a 2013 Victory Vegas 8-Ball. I rode it yesterday. Several questions.. I have NEVER heard a shifter clank so loud while shifting gears. Do they have a little midget troll in there with a 20 lb sledge hammer changing gears ? Also, when you let go of the handle bars it leans/pulls hard to the right. ( I know why let go of the handle bars) I would think that "fighting" that pull over a long distance would get tiring on a long ride. Has 200 miles on it now, and it seems to backfire when decelerating. So is all this normal for a Victory ?
  4. Just read this interesting article about the Windsor ON police force making the switch to Victory Police bikes at a $7000.00/bike savings. They are the first force in Canada to do this. Some of the comments are interesting too. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/story/2012/07/18/wdr-victory-harley-davidson-motorcycles-windsor.html
  5. I went to a Victory Demo Days event today. This is the first time I have had a chance for a good test ride on a Victory. I have to say I really liked the look of the Vision especially the Ness version I rode today. That gas tank and dash are humongous. It's like getting in a limo with an extended hood line. It looked so big when I got on the bike I almost just got off again. But I didn't. I stuck with it and took the extended demo ride. To my surprise the balance and handling were awesome. It was very easy to ride at low speed. Parking lot maneuvers and slow turns were a pleasure. Balancing the bike at walking speed was almost effortless. I also rode a Cross Country and another little sportier model. Again very good manners. Here is the thing. As well as these bikes handled the overall ride was no where close to as good as my Venture. There is a coarseness that permeates the Victory ride and boarders on roughness. It is felt throughout the bike much more so than the little vibration in the Venture handlebars. So after a couple of hours riding Victories I was very happy to return to my Venture for the trip home. All I can say is "no victory sale here". Mike
  6. Okay, here's the deal. My RSTD has been a wonderful bike. My wife and I have loved it to death, and have rode it on several long range rides that have ranged from weekend getaways to 2 week vacations. I haven't had a hiccups trouble with it, and I intend to keep it until the wheels fall. Having said that, I have been tossing around the idea of moving up to a full dresser before a 4000 mile ride we have planned to go on in September. So, this past Saturday, Victory had their Demo Tour truck at the local dealership close by, and I accepted their offer to ride the Victory Vision and the Victory Cross Country Tour. I first rode the Cross Country and was certainly impressed, then I rode the Vision and it was an even nicer experience. Those two bikes are awesome, well thought out machines that I think would be very capable rides for the two up touring that we do so much of. HOWEVER, the whole time I was riding both machines, I kept feeling like something was missing, or off. I racked my brain so hard about it that after I got back to the dealership from the second ride, I decided to ride them again. It was in the middle of the second ride that it finally dawned on me what was gnawing at me. IT IS THE 4 CYLINDER!!! The difference between the throttle response and characteristics of the 4 cylinder in my RSTD is what i was missing while riding the V-Twin thumper type bikes the Victory's are. To me, there was a marked decrease in performance even though the Victory's are state of the art ultra modern high tech V-Twin machines. I also had this nagging feeling that I just don't want to stray away from a liquid cooled bike. Someone tell me, is this what I am going to face if I continue to flirt with the idea of buying a v-twin touring bike? I know I could just buy a new Venture and settle it, but I struggle with loving the motor the Venture has, but feeling lack luster about spending new money on a machine that is still......dated somewhat. I wish to the good Lord that Yamaha would get off their haunches and update the Venture with features like fuel injection, heated grips and seats, and for crying out loud a this millennium sound system that doesn't include a cassette tape deck. Someone talk me off of the ledge here. Lol.
  7. Our local police force as decided on Victory brand for their new police motorcycles. We are unsure why they chose Victory so far as we do not have a dealer for them anywhere that does not require a 2 hour ferry ride and a good commute to get to. Victory had made the proposal with the offer to train a local dealership... who all bid against them... to service the new bikes. http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=victory+police+motorcycles&hl=en&biw=1162&bih=667&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=a8eusDhLnjViCM:&imgrefurl=http://www.policemotorunits.com/id272.html&docid=9HLl686JowN9EM&imgurl=http://www.policemotorunits.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/webassets/.pond/VictoryPMPhoto201.jpg.w560h420.jpg&w=560&h=420&ei=zw5tT75s0sqJAs6_hcAF&zoom=1
  8. Dec 16th All Yamaha parts & accessories including special orders at 25% off. Honda, Suzuki & Victory sales also on their 12 Days of Christmas sale.
  9. Well, my membership has expired and sadly it is time to say goodbye. About a month ago I traded my Venture in on a 2012 Cross Country Tour. But first a few honest and sincere comments before I leave. I'll talk about this site and the valuable information on it first... Having 3 sites of my own, I know the hard work it takes to run a website like this and Don has done a FANTASTIC job of knowing when to step in and when to let things alone. The site is nicely done...and frankly I was very hesitant about "joining" a site that charged to be a member. Little did I know then that the information and camaraderie on this site was WELL WORTH the $12 per year that was asked (and yes, it is moderately expensive to run a website). I was a member of the VTX site before this site and they were pretty good...but I had no idea how "ordinary" the site was until I became a member here. Don and YOU MEMBERS are extremely helpful, understanding and caring about the other members of this site. I hope I was able to considered a part of that the short time (2 years) I was here. No smart alecks (or at least not the bad kind:rotf:), there were no rude people and there were no people that talked down to any other members (at least what I was able to see). I saw this all the time on a HD forum I was a member of (thought about a Harley for awhile)...and to be honest there are a couple of Victory forums with attitudes also, and this makes one's experience on those forums less than ideal. But what I miss most about the new forums I am on...is the lack of KNOWLEDGE that I have found here, and the lack of fellowship also found here. THANK YOU for those two wonderful things found at Ventureriders!! OK...now to the bike. I want to be brutally honest here...the good, the bad and the ugly. I don't have an ax to grind, nor do I have any intention of bashing the Venture. I just want to share my experience. When I bought my 2009 Venture, I was very disappointed in the bike, I thought I had made a mistake in my purchase and felt that way for several months. As the months went by, I began to SLOWLY enjoy the bike more and more. Once I went on my first long ride, I was starting to REALLY like my bike...in fact, I began to love the long trips on the Venture. My last long trip was an 1100 mile 17 hour ride from Virginia to Arkansas and I LOVED MY RIDE AND TRIP!! I will always remember that ride as one of my favorite so far. But although I had really became fond of my Venture, I could not get past the handling and top heaviness of the bike, and I was also unhappy about the options of the bike. Like many here I feel that Yamaha has become frozen in time in regards to this WELL BUILT BIKE...the engine on this bike is AWESOME!! In October I went to Bikes, Blues and BBQ in Fayetteville and had actually decided to sink another $1500 into my Venture to lower the bike (a second time) by upgrading the front forks and also purchasing the Corbin seat. I went to BBB and even decided NOT to demo any bikes, even though that was a tradition for the group I was in...I finally gave in to ragging the other guys were giving me and just to please them I test rode the Victory Cross Country Tour. I knew then it was the bike for me. The Venture is a proven success! The engine is the best thing going for this bike. On the interstate, this bike rocks. But in my opinion the positives stop there for me anyway. The Victory CCT handled extremely well, it had all the amenities that you could want on a nice touring bike and finally, the bike isn't dated. So my mind was changed at BBB within 3 minutes of taking the Victory out for a ride. Yes, I will miss the durability of the Venture engine. And yes, I will DEFINITELY miss the super nice members here on this site. I can assure you that every time I visit the Victory forum... I see lots of bickering and little information. Luckily, I prefer to ride than to bicker on a motorcycle website. So again, I know the Venture is a great bike for a lot of people (especially you taller guys)...but it does seem the better fit for me is the Victory. One last thing...I did keep my CD changer and an unfinished SHORTENED kickstand that I have on eBay right now... in case anyone is looking for either one of these items. http://www.ebay.com/itm/190601124266?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 and http://www.ebay.com/itm/190601124038?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Again...Don Thanks for a wonderful 2 years. I will truly miss this place. Wally Jarratt ArkieBiker
  10. I am thinking about selling the Valkyrie and going with the Kawasaki Voyager or a Victory Vision or Cross Country. Any thoughts?
  11. If your thinking about buying a Victory Vision, you'd better check this out first! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir6tw7K78bc&feature=player_embedded]Victory Vision Squeaking Problem - YouTube[/ame]
  12. http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/victory-motorcycles/touring/cross-country-tour/pages/features.aspx It looks like Victory has hit a home run on this one IMO. What do yall think?
  13. I was wondering if anyone new how to get in touch with Pete. Not sure what he goes by on here and not even sure he is on here anymore. He is the guy who rode the new victory at Vogel. If you do I would like to know how Thanks Rick
  14. First let me say that I just renewed my membership for another year! This is an awesome place to stay for a while. Matter of fact every morning before work I see what's new. Wednesday the local Victory dealer had their demo days and I went down to try them out over lunch. Nice day and as busy as I have been at work; I needed a break. I know I will get blasted but since I first laid eyes on the Victory Vision; I wanted that bike. I have heard them all from it's Fugly to George Jetson and of course it's not a Harley. I will also tell you being an Iowa boy and these being assembled in Iowa is a good thing. Can't wait for Indian's to be built here as well. Test ride was 16 mile course of city, highway and interstate riding. What I liked about the bike: 1) Well balanced-Was easy to ride in the parking lot to the highway and intestate. 2) Adjustable Windshield-AWESOME where ever you wanted. 3) Comfortable-Seat was good. Able to stretch out with the floorboards. Wife did not ride with me but bike felt roomy 4) Highway and interstate riding-Bike was really smooth and made for touring. Dislikes 1) Vibration especially in town. I know V4 to V twin. 2) Transmission-Every where I read the tranny was improved A buddy that owes one agreed that it was. Still alot of grinding and clunking noises to me. 3) Engine-Slow response and sluggish. I did have the bike up to 90 on the interstate but seemed sluggish. Same buddy agreed with me compared to his 09. My 06 RSV I crank the throttle and off we go. Did not get that with the Vision. 4) Wind buffeting-Got caught behind a semi and I will tell you that it got real wobbly to the point I slowed down and got back in line. Was riding with a group and we got seperated and was trying to catch up. At that time I was doing 70 mph. Was able to catch up to the group a few minutes later when I got it up to 90. Biggest disappointment was the engine and transmission. I would tell Victory to keep working and I will stay with my RSV for a LONG TIME!
  15. This bike is almost perfect. Victory is at least listening. http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/victory-motorcycles/touring/cross-country-tour/pages/overview.aspx?WT.si_n=VIC-AD-US-PRMO-2012_CROSS_CTRY_TOUR&WT.si_x=1&WT.ac=VIC-AD-US-PRMO-2012_CROSS_CTRY_TOUR
  16. We made it home today after a great week in Lake George NY. Burned a few tanks of gas riding the back roads in the area. It was really hot for most of the week and rained all day Saturday. We tried out a Victory Cross Country and a Honda GL 1800 trike and just missed getting to ride a Can-Am Spider. Saw lots of RSV's in and around the area while we were there.
  17. hig4s


    I test rode a Victory Vision, and a Victory Cross Country today. The stereo was better on both bikes then on my RSV, seat comfort was good on both, a little better on the Vision but lower on the CC. Handle bar bend seemed funny and bothered my wrists. Vision had turbulence around my helmet even with the screen all the way up. And the Cross Country turbulence was terrible. I never had and turbulence around my helmet on the RSV, even when it had the stock windscreen. Vision seemed very heavy both slow and at speed. Surprisingly the CC was much lighter and more nimble, I thought they had the same frame? FI is nice, engine has lots of torque. But overall, not as good as what I have.
  18. I saw a 60 something year old lady come into the park today on a Victory Vision trike. I think I like it better than the two wheel version. I didn't get a picture of it but here's a link to a picture of one. I don't recall seeing a trunk on hers but maybe it's removable. Or it could have been there and I just didn't notice. http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2011models/2011-Victory-VisionTrikea.jpg
  19. Victory paved the way .... http://www.visordown.com/motorcycle-news-new-bikes/honda-concept-stateline-slammer/16666.html
  20. Ok was this close to getting a Vision Tourer yesterday until the following: The Victory dealer was a pleasant surprise, he took the time (about 5 hours), he let both my wife and I ride the bike (most dealers around will not allow that to happen) and at the end wanted to know what needed to be done to the bike to make it better. From what I have read, the 2011 was supposed to have the tranny, but on this bike the tranny during shifting banged (clunked) whatever noise you want to call it, but this did not feel or sound right from what everyone was saying about the new tranny. Once we got on the open roads, huge vibrations at all mph and in any gear, NOT what I expected to have happen on this bike. Told dealer about the issues, mechanic came out and said nature of the beast. Dealer let me test ride the Victory Vision 8 Ball (2011). Came back and told dealer, DAY and Night difference in the tranny and no vibration like I felt with the VV Tourer (2011). Dealer told me he agreed with my assessment, they are going to have the Victory Tech take a look at the bike. Later on that night did some more digging, come to find out the VV 8 ball uses cable actuated clutch, not the hydrolic actuated clutch. Other VV Tourer owners are having their bikes converted to the cable version, no clunks or bangs and shifting much smoother. Next was the Mechanic's area (passenger), she said the seat felt great and loved the heated seat (great day yesterday for testing that), but NO ROOM, she was practically sitting on my back. Dealer could not believe the Venture had that much room for the passenger, but he is convinced now. She was fidgeting the whole 75 mile test ride. But for the rider loved the ergonomics of the bike, just to many issues with the mechanics and passenger area. If it was just me, I would have this bike over the Venture due to the ergonomics of the rider area. The clutch and vibration can be fixed, but not the passenger room. But I will be keeping the Venture for now, just hoping Yamaha comes out with a surprise for 2012.
  21. Got to ride a 2011 Victory vision monday, very nice bike, excellent handling on the interstate. My friend bought one Yesterday. white 2011 these bikes are very nice and equiped well, heated grip and set are standard. The 2011 drive train is much quieter than the 2010. Gregg
  22. well i went to the victory motorcycle web site and set up a demo ride at a local dealer. HA. Here's the email I sent Victory and have not heard 1 word back from the dealer or Victory. So I get up Wednesday and drive @ 50 miles or 45 min to Riders Ville cycle and arrived @ 10:30 1/2 hr early so I took the time to look around. As I watched one of the staff help another customer that was looking at a motorcycle he was interested in the staff member whose name I failed to get. He may have been the manager or owner for all I know turned to me and asked " are you two together" meaning me and the customer he was helping. I replied no I was here to take a test ride on a Victory. The staff member asked me witch Victory and I said the Cross Roads or Cross Country. He said to me "We don't like to give test rides on the Victory unless you can afford the down payment"at that point I said oh and he started to explain how dealers are going out of business form giving guys test rides who then don't buy and then they have to sell the demo bike at a discount bla bla bla. So I left and will not be back. 1st, I set this demo ride up in advance on your web site and Riders Ville cycle is listed as a participating dealer and they where the closest to me. 2nd, I go there only to be insulted by a member of their staff who assumed that because I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that I could not afford the down payment on one of your motorcycles. 3rd I drove @ 100 miles and wasted close to 2 hrs of my day for nothing. I don't think or believe this to be a reflection on Polaris or Victory Motorcycles but I do think you should know how they treat potential customers. I have worked in retail for 20 yrs and I am currently a manager for a large company with stores across the US , Canada and Mexico as well as Asia and Europe and it ain't Wal-mart. I know that people aren't buying things like motorcycles and that every one that walks in to a shop should be treated with a little more respect. RESPECTFULLY, Patrick McDunn
  23. Well folks, I finally got an opportunity today to really take a good look at the Victory Vision. I was in Toledo, OH and stopped by Honda East in Maumee, OH to see if they had a trunk bag for the RSV. They sell Honda, Yamaha, Victory....I don't remember what else. They didn't have the trunk bag but they did have a new Vision inside and a demo sitting outside. I didn't ask to take it for a ride but I did sit on it and started it up. First impression was the same one I've already had and that was "WOW...this thing is really ugly". Second impression was when I sat on it and I have to say that it felt very comfortable. Ergonomics felts really good, seat felt great, lot's of room. Third....I lifted it off the side stand and thought WOW...this thing is really well balanced. It almost stands up by itself. Apparently a very low center of gravity and I'm thinking that it would handle very well. Fourth...saddle bags look HUGE until you open them. What a disappointment though when you do open them. About the size of a decent sized automobile glove compartment. I don't know WHAT they were thinking. Fifth..stereo sounds GREAT. Bigger speakers than the RSV and really sounds nice. Sixth..started it up and you can certainly tell that it's a V-Twin. Vibration is not as bad as a Harley but it certainly does vibrate. I actually like the vibration though as I do with the Harley. Probably smooths out nicely at speed. Lastly...WOW...it sure is ugly. Sorry...but regardless of the few positives...I just don't think I would ever be able to get over the ugly.
  24. Check out the May issue---Touring Cruiser Shootout. Harley Street Glide VS. Victory Cross Country. Then the June issue----Star Stratonliner Deluxe. Both bike's are a copy the the Street Glide. The Victory and the Stratoliner look like twins. The Victory's fairing does look better though. If Yamaha wants me to trade my 86 VR or my 09 Ultra for a newer Yam.---they had better step up to the plate. Someone go throw a bucket of water on them to wake them up.
  25. Unfortunately, needs some "cosmetic" work ... maybe more? http://preview.autotrader.ca/used_cars_Motorcycle_details/Vernon_British%2bColumbia_2008_VICTORY_VISION%2bPREMIUM_1007470.html?srcID=5&frnID=7277754&ms=motorcycles_atvs&cofid=CT2005113122235580&prv=British+Columbia&r=9
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