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  1. just saw them on there, looks like they have 3 for sale. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MENS-YAMAHA-STAR-MOTORCYCLE-VEST-/140671131055?_trksid=m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D9083682475525833443&_qi=RTM1084481
  2. Okay Just bought a couple synegy heated vest and was wondering are the different makers interchangeable.. So would say Gerbing Glove liners connect to the tourmaster vest? or do each have thier own unique connectors? thanks for the input!!!
  3. I'm going to install the wiring for my Widder heated vest with dial controller and was wondering how others routed the wiring and where you mounted the controller. This is all going on my '01 RSV. I want to be able to use it for rider or passenger.
  4. I was offered this Widder Heated Vest and controller for $50 . Should I go for it?
  5. http://www.stacoolvest.com/index.php (StaCool Vest) Have any of our members tried this vest? After 25 days of 100+ temps here in Texas, and no relief in sight, I may be ready to make the investment. I would sure like to hear from other members that may have first hand knowledge of the effectiveness and ease of use of this cooling vest. The other vest I am considering is the CoolWing Rider Vest seen here http://www.coolwingrider.com/. I have tried and did not care for the evaporative cooling vest. Simple, inexpensive, but not very effective, uncomfortable, and butt-ugly. Thanks, and stay cool out there.
  6. I know this subject has come up before but I'm bothered that all it took to drain the battery was a heated vest. Have heard the the RSV doesn't have the most robust electrical system. I was in Daytona and saw a vendor selling LED running and headlights. Unfortunately can't find name (I thought I took a card) and it may have been only harley specific. Anyway, other discusions here about LED driving or headlights have talked about interference with radio or CB. This guy said he's never heard of that with his LED lights. They were not cheap - at least 400 bucks for a pair of driving lights but might be worth it to reduce the electrical draw and make a heated vest or jacket practical. Anyone know of LED driving lights out there that would fit the RSV and not interfere with radio?
  7. Just for my Harley riding friends, Its not really socially acceptable but it fits in well with this crew. They are all millworkers, and Im just their Foreman They treat me bad !! They shouldn't do that! It says Why Yes, It is a f---in Yamaha. I put it on the back of my vest because thats what they see most of the time
  8. I just ordered a Gribling battery powered vest that is 7v. and it comes with a charger that looks like a cig. liter plug. There is a plugin in the fairing, does it have ennouth juice to charge the battery for the vest? If not will a bigger fuse work or will I have to rewire it? tew47
  9. Does anyone know a part number or a source for a male plug that will fit the AUX DC output that is tied up beside the battery? I have a heated vest I want to get rigged up but the ends are different and I'd much rather splice the right style of plug on the vest then mod the bike's wiring. Thanks.
  10. Am planning an early June trip to Colorado this coming summer...Going to be a bit chilly riding a few of those passes I imagine.. was thinking of a heated vest for my better half, but wondered if the electrical output of my 84 first gen is enough... I was thinking no, but thought I check with the folks here.. Anyone early first gen riders familiar with this...??? Thanks, Clay
  11. "big fella with a white goat-ee". my son said he visited briefly with a v.r. member a couple of weeks ago, in the APPLE COMPUTER store, in willow-brook mall. james said he was wearing a G.W. vest, but claimed to own a venture and a Harley, also. was it anyone that i might know? just jt
  12. looking for advice/input on purchasing a leather vest - i am also interested in men & ladies leather riding jackets - preferably the collarless type - heck i'm also looking for full face helmets for me & wife w/snell rating and removable liner. i've been goggling this stuff but was wanting some advice from this very diverse group of riders, thanks......
  13. Don't bother wasting your money on a cooling vest. If you wear anything other than a mesh jacket they are a waste of money. I've tried two now and the one I just tried is being shipped back home. I'm on my 30 day ride and using a textile jacket. The vest is supposed to be a 2 day vest but within an hour I took it off. It was nothing but damp and clammy. No cooling effect whatsoever. I was dying today in the 90 degree weather with the textile but the textile is also waterproof so I'll stick with it. I'm assuming the vest will work with the mesh but not certain as I don't have it with me.
  14. I listed an Eclipse Vest and Chaps in the riding apparel section. The chaps have never been used and one controller is included. These item's are from a friend that has quit cold weather riding.
  15. Anyone have a recommendation for a cooling vest? I'd like to find one for my 30-day ride this August. I read somewhere a great review of a vest that can last up to two days but not certain where. Any thoughts?
  16. Before I got the electric vest I used Hot Hands Body Warmers to ride when it was it was real cold. Since my DR650 doesn't have enough wattage to support the vest for very long I have purchased some more. They are normally $1.97 at Walmart for a package of three but this time of the year they get put on clearance for about a dollar. The bigger sizes really work good to keep your torso warm which helps everything stay warm.
  17. BACA is coming tonight to meet Haylie and give us some more info. they would like to have a biker name for her to be known as....only 1 person, the child Liaison, from baca will know her real name or the the specifics of what happened to her. I need some ideas for a name....i cant think of anything..... I believe they are going to give her a vest and i dont know if they put her name on it or not. heading out to get her from school and then to therapy will check in when we get back and see if ya all had any ideas...... thanks for the help !!
  18. I usually dont rant about stuff. Thats what I do for the magazine. But I recently did a product review for something that might be of interest to some folks. I know the Ventures have a fairings so its not an issue BUT if you have another ride or have a friend that has a windshield (like on a roadstar) and they keep whining about the buffetting I found something that works... well... to kill that wind. Its a vest that .....well...kills the wind. http://www.jacksflaps.com/index.htm I recently got one because the wind ripping around the sheild was pushing my beard up into my face. It works really well. If you decide that you are interested I HIGHLY reccommend that you call and talk to Jack personally. Hes a stand up guy with a good product. Check it out for yourself. Im done babbling..sorry.
  19. FALCO. anyone heard from him, lately? anyone want to post a picture , showing where they sewed their patches on? i still have both of mine in my vest pocket. can't seem to decide which place would be right! just jt
  20. Stopped by the dealership and saw something that impressed me enough to pass on the info here. Heated vest, chaps and gloves. I tried them on and they will get the job done. Vest and chaps are water proof and some sort of nylon type material. Gloves are leather with fur inside and very comfortable. All three items have individual controls and can be used as a single item or interconnected to each other so that only one plug need to be attached to the battery. Very cool. Prices: Gloves, $139.00, Vest $129.00 and chaps were $149.00. For the women in the crowd who are always cold, put them in a Joe Rocket for First Gear outfit along with these heated goodies and they will be having a heat stroke in the dead of winter.
  21. Here in the Northeast it gets pretty cold but not always snow. I want to be able to ride all season as long as the roads are clear. What im looking for is a good quality garment. Gloves and vest or jacket liner. I want to be able to connect the gloves to the vest or liner or use the gloves alone. Last but not least I want to be able to adjust the temp so I dont bake myself. Tell me what you use
  22. Not that expensive either. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r3/safety-vest/safe-lites-beaconwear.htm
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