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Found 18 results

  1. Ron and I have been walking at the county park near our home every evening. Last night, we see a guy sitting on a First Gen in the parking lot. Naturally, we go over to meet him. He is a really great guy and he had never heard of our group. So of course, we told him all about the VentureRiders and he was really interested in joining. So Ted, if you read this, it was really nice meeting you. Yama Mama
  2. LtShame


    Is there a Facebook page for Ventureriders??...It would be easier to communicate with each other.
  3. I just wanted to thank the Ventureriders for all of your help in bringing out the jem in the ratty old bike I picked up Christmas eve. Without your knowledge & help finding parts, there would have been NO WAY I could have pulled this off in just over 2 months. - Thanks again!
  4. All I want to know is...was this a member of VentureRiders?
  5. Pulled up behind a group of STAR riders from Savannah today at the flowertown festival in Summerville SC. They had Never heard of VentureRiders so I gave them the site address hopefully they will check it out.
  6. Is anyone going to the bike show in Toronto this weekend Jan 7-9,2011 at the Toronto International Centre? It would be great to see some Ventureriders there!!!!
  7. Just wanted to share our Christmas card with my fellow VentureRiders.
  8. I thought it was time for an update of the past efforts of everyone here at Ventureriders. I could name a lot of people that have taken the bull by the horns and helped me in our effort to raise money for the kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. But being the old fart that I am my memory isnt so good at remembering all of them, but let me say that most have been raised by hosts of many of our events that have come to pass. With that said I thought you should know how successful our efforts have been up to now. Let me preface this by saying that the average for giving by motorcycle orginizations like ourselves, have an average of $2500.00. Now some of them may be smaller, some larger, but I dont think any are more dedicated that VentureRiders, we are a special breed, we are more of a family than just another riding group. Since 2005 when I put together the first Tail of the Dragon/Vogel up to now we have raised and donated over $10,500.00 to St. Jude. That does not include any of the money raised so far this year. We are lagging behind a little but I have faith that we will get quite a bit more before our annual ride to St. Jude. I want to thank everyone for their support of St. Jude. It is a wonderful research facility and until you have been there and seen it and the Ronald McDonald house across the street from it you have no idea of what St. Jude is to those kids who need it and its research. So In the next few days I will be contactinig them and setting up a date to present the monies to them in person at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Thanks again, Lewis & Charlene
  9. I saw an RSV this morning on my way to work. It was in Camden, Tennessee, on Hwy 70. Not sure of the color as it was just getting light, but it looked like this one in the pic. It was pulling a matching trailer, and was an older gentleman driving it. I yelled out "Ventureriders", and gave him the thumbs up as I went by, as I didn't have time to chase him down. Anyone here? http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/4020392169_cddef822591.jpg
  10. Does anybody else check this out? I have been checking their reviews of modular helmets and have gotten some good ideas. I also notice that this site is reviewed as follows: VentureRiders: VentureRiders is a very active site and by far the largest site in the world that is dedicated primarily to the Yamaha Venture, Royal Star Venture and Royal Star motorcycles. They also have a number of members that ride other brands as well, so check it out! It seems we get around quite well! Dave
  11. Hey Annie! I see Bongobob sent a gift your way: HERE Just proves that VentureRiders are a sharing bunch.
  13. MERRY CHRISTMAS Ventureriders!!
  14. The Oberlin Inn has come thru for us again for Don's maintenance day. They have set aside a block of rooms for us for Friday & Saturday nites. They are giving us a rate of 89.95. Just be sure and tell them that you are with the ventureriders so they can get the rate right. The phone number is 440-775-1111. They are anxiously awaiting our arrival.
  15. Just thought I would let you know that Alice and I went to Hot Springs last week and got married. We stayed at the Williams House Bed and Breakfast and she furnished our wedding arrangements. Cathy was the owner and she was a terrific hostess. We got married Aug 1 at 9 a.m. I told Cathy about the VentureRiders and she said if any of you wanted to come and stay, she would give a 10% discount on the room, Monday thru Thursday. She said she couldn't give the discount on the weekends. It is a beautiful home that was built in 1890 and it is full of antiques. We stuck our neck out, after I had talked to her on the phone, and i can honestly say, I don't think we could've picked a better place. Cathy said you might have to remind her who the Ventureriders are, since she doesn't ride bikes, and if that don't work, just mention Mike and Alice, surely she will remember us LOL!! I picked at her the whole time we were there.
  16. Im going up to Springfeild for a MP school august 8th - 23rd, Whats up around there to do on the weekends? Also any VentureRiders in the area for maybe dinner one night?
  17. Rick (Sarges46) and Marilyn will be stopping by Gary's (Grandpagak's place on Sat, May 17 on their way through from Tower, MN back to Brandon, Man. I will be hooking up with them to make a hand off. Brandi (Crowsnest) may also be there looking for some help with her bike if she doesn't having it running by then. So, if anyone is interested in meeting some of the other VentureRiders, stop by Gary's place on Sat for a bit of socializing (read swapping lies) and maybe doing some work on Brandi's bike, speak up and I can give some directions on how to get there.
  18. Hi Folks, First I want to say thanks to everyone for helping make this year’s calendar a success. To date we have sold 57 calendars and raised $342.00 for the VentueRider.Org OPD Fund. That will help purchase a lot of Water, Ice & Goodies for this year’s upcoming events. Now, for all you last minute shoppers your orders need to be placed by noon Feb. 14th. Want a Preview? Click on the Link Below Go to Ventureriders Folder & click on the folder. This will Open up to a 12 & 24 Month set of pictures. After you have selected one or the other Look in the upper Right side of the screen and click on slideshow http://www.lookingglassphotos.com/ Thanks, The Calendar Team To Order Calendar Click Here "]http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=1318879
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