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  1. First the story: I was riding home yesterday afternoon and it was hot. I reach up on the dash of the 93 super fast blue bike and open the vents. Nothing changes so i put my hand up next to the vent and no air is coming out of either side. The Questions: Is air supposed to come out the vents? How in the world do you get them to stay open? Finally does anyone really know how fast the blue bikes go?
  2. I might be one of the few people who have vents on side covers and fairings that are still intact. My question is what did Yamaha do to create some resistance on the vents to hold them in place? It seems the vents have a mind of their own. When I don't want heat, those open. When I want some cool air, those ones shut on me. Any help would be appreciated before I try to rig something up.
  3. I remember Bongobob telling me that they were rare. I guess that was an understatement! I thought about it but it wasn't worth it to me. Maybe because my bike already has the chrome vents and I was thinking that this might be good for a back up set. Oddly enough two different sets showed up on Ebay at the same time. The other set was pretty banged up. http://www.ebay.com/itm/230728628260?ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1435.l2649
  4. I posted a video to YouTube of the process I used to install round aviation vents in my winshield. It's about 11 minutes. I hope it helps!
  5. Is there a secrete in how to remove the left and right lower air vents on an MKII?
  6. Holy Crap! I just hit a large rolling tool cart on my way to work. I was doing about 75 mph on the freeway in the early morning light. I was distracted by something (probably the truck pulling off the road up ahead) and suddenly a large gray square appeared about the same color as the road. I thought it was concrete! I did not have time to hit the brake and I just slammed into the middle of it with a shattering thwack. The heavy plastic shattered and flew all up into my bike busting my lower fairing and knocking the vents out. My feet were stinging but I was wearing cowboy boots so no injuries. I have not closely looked at the bike yet, but it looks like the fairing is repairable, but the vents are lost forever. I went back to the crash site after pulling over and catching my breath. Other cars had been smashing thru the debris. I found one of my vents crushed. I guess I am lucky, it could have been concrete. The great jumpmaster in the sky was looking out for me.
  7. We are in a major heat wave here in Arkansas...and using true "hillbilly" ingenuity, I was able to strap the AC to the back of the bike...now I gots to figger out how turn thems vents around.
  8. Hi guys, I'm new to this group and in need of some parts for my new(to me) 86vr,and hope you can help I'm looking for the stock patch cords for the intercom (bike to helment)if anyone knows where they can be had that would be great!.Also the side panel vents? (big triangle ones, need both sides) thanks for any help, Ed
  9. Hey Guys, I'm going to be installing vent(s) in my stock windshield and am just wondering if anyone has installed two Goldwing vents? Or do you think one is enough? I get very hot in the summer and need the airflow.
  10. I am considering installing a windshield vent and was wondering about the Pros and Cons.:yikes: Is there an article on just how to install the vents and are there different types? Your help and knowledge is appreciated! Bubber
  11. I am thinking of purchasing some lower wind vents (I am already feeling the heat)...and have only seen one picture of them installed....and the angle was from the front, which meant you could barely see the vents. Could someone post several angles of the vents from the back and also a closer view of the clamps. Thanks, Wally
  12. I thought I would post it here first. Parting out an '86 VR 1300. I have almost all the plastic. Some needs to be repaired. Have everything for a complete rebuild. Black and gold. Both saddle bags, bottoms and lids, trunk, purple color from '89 VR. All front fairing parts plus vents. Windshield stock height and in good condition. All braces for fairing. Let me know by PM and I will answer all with what I have. Chuckles
  13. Just purchased 1988 Venture and I am in the process of cleaning up and changing fluids. I am in need of the side panel vents/louvers (both). If anyone has a pair let me know.. cimack77
  14. I finally upgraded my horn (thanks to Carbon1's bracket) and added highway pegs. I'm still playing with the adjustments on the pegs.. Right where I would like them they interfere with my air vents, so at the moment I have them just back enough so the vents still work, but I think that they are a little too close there.. I guess I will try them just forward of the vents next. Oh I got the Kuryakyn longhorn offset dually with ISO wing pegs. www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/18/scID/53/IMID/460
  15. I was out riding today and it was warm. My lower vents are worn and always flop over closed so my legs were toasting. I had to stop at Wally World and pick up a few things and I ended up in the automotive section. I don't know why but I was looking at air freshers and saw these lil slip on jobs that go down inside the vent and have a clip on the side that snaps over the air conditioning vent louver. Wait a minute.....air conditioning vent.......lower air vent.....Hummm? They are the right size to slip in and stay in place. They come in a pack of 4 of a $1.28. It worked like a charm, held the vents wide open and got the breeze back on my knees. Not to mention I still smelled pretty good myself after 200 miles. Not such a selection of manly scents like "Burning Rubber" or "High Octane" but I can get by with vanilla on a hot day. Hey....the ladies like ice cream......right? Who says an air fresher is pointless on a bike? Snaggletooth
  16. I need to add vent(s) to my windshield. I know there's a thread about it! I just can't find it.
  17. Several people have asked so I have started making replacement lowers for the lower wind vents on our 2nd gens. The cost is 35 which includes shipping. They are available in smoke,clear, and black . I have to make these as you order them so expect them a couple of weeks after you order . You can paypal me or send a check. buddyrich at ebmc.com is the paypal. Didn't use the @ symbol so the spammers don't pick up on the email address. Pics attached
  18. Hey guys I just added a new set of running lights to the bike. I wanted to move my pegs forward and down some more. I found these lights which are LED's and figured they would mount perfectly into the air vents and be totally out of the way. The air vents are still functional (if they actually do any good) and the lights are in the way of nothing. You can see in the pic of my bike how much lower I was able to get my peg down as the other side still had the old light in place at the time I took the pic. Let me know what you think. Paul
  19. Is there a spot to tap into toread oil pressure for a oil pressure gauge? I took out the useless front fairing air ducting and made some great looking covers for where the vents were. I want to add a gauge to each side and figure a oil pressure gauge would be a good addition.
  20. I just bought a new (2008) Yamaha Venture so I am not as familliar with it yet as most of yall.I have heard some talk about manual air vents......Where exactly are these air vents at?
  21. Our venerable leader said, "As for the vent, I will not buy another shield with the Goldwing style vent. They are VERY hard to keep clean as the bugs and grime get between the vent flange and the shield. Plus, mine stop[ped] opening and closing correctly a couple of years ago. I will use the round pop out vents from now on and would just as soon install my own. It is very easy to do." Before I order my Clearview windshield, I would like to know how many of you have vents and like them or do you agree with Freebird? Thanks for taking time giving me feedback. Lynn
  22. I got the lower vents for my '08 Venture and was looking to get highway pegs but it doesn't appear to me as if they will fit with the lower vents. Anyone have both on their bike?? Or know that only a particular peg will work with the vent?? Thanks... Dee:178:
  23. I gently popped out the lower vents on my '85 to see why the vents won't stay open. Well, no wonder, there's nothing there to keep'em open! So, I took plain ol' rubber bands (black is better) and hooked them around the snap-tabs and across the vents. Works better than new! Don't overdo it with the bands though. You wouldn't want to stress the plastic parts. Check out the pictures.
  24. Hi, I have been attempting to repair my dash panels. I have lots of cracks and breaks in them and a missing RHS dash air vent. The LHS vent wants to jump ship too but I just caught it in time and put it in my pocket while riding at speed on the highway. This got me wondering just what Yamaha was thinking when they put these air vents into the dash design? Next to no air comes out and what ever does, is easily swamped by ambient airflow eddying around the windshield & fairing etc. Yet if you are missing a vent it looks like CR4P! The hole for the vents leaves the dash panel very vulnerable to breakage as the thickness of the plastic at the in board corners of the vent hole is VERY thin and flimsy. I have concluded that they aren't worth the bother and am thinking of blocking both of mine off in an aestheticly acceptable manner. Have I missed something ? Does anyone see any real benefit from these vents? Thanks, Brian H. Uxbridge Ont
  25. Anyone have the adjustable lower vents on their bike, was wondering if they are worth the money, and what they looked like after install (pictures) thanks:puzzled:
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