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  1. Several folks expressed some interest in the ball stug repair for the broken side cover pins. I have also included a pic of the brake I put on the side vent to keep them open/closed.........
  2. My 1300 sometimes at a constant throttle setting,seems to have a cylinder come to life and speed up and have more power-then in and out sometimes... Any thoughts tanks chris
  3. The new replacement shock has a half inch vent tube on it. The old one didn't . So is there a place to route this vent tube ? It's about 10" long. I,'ve tried to include a picture so look at the whole post
  4. Ok looking for suggestions. When I take out my '84 for a ride & then park her (in the garage) I get a gasoline/exhauset smell. I vent the garage but it comes back. Within 4 hours or so it stops. Bike runs fine & I get great mileage MPG. So far I have changed Fuel lines Vent lines Fuel filter all clamps Air filter PCV vent in air filter IS attached petcock is in good shape nothing is leaking, weaping or stuck Originally the bike smelled ALL the time but replacement of all lines fixed that. It's like she is running rich. I have narowed it down to the carbs & the floats are ok but is there anything ELSE on the carbs (washers fittings set screws etc) that anyone can suggest may be the problem? It's not a huge problem but more of an irritation. Any suggestions?
  5. Decided to fix it myself, and pocket the change! I think the ol' rattlecan job looks pretty ok. The bugs wash off better than I expected, too. Next is the trunk and bags. Just a little ratty. Not the whole bike. By the way, I love my new F4 Customs X tall X wide. The vent in front is truly perfect.
  6. What is the size (in mm) of the crankcase vent tube on the "twinkie?" I need a new mini-breather and can't recall if it is a 15mm or not....
  7. I'm still looking for a R/H side cover vent for my '86 VR. If you have one please contact me. Jim O'D..........
  8. There are couple on eBay, but seeing if any members have an extra they would like to sell. Also looking for a air vent by the speaker right side when sitting on bike. Let me know , bags 84 VR 120k brought back from the dead.
  9. I noticed that my 91 VR, elbow to shoulder wind buffering was quite excessive compared to the 2012 Goldwing that I test rode this weekend. I have the Clearview (Tallest & Widest) shield with the vent. Any my vent was open. Any suggestions as to how I might remedy this?
  10. At the end of the riding season last year, I bit the bullet and Installed a K&N Air Filter. Since the weather has been so bad here, (snowing again today, 3 ins. by morning) I have had an extended amount of time to do all of the things to my 87'VR that I would never do during the riding season. I removed the Air Box Cover and to my surprise there was a BIG messy oily spot on my brand new filter where the Crank Case Vent Tube enters the Air Box. I was not happy. Well the old 87'VR has 75,000 miles on it now and I figured that there is probably going to be some blow by. I remembered that on my 86' V65 Magna, before I rebuilt the engine I had the same problem and added a Crank Case Vent Filter and disconnected the Crank Case Vent Tube from The Air Box. So, I did the same thing on the 87'VR. The pics below show the plumbing that I removed, How I plugged the two holes in the Air Box, The New Vent Filter, and the final result. Any Questions, Feel free. Earl
  11. After reading several posting on shields, I ordered the largest, tinted with vent for my 91 VR. Largest for added protection and to help with the passenger wind buffering. The result is that both I and myself felt more wind buffering than the standard OEM shield. Whats up with that? So a fellow rider suggested I open the vent up. That seemed to help with the wind buffering, but we do not think it is any better than the OEM buffering. Now I will really want to avoid riding in rain. Eithor let the rain thru the vent for a less buffering ride or stay dryer and let the wind buffering beat me up. On top of that I've heard that my mpg could be lightly reduced. If I had to do it over again I think I would just install the vent on the OEM shield. I may just do that anyway so I have a spare in the event a rock cracks the Clearview.
  12. Anyone here ever hear of a gas tank building so much pressure in it that it actually spread apart causing the front of the tank to spread out and pop off the front mounts?I parked my Venture and my son's Venture outside the shop yesterday temp outside was 90 degrees and my son's tank had swelled up and spread apart.There is about a two inch gap between the tank mount and where it bolts to the frame.The guy he bought it from told him if he is riding and it starts to run like crap to just push down on the gas cap and it will quit running bad and that worked he said he kept getting a strong gas smell and so he thought a relief valve was installed wrong so he took it off and turned it the other way.I am guessing that was a vent and him turning it around caused the pressure to not vent out.Does anyone know where that vent valve may be located and where a guy may find a good used tank?Thanks
  13. When I purchased my 87'VR last winter I was getting 31 MPG one up and 28-29- MPG two up. Needless to say, I was not impressed! Over the winter of 08' I did a few repairs, mods and after about 1000 miles I can now say for sure that my gas mileage is much better. Here is a list of the mods: 1) Carb. Diaphragms (when I pulled mine, they looked like spaghetti strainers! I just replaced the rubbers, NOT the sliders) 2) Needle Shim Mod from 5Bikes ( Removed Nylon spacer and replaced with S.S. washers, .050 thinner than Nylon spacer) 3) Crankcase Vent Mod ( plugged airbox, removed vent tubing, installed Crankcase vent filter) 4) Carb. Sync (purchased Carbtune and Synced Carbs. Built a "manifold" to verify Carbtune accuracy.) 5) Adjusted Mixture to 2 1/2 turns from bottom 6) New Plugs 7) New Wires (from Ebay) The bike starts great, runs like a scalded cat, Idle is great, no more soot on tail pipes, no "Backfire". Over the last 4 tankfuls of gas, I have been getting 180 to 190 miles before the "Red Light" comes on. ( 4.0 gals. 45 to 47 MPG) This is one up. Two up I got 165 to 175 miles on three tankfuls. (4.0 gals. 41 to 43 MPG) Thats roughly a 33% increase in gas mileage! Plus, I did most of the work over the winter so I didn't loose any riding time. There are many folks I need to thank and you rascals know who you are! If you have questions, Just ask! I sure did and got a lot of great help! Thanks to everyone, Earl
  14. Going through my carbs and was wondering jet sizes. I thought mine were stock. Slows were all #15 but mains were: LF-122.5, LR-122.5, RF-120, RR-117.5. Is this a stock arrangement? OK, did more digging, they're stock. Pilot screws were between 1½ to 2¼. location ?. Do you need to put the covers back on screws? Carbs were filthy on outside (little on inside as someone had put air filters in wrong) I'm guessing all these years with eng case vent line dumping oily laced air in the air filter case. Has anyone dumped the eng case vent to atmosphere like the other vent lines? I've seen it done on other bikes. Why is the sky blue. I'll stop there!
  15. RJD

    need help

    we are in michigan for the weekend and twice yesterday a vacuum built up in the gas tank and the bike quit while going down the road. I pulled the rubber vent hose off the top of the tank and blew through it and it is not plugged. trying to blow through the nipple on the top of the tank does not seem to be letting air in but the hole is very small. I can't say for sure if it is plugged and can't find anything small enough to push through the hole. any suggestions. got lucky yestday and the bike did not shut off going down 75. if anyone has any suggestions on how to check the vent let me know.
  16. I've noticed that when I'm low on fuel (1-2 gallons), the engine picks up a vibration at different rpm ranges, similar to the carbs being out of sync. When I fuel up it goes away and runs very smooth. Could it be vent related? Thanks in advance. The following has been done: Fuel filter replaced this spring. New plugs (pulled the tank). Sea foam treatment.
  17. I talked to the owner, John, at F4 about getting a new windshield on my RSV. I told him I wanted a vent and he said the standard answer is no, but since he's the owner maybe. Well, he checked out the shield and said he could get the Goldwing vent installed. I know there was discussion on this before, the lack of a vent was a deciding point for many. I'ts the same height as stock but 2 in. wider per side. The Lexan sounds like a superior product and for $30 more than comparable Clearview shield, I think I'll go for it.
  18. Does anyone have a right side dash vent off a 1st gen It's the vent right beside the speaker grill. Red arrow shows the part I need...but I only need the RIGHT side vent. Anyone???
  19. Getting ready for my 3700 mile trip at the end of June so I wanted to test a few new add ons. Put a new XL F4 Custom windshield with vent, and it works great. Left Salt Lake City headed to Las Vegas(425 miles) and it was 36 degrees Monday with a touch of snow on the ground. Ran into two big rain storms on the way and barely got wet. Was able to put RainX on the shield which really helped and the vent provided a nice flow of air when I got to hotter weather in Vegas. Towed my new to me Escapade trailer, and I didn't really know it was back there even in hard crosswinds and heavy rain. I'm not usually fan of tank bags but I picked a small one up from Motorcyclegear.com that's a perfect fit for the RSV. Holds my MP3 player, sunglasses, wallet and a few food bars, even has a map pocket, but I use a GPS. Head back to Salt Lake City on Saturday, weather looks better this time. I think I'm ready now. I will be doing an Iron Butt ride on the first leg, 923 miles. This will be my first. Longest one day total before was 793 miles.
  20. As most of you know by now I finished our trike (3.5 years). My problem is I keep pushing gear lube out of the vent that I installed. I installed the vent in the top left rear of the flipped over center section (no axle tubes). Now looking back on old photos, I can't see a vent in the the old gear case cover. I couldn't use it in the build so I threw it away. Does anyone out there have or know of someone that has a 1989/1994 Cougar or Thunderbird V6 with the 7.5" IRS. Could I please get you to look under the rear and see if there is a vent of any kind on the top rear of the aluminum cover? Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. PS Everything is closed up for Memorial Day so I can't get into any wrecking yards.
  21. This is a different bike than on my signature. The bike in question is the 99 rs venture.I usually dont forget steps when reinstalling parts but I know I did this time. The crossover vent lines one on each side of the carb sets, left and right. Where are those tubes comming from? If I would have seen them i would not have forgotten to remember to put them where they belong:fiddle:. Where should I look for these and am i right tinking that these are just vent tube or are they vacuum? While we are at it , does anyone know a post on making a bracket for the stebel horn?
  22. Took the bike in and had it serviced and a new Dun-lop E-3 put on the rear. It was done and, well, it was sunny, and hardly any wind, and, well I called in and took a day of vacation, and well, went riding! I went through 2 tanks of gas for a total of 452 miles. (Most I was able to get in was 4.87 gal at 231 miles, hit reserve at 201, I think, darn gauge resets and does it's count down.) Went no particular place, for no particular reason. Just me and the bike........... WOW, WHAT FUN I HAD!!! :sign woo hoo: :sign woo hoo: Sorry had to,,, rub it in,,, I mean ,, um ,, vent. Yeah that's it, VENT! Bryan
  23. Today was a productive day! Got the J&M Headsets put in both helmets and the GW vent in my stock windshield. The headsets were a breeze. The vent not so much! It wasn't making the hole that was a problem it was getting the vent to fit. Had to thin down the mounting surface a bit to make it work. It's a bit scary to chop a hole in the windshield but my girl was all ready to order the F4 if I screwed up. So either we were going to have a vent! As for the headsets...Holy Smokes!! Why didn't we do this sooner? My girl was giggling the whole time cause we could actually talk. NO MORE HAND SIGNALS! Got a bit of wind moise but we were running with out any windsock so I hope that will improve with some tweaking. If not we will have to invest in Mic-mutes. I really just wish there was a quicker way to get to comm volume. That would make it much easier to use. But all and all we are happy with todays projects. So what do I get to tinker with next? Frank
  24. My boss went out to her bike to find a horrible surprise. Her tank had collapsed on itself. The tank vent was plugged up and the vacuum crushed the tank. The tank was low on fuel. She had been riding in the 80+ weather we had last week and parked her bike in the shed. Temps dropped back down to below 30.
  25. OK I have a question. On the right side of the bike (when sitting on it) just above the window that you check your oil in there is a little tube (about the diameter of a wd40 straw and about as long) coming of a little plug type thing. Is this a vent tube of some sort or should it be hooked to something. I have never noticed it before and it runs forward and down like a vent. Open for info please advise:whistling:
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