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  1. I'm looking for a good chock to hold my 2008 RSV upright for oil checks/changes and well as for trailering. Has anyone any experience with a Venom wheel chock with their RSV? I found 2 models on Amazon: Venom Wheel Chock (all black) New Venom Wheel Chock (black and golden) The specs for both say that they fit wheels 17" to 21". My RSV has a 150/80-16 Dunlop Elite 3 front tire. Will either of these chocks fit my tire? Thanks.
  2. I just got back from a STAR Touring BBQ in Branson, MO. 2500 miles, 900 of it MO & AR twists and whoop-t-doos. (rode straight home,950 miles yesterday,,, whew. About 18 hours.) So, my stock size Venom is now shot (now at 22k) I called my dealer to get another and was told they can't get it anymore. I looked on Bike Bandit and saw it only on CLOSEOUT for stock size. Guess that narrows the field again on stock size 150/80-16. No Avon, no Michilen Commander II. So I am having them put on a Dunlop E-3 Friday. Mike G in SC
  3. Gotta replace my front tire. Got almost 30k on it. Got 18,300 outta the rear. Would like to stay with the nenoms, but checking with Sw moto, seems they are being discontinued? If I can't stick with the venom, is the e'3 the next best thing?
  4. Just got my RSV back from the shop where they did some front end work,i now have a Avon cobra in the front and a Avon Venom on the rear. The dealer said the bike should run ok with that combo, it drove home ok. Has anybody ran a radail in the front and a bais in the rear? They will put on a Venom if i want one.
  5. I am replacing my Venom rear tire right now, it only had about 13K miles on it. I'm also running a Venom front. What kind of miles is everyone getting from their Venoms? I'm disappointed with the mileage on the rear. I'd like to run something with some tread in the center of the tire so wear will be more apparent. I'm thinking of switching to a different rear. What other tires work well with the Venom front?
  6. Wondering should I use the sidewall "maximum PSI" number for my Venom X tires? Or should I stick to the MTL (Manufacturer Tire Label) on the bike?
  7. RJD

    Avon Venom

    Well I was changing the oil and decided to replace the rear tire. Someone mentioned recently that Avon was replacing the Venom. Is that available yet? Thats one question. Another is, where is everyone else finding the best price. I want to get it ordered soon. thanks, Bob
  8. Just put a new Venom X on the front and now front end feels like I'm riding on tar snakes. It isn't any better than the old tire that was really worn, tracks to easily on any grooves in the road. Checked cold tire pressure at 38. Any ideas why it feels this way, leaving on trip in three days and not feeling real comfortable especially at slow speeds.
  9. Ok all, my nephew stayed 4 days with me this week. He is 20 years old and we done some turkey hunting. Then he helped me get my bike up on the layrin bike lift and we changed the front tire. Then my brother came over this morning and we changed the rear. So now this is what I have gotten done on the bike, with a whole lot of help. I am a decent boss on the how to part and I can hand a tool with the best of you, one arm,left shoulder surgery. So I did help as much as possible, until it came to the lifting that required two arms. #1. Flanders bar upgrade from Buckeye Performance, with stainless brake lines and throttle and clutch. #2. Removed all the old fluid and put in new brake fluid and clutch fluid. #3. New Plugs. #4. A.New Avon Venom front. B. New Avon Venom rear, greased rear diff. I already had done the spline and new diff gear oil last year at only 3000 mile earlier. Still going to do; #1. Wash and wax the wheels and mufflers before replacing on bike. #2. Change oil. #3. Check the K&N air filters to make sure they are OK and properly seated in the canister. I read where Freddy had done his and they did not seat properly, so I am going to check mine and make sure they are alright and fix if not. #4. I am going to get everything back together. #5. Wash the whole bike and add some wax. #6. Order a new set of bigger mirrors that I saw somewhere for around $30.00. Put them on. I think that is it...... Oh Ya, hopefully get to ride it in about 2-3 weeks ??? Doctor appt. Wednesday, May 2nd. I may be released to drive,work, and ride sometime in the very near future,I hope. Fuzzy
  10. Just Ordered mine tonite. www.denniskirk.com Dennis Kirk has a great price on the Avon Venom AM41 Front 150/80H-16 $127.99 Avon Venom AM42 Rear 150/90HB-15 $110.95 Shipping is $5.00 a tire Total $248.94 Hopefully this might be a sign that spring sales are coming on tires. Everyone else was still at the $159.99 - $162.99 FRONT & $151.99 - $160.99 http://www.jakewilson.com/ http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/ http://www.compacc.com/
  11. i am ordering an avon venom from jake w. am i tubeless? 83vr
  12. I just replaced the front E3 on my RSV after 21,600 miles. This is not near as many miles as I get from a Venom front tire, which seems a bit odd when you consider that I get about 3,000 miles MORE from an E3 rear tire than I do from a Venom rear. I have never been as satisfied with the Dunlop E3s as I am with Avon Venoms; I think the E3s are better than most other tires out there, but not quite up to the performance of the Venoms. I have a relatively new E3 on the rear (just 7,000 miles on it), and I put an Avon Venom on the front to see how that combination works. While changing the tires, I noticed that the Avon in stock size is considerably shorter than the E3 (smaller diameter), even when comparing a new Venom to a worn out E3. In addition, the Venom has a more rounded profile while the actual width of the tire from tread edge to edge is identical. I suspect the profile and smaller diameter contribute a lot to why the Venoms handle better for me. This new combo of the Venom front and E3 rear felt great today when I put about 50 miles on it to check out the new tire, but that is pretty early to tell. Gotta head back out to Phoenix this week, so after that 3,000 mile round trip I'll be able to give you a much better report on them. Goose
  13. Just pulled off a set of Avon Venom off my bike today.....17500 Miles....could have made it for a few more......I have been happy with them but went back on with Dunlop elite 3 for no reason other then going to try something else
  14. just received my new front and rear Venom X tires - the rear appears to have small cracks all around it (or maybe these are just molding marks?) - the date code is 4310, so they are fairly new? i've attached a pic - for those who have had this problem would you confirm that my tire needs to go back for replacement or should i mount it? TIA......
  15. Hennessey Venom GT Hennessey, a renowned tuner of Dodge Vipers and just about anything you want equipped with superpowers, took one of the lightest sports cars on the planet, Lotus’s Exige, and installed more horsepower than you’ll find in a Bugatti Veyron. Each of the 1200 horses produced by the 6.2L twin-turbo V8 must propel just a speck more than one kilogram of Hennessey Venom GT
  16. just wondering when to change avon venom, i'm not sure how many miles i have on mine but they are down to the wear bars but still an 1/8" away from being a slick. i hate to change too soon but also don't want go to the edge either.
  17. Just for the record, a friend I work with had the belts come apart in his Venom over the week. He had just put the tire on his 1800 Goldwing a couple months ago before taking a trip up along the coast. The rear tire only had 4,000 miles. Avon told him that his tire was after the bad batch with the cracking problem. Don't know, but glad I got Dunlops.....
  18. ... its quite nimble with the windshield removed and new Avon Venoms on it. I was very happy with the way my 08 RSTD handled Saturday on the ride to NE TN. I replaced the rear Bridgestone just after Vogel last fall with a Venom. The handling was a bit better but not as good as I would have liked. Just replaced the front BS with a 130 width H rated Avon Venom and the bike handles noticeably better. Its certainly not as nimble as my Triumph, which is 300lbs lighter, but its pretty good. fyi. I mistakenly ordered a V-rated rear Venom. Avon customer support says that the V-rated is intended for the V-Max, and has a softer rubber compound than the recommended H-rated rear. So, I probably won't get as much mileage from it, but it feels good on the road.
  19. We're in-route to Charlotte, NC (currently stuck in Statesboro, GA). Got Avon Venoms front and rear. The rear tire (Avon venom) is starting to show cord...need to get a tire TODAY! Dealerships are not open yet so I don;t know what tires are readily available today. I'm not sure if I can get a Venom today...but...is it safe to put a mismatched tire (whatever brand is available that fits) on the rear today, then change out the tire when I get home???? Is that "unsafe"?
  20. I did a search & didn't find any posts about this, so here goes. My Kumho rear tire experiment has been a failure for me, so I am going to replace my rear tire with an Avon Venom AM42. While doing that I am hoping to correct some speedometer error by putting an over-sized rear tire on. Has anyone used/tried a 170/80-15 tire on the rear of their RSV? My research is on an Avon Venom 170/80HB-15 tire. The only worry is the width which is 6.9" as compared to the 150/90 width of 6.3". The height of the replacement is only 1/2" higher. The 170/80 tire has a great load rating of 83H. That load rating is 1074 lbs.! If anyone has some info to share, please do. Thanks; johnB
  21. I would like to get a quick poll on the Metzler M880 and the Avon Venom. I have narrowed my choices to these tires and would like to get a count of how many use each. I know everyone has a favorite for different reasons, but since lots of you have used either one or both of these I would get some numbers on which you prefer. If you are interested in helping me make a decision and simple M or A would be great in your response. If you would also like to say the mileage you have gotten from the tire you selected that would also be helpful. Please just note whether it was a front or a rear. Thanks for all the info so far and everyone's help... JM:bagpipes-emoticon:
  22. I am getting ready to get new tires for my RSTD. On my RoadStar, I have had 4 sets of Venom X, 1 Venom R, 2 Metz 880, and the stock tires. I found that I like the venoms more than any other tire for the heavy cruiser. I am looking at the 2 available for the RSTD one is rated "H" and the other rated "V". The H has a heavier load capacity. Do any of you Venom X owners have an opinion as to which tire would be longer lasting & why? Thanks
  23. Not a whole lot to report yet, but thought I'd start this thread so I can update it later. Yesterday I just mounted my first Dunlop E3 on QuickSilver. I only have a couple of hundred miles on it so far, but initial impressions are very positive. One thing I noticed MIGHT simply be the power of suggestion, but I'll report it anyway: When we put the first E3 on my brother's RSV out in El Paso a couple of weeks ago (he only got to ride about 65 miles on it before it blew out!), he was commenting to me on the radio how it rode quite a bit smoother than the Avon he took off. Since the tire had a catastrophic failure less than 5 miles later, I have been wondering if maybe that impression was coming from a tire that might have been losing pressure just before the failure, but I swear I notice the same thing with my new E3! The E3 does have a slightly lower load rating than the Venom (77H vs, 80H) and a lower max sidewall pressure than the Venom (40 lbs vs. 50 lbs), so that may be the reason for the softer ride, but it still surprises me. I had about 45 lbs in the Venom, and since the E3 says right on the tire to keep it at 40 when riding loaded or two-up, that's what I have in it. I wouldn't expect just 5 lbs difference to make a big difference in the ride. Handling seems to be at least as good as the Venoms, but it is really too early to tell. After all, I only have 200 miles on the tire, and I still have an old Brickstone front tire on the bike that I was using just to wear out the last rear tire before I mounted a new set. As I have noted in other discussion, raising the rear of the RSV changes the rake and trail enough to dramatically improve the handling of even that disgusting Brickstone front tire, so I will let if finish it's life before I put on the new E3 front tire and test the matched set. Since I have gone through three Venom rear tires on this bike (and several other brands too), I have a good basis to compare relative longevity between the E3 and the Venom for the same bike, rider and conditions. Looking forward to being able to eventually report on how they compare! Ride safe, Goose
  24. Sorry, I know we have posted a lot about the Avon Venom X tires, but most of the posts seem to be from RSV and later model RSTD (after 2001). I'm looking for someone who has run the Avon rear 150/90 15 which seems to be slightly wider than the Dunlop. Are there any Tour Classic owners (98/99) who have used the Venom and who can tell me if there is a problem because they are wider? I want to order a pair of Venoms (front- 150/80 16, rear- 150/90 15) because I like the fatter front tire. Really appreciate the group and great bunch of riders. Thanks very much in advance for your help.
  25. Not really as the subject says....I didn't nearly killed myself in the real term of the word. Here is what happened... I was in need of a new tire for the front of my Midnight '06 and from reading decided to put a Avon Venom 130 in the front. All I was reading seemed to point to a more nimble bike that felt lighter at parking lot speed. So I did just that. Last night after work I went over to pick up the scoot. On the way out from the rear of the service bay there were many big holes. Normally it takes me a bit of dragging my feet and such to get around those. So this time I figured it would be no different. I started to turn around those large pot holes but the bike responded so nicely I kept over-steering. Where normally I have to muscle the bike around obstacles, this time it just seemed to work itself around those. It was a great feeling. I almow felt like I was back on my 81 Virago. I love my bike even more now. I never thought it woudl make such a difference. If I had, I would have replaced the front BrickStone way before this. I found a new love in that Avon Venom 130. Just for the record, I also have the front end losered by 1 1/8" and I run a CT in the rear. Right now it feels to me like the very best combination. "Rock on"
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