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Found 17 results

  1. Don't know if this has been posted before. Found and ordered one these wall clocks off of Ebay. ($25) He has all models of MC and other vehicles. Just received mine today. Here is the link: Merry Christmas to me. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2013-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-S-Wall-Clock-Free-USA-Shipping-/121033158081?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D4230751189823041217%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D121033158081%26
  2. I don't usually endorse a product like this but I just couldn't resist!!!!!!! I went to Wally World Saturday and they had this stuff on sale Turtle Wax black box waxing system. So I said what the heck, my 02 midnight Venture is due for a full waxing I'll give it a shot. It is marketed as being for black vehicles only and shes black. It is a 2 step system. Put on cleaner conditioner, let dry, spray with a black detail spray(everything is black in color),buff off,put on wax,let dry,spray again with spray,buff off and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god I have never seen anything like it. The paint looked 20 layers deep with a mirror finish I AM IMPRESSED! Now the fun part, not being one to stop at one, I proceeded to do my wife's (BLUE) Suzuki Burgman with it and..........same results! Guess the black vehicles only is the gimmick. But THIS STUFF IS UNBELIEVABLE if you haven't tried it try it REALLY it's worth the 15 bucks. I figure I will get about 5 or 6 waxing's out of it!
  3. And PUHLEEZE let's not have snide remarks from the 1st genners .... (as if that would ever happen) Just wondering about this ... as we all know, some vehicles come off the assembly line at the wrong time of day or week and turn out to be a lemon. Similarly, certain years of a given run of vehicles seem to be better than others so... What year of the 2nd gen seemed to stand out as a better production year than others? Had the least amount of issues, least number of clutch basket whiners, least number of assembly screw-ups, etc, least number of rear shock early failures and so on.... Do we have any stats on this? Any thoughts from ya'll on this? Something for ya'll to jaw about while I'm away to Kruisn Kootenays to keep ya'll out of trouble..
  4. Be careful what you put in your bikes. The EPA has now approved E15 Ethanol. At this time, they are saying that it is good for vehicles made in 2007 and later but they are saying that they will likely revise that to 2001 models and later. MANY small and large engine manufacturers are warning that you should NOT use E15 in your vehicles because it will damage rubber parts and plastics and can cause fuel leaks. Some environmental groups are even saying that it can cause increased pollution because ethanol contains only 66% the energy of gasoline so fuel mileage will likely suffer. The good news is that, for now at least, it is voluntary and many stations are likely to not add pumps for it or switch over from the E10 that many currently sell. Still, some will likely do it and you don't want to put it in your motorcycles. I don't want it in my cars either. It is absolutely crazy for them to do this. There was a story on the news earlier this week about meat prices going up due to the higher cost of corn. Looks like it is only going to get worse. Let's not let this get political. I'm thinking that it probably will and will then have to be deleted but for now, I'm just saying to WATCH what you put into your gas tank.
  5. I got some filters from my Dad after he died. I'm not sure if they fit anything that I got. I tried to cross reference but didn't get anywhere after 90+ minutes. How do I find out if the filters that I have fit the vehicles that I own? Got filters: Fram: PH3600, PH2, PH9A, Motorcraft FL-820S How do I find out if I have vehicles to match these filters?
  6. I found this information about new lithium-ion battery technology and how it may apply to electric vehicles interesting. http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/07/how_the_us_may_win_the_battery_race
  7. This is the 2010 MotoCzysz E1pc, a race bike built by a tiny Oregonian company focused on pushing the limits of electric performance to the absolute max. It packs 10 times the battery capacity of a Toyota Prius and 2.5 times the torque of a Ducati 1198 into a package that looks like something out of a 24th-century Thunderdome. Tomorrow it will race in the Isle of Man TT, the toughest motorcycle race in the world. The technology at work is so advanced, so unprecedented, that we may be looking not just at the future of motorcycles, but of all electric vehicles. http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2010-06/inside-story-motoczysz-e1pc-worlds-most-advanced-electric-motorcycle
  8. If your day is going like mine (not a lot to do), test your skill at recognizing vehicles by their taillights... http://www.driving.ca/theprovince/quiz/taillights/index.html I got 28/35
  9. It's sad when people in vehicles do not pay attention or just won't. http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2010/jun/16/fatal-crash-early-wednesday-morning-palm-city-slow/
  10. Today after work, I stopped by one of the local salvage yards to see if they had a window roll up for Laura's van. I was told that now they have a new yard with Cash for clunkers vehicles in it and they should have plenty. I went in and saw at least 200+ vehicles and to be honest, it looked like a pretty nice car lot. In fact, there were a lot of cars and trucks that I would be proud to own. There was an 02 Burgundy Escalade in very nice shape, a two door Seville with a Northstar engine, several Blazer SUV's that looked almost new and on and on and on. It was absolutely unbelievable that many of these vehicles were not worth more than $4,500 for a straight trade-in or private sell. They are now selling parts off them, but no engine parts. But, with "disabled" written across the windshield, the engines are worthless, since they have been seized up. I know several people that are in great need of a decent vehicle and it is truly a shame at what has happened to these vehicles. Yeah, there are some that are truly clunkers, but many were really nice. RandyA
  11. I have been using this for 1 1/2 years now. No problem with the clutch. I have been using it in everything from the bike to the mowers to all the vehicles. Just wondering if anyone here has used it yet.http://www.motorkote.com
  12. I just bought this http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=KAT-MATRIX&cpc=SCH I plan to mount it on the bike this year and get some real numbers for performance. Use to Measure your Vehicle's: Braking force Cornering Horsepower G-Force 0-60 second acceleration * 1/4-mile time/speed *
  13. Trying to get out of the whole rental situations and become an owner. Going to go take a look at a house this evening. :banana:I'm so sick of landlords who think they can control every aspect of your being just because it's they own the joint. My current landlords were pretty good till this spring. All kinds of new strange rules. He showed up on my doorstep a few weeks ago saying the neighbors were complaining about junk vehicles. I told him I don't have any. He pointed out my old Ford and said it has been sitting in the same spot since last fall and such. Then he said I wasn't allowed to have any incapacitated or unregistered vehicles in the yard. All vehicles are supposed to be parked in the garage. My garage is not to be used for storage. (Wouldn't keeping your care in the garage when not in use be considered storing it?) I told him it had current tabs and wasn't incapacitated. He started getting an attitude, then I told him to leave. I got a copy of my lease in the mail about a week later with all the rules he thought I was breaking highlighted. :bawling:Not a one of them was I actually breaking except for my truck being parked outside. I don't know what he expects if the truck is to tall to fit through the dang garage door. Now why would a landlord care if you car is parked outside? Why would he care what you keep in your garage? Why would a landlord think it's cool to limit tenants to only two vehicles when it's a 3 or 4 bedroom unit when both parents and the kid all work different shifts? I'll quit my complaining now. I hope this is a place I and my better half can both agree on. I don't mind having to to some work on the place. I'm handy that way. Besides, when is it you find something that's exactly the way you want it anyway? Wish me ?
  14. I have always changed oil in my automobile every 3,000 miles. Now with the price of oil products so high, I am wondering if it is really necessary to change the oil/filter so often. Our new car calls for oil change every 5,000 miles...is there something different about newer vehicles, or is 5,000 mile just the newly accepted standard. Appreciate any feedback...especially if you have a mechanical-based mind or mechanical experience.
  15. Are you okay? Just saw the news and it looked like your area really took a big hit this morning with the storms that moved through. Did you have any hail damage to your vehicles or broken windows. We had some real high winds and lost some more tree limbs, and the power was out for about 7 hours today, but no damage to the house.
  16. www.motorkote.com I just ordered 1 Gal of motorkote to use in all the vehicles, mowers, an the Venture. Just wondered if anyone has tried this product.
  17. Please explain just what the term "Cages" is in reference to. I never heard this term before joining here, and am now coming across it quite frequently. My assumption is that the reference is being made to any four (or more) wheeled motor vehicles sharing the roads with motorcycles. Please enlighten.
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