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Found 17 results

  1. Never thought I'd ever do this again but I did. Haven't had good experiences over the years with "clubs" but I've ridden with this group a number of times and it seems to "fit" right. Anyone else in the Vancouver / Lower Mainland area that might be interested, check out this vid ... [ame= ] [/ame]
  2. Well we are leaving on the RSV and the new trailer Thursday after work for Vancouver BC for the long weekend, leaving from Sylvan Lake AB.
  3. Long range forecast for July long weekend @ Kruisn the Kootenays... Vancouver area [ATTACH]68666[/ATTACH] Nelson area [ATTACH]68667[/ATTACH]
  4. Sunny and 20 celcius in Winnipeg!!! Cold and snowing here in Vancouver!!! geeeeesh!!!
  5. This year's Motorcycle Ride for Dad for Vancouver Island is on this coming Sunday. Is anyone in the area besides me going to attend? Would be nice to hook up if possible.
  6. Hi All, Great website and forum. I need your advice on a trip that I am about to take in 3 weeks. I just purchased a 2006 tour deluxe in LA and am driving the bike back to Vancouver, Cananda. I have 8 days set aside for the ride. I was hoping you could provide some suggestions as to great routes that will make this trip memorable. I was thinking the PCH was a must but I also wouldn't mind turning east and heading into the desert (Sedona, Vegas or Grand Canyon). Any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Planning a trip from Vancouver along coastline to California border and back thru middle of Oregan,can anybody give some must see points of interest??Thanx:fingers-crossed-emo
  8. I know this is short notice. I'm in Vancouver this weekend, docked at Main Street pier. If anyone is interested in an m&e let me know. My cell number is in my profile.
  9. You folks in Vancouver probably have no idea this is going on, but the 2010 world championship Wheelchair rugby (Murderball) is happening in your own town! The last game is scheduled to be held on the 26th but the schedule has a relatively full day tomorrow and Saturday, so there is plenty to see - if you are interested, that is. http://www.2010wwrc.com/news-results/results The games are being held in two different courts in the 'Richmond Olympic oval'. I'm sure my cousin would be happy to have additional support!!
  10. No real agenda for my wife and I...prolly going to ferry across from Victoria to Port Angeles in a day or so. From there we are heading south on the 101. This was day one: http://members.shaw.ca/rsxer/trip.jpg Hanging out in Vancouver for a couple days...
  11. Here's a pic of my bike on the dock at Tofino, BC in the middle of a 4500 km ride we took from Edmonton over to Prince Rupert, ferry down to Port Hardy and then a few days spent exploring some great roads on Vancouver Island. There are some fantastic twisties there!! Gold River, Tofino, Port Renfrew, and all!! We had some rain on the north part of the island but it was sunny and warm after Port Renfrew!!!
  12. Had a good ride Sunday. Went to Victoria for the "Ride for Dad" to raise funds for prostate cancer research. They had about 800 bikes and raised over $100,000.00 for research. They closed the streets through Victoria so we could run out to Ogden point then start the poker run through Saanich. My three queens weren't even in the running. On average two men a week die of prostate cancer just on Vancouver Island, in Canada it is 12 per week. The numbers have to be much higher in the US just due to higher population. There are about 20 cities in Canada that have this run. They are expecting about 2000 bikes in Vancouver next week. Get that PSA test every year, it can save your life, it saved mine.
  13. I'll be starting some winter maintenance soon and I though others might be as well. Does anyone have a Morgan Carbtune and/or Colortune for loan in Greater Vancouver? If not then I'll order these and make them available for loan. http://www.ekmpowershop1.com/ekmps/shops/carbtune/carbtune-pro-4-column-and-toolpouch-24-p.asp I also have a valve shim kit available with most sizes from 2-30 to 3-10. I have not bought the tool yet though.
  14. Snapped a few pics of springtime downtown Vancouver at the entrance to the SkyTrain.
  15. Interesting time-lapse vid of Vancouver's Coal Harbour area looking towards North Vancouver and showing the Pan Pacific Convention Centre. Bottom right shows a boat continuously coming and going from the same dock. That's the "water taxi". It's a passenger ferry (part of the transit system) that takes people from downtown Vancouver to North Vancouver.
  16. Hi folks: My daughter wants to get a bike. I'm nervous and proud at the same time. A few problems I'm having. First one is that I'm in Ontario and she is attending Simon Fraser University in Vancouver B.C. For her to get a license she needs to get her beginners and then needs someone 25 or over to ride within eyesight of her. She knows nobody in the Vancouver area that rides a bike. She is looking at a Yamaha 400 street bike which is small enough to handle in the city but big enough to take the hills and for short jaunts on a hwy. She also wants to take the MC course but the last one for this year starts this week which dosn't give her enough time to get onboard with that so she intends to do that next spring. She has never driven a bike but has ridden on my 84 VR and has also had some experience on a scooter. I guess I'm looking for suggestions. Best case scenario would be a member from Vancouver sort of taking her under their wing to get her going and maybe even go with her to look at this 400 she is interested in. Thanks for listening. Wayne
  17. Without going into details, here's a great 5 day ride from Vancouver. You'll see lots of exciting and varied scenery, not to mention the many historical landmarks. Start anywhere around Vancouver and travel east to Osoyoos. Overnight there at either a camping spot or motel. Make a reservation if you're travelling during the peak season. Second day, leave Osoyoos and travel east to Nelson. Beautiful scenic area with lots to see and do. Places to stay shouldn't require pre-booking. Third day, leave Nelson and travel east towards Balfour & Kootenay Lake. Head north up the lake towards Kaslo. At Kaslo, head west to New Denver, then north to Revelstoke. Stay overnight at Revelstoke and be sure to check out the "music in the square" downtown during the summer. There's lots of camping and motels plus a few great resorts. Some will require a reservation or you won't get in. My personal favourite is Glacier House Resort. http://www.glacierhouse.com/ (mostly because I worked for them on contract before, during, and after the construction of the resort and of course because it's a fantastic place) Fourth day, leave Revelstoke and head west, stopping overnight in either Kamloops, Cache Creek, or Lillooet. Kamloops is a major interior city whereas the other two are quite small. I prefer Lillooet as a stop over vs Cache Creek. Fifth day, head west via Lillooet and towards Pemberton and Whistler village. Continue on that route through Squamish and finally back at Vancouver. A great 5 day ride averaging about 5 - 6 hrs or so per day riding so lots of time for stopping here and there. All roads are in very good condition and offer a wide variety of straights, curves, hills, 2-lane, 4-lane, tight corners, etc. I'd provide more detail but typing time today is limited. Possibly some of the folks viewing this who are from those areas can elaborate on places to stay, things to do, etc.
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