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  1. Nina & I were out for an enjoyable afternoon ride yesterday and decided to head up the mountain to where one of the local ski hills is. Very nice ride, warm and sunny and not a lot of traffic. It's 2-lane up, 1 coming down. The left lane going up is designed for passing slower vehicles and there's signs along the way that say "Keep right except to pass". So, up ahead of us is a "slower" moving car in the right lane. In the left lane is a van (plumber's van) going about the same speed as the car but appx 2 car lengths back.... I got up behind the van and follow for a bit, waiting to see if he's actually going faster and passing or if not, is he going to move over so I can pass .... NOPE... neither! I get into his side-view mirrors and flick my high beams. Still he doesn't move over so I blast the horn ... still doesn't move over. Now, I don't like passing people on the right coz sometimes they suddenly decide to move over and not realize you're there... but I did anyway and as I got passed him and moved over to the left lane to pass the car, I raised my left arm and made a finger motion over my head pointing to the right (used the index finger) and off we went up the road. Got to the parking lot and got off the bike and next thing I know, this guy in the van pulls up and says "did you finger me?" in what I felt was an aggressive and threatening tone. So I said NO and explained the motion I made and why I made it. He repeated "you fingered me" and I repeated NO, it was a motion to move over. Well anyway, to make the long story short, I thought for a few minutes there I would have a scrap to deal with; however, he backed off, backed up and left but it was obvious as he was backing up, turning around and driving off he was cussing me out. From my perspective, the guy was itching for a fight over nothing IMO. Not sure how I would have handled it had he gotten out of his van, me being 65 and him appx 35 but me at 165lbs, wiry and quick to get my dander up .... Nina later reminded me that I shouldn't go getting into such things as I'm not 35 anymore (which I guess I still think I am LOL) Anyhoo... nothing more came of it and I'm not really sure why I'm posting this other than to just VENT a bit LOL
  2. May You Rest In Peace! VanT. Barfoot died at the age of 92 on 2 March 2012. Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag down? You might remember a news story several months ago about a crotchety old man who defied his homeowners association and refused to take down the flagpole on his property and the large flag that flew on it. Now you can find out who, exactly, that old man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg -- probably didn't make much news back then. Twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, nearCarano, Italy, Van T. Barfoot, who had enlisted in the US Army in 1940, set out to flank German machine gun positions from which fire was coming down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced through a minefield, took out three enemy machine gun positions and returned with 17 prisoners of war. If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions. That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a Colonel after also serving in Korea and Vietnam, a Congressional Medal of Honor. What did make news was a neighborhood association's quibble with how the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be flown on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were unsuitable. He had been denied a permit for the pole, erected it anyway and was facing court action if he didn't take it down. Since the story made national TV, the neighborhood association has rethought its position and agreed to indulge this old hero who dwells among them. "In the time I have left I plan to continue to fly the American flag withoutinterferenceBarfoot told The Associated Press. As well he should And if any of his neighbors still takes a notion to contest him, they might want to read his Medal of Honor citation. It indicates he's not real good at backing down. Van T. Barfoot's Medal of Honor citation: This 1944 Medal of Honor citation, listed with the National Medal of Honor Society is for Second Lieutenant Van T. Barfoot, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry If you got this email and didn't pass it on - guess what - you deserve to get your butt kicked! WE ONLY LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE… BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE! AND, BECAUSE OF OLD MEN LIKE VAN BARFOOT! Obviously he is not related to anybody in congress
  3. hey guys, My horn on my RSTC has bothered me since day one and I have not changed it because I have not found a replacement that I like. I dont like the bad boy type air worns, Does anyone have any experience with othe rtype of air horns. When i picked up my bike it had a Howards horn but it sounded like a keychain air blaster. My buddy's goldwing sounds like a chevy van. thats the sound I am looking for . i dount have the fairings or lowers so where would be the best place to mount? Under the saddlebags, By the radiator?
  4. He is one lucky fellow. A piece of leaf spring off of a truck went through his windshield and missed his left ear before going out the back window of his van. We talked to him on the phone last night and tonight and he seems fine. Here's the news paper article and picture. http://www.windsorstar.com/news/Windsor+almost+decapitated+steel+spring+Like+Bomb/6005134/story.html
  5. It is the time of year where the deer are just coming into the rut. This means that they will be more active and even less predictable than at any other time of the year. A buck will attack ANYTHING that gets between him and the doe he is chasing. The does will run blindly trying to get away from the bucks if they are not yet ready for what he has in mind. There is no more of the "mostly around dawn and dusk" for deer running across a road, expect them at any time of the day or night. All of the flashing lights and loud noises will not get them to stop from running in front of you. It is totally up to you to see and avoid them, and they may be coming fast. Lets all be extra vigilant out there. The Rut typically lasts till mid to late November. I just heard a news story this morning of 7 people in Indiana killed in their mini van after hitting a deer that left the van disabled in the road and it was then creamed by a semi. Our bikes are no match for even a small deer.
  6. 1BigDog

    Cool Pic

    Painted on the side of the van [/url]http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/5uGMcYmHlRPYNgGKItZU1w--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD0yNTk7cT04NTt3PTU5MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/153/2011/08/22/78-paintedcar-moilogo_162626.jpgnext
  7. Please pray for some friends of mine from church. They lost their daughter to a motorcycle/deer accident last week. She was on the back of her husbands motorcycle when they hit the deer. He is relatively unhurt as he was thrown to the side of the road. She was thrown into the middle of the road and ran over by a Van. Please keep everyone involved in your prayers. The husband and driver of the van have a heavy burden they are going to be carrying around. Thanks and God Bless Ryan
  8. I ran aross this today. I had never seen it ot heard of it. “Augusta and Adeline Van Buren (related to President van Buren) grew up as Society Girls who eventually married, raise families, and held jobs. But that’s not the whole story. Raised in New York City, they sound like stereotypes of their time. Except that on July 4, 1916 they left from Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn and trekked west on two Power Plus Indian motorcycles equipped with gas headlights. Here is the rest. http://www.cyrilhuzeblog.com/2009/01...er-experience/
  9. A thief in Paris planned to steal some Paintings from the Louvre. After careful planning, he got past security, stole the paintings, and made it safely to his van. However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, 'Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings.'   I had no Monet To buy Degas To make the Van Gogh. I know...it's pretty bad! I dare you to have De Gaulle to tell this to someone else. I posted it here because I figured I had nothing Toulouse. (is it riding season yet?)
  10. We forgot to acknowledge the help of your friendly canuck: Marcarl. His help in tracking down a reasonably priced car hire was great, his suggestion of a mini van, and now we hear it will have a CB as well :happy65::happy65::happy65:
  11. I am so glad to be home for the weekend. This was a very trying week for me. I know that we all have them from time to time. I was in Pittsburgh, PA all week. Not my favorite place to begin with. It went downhill from there. 1. First hotel I checked into on Monday evening was having problems with their internet. NO NO NO....that doesn't work for me. Checked out and found another hotel. 2. Hotel number two was just fine. The only problem was that a bridge was under construction which required that I take a detour of a few miles every time I left the hotel in order to get back to it. Could have been worse though. 3. Brakes started squealing on the front of my company Caravan. High pitched squeal drove me crazy all week. 4. Every morning when I started the van it sounded like something was coming apart. I'm pretty sure that it is an idler pulley. It would quieten down once it warmed up. 5. Not sure where it happened because I didn't notice it until I got back to the hotel and was walking away from the van but somebody managed to run into the right rear and caved the bumper in. I'm pretty sure that it must have happened in a very crowded parking lot that I was in while visiting a customer. So, this week is FINALLY over. I dropped the van off at my local repair shop for an oil change, front brake job and probably an idler pulley. Will take it to the body shop when I get a chance to get an estimate and then repair on the bumper. Now I just have to decide where I'm off to next week. I had planned on going to Buffalo, NY but I just don't think I can tolerate Pittsburgh and Buffalo back to back. Maybe somewhere in West Virginia would be better. I'm thinking maybe Charleston.....we'll see.
  12. I am now officially an old timer. I will be getting two, count 'em, two hearing aides from the VA on 6/28. I guess the years in the artillery finally caught up to me. Maybe now I will be able to hear what my son is talking about regarding the brakes squeeking on Doreen's van. To al those going to Don's MD, have fun and watch out for yourselves, nobody else on the road will!! Dave
  13. A friend Jim Long of Decorah was hit in Decorah on Monday. Jim has been riding for many years and is a skilled rider . Jim was turning on to a street and was hit by a van. The strange thing is the van had only a half block run at him and the damage and injury were great. I just found out today his injuries Fractured skull, broken neck, broken ribs, punctured lung, and a broken back. He has been put into a coma because of pain. We don't know the whole story as of today only one side of it the police are investigating it. This is the article in paper not much news. The Decorah Police Department is seeking information from anyone who witnessed an accident involving a motorcycle and van Monday at about 12:50 p.m. at the intersection of River Street and Day Spring Lane in Decorah. According to Police, James E. Long, 64, Decorah, was driving his motorcycle when it collided with a vehicle driven by Hyon Lee, 51, Decorah. Long was taken to Winneshiek Medical Center by ambulance, then transferred to St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Minn. Lee was not injured. Long was listed in serious condition Tuesday afternoon at St. Mary's. An investigation is continuing. Anyone with more information regarding the accident should call Assistant Police Chief Bill Nixon at 382-3667.
  14. Thats what the cops think she was doing. However she said it was a contact lens malfunction. Just glad she didnt get hurt. Not a scratch. Only 17 so I'm glad she didnt get cut up etc. They live two doors down from where I just moved into. Her pop covered the van and more, so I'll get a nice upgrade. But why is it when you have to ride the bike it rains... Got poured on like 3X in the last week, once at night. Bike loves the rain, not me so much.
  15. Took off Sat morning solo with my camping gear for a weekend ride. Spare a lot of details but 14.5 hrs on the road Saturday...lack of sleep both Friday night and Sat night, and another 5 hrs riding Sunday I was feeling very tired and fatigued and just wanting to get home ... consequently, not all my attention was on the traffic and the situation ahead of me. Long... very long straight stretch of 2-lane... no traffic approaching... way ahead is a mini-van and ahead of that a small car. I eventually catch up to them...to the point I could no longer see the car in front of the van (which is pretty normal). The van's brake lights come on, it starts to move over to the shoulder...The van is still going about 80km/hr. but slowing down ... I'm thinking it is going to pull over and stop so, I dropped a gear and pulled out to pass. OMG!!! the small car is making a left turn and by this time, I'm beside the van, the car is into the turn and directly in front of me....maybe 50-100 yards...I dunno...it was very close!!! and at my speed, .... OMG!!! .. I hammer the brakes real hard and lock up the rear and not sure but I think even the front... the bike starts fishtailing... OMG!!! I thought for sure it was "my time"... but, years of riding and quick thinking and reactions I'm sure saved my skin. I let off the brakes and gave it throttle, regained control of the bike and shot...literally shot between the front of the van and the rear end of the car that was fully perpendicular in the left lane, moving into a side road. I kept cranking it on for about 1 kilometer coz I knew if I backed off, I'd start shaking myself....kept telling myself over and over to remain calm and eventually, the "panic" of the situation left my system. LESSON: Don't let fatigue get ahold coz it can be deadly! From now on I will NOT allow myself to get so over-tired. I should have rested a lot longer at some of my stops along the way. I had lots of time to do so.
  16. We thought sure this was your van till we saw the state name on the plate. Later, Scooter Bob and Karen
  17. hi all i need some electrical advise on a 2002 ford windstar mini van. not mine but a friend of ventureriders. it would not start even with jumper cables. took battery out and down to auto parts store. they tested it, was low on charge but good battery. they charged it to specs. the ternamels were dirty as well as the battery clamps. cleaned all of them. before putting battery back in used jumper cables to start the van, van started up. installed battery. thought everything was ok. but now the remote door opener won't unlock the doors. also the radio does not come on and the twin side doors will not open with the electric motors. doors will open manualy. have checked all the fuses and rotated the control relay for the doors with another same rated relay from another circut. no fix. they said the remote door opener was working before removing battery. anyone have ideas. thanks in advance don c.
  18. Be careful out there. I just got back from the scene of a collison. I witnessed a young rider on a sport bike get hit head on by a van making a left turn in front of him. The young man appears to be OK. He had a good helmet and leather jacket. Unfortunately he did not have proper riding pants or boots and got a good case of road rash. I was stopped at a red light, first vehicle in line. I was waiting for the light to change, not really paying attention to anything other than the stop light. The rider and van had a green light. The next thing I hear is a bang and see a guy flying about 15 feet straight up in the air then land in front of me. It was the eeriest thing I have seen in a long time. I got out of my truck and went right to him. Others came and I made sure that no one took his helmet off. One said she was calling 911 so I did not have to. A physical therapist then came up and asked the rider if anything hurt. He moved his legs a bit and he said his ?alls hurt. I wanted to laugh, only because it meant he had feeling in his lower extremities. That is a good sign. I went over to the bike and it was still running. I hit the kill switch. The bike was in pretty bad shape. Next I went to the van that hit him. The driver was a young girl who was visibly shaking. I convinced her to get out of the van and off to the side of the road. I spent time with her to help calm her. She was in the wrong and she knew it. At this point, she did not need anybody to tell her. She just needed someone to be there until her dad arrived. I stayed with her and talked to her. The front of the van was damaged and the windshield was completely shattered. i would say that the helmet hit the windshield top on. The angle of the van front sent the rider straight up in the air. I just had to talk about it to someone and this group is the best. Ward
  19. A motorcyclist died Wednesday from injuries he suffered in a collision with a van at 15th and Moffat streets. The name of the 49-year-old Springfield man was not immediately released, pending notification of relatives. The crash happened about noon Wednesday. Initial information was that a woman driving a Dodge minivan southbound on 15th Street turned left onto Moffat in front of the northbound motorcycle. The motorcyclist struck the back passenger side of the van. Police said it appeared from the damage to the van that the motorcyclist might have been speeding when the woman turned in front of him. Investigators also were looking into whether alcohol was a factor on the part of either driver. A small child was in the van. Neither the child nor the woman was seriously injured. Police blocked the intersection as they investigated much of Wednesday afternoon. The motorcycle, a black Honda GM400, was lying on its side about 20 to 30 feet north of the intersection. Clothing and blood from the motorcyclist were on the pavement nearby. Glass and a rear bumper from the minivan were on the east side of the intersection, as was the damaged van.
  20. when i ride last time its was ok but doday they not working... van anywone give me some tips what must i chek and where? i´mnew with this bike
  21. Don't know if I posted this here or not. A couple of years ago, I had been out riding with the group I ride with and had stopped for supper. This was in the fall of the year here in SE Texas and was cool but not cold. We were in the resturant about 1 1/2 hr. When we came out, temp had cooled into the low 50's or high 40's. Started bike pulled out on asphalt. Was about a 1/2 mile to ramp for freeway, I-10 east. Went under I-10 was making turn to get on feeder road to ramp, when this van went around me on the right side intending to get in front of me. Didn't want to be behind said van, so grabbed a BIG handful of throttle. Now this is where this gets exciting!! A 1st. gen Venture in 1st gear really likes to accelerate, which in itself in not a bad thing. But, and I say again, but with cold tires and cold asphalt it turns into a BAD THING quickly!!!! The rear end decided to lead at this moment, and the direction it wanted to go was in the general direction of this 3/4 ton van which was beside me at this time!! I got it straightened up and didn't go down thank GOD, but I thought I might have to change underewar when I got home. The point of this, is don't grab a lot of throttle with cold tires on cold asphalt. Don H.
  22. Were any of you at the Red River Rally? And if so what was the name of the photographer? We were riding out of town and saw his van but did not catch the website address. Thanks SS
  23. A co-worker of mine, came down to my office today, to tell me what happened to his brother. His brother bought a used motorcycle after many years of not owning one. I would guess his brother is low 60's. Not sure the type of bike but he paid 11,000 for a used bike. Anyway he was out riding and as he was slowly rounding a corner he hit some gravel and went down. SO now he has to pick up the bike which he manages to do, but then over it went to the other side. Meanwhile a fellow in a van stops to help. After they get the bike up and on the sideside he sits on it and trys to start it. As it starts the bike takes off and hits this fellows van. The bike smashes the corner of the van, he hits the windshield breaking it. The van has approx 4500 damage and the bike is sent to the shop. The mechanic stated that the safety switches must have been damaged in the fall and Bike has almost 10,000 damage. My co-worker thought it was hilarious, but his brother is okay but he cracked the bone in his lower leg, he is sore but he wants the bike fixed so he can go riding. I too found myself laughing at the story, just glad he is okay.
  24. Will it hit last night he in Van Buren Arkansas. Tennis ball size hell. my truck looks like it has the chicken pox,the back of my house has holes in it, and the new roof I had put on 2 month ago has holes and we all know what that means yep wet celling. The good news is no one hurt. well I will try to make the eat N meet (OK at pops) that may be what I need right now. Here I go black jack in hand to the roof. :7_6_3[1]::7_6_3[1]::7_6_3[1]:
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