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Found 13 results

  1. I don't know anyone with another Venture, nor have I ever road one before. I always owned in-line 4's. So I'm asking... are these bikes suppose to sound like a v-twin? That's how mine sounds. It starts right up(min. choke), idle's good, but when you take off, it luggs(not boggs) a bit. It seems to have good power and speed, but lower rpm, it sounds like a v-twin... and luggs a bit, at slower speeds.
  2. Ok, in the last few weeks I've seen a red and black RSV in the Jackson, MS area, several times. Most times he is riding with at least one more rider, on some kind of V-Twin. Is it anyone here? When I see him it seems I'm never in a position to flag him down or catch up to him.
  3. Curious What temp does the oil get on a air cooled V-twin ? How hot is too hot to run ? Brad
  4. well, after putting almost 7000 miles on my 08 1600 kaw. nomad, i have decided it is a keeper. i wanted one from the day they first came out. in the 90's. then last year when i arrived at the international at the hub there was a nomad sitting there that looked like new. it was the dark green that i fell in love with in the nineties. i was going to approach the guy with an offer and it was gone. well that sparked my urge to buy one. we'll long story short after shopping around i got an 08 1600. what a bike it is. i have done quite a bit to it to personalize it to my liking. anyone that wants the v-twin experience. i recomend a nomad . the only up front complaints were the lean engine conditions that the cobra 2000r fixed, and the ultra quiet exaust, which the cobra true duals took care of. anyone that wants a v-twin i 100% recommend the nomad as no.1 on the list. bill
  5. I just purchased some fishtails made by V-Twin mfg. Also known as Tedd's V-Twins I believe. Anybody familiar with them? I didnt have to break the bank to get them so I figured what the heck. Has anybody heard how they sound? Look forward to hearing from anybody who knows of them. If nobody has heard of them, then I guess I'll be the guinea pig.
  6. I am using 10 W 40 Mobil 1 and when I talked to my local mechanic about my clutch basket change he suggested that on my next oil change I go to 20 W 50. The only Mobil 1 20 W 50 oil I can find says V-Twin on the label but it also says that it's wet clutch friendly. I'm guessing that the V-twin is meant for HD's, can this oil ( V-Twin) be used in my Venture w/o worry of any damage ??
  7. Well, I FINALLY got to see the new Voyager today. The bike shop I got my Venture from last year, approx 30miles away, has 2 of them. He has the Blue and the Silver. They are very pretty bikes. Then, I sat on one. I thought the seat was hard, and as mentioned in a couple of other threads, the bodywork plastic looked and felt cheap. It really looked like I took my old 1500 Classic and bought the fairing & bags from a bargain bin and painted them up. They looked like add-ons. The wing and the Venture and the HDs look like everthing was designed as one. Everything looks like you wouldn't use it on another bike. The Voyager stuff looks like you could remove it and add it to almost any non-bagger. I was very disappointed - and I have been bugging the local dealers about getting one since January. I'm thinking I will just have to wear mine out. Hopefully the new Venture will be much better. But I have a feeling they will go to the V-Twin - Either drop the V-4 or make a V-Twin Bagger and call it something else. craigr
  8. Any input would be welcome. I have someone interested in trading his 1999 Excelsior-Henderson for my '92 travel trailer. I've done a lot of poking around, and don't see a lot of bad press. They only made the bike for 2 years, 1999-2000, and it seems they produced just over 2000 units. The one I'm looking at is an early stainless model, and has had all the upgrades done. Should I or?? http://www.superxowners.com/images/members/Pina_x392web.jpg
  9. For a '98 RSTC, what is the firing order? Does each cylinder fire individually, or do two of them fire at the same time? When I lug this thing, It sounds to me like a 2 cylinder rather than a 4. At 65 and above it has a sound that to me sounds and feels(vibrates) like a V-twin. I've never had one of these V4s before so I don't know what to expect.:confused24::confused24:
  10. SilvrT

    Kaw Nomad

    Went and road tested a couple Kawasaki Vulcan Nomads on Sat. First one was a '08 .... not a bad price either ( $11,700) brand new. Second one was a '06 for $8,800 ... had 19k km's on it...very clean and the only extras were Vance & Hines slip-on's and nicer hand grips. I like the looks of these scoots and have been toying with the idea of getting one. They were quite comfortable to ride... even Nina was impressed...we both thought they would be considerably rougher. She liked the rumble of the V-twin and the V&H slip-ons. I did find them considerably under powered tho...a lot less than I expected for a 1600cc V-twin and no match... not even close to my VR. Am wondering what improvements can be done power wise... I know I could get a power commander or something like that. Anyone have any thoughts on this. Was also wondering why these bikes which are fuel injected have a manual choke???
  11. OK, I did it. a move to the dark side...bought a v-twin yesterday. sorry folks. skidrow
  12. http://www.pashnit.com/pics/venture/new/IceHouse6-900.jpg Cross country trip...maybe some of yall have seen this...maybe not...enjoy: http://www.pashnit.com/venture-wht.htm He refers to this bike as a V-twin...whats up with that? At least there is a link taking you back home.
  13. I want to go synthetic ,I can get mobil 1 for motorcycles near my place , witch one would you recommend the MX4T 10W40 or the V-Twin 20W50
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