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  1. This is my first shot at you tube,, lets see if this works.. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9dMc2d9lMU&feature=context-cha]Motorcycle Trip 1012 Utah Mountains with Bonneville run on 83 Yam Venture.. - YouTube[/ame] and here is the mighty 83 on the Bonneville [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubdyZ9VP7qE&feature=context-cha]1964 - YouTube[/ame] I tried!!
  2. Who has good knowledge of the Valley of the Gods Road off Hwy 261 in Utah? It's a short stretch, about 25kms, gravel...is it worth it? I have read this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28495 and would like to see the switch backs there too, but I don't want to take another stretch of gravel if it isn't worth it compared to what I'll already be seeing.
  3. Picked up a new toy today - BMW 650 GS. Will use for some commuting and exploring the back country of Utah and Colorado
  4. For something a little bit different go to my profile and open my album.This is a ride I took with my friends in the Utah British Bike Club in July just after the 4th.Great guys great bikes and beautiful scenery.I hope to have my BSA 500cc Royal Star running by the time this ride rolls around again.
  5. Is there a meet & eat this year in Blanchard , Mi this year or has it off the table. I didn't get there last year cause I was in Arkansas with another group I ride with and this year they want to go to Utah this year and I don't have the time or $ to go there. So is there a meet & eat this year or not Ron:whistling:
  6. I and seven other of my mortorcycle friends have completed and now recooperated from a 7 day 3,100+ mile trip from Central Arkansas to southern Utah. The trip took us through Denver, Grand Junction, Moab, Mexican Hat, the "canyon lands", Four Corners, Alamosa and Dodge City. It was a great trip with no major mishaps. During the trip I learned some very valuable lessons and tips. Most lessons/tips are "common sense" but they are things we tend to overlook. So here goes; 1. Sunscreen and skin moisturizer are your friend. The sun was bad enough but the low humidity along with the dry winds was tough on the face . In arid environements may sure to hydrate and stay hydrated. 2. When you see a dust/sand storm in the distance it's better to stop and wait it out than proceed . Don't worry about "getting behind schedule", to proceed is just not worth it trust me!! 3. During a sand storm sand will accumulate in the fins on your motor, air filters and your ears. A half helmet is not recommended in this situation. Make sure to check those air filter and clean/replace if needed. 4. Make sure you have some simple replacement parts (air filters, fuel filter, etc.) with you. If you have to purchase them "on the road" the cost can get excessive, if you can find them. 5. Riding 74 miles in a 30-35 mph cross wind is a heck of a workout. I may suggest it to the P90X people to include in their program. 6. On soft road shoulders and in strong winds your motorcycle will fall over more easily and very quickly . Thankfully no damage was done. 7. Before embarking on a trip pack your motorcycle and do a trial ride to insure the weight distribution is correct and what effects the extra weight may have. Remember the more "surface area" your luggage has the greater potential of wind effects. Also added weight and the height of the weight changes your center of gravity. I was a very good trip but we tried to do too much in a short amount of time. If you have never been to southern Utah I suggest you put it on your "to do" list and do it. Good riding friends!!!!!!!!!!
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/09/13/utah.motorcycle.crash/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  8. In Utah for the next few months and have my 99 RSV with me from Kansas. Looking for other RSV riders here in Utah and hopefully hook up with some riders going to Cody. Gilligan
  9. Very cool! A new Yamaha with a commercial which has a bunch of video shot right in my own backyard (so to speak). I'm not sure if it was all shot here in Utah, but a lot of it was. It looks like a great bike from what I have seen on the video. But, it definitely doesn't look like something a passenger would want to ride on much. http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelvideo/651/1//video.aspx
  10. Just made it home from our trip to Yellowstone, weather was great except for thursdays rain in Iowa. We spent a couple of days in Durango Colorado then went on up through Utah into Jackson Hole Wy. The park was beautiful and we saw lots of wildlife, finally got to ride Chief Joseph and Beartooth Pass. The Bighorn Mountains and the Badlands of South Dakota. Met another Venturerider from California at a Hotel in Grand Junction Co. We had to stop in Omaha Nebraska and have another new rear tire installed. The folks a Dillon Brothers Powersports were great and got us in and out of the shop in about 90 minutes, they even did a quick wash on the bike at no charge while it was there. We rode 5190 miles in 16 days and had the time of our lives! Most of the time in Yellowstone was about 72 degrees during the day. We also got to see Mt. Rushmore and the Crazy Horse monuments. Now we will start planning our next trip out west, there is so much more that I would have loved to have seen, especially in Utah and Montana.
  11. Teri and I have been here summarizing our rides during this season. Just returned from south Utah where we had the fortune of visiting our folks (her in-laws). We went down through Evanston Wyoming found some very scenic highways to travel.. Utah state highway 150 was delightful, technical and worthy of another ride. Highway 72 was also very nice...great ride. Riding through Salt Lake City on the other hand is not fun not scenic and makes my knuckles white. Pretty much every place we camped this season BC to south Utah we met folks either giving us firewood, Salmon cooked on Ceder boards, fresh fantastic stew, shared their fires with us, great conversation...friendly sharing what they have with out any asking. People just seem to go out of their way to be generous and kind. We both agree we are seeing a change..or maybe we are both finally open to it and we realize how profound the effects this sort of kindness has on us. We have always enjoyed sharing what we have with folks yet have been reluctant to be open to accepting what others would share with us. We realize we have more often than not avoided that opportunity for others to share with us. We have found that Venture Riders exemplify a giving sharing attitude and through our travels we have been very proud to be Venture Riders and demonstrate the core philosophy that we believe Venture Riders values. Our experience has made us both more determined than ever to go out of our way to perform random acts of kindness, as well as accept them. Would be nice to hear of some of those sharing stories others here have experienced. Teri n Erv
  12. Better late than never. I have a slow Internet connection. Some of the deer were from Utah, sorry. Oh and the clouds are from home here in Alabama. Nothing as sweet as Alabama clouds. http://s97.photobucket.com/albums/l224/teyster2/OberlinMD0610/
  13. My job is taking me to N.E. Utah to work on a dam project for the dam government. Report on March 15. Can I, would you guys recommend my riding my bike up from Alabama? 3 months there and then a project in Colorado ? ? Looking forward to it.
  14. Since the better half was already gone with my truck to Utah, I spent my 50th birthday on the bike. I took off just heading nowhere on I-35 North toward Austin. I got up to Round Rock and took a left on a little windy Farm road. Ended up FM 962. It has to be one of the funnest rides that I have been on in a while. I could have called Lonestar Medic or Tom, but wanted to just get away. Beautiful weather and it just started getting cold when the sun went down. I called my wife in Utah and she cussed me out for bragging about the weather. SORRY Thats not me in the picture [ATTACH]39476[/ATTACH]
  15. leaving fri......denver sat night......moab sun......if ya see a m&m...a beemer and a harly give me a wave.......hope the weather holds..........will be touring utah till next thursday.........later.....
  16. Utah highway 261 between Hite Utah at the eastern end of Lake Powel and Mexican Hat Utah. We took a car trip several years ago and happened across this very interesting highway. There is a set of switchbacks that blows your mind. Heading north from Mexican Hat the highway appears to disappear into the mountain. We have discussed taking the same route on our bikes, our concern is that much of the swich back section is gravel. Road 261 can be avoided by going through Blanding then back over to highway 95 but by doing that you wind up missing some incrediable country. So then we are wondering if any one here has taken this route and if so how did it work for you. Thanks and happy traveling, Teri n Erv
  17. Friday the co-pilot and I are heading up to Northern Utah on Quicksilver - spending the week at Snowbird and riding out each day from there. Anybody else gonna be around in Utah during the week of May 17-23? It'd be great to meet up and say howdy if schedules happen to cross. We haven't made any specific plans yet beyond getting there Saturday night and departing the following Saturday morning. We'll probably be covering any interesting side roads we can find within about 400 miles of Salt Lake City all week long. Ride safe! Goose
  18. Anyone planning on attending the World Superbike and AMA Superbike races in Tooele Utah this May 29-31?
  19. Restaurant Reviews
  20. I know it's been a while, but I have finally uploaded several photos from our June trip to Utah. Several of my riding buddies and I rode from Central KY to Grand Junction, CO where we met our wives who flew out. From there we rode a 6 day loop through the Utah National parks while also taking in Monument Valley and Lake Powel. Here is the link to the photos: http://www.traynorphoto.com/utah/Utah/index Enjoy! Dennis
  21. Just saw this on ebay, would take a bit of work but I think it could be fixed cheaply. At only 22k miles, should be a good one. If Utah wasn't so far away I might be interested myself.... Joe
  22. Hi Guys! I thought that I would throw this out to you all on the chance that you might be able to help me out a little. My sweetie and I are spending tonight (Sunday) in Santa Fe on the way home to Utah after attending STAR Days in Rogers / Bentonville, Arkansas this past week (which was awesome by the way). As we arrived in Santa Fe this evening, I noticed that my rear brakes really need to be replaced. Unfortunately (and I hate to admit this), I don't know how to do this myself yet. But, for safety's sake, I really should have them replaced pretty quickly. They are past the indicators, are making some grinding noise, and I can feel the difference between the way they usually feel and the way they feel now. Tomorrow, we are planning on heading to Durango, Colorado, then on to Monument Valley, and then to Bryce Canyon Natl. Park before heading home to Orem, Utah. Can anyone reccomend someone along the way who might be able to do a quick, rear-brake job without taking advantage of my situation and need to have it done sooner than later? Sure, I could probably make it home okay, but I hate to take a chance right now, especially since I am riding two-up and I'm pulling a full trailer. I figure that if anyone can offer some good ideas, you guys are the ones. I'll check for replies before I turn-in for the night in a little while and in the morning before we pack-up to head out. Thanks! Pete & Sandy.
  23. I made it home this afternoon after a 4050 mile trip from KY to Utah, an incredible journey. We met up with our wives in Grand Junciton, CO and from there we went to Moab, Monument Valley, Lake Powell at Page, AZ, Zion National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Bryce National Park and Capital Reef National Park. The parks are incredible and much to our surprise the ride to and from the parks were equally as incredible. The bike ran well but got really poor gas mileage. I only had 5 tanks about 30 mpg. Most were about 28 mpg with a low of 22. I was towing a small trailer (Unigo) and rode 2-up while on the loop through Utah. The Gold Wings with me did much better on gas. They would always use 1/2 to 1 gallon less than me on each fill up. Here are a few photos from the trip. Dennis
  24. We've completed our second day of travels on the way to Utah. Myself and 6 other riders. We ran into a little rain just west of St. Louis yesterday. Just enough to put the suits on and then it stopped. After a stop in Blue Springs, MO last night we left early this morning and made it to Burlington, CO. The wind this morning and early afternoon was brutal. I had ridden in windy condition before, I thought, but they were just gentle breezes compared to today. It's odd to be following a bike pulling a trailer and seeing the trailer run straight with the pavement but the tow bike is angled into the wind about 5 degress. I was pushed out of my lane by the wind more than once. The last couple of hours the wind subsided and the temps dropped to about 80 and it was a very pleasant finish to the day. Tomorrow we'll make it to Grand Junction where we meet up with our wives. Dennis
  25. This year's motorcycle adventure is about 3 weeks away. My wife and I, along with 5 other couples will be travelling to Utah the second week of June. All of the guys will be riding from central KY to Grand Junction, CO where we will meet up with our wives who will be flying in. From there we will be riding a 6 day loop through southern Utah. We plan to visit Arches, Zion and Bryce Canyon, Cedar Breaks, and Capital Reef National parks along with Monument Valley. We will be staying in Moab, Page. AZ, Springdale, Bryce and Bicknell before heading back to Grand Junction. I am looking for recommendations for restaurants and other sites to see. From my research online there doesn't appear to be a lot of restaurant selection in some of the towns and what is there doesn't get too good of a review. I am hopefull that we can find some decent food. I am also interested in any unique points of interest, places that we must stop to see. Other than the day from Moab to Page we should only be traveling about 100 to 150 miles per day. So that should give us a fair amount of time to look around. Thanks, Dennis
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