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  1. here are the pic's sorry it took so long i had to retake them the others wouldnt upload right http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0006.jpg?t=1246401119http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0009-1.jpg?t=1246401173http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0013.jpg?t=1246401221 and the hitch on the scooter! http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0016.jpg?t=1246401363http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0002.jpg?t=1246401416
  2. Just got back from Texas Hunting Exotics. I took an Armenian Mouflon and Barasingha. Hopefully the upload works. Going with a European mount for the mouflon.
  3. Got trunk complete other then some pinstriping to be done at Don's in June. Could not upload so check out you tube link. [ame] [/ame] hope it works. Tell me what you think. Joe
  4. Hello all, I would like to ask a favor of you. I need some measurements for a royal star venture fuel tank, if possible. If the image upload worked, then the measurements I need are indicated by the red arrow lines. Thank you for your help. Johnny.
  5. Trying to upload a video from my phone and it won't upload. Its a mp4 not 3 could this be why,or is it the size 18.8mb about 30 sec. Joe
  6. Hey all have searched this site all day and can't seem to find where I can upload new photos of 07 midnight venture, anyone point me in right direction? Thanks Brian D.
  7. On a road trip. Smell raw fuel more at idle. Bike runs well, I think, at highway speed. Idle is not right. gas milage down to maybe 30. I did about 400.miles yestetday. This AM before start up, I removed left side cover. I discovered fuel droplets on the screw just below what I would call the throttle shaft spring. I took a picture but I tried to upload and I was unable to upload the picture. I am typing with a touch screen smart phone please excuse any typos Any thoughts on what I am dealing with, stuck or misadjusted float ? Appreciate the help. Point of reference . There is a screw above the on where fuel is a accumulating and one below. The screw above is much larger.
  8. Lost the left plug on a recent ride. Need an idea to keep it on snug, but yet able to get if off. Any one have an extra one laying around? My picture won't upload. It's the Left black plug that covers the nut that allows the handle bars to be adjusted up and down.
  9. I'm thinkin' it may be time to move on. I am seriously considering selling my 1985 VR (no class system, no cb) and moving into a V-Star (would I still be welcome here?) I would really like to see where everyone thinks I should set the asking price. I don't know everything, and I think the collective may know more than me. (ya think?) I will upload photos when I unwrap it from winter storage this week. In the meantime, I have attached a photo of my '85 in front of Carl's '85 from 2009 Ride-In. Thanks for your input. Thomas
  10. I am sending a link to go to for viewing the trike pictures as the uploads would not go through the "upload link". Let me know if this works. Or try this http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=BoucherPhotos07.08&target=ALBUM&id=5548067643017296305&authkey=Gv1sRgCPWEgJOqk5j1Rg&feat=email
  11. I do not know who to contact but I have been trying to download pics to update my thread and it keeps failing I have tried different computers and sending the pics to different places but it keeps saying the upload failed and I have put pics on my thread before.
  12. Map will not upload.
  13. Just checking to see if I was able to upload a pic.
  14. Here are a few photos from today. We rode to Helen, some tubed, some shopped, and some continued to ride. We had a good lunch with friends. I couldn't figure out how to upload to the VR Photobucket account so I just created a new one. http://s586.photobucket.com/albums/ss304/midrsv/ Dennis
  15. barend

    for sale

    '98 Shadow. look in classified Gremlins are having a ball on my 'puter so i can't upload pics. Let me know if interested so i can send direct. Thanks!
  16. I was going to share some pictures of the trailer I built but every time I try to upload the file, I get this message. Your submission could not be processed because a securtiy token was missing. Can anyone help me on this. I think you guys would really appreciate this design trailer. Thank you,
  17. OK I have under my profile a section titled albums for some reason I can not upload any pictures I have done this in the past Today I created an album for MD I can edit the albums and pictures --Delete ---change name --add caption -- I can not upload there is no option to upload a picture Has this feature been removed and we can no longer upload pictures to our albums ???? Maybe the brain needs a reboot Any help would be great
  18. Here's a little video to remind us that just because we have the green light, that doesn't always mean we're safe to go. O.K....can;t upload...says max. size allowed is 1.91mb and the video is 2.05 mbs...anyone know how I can make it smaller to get it to upload?
  19. anybody got computer savvy? i,m trying to upload pictures i took of PITP. everything goes smoothly until i hit the upload key. computer tries for a few minutes then says upload failed. i,m going from a external hard drive to a wireless laptop. do i need to be hardwired in or am i just missing something? any thoughts appreciated . minnmac
  20. Folks, Buddy Rich is working on cleaning up our Photobucket account because it has really gotten hard to find things. He is trying to organize it by years and then by events and then by contributor. We have also created an "Upload Here" folder. That is the folder that you will use to upload all your pictures. You can create your albums in that folder just as you do now but it will make it easier for us to them move then to the appropriate year and event to keep things better organized as we move forward. Just wanted to give you a heads up so that you would know what is going on if you go there. If you would also use the upload folder for your new albums that would be great. I'm looking at a way to disable uploading to the root and etc. without making it too difficult for everybody.
  21. Maybe I expected more but my DSL runs like a snail. It's better then dial up most of the time. We switched when it became available about 18 months ago. It's 5:00 am and it's running at full speed 1250 KB upload 325 KB download. Thats not screaming but compared to 56 K its fast. At least we can run multiple machines now.I notice of an evening after work it starts slowing down 800K,600K 400k 225k are the norms every day. Sometimes it drops to 75K upload and about 25k download. This really ticks me off. It's not the kids hogging the bandwidth on the other machines either. I can put up with rebooting the speed stream router twice everyday when my wireless connection drops. Thats on my route to the coffee pot anyway. I can even tolerate a total DSL outage for 48 hours twice a month because storms went through the southen part of the state 100 miles south of me ( we didn't get any). I have called tech support more times then I can remember and it's the same thing. They issue a ticket number some computer tweeker checks it from his office and nobody comes to the field.I would like to see them replace the router and at least admit that someone else has this problem with slow speeds but no luck. We live 12 miles from the C/O so maybe I'm on the outer limits being in a rural area? The only thing running fast (always on time) is that $45 a month bill.
  22. I've seen this issue come up now and then, thought I'd post a link to see if it might help some folks. http://www.picturetrail.com/webpages/editor/product.shtml This is a link to a simple photoeditor I used when I was on a pc. It will do batch (multiple) resizing of photos, and even add watermarks if you want. It will also batch upload to the PictureTrail site, but you dont have to use that function, you can just save pictures to a new folder, or resize the ones you have. Then you can upload pictures to this site, or others, that have a size limitation. I'm using a mac now, and batch resizing is included in iPhoto, so I dont use PictureTrail now, but I did in the past and it worked well.
  23. while I was lounging in the Caribbean on our cruise. I actually was going to post on here during the cruise but the ship only had a satellite connection and we were unable to upload so I'll post it now...just to prove I was there (think I'm gloating??) :cool10:
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